Extreme Demon

Chapter 970 Spirit King 6

By the way, because your case made too much noise this time. So we submitted your information in advance and registered with the International Psychic Alliance.

From now on, when you go out, you will represent Yishanmen and the Republic. Be it white mist, ruby, or netherworld.

Although we are not as powerful as them, at home, our power is unbreakable. After all, there is full support from the country. So don’t be timid after you go out.

Yes, I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

Many of us in the Ten Thousand Spirits Cave have experienced the harsh environment there. It is not just our country that conducts experiments there, but also a large number of other organizations that rely on environmental experiments there.

Once you go there, there's a good chance you'll meet other members of the organization. Take action when it's time to take action, but don't be provocative and put your own interests and safety first.

Huangyun Temple talked a lot more.

This time Lu Sheng insisted on going to Wanling Cave to see it, so he put him in advance into the team that was planning to go to Wanling Cave to change shifts.

Although Lu Sheng's physical strength is quite impressive, coupled with the psychic skills attached to him, he can be frightening to death in a fight. In previous competitions, even when he participated in the competition himself, he did not fall short.

But it is within the sect after all, and all the veterans don’t have to rely on the ultimate moves and trump cards at the bottom of the box.

It's different outside.

At the end, after saying a lot of words, Huang Yunsi finally carefully took out a small hexagonal box from his arms.

The power of psychics is indeed very strong. But it does not mean invincible. Take this. He put the black box into Lu Sheng's hand.

If you encounter a desperate situation, or a major event that threatens your life safety. Open this box and press the button.

In terms of spiritualism, we are indeed inferior to the three major organizations. But... Huang Yunsi looked solemn.

Our missiles, artillery, fighter planes, and aircraft carriers will teach them how to behave.

Lu Sheng opened the box with a speechless expression. There was a circular communicator lying quietly inside.

There is only one button in the middle of the entire communicator.

Go. Huangyun Temple really liked Wang Dong, the disciple discovered by his granddaughter.

Although he is a little proud, he can still remain humble. He originally planned to bring him and his granddaughter together.

It's a pity that the two of them don't seem to have any feelings for each other. On the contrary, it was his mentally ill sister, and it seemed that there was something fishy between the two of them.

Although he knew she was not his biological sister, being with a mentally ill person would not be good for his disciple's future reputation.

Huang Yunsi planned to find time to talk to his sister Wang Jing alone. Advise her not to hinder her brother's future.

If it really doesn't make sense, he is considering using some extraordinary means.

The best outcome is to be with my granddaughter. After all, even if Wang Dong cannot become a spiritual king in the future, he will definitely become a powerful and top psychic.

To be honest, even he himself didn't quite believe that the Spirit King could be achieved.

But after going to Wanling Cave, once you succeed in tempering, your character and strength will be greatly improved.

Think about it back then, which one of these elders didn't come out of Wanling Cave?

Okay, let's go. I know you miss your sister. You are also weird, and you don't want us to send someone to take care of her. Even if she has some special abilities, facing the strong ones among us and other psychics, those with supernatural powers can't At most, it will stop at the gold level.

It's nothing serious. There aren't many others in Yishanmen, but there are quite a few gold-level experts. It's no problem to take care of yourself.

It's okay, I can just do it myself. Lu Sheng quickly tried to dissuade him.

Just kidding, there is only one powerful person at the level of the God Advocate in Yishanmen.

And just because of curiosity, the number of diviners who died next to Wang Jing had already reached three figures.

The power of the psychic is almost leaping.

Especially from Silver level to Gold level, and from Gold level to God Advocate. Each step is like a chasm.

Huangyun Temple itself has been stuck at the top of the gold level. Half of its feet have stepped into the God Advocate, but the other half cannot.

After giving Lu Sheng another warning, Huangyun Temple let him go and allowed him to return.

Lu Sheng did not go to Wang Jing immediately, but went to the Yishanmen Library Pavilion first.

I rummaged through it to find the required information, and also learned about the lower spirit king.

In addition to basic spiritualism, we also learned about the famous materials used to carry souls around the world.

In Yishanmen, the best thing is black wrought iron.

The origin of black wrought iron is Wanling Cave.

Lu Sheng simply didn't bring his own. Wouldn't it be better to just use local materials when he arrived at Wanling Cave?

The next step is to prepare various visa materials.

This trip was with the regular Yishanmen troops heading to Wanling Cave.


In the quiet bedroom, the door was slowly opened.

There was only Wang Jing in the room, lying quietly on her side on the big soft bed, her whole body curled up. Her long hair was scattered like lotus flowers on the white mattress. The legs wrapped in black stockings were tightly pressed together, glowing with a faint alluring color.

There are no mosquitoes at all in the whole room, and even the bacteria and viruses in the air are extremely clean.

Lu Sheng could clearly feel that as he approached Wang Jing, the evil power in his body slowly flowed out and filled his whole body.

It was this power that allowed him to move freely around Wang Jing without any scruples.

After all, it is better to induce the soul and will of living beings than to confuse people's hearts. The evil power is also a top old expert.

Tomorrow I will immediately prepare to go to Wanling Cave with the team from Shanmen to investigate the situation. I will take you with me then. To prevent the other two bitches from coming over to fish. Lu Sheng walked over and helped Wang Jing Get up and sit on the back of the bed.

Besides, I don't know if you can understand, sister. The thing I want to look for can't be seen by all your subordinates. Now I can only hope that you wake up early and give me some suggestions.

Although Wang Jing couldn't answer, Lu Sheng still told her as if she was awake.

The safe distance around Wang Jing is ten meters. If you stay within this distance for a long time, all kinds of destructive evil thoughts will naturally arise.

After opening the window for some air, Lu Sheng checked Wang Jing's condition. Her body seemed to be fine, but her mind was asleep, as if she was dreaming.

After making sure there was no problem, Lu Sheng walked out and went to another room, just next door, closed the door and prepared to practice.

Since you are planning to become a Spiritual King, you must be fully prepared.

He sat cross-legged on the floor of his bedroom.

Recalling what I had seen before, there were several major elements to becoming a Spirit King.

Enough and powerful souls, this is the first.

The second is to become the biggest target for them to hate or worship.

The third is to absorb the power of desolation and build a perfect cycle centered on it in the body. Replace normal energy required for life activities.

These are part of what he asked from Wang Jing's subordinate, the black mist humanoid.

After all, although they are not Spirit Kings, they have followed Wang Jing since a long time ago, when she was still alive.

Compared with other spiritual kings, Wang Jing could indeed be called wise and benevolent during his lifetime.

Despite having all kinds of personal desires, he is very persistent and cruel in some details that ordinary people don't care much about.

But taken together, it was she who, in her era, led the people of her country to defeat the invaders many times.

Although in the end they died in the siege because of the huge disparity in strength.

But the great deeds he accomplished are comparable to any hero in history.

It is a pity that the entire nation she comes from is targeted and considered to be evil people and the children of the devil.

Although they gathered under Wang Jing's command, they fought for freedom and equality. But in the end, together with their entire nation, they disappeared into the vastness of history.

The soul of the entire nation, the concentrated hope and resentment, were all poured into Wang Jing, their master.

In the end, Wang Jing became the Spirit King and destroyed the ethnic group that destroyed her nation.

But that was it.

The torrent of history is rolling forward. The generals who loyally followed her back then became a huge force called Karma and Disaster.

These people were turned into dependents by her with the power of the Spiritual King, and they were reincarnated together with them, making them immortal.

And Wang Jing has no goals, whether revenge or grudges, she has lived for thousands of years without any goals.

I have seen the ups and downs of human civilization, but no one around me has ever been too close to me.

If Wang Jing's soul hadn't had its memory completely erased in every life, she would have gone completely crazy like other Gods of Destruction.

After Lu Sheng learned about Wang Jing's past from Mi Enke, he somewhat understood her state of mind.

It just so happened that he was very interested in the God of Destruction, a special life derived from the power of desolation.

It can be said that it is the existence of the God of Destruction that greatly slows down the erosion of the power of desolation in this world.

Forget it, I don't want to think too much. Since my current strength is not enough, the meat that reached my mouth can escape. It seems that I am not strong enough and can't lay the foundation so slowly.

Lu Sheng originally planned to slowly and step by step reach the peak of this life without any damage to his body, but unfortunately time did not wait for me.

After all, if he can lay a solid foundation with one birth, then his future development in this life will surely reach an unprecedented peak. It may even bring considerable benefits to the body.

Unfortunately, I was forced to give up halfway through every time.

Next time, we must cultivate a body with the strongest strength. If it can be cultivated to a very high level, it will also supplement Lu Sheng's own strength.

Just like the ice and snow giant wolf that he once integrated into his body, there is also the earth energy that is formed by the fusion of many powers, and the evil power.

Although his body has reached the level of destroying planets with a wave of his hand, it is easy to destroy a star system.

But among different powers, there are still advantages and disadvantages worth extracting.

Lu Sheng didn't notice at all.

He is walking on an unprecedented path to being a demon.

In the past, not many of the Heavenly Demons reached Xuming, but the Heavenly Demons of Xuming also had to face the process of constantly coming and slowly developing their strength.

As visitors from another world, the demons are very cautious. Every time they come, they are like going through a tribulation. They either make various preparations or hide in hiding to reduce their sense of existence as much as possible.

There has never been any demon like him.

It takes at least decades, or even hundreds of years, for people to improve themselves in the descending world and grow to a very high level before reaping the fruits.

He is quite fast. It can happen in a matter of months or in a dozen years. It is so fast and the effect is so good that if word spreads, it can scare people to death.

And when the devil comes, he also wants to see the world.

If you are unlucky and end up in a world like the prehistoric world where there are as many gods and demons as dogs, the newly born little monsters or monks will be like ants and will kill a bunch of anyone who passes by.

If you are unlucky and encounter a fight with the gods, thousands of people can be killed or injured in one breath.

No matter how miserable it is, it is not impossible to encounter Buzhou and die unexpectedly just three minutes after he was born.

If he moves too slowly and doesn't have time to break away from his physical body, then both the demon and his physical body will be completely destroyed. Become the nourishment of this world.

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