Extreme Demon

Chapter 969 Spirit King 5

Following Lu Sheng's finger, Andy looked over doubtfully.

There? Is there anything there? His tone was stunned, which seemed a little strange.

Can't you see? This? Lu Sheng walked over and pointed his finger at the Eye of Sin, This thing here is the object I have been looking for.

?? Andy had no idea what Lu Sheng was talking about.

I'm sorry, Your Highness. Although I understand what you mean, the location you pointed to is blank and there is nothing. He replied respectfully.

Blank? Lu Sheng frowned and looked at the oil painting carefully again. Where did you get this painting?

This is the original painting collected by the Afogaliro Palace, which was directly photographed using technological means. The original painting was painted by a famous painter thousands of years ago, so this picture actually comes from records from thousands of years ago. Andy explained.

A painter from a thousand years ago? Lu Sheng's hand gently touched the position of the sinful eye. Although the oil painting was a rubbing, you could still feel the clear texture on it.

Are you sure you can see something there? Andy walked forward doubtfully and reached out to touch the spot where Lu Sheng touched.

It was still smooth, just the touch of paper.

This painting was printed from one of the many photos of the original copy. Now it seems that there is something unknown.

It's okay. Leave this painting here. You can go down first. Lu Sheng shook his head.

Yes, I'll take my leave. Although he was very curious, Andy still abided by the basic rules of being a subordinate and quietly dissipated into black smoke.

As a group of subordinates who caused disasters, everyone finally understood that this man was probably the future male god. So it's no big deal to follow his orders.

Especially after Lu Sheng's battle with the troll, a group of black mist humanoids were completely convinced by him.

Lu Sheng took the oil painting, found a place to hang it in the living room, and stepped back to take a closer look.

The Eye of Sin just hangs above the three gods, like the sun, illuminating everything.

This gradually changed his belief that the Eye of Sin was just an ordinary thing.

The whereabouts of family members have been unknown, and it is calculated that the only way to find them is to find the Eye of Sin. There seems to be a hint of conspiracy in the middle.

But he has always been cautious and cautious in doing things. Who would deliberately target him like this?

Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, I'll go to Ten Thousand Spirits Cave tomorrow and see if it works. If it doesn't work, just be careful. If you destroy this planet, the God of Destruction will probably die. Then take the people and run away. Lu Sheng thought Thinking.

The men who were repairing the villa came quickly. Lu Sheng was afraid of disturbing Wang Jing, so he simply picked her up and put her in the car outside.

Wang Jing seemed very tired and slept as if dead. If it weren't for his steady breathing and rising and falling chest, people who didn't know would have thought he was dead.

Lu Sheng originally planned to wait for Wang Jingxing to turn around before heading to Ten Thousand Spirits Cave.

What she didn't expect was that she seemed unable to wake up from her sleep, motionless. I didn't eat or drink for four days and slept all the time.

Mi Enke, who was in the form of a black mist humanoid, rushed back from the field. Unlike him, they did not dare to get too close to Wang Jing. It was only when Lu Sheng found a new pattern on Wang Jing's wrist and asked them about it that they told him that it was most likely someone else's. The address mark left by the God of Destruction.

Something that would find her anywhere, anytime.

So for the sake of Wang Jing's safety, Lu Sheng decided to take her to Wanling Cave. Until she wakes up.

Going to the Ten Thousand Spirits Cave to start the ceremony theoretically requires him to raise his psychic skills to the extreme.

The stronger the foundation of spiritism, the higher the possibility of becoming a spirit king.

Before that, Lu Sheng needed to go to Yishanmen first.

Many elders of Yishan Sect have been waiting for a long time. The five major spiritual species they selected are actually prepared to go to the Ten Thousand Spirits Cave and become the Spirit King.

This tradition has actually continued for many, many years.

Strictly speaking, Lu Sheng was just one of this ancient plans, one with a higher success rate.



Inside the dark cave.

The candlelight flickered and released a faint yellow light, illuminating the faces of the five young people sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Lu Sheng was also among them, sitting quietly and listening to the Grand Elder and the Second Elder on the stage explaining the key points of spiritism.

Naturally, he didn't come here to take classes. In fact, in the first month of becoming a spiritual species, he exhausted all the knowledge about basic psychic techniques that Grandpa Huang Ya, a veteran, had learned.

The reason why I am waiting quietly now is just as a courtesy.

The class lasted for forty minutes. It was not until the bell rang slightly outside that the two elders slowly stood up and bowed to everyone.

All the students quickly bowed in return.

This is the etiquette of Yishanmen attending classes.

It represents the teacher's respect for the students' hard work and dedication to the sect.

As well as students' respect for teachers who teach and solve doubts.

Okay, that's the end of this class. Everyone, I am very happy that Professor Huang Yunsi and I can teach you.

Since Professor Baird from the Yinfei Empire came here to give lectures last week, our sect has successively invited Dean Pannuos from Beixindi and Vice President Zhou Yunkai from Fengde University. as well as.

The great elders talked eloquently on the stage.

The second elder, Huang Ya's grandfather Huang Yunsi, hurried down and patted Lu Sheng on the shoulder when he passed by.

The two pushed out the door from the rear exit of the cave one after the other.

In your current state, it is impossible to go to Ten Thousand Spirits Cave and gain experience. Huang Yun Temple looked at Lu Sheng and shook his head slightly. He didn't mention the Spirit King or anything, he just talked about experience.

I just want to take a look. Lu Sheng said disapprovingly.

“If you just go to have a look and learn about it in advance, it’s okay, but you must not go in without permission.

The reason why the Spirit King is called the Spirit King is that he needs to carry the souls of countless living beings and bear the responsibility for their disintegration. This requires countless materials, rituals, and preparations.

Different from the formality of previous generations, Huangyun Temple attaches great importance to Lu Sheng's trip to Wanling Cave this time.

Because Lu Sheng's physical body was too strong, his progress in practicing spiritual arts was also rapid. Although he didn't know that Lu Sheng used modifiers to practice hard, and he was reluctant to add more points because he was saving his spiritual power.

But at least in his opinion, Lu Sheng's improvement speed was simply astonishing.

You are still young. At the same time, your mind needs a lot of training. Look at all the spiritual kings in the past. Their personal biographies almost all have inexplicable adventures.

These experiences are all designed to sharpen his will and stand firm before he achieves great things.

Yes, I understand. So who are the existing spirit kings? Lu Sheng asked.

Although our Yishanmen is already the largest psychic organization in the Republic, its foundation is still too shallow. It is far from a truly world-class organization. Huang Yun Temple answered the question incorrectly.

We have been groping for so many years, and we have barely found a way to become a God of Destruction. However, it is still unknown whether this road can be successful and whether it can cast the Spirit King.

Huangyun Temple took Lu Sheng to the high-wall sentry tower east of Yishan Gate, and the two of them climbed up the sentry tower one after the other.

The waiting doorman took the initiative to come down and leave space for the two of them.

Actually, all the psychic organizations around the world are trying to recreate the Spirit King, and our methods are quite mild. Many other organizations are even classified as cults and terrorist organizations. It is said that among the three world-class organizations, There are even those who are actually in contact with the existing Spirit King forces.

That kind of height is really what we yearn for.

Lu Sheng stood behind him, holding back and making no sound.

After a long time, it turns out that organizations all over the world are trying to recreate the Spirit King, the God of Destruction. Originally, he thought that Yishanmen was mysterious and mysterious, as if there were some unique secrets.

Now it looks like he was a second-rate guy.

If he knew that the real God of Destruction was the sleeping girl who went to the sealing formation the morning before yesterday, and that she was also his disciple's sister, wouldn't he be scared crazy?

You must know that except for Lu Sheng, anyone else who is exposed to the God of Destruction for too long will naturally have thoughts of destruction.

That is to say, Lu Sheng covered Wang Jing's whole body with a blanket, put a seal on Huangyun Temple and immediately asked him to leave decisively.

Otherwise the situation would be even worse.

Wang Dong. Huangyun Temple faced the rising sun and slowly turned his face. As a disciple of the Yishan Sect, you have the hope of the entire sect and the entire Republic.

It can be said that you are the most likely person in history to become a spiritual king. So, promise me, no matter what happens, you must take the overall situation into consideration and don't let yourself take risks easily. Is it ok?

Lu Sheng knew that he was talking about his trip to the Anmi Mountains alone. After he got rid of the protection experts sent by the Yishan Sect, everything went into chaos.

Although the main people who support him in the mountain gate are the faction headed by Er Er Lao. But the power of this faction alone is already very important.

Being able to mobilize armed heavy helicopters to fly at high altitudes in foreign countries, such a mobilization of power resources would be a turmoil in a small country near the Anmi Mountains.

If the people on the helicopter were a little distracted, they would shake their hands and fire from high-altitude cannons, or drop a few missiles.

That is truly a world-class tragedy.

So Lu Sheng also understood that the Huangyun Temple group in Yishanmen supported him.

In fact, I just came back and saw Huangyun Temple. Seeing that the old man's eyes were almost on fire, he probably would have slapped him immediately if he wasn't afraid that he wouldn't be able to hit him.

Don't worry, I will put my own safety first. Lu Sheng nodded seriously.

Huang Yun Si stared at Lu Sheng for a while before slowly becoming gentle.

Remember what you said. I hope that one day, when I go out, I will move the mountain gate, and even the entire Republic will be proud of you.

.This atmosphere

Lu Sheng was speechless. Was this giving him ideological education?

Speaking of which, the top brass of the Republic have also made a lot of efforts for your cause this time. There are also many members of our faction serving as high-ranking officials and generals in the country. So, don't be afraid if you encounter trouble. We stand behind you, and the entire Republic Behind you.

The old man's expression was vaguely sacred.

But don't be arrogant and domineering because of this. Guard yourself and your heart. Don't be too mature. You are only eighteen years old now.

Understood. Only then did Lu Sheng remember Wang Dong's identity. It turned out that he was still a high school boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

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