Extreme Demon

Chapter 965 Spirit King 1


The cheetah licked his tongue, glanced at Jela with an expression that looked like he was mentally retarded, and turned his head to continue dozing off.

Jela was slightly startled. There was something wrong with this plot. Just now she had clearly used the necklace to scare away so many animals without getting close.

Why is there no response at all now?

With her heart spinning, she held up the necklace and poked it forward.

It's probably because I'm not strong enough.

She adjusted the angle of the pendant, pointed the sharpest point at the leopard, and stabbed it hard.

Ouch! !

The leopard jumped up suddenly, its fur standing on end, and turned around and ran away as if it had seen a ghost.

Jela felt slightly relieved, it turned out it was still effective!

She turned around and looked at the three people behind her.

Hey, come on, I've driven away the leopard here!

Jack breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried at that moment, fearing that Jela would accidentally be torn alive by a leopard. But now it looks like the results are good.

The three of them quickly got up and started on their way, not daring to waste a moment.

Not long after they had left, there was a crashing sound from the bushes behind them.

Large dark green shrubs were separated from both sides, and a somewhat familiar man stepped out from the middle.

The man was holding a broken ax in his hand. Only half of the ax was left in his hand, which looked similar to a sharpened stick.

Are those people still there? Lu Sheng glanced around, stopping at the location where the three of them had stayed, and finally his eyes fell on the direction they left in the distance.

Are those mortals going to be dealt with? Mienke asked in a low voice.

No, go back quickly. Lu Sheng shook his head.

He checked the troll carried by the black mist humanoid again. This guy was restrained by the black mist and could not move at all.

Let's go.

Lu Sheng let out a breath, tore off the clothes on his upper body that had been torn by the fight. There were only a few rags left in the previous clothes, and put on a new set.

The clothes he was wearing now were torn off from the troll, and the gray coat this guy was wearing fit right on him.

By the way, control your aura so as not to affect the signal. I'll carry this guy. Also, do any of you have a mobile phone? Lu Sheng glanced at the group of black fog.

Mienke promptly handed over a small female mobile phone.

This fell from those people just now.


Lu Sheng nodded, took the phone, pressed the power button, and the lock screen opened.

The screen showed a beautiful girl wearing a three-point swimsuit, holding a banana in her hand, biting it gently in a seductive posture.

This woman is clearly Jela among the four.

Lu Sheng looked at his phone

Who will unlock it?

A group of black mist shook their heads.

Lu Sheng took his cell phone and hit it hard on the tree trunk nearby.


The phone automatically unlocks immediately.

Satisfied, he took it and made a call. After quickly contacting the people at Yishanmen and confirming the arrangements for a special flight to leave, he hung up the phone.

Let's go.

A group of people continued on their way, and their pace was naturally much faster than the four of Jela.

Within a few minutes, he caught up with the four people rushing ahead.

Soon we came to a small river.

Lu Sheng was about to step across a shallow beach in the middle of the river when he looked up and saw Jela standing in front of a group of crocodiles.

Don't be afraid, wait for me to drive them away and hurry up! Jela held the pendant in her hand with a confident expression and walked forward.

The group of crocodiles were looking for food greedily and hungrily on the opposite river beach. They seemed very confused about Jela who took the initiative to provoke him.

This human who looks like food seems to be very confident. This inexplicable confidence actually makes them hesitate.

Don't look at their fierce eyes now. In fact, they must be scared to death inside. I am proficient in zoology and am very sensitive to the emotions of animals. So don't worry! Jela said loudly with a smile on his face.

Among the three people behind her, Sharman, who is really proficient in zoology, hesitated to speak. She remembered that when she was in class, she rarely saw Jela from the same class coming to class.

Although she meant to remind him, she had seen the various powers of the pendant in Jela's hand before, so she still suppressed the reminder for a short time.

At this time, as long as we don't give in an inch and use our voices and movements to threaten them, these timid crocodiles will automatically run away.

Jela scared away small animals all the way, especially after scaring away a live cheetah just now, it became more and more exciting and interesting.

She was like getting a novel toy, and she couldn't wait to try out its various functions.

Lu Sheng saw the group of crocodiles from a distance and his eyes were wrong.

He looked at the pendant in Jela's hand carefully and speechlessly.

There is no special aura on it, it is just an ordinary crystal jewelry.

So, how did this guy survive until now? He sighed, not bothering to pay attention to Jela who was seeking death, and took a detour from the side to leave quickly. He didn't want ordinary people to find out that there was something unusual here, which might cause trouble.

The Black Mists quickly followed, while the troll was carried on Lu Sheng's shoulders, twisting its body vigorously, unable to move like a broken sack.

Jack and the others didn't even notice that Lu Sheng and his party took a detour and left.

Are we just going to ignore them? Andy couldn't help but ask. Didn't they come with you?

It's okay. No one can stop me from seeking death. Lu Sheng shook his head.

As soon as they finished speaking, a sharp scream came from behind them.

Lu Sheng turned around and saw that Jack and the other three were carrying a girl covered in blood and running quickly in his direction.

A group of crocodiles were chasing after them, but after seeing Lu Sheng and his group, they quickly stopped and slowly evacuated.

Obviously, they also knew how dangerous Lu Sheng and his group were.

The four Jacks also saw Lu Sheng carrying a man on his shoulders and quickly approached here.

After getting closer, Lu Sheng could clearly see that the girl being carried by Ben was none other than Jela, who looked confident just now.

This guy's waist and one arm seemed to have been bitten hard by something. There was blood everywhere, and you could vaguely see blood holes gushing out blood.

How can you escape after being bitten by a crocodile? Lu Sheng was a little surprised, but considering that there were graduate students in zoology among this group of people, it was not surprising that they must have their own methods.

When the four Jacks turned around and saw that the crocodile was no longer chasing him, they all exclaimed and panicked and put Jera flat on the ground, rummaging through their backpacks for something to stop the bleeding.

Jela's body twitched, and her beautiful big eyes looked up at the sky blankly.

At that moment, when the crocodile pounced, her mind went blank.

Death has never been so close as at that moment.

And at that moment, her hand holding the pendant suddenly glowed with a thin shimmer, a layer of white subtle fluorescence that could not be noticed unless you looked carefully.

It was that layer of fluorescence that blocked the crocodile's big mouth, preventing her whole body from being torn apart by the powerful crocodile's roll.

The power of fluorescence made Jera's body involuntarily fly to the side, and then he was picked up by Jack and the other three and ran away.

The result is what it is now.

Jela felt like she was going to die.

She saw the handsome boy sitting in front of her again. He was carrying someone on his shoulders, who seemed to be wearing a bull head hood, like a circus performer.

Then, she saw a green venomous snake sticking out from above Lu Sheng's head. The poisonous snake was about to bite Jack on the side, but when he saw Lu Sheng on the side, his whole body felt as if he was electrocuted, and he turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, although Jera didn't know why a poisonous snake behaved in such a humane manner, she probably understood the real reason.

It turns out that from beginning to end, it was not the pendant that really worked, it was him.

Jela's consciousness became more and more exhausted, and the severe pain in her body seemed to be gradually leaving her.


Help. I don't want to die, she begged in her heart.

Then she saw Lu Sheng in front of her, and seemed to hear her inner cry for help. He turned around and glanced at her lightly.

I can save you, but I need you to do something for me. Lu Sheng's voice actually sounded directly in her heart.

Jela's eyes suddenly opened wide.


Ben sat down on the ground, gasping for air like a bellows.

Jack was screaming with tears on his face. His girlfriend Shaman was stung by a scorpion while escaping.

Now when I stop, my face turns blue and I feel like I am dying.

Almost a third of the blood on Jera's body was lost, and his vision kept blurring, and he could hardly see anything.

Lu Sheng stood aside and waited quietly. The place he had agreed with Yishanmen was here.

Soon, a powerful propeller sound came from far away and approached quickly.

Helicopter! It's a helicopter!! Jack jumped up from the ground, ecstatic.

We are saved! We are saved!! Ben also stood up and shouted.

Soon, a heavy armed helicopter slowly hovered above everyone's heads, dropped a rope from above, and landed in front of Lu Sheng.

He didn't even pay attention to Jack and Ben who were waving wildly on the side.

Lu Sheng grabbed the rope and looked back at Jela.

He seemed to hear Jera's constant pleading deep in his heart.

Loosen the rope, he walked over and grabbed Jela, put it on the other shoulder, one on the other side of the troll, then grabbed the rope with both hands, swish it up a few times and got on the helicopter.

The weight of the two people seemed to be the same as nothing to him, causing no impact at all.

The rest of the black mist also flew up one after another, all climbing into the helicopter. Their bodies decomposed into strands of black mist, mixed together, greatly saving space, and just filled the cabin.

Lu Sheng threw the two bodies onto the cabin floor.

Let's go back.

The pilot looked at the other three people below.


I'm not with you. Let's go. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Even for Jela, he only agreed to the other party's plea and exchange conditions after seeing the flash of soul power on her body just now.

Of course, Lu Sheng never does any loss-making business.

A mere ordinary human being, she was saved mainly for the sake of the Ruby Organization behind her.

A person who can get a ruby ​​as a gift of a protective tool should have a high status.

He had never seen any soul defense items on Huang Ya from Yishanmen. This kind of prop should be very rare. And he didn't even notice that this man had something to protect his life.

Therefore, this is also the key to his plan to save people.

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