Extreme Demon

Chapter 964 Miserable 2

Eddie. I like this name. Lu Sheng wiped his dirty hands on the bark of a tree on one side. Then he walked towards Eddie, the tauren troll who had his back turned to him.

Huh? Was it you who was yelling just now? The troll slowly turned his head and looked at Lu Sheng, who was approaching from behind.

What do you think? Lu Sheng smiled at him.


He raised his hand to block the short-handled ax chopped down by the tauren from the left side.

The other palm gently tapped the side of the axe.

Without any sound, the entire ax was crushed like a can on the spot.

Lu Sheng loosened his hands, raised his right leg, and kicked the troll like lightning.

Buzz! !

When their legs collided, the pants on their legs suddenly turned into pieces and flew everywhere.

Bang bang bang bang! !

The terrifying forces collided one after another. Lu Sheng was at a disadvantage and was shocked back again and again.

The ground behind him was continuously trampled with huge force, creating pits of different sizes.

The power was guided by Lu Sheng to his feet, and the ground took over the shock.

But as a result, the ground beneath his feet also deteriorated.

A large amount of concussive force was like a bomb, shattering the soil and stones under his feet.

boom! !

With the final burst, the troll's power instantly tripled.

Lu Sheng blocked it with both hands in front of him, and was kicked backwards by a huge force on the spot. It hit the stone wall behind him and made a medium-sized stone hole.

Stupid! Troll Eddie sneered. This was the first time in his life that he saw someone dare to compete with the troll for strength.

He threw away the ax casually and turned to look at Mienke again.

Now, it's your turn.

Bang! !

His body suddenly bent into a C shape, and his waist was suddenly hit by a huge force. It bounced on the ground several times like a cannonball, and after making five or six pits, he lay down far away in a field. In the pile of rocks.

At his original position, Lu Sheng, who was much larger than before and more than three meters tall, exhaled hot air from his nostrils and slowly retracted his knees.

He was once again covered in a layer of pitch black soul armor. A large amount of soul power in the forest spontaneously began to gather on his body.

The battle has just begun. Lu Sheng opened his mouth and continued to rush towards the troll in the pile of rocks in the distance.

Die! Instantly destroy martial arts!! He raised his right palm into a sword, vibrated slightly, drew a strange arc in mid-air, and landed suddenly on the giant monster in the pile of rocks.

Troll Eddie just shook his head and sat up, not yet awake.

Suddenly something felt wrong, he opened his eyes wide and quickly put his arms in front of him.

Bang! ! !

The huge penetrating force penetrated directly through his arms and into his chest.

puff! !

He spurted out a large mouthful of blood on the spot.

Put it on!! Lu Sheng roared, applying more force to his sword. The body rapidly expanded and became filled with blood.


His palms were like cutting tofu, suddenly penetrated the troll's arms, and stabbed into his chest fiercely.

You're looking for death! Ahhhh!! Eddie roared angrily, with blood spurting from his mouth, he hugged Lu Sheng hard and rushed back.

boom! !

The two of them collided with a giant tree more than four meters thick, and a large piece of the tree trunk was dented on the spot.

Die!! Lu Sheng looked ferocious. He grabbed the troll's chest with his palm, grabbed something, and pulled it out hard.


A pale white spine was violently pulled out by him.

Bang! !

In an instant, the troll Eddie raised his head and screamed wildly.

His body and the spine in Lu Sheng's hand all exploded naturally, turning into countless black light spots and disappearing.

In another open space, a brand-new troll Eddie is slowly changing from virtual to real and rapidly taking shape.

Is this the so-called immortality? Lu Sheng released his palm and pounced on the newly born troll again.

This guy is extremely powerful, almost only a little weaker than him. In addition, he has experienced hundreds of battles and has such an immortal body that cannot be killed.

Indeed, for ordinary people, they are simply invincible.

In the following time, Lu Sheng tried various methods to kill the troll Eddie, but to no avail.

Shot in the head, torn to pieces, separated limbs, burned, etc., all to no avail.

Once it is determined that the troll has lost its vitality, the corpse will explode into black light spots. And the new troll Eddie will rush out of the darkness without any injuries at all.

Lu Sheng even used psychological guidance to try to control him through hypnosis, but it was of no use. The troll Eddie seemed to be completely immune to this type of ability.

In other words, only a pervert like Lu Sheng, who was extremely physically powerful, could forcefully suppress the troll and kill it.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been tortured to death long ago.

Troll Eddie is extremely skilled in martial arts. He has experienced hundreds of battles and is not afraid of death. He is best at exchanging injuries for injuries.

If Lu Sheng hadn't been so powerful with the master-level instantaneous martial arts, it would have been really not easy for him to suppress his opponent like this.

Giant trees in the forest kept falling.

Lu Sheng and the troll were fighting crazily. Eddie actually had about the same power as Lu Sheng, but his physical strength was far inferior.

Lu Sheng had an advantage in realm martial arts, but unlike his opponent, he was not afraid of death or injury. After all, although his body is immortal, if this body dies, he can only leave this world.

The fighting between the two sides was like thunder, and Mienke and other black mist figures had already fled far away to avoid harming Chiyu.

Especially after seeing Lu Sheng grow bigger, they all became even more emotionally unstable when he tore off one of the troll's arms and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although Lu Sheng seemed to want to try to see if he could kill the opponent.

But this way.

The fight lasted from afternoon to evening.

The forest with a radius of thousands of meters was completely ruined, destroyed to pieces by the two perverts, and it was terrible to see.

Some soul beasts native to the Anmi Mountains who were unable to dodge were either slapped to death by Lu Sheng, or were killed on the spot by the crazed troll.

As time went by, Lu Sheng's power more than doubled.

His physical body is nourished by the earth's energy and the Suzaku divine fire, increasing in strength all the time.

In the beginning, he was just an evenly matched troll. As time goes by, it becomes more and more unbearable.

From the beginning, he could win or lose with dozens of moves, but after a dozen moves he was beaten to death.

Time is getting shorter and shorter.

And the most frustrating thing for Lu Sheng was that this guy's fighting spirit was extremely high from beginning to end, without showing any signs of fatigue.

Finally, after killing the troll Eddie for the one hundred and thirty-seventh time, Lu Sheng decided to go home.

Although his recovery power is enough to support him to fight for another ten days without any problem. But there is one most crucial point.

He has tried to eat the troll Eddie alive more than ten times, but it cannot fill his stomach at all. It seems that the energy contained in the troll's body is not as high as imagined.

Lu Sheng felt like he had eaten a few ordinary people.

Although I don't know how he knows how many calories an ordinary person contains, the point is not that. The point is that fighting this troll is a waste of time and the gain is not worth the loss.

So, he decided to withdraw.

After testing that he couldn't deal with the troll Eddie, he finally planned to leave.

Although the troll cannot be killed, it is still very easy to keep him.

Lu Sheng made a close bunt, and hundreds of attacks broke out from his elbows and knees in an instant.

Bang! !

All the attacks converged for a moment, making a heavy and dull impact.

This time Lu Sheng controlled his strength.

The troll Eddie howled miserably and staggered back. All the joints on his body were shattered by Lu Sheng's hits at this moment.

Lu Sheng raised his knife and swished it forward a few times.

Dots of blood suddenly flew out of the troll's body, and all the key tendons on his body were severed on the spot.

Without joints and tendons, no matter how strong he is, he can't do anything.

I could only lie down on the ground, unable to move.

Bitch, kill me if you can!! the troll roared.

Lu Sheng stepped forward and pinched his chin, then inserted his fingers into his mouth like lightning and pinched it.

Suddenly a bloody tongue was pinched out.

Now I couldn't even speak.

The troll can only crawl on the ground like a worm.

Bring them back, we will retreat. Lu Sheng retracted his body silently, waving his hand for Mienke and others to take action.

After an afternoon of fighting, a group of black mist figures were completely numb to Lu Sheng's abnormal feelings.

After hearing the words, he obeyed the order reflexively, and quickly stepped forward to tie up the troll in circles with a special black thread. The two of them picked up the troll and followed Lu Sheng in the direction of leaving.

In fact, Lu Sheng wanted to continue exploring, but his sister Wang Jing seemed to be in danger, so he had no choice but to rush back first.

He faced the troll because he wanted to test how far the world's cutting-edge power could reach.

This way, you can have an estimate in mind when facing the God of Destruction.

The result is that the troll is not very powerful, but its immortal nature is too difficult to deal with. I can't think of a good way to solve it in a short period of time, so I can only rush back first.

Deep in the forest.

Jela, Jack, Sharman, and Ben carefully looked at the giant black cheetah that was lowering its head and licking its fur in front of it.

Jela composed herself.

It doesn't matter. We have this. As long as we get close, he will definitely avoid us.

She confidently held the pendant and walked towards the black cheetah.

Actually, as long as you are more confident, facing this beast will be no different from those poisonous insects.

Have confidence in yourself.

But... Sharman felt something was wrong. The cheetah didn't seem to have any intention of ducking aside.

Don't worry, we have proven the effect of this more than once along the way, haven't we? Jela smiled slightly.

The only entrance and exit here is blocked by the Thought Cheetah. We have no choice. If we don't go from here, we have to go around the river elsewhere. We don't have that much time now.

Okay. Be careful. Jack also felt something was wrong, but now they had no other choice.

Although Jela has a bit of a bad temper, at this point, he is still willing to take them with him, which shows that he is still a good person and enough of a friend.

The three of them looked at Jera who was walking towards the cheetah holding the pendant, and they could only pray for it secretly from their hearts.

The cheetah seemed to have just eaten enough, and it lazily didn't want to move. It just turned its head and glanced at Jela, and then made no movement.

But Jela's face showed a fearless expression of eagerness to try.

Look at my necklace! Are you afraid? Are you afraid?! Jela raised the pendant and shouted, then poked the cheetah in the head.




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