Extreme Demon

Chapter 966 Spirit King 2

After the pilot understood it, he said no more, quickly raised the altitude, turned the nose of the plane and flew away in the distance.

Ben and Jack, who were still waving wildly below, were gradually left behind.

Are we just going to leave him alone? The pilot couldn't bear it.

Lu Sheng withdrew his gaze.

This is the Anmi Mountains. If you dare to come in, you must bear the consequences.

He put his hand on Jela's forehead and carefully felt the injuries on his body.

A few seconds later, the fingers of his hands were like raindrops, and they continued to touch Jela's body rapidly. The skin and muscles of the wounds contracted rapidly, and the blood flow gradually decreased.

He placed his hand on Jela's heart, and a trace of Qi slowly seeped out and penetrated directly into Jela's heart.

This bit of earth energy may not be as good as one in a billion to him, but to a mortal whose physical strength is only ordinary.

This is equivalent to the Shiquan Dabu Pill with extremely large energy.

Jela's heart, which was about to stop just now, immediately began to beat rapidly as if a small motor had been added.

A large amount of nutrients and fat are converted into fresh blood in the body that rapidly accelerates metabolism, nourishing the whole body.

It only took a few seconds for Jela's injuries to stabilize.

After doing all this, Lu Sheng carefully stretched out his index finger and gently inserted it from Jela's small mouth.

A little purple blood-like substance slowly oozed out from the top of the index finger.

As soon as the thing appeared, it quickly solidified and turned into a purple-red octopus-like tentacle, which swished from Jera's mouth and entered his throat.

It's time to build my own strength. Lu Sheng retracted his index finger with satisfaction.

The tentacles represent the extension of the power of the evil god world. This power will gradually erase the personal will of a living creature and completely transform it into a fanatical believer model that favors him, worships him, and is loyal to him.

This was not revenge for the rude remarks made by this woman before. Lu Sheng had never been a person who held grudges.

Then, Lu Sheng looked at the troll on the side.

He also stretched out his index finger and stabbed it into the troll's heart.

The troll, whose tongue had been pinched off, groaned in pain, and suddenly felt that something, something living, was quickly drilling into his heart.

He opened his eyes wide and struggled even more crazily.

But with all the joints and tendons severed, the body cannot move much at all.

He couldn't even control his body.

Now, it's time to verify the results. Lu Sheng sat back in his seat with satisfaction and waited for the results quietly.

The helicopter turned its propeller rapidly and flew towards the outskirts of the Anmi Mountains.

The pilot finally contacted the ground search and rescue team and asked them to take out the three Jacks who had already reached the outside.

Lu Sheng didn't stop him.

Although the three people secretly took away his wild fruits, their crime was not worthy of death. He did not save people just because he had no obligation to save people.

After doing these things, Lu Sheng sat on his seat and fell asleep.

With pure physical strength, I can suppress the troll, but facing the God of Destruction, this strength may not necessarily give me the advantage.

Lu Sheng guessed that the God of Destruction was most likely involved in the field of energy direction, and was not necessarily a simple physics troll.

His current Red Soul Technique is extremely powerful in strengthening the physical body, but it is powerless in terms of pure energy.

The desolate power of the virtual demons here is obviously much stronger than what I encountered before. Especially this troll. Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the troll.

He could feel that his tentacles were fighting desperately against the desolate power inside the troll's heart.

His tentacles have never encountered such a situation. In the past, the evil god's tentacles could easily penetrate any force or creature.

But this is the first time this has happened.

The power of desolation. Lu Sheng felt this power carefully.

This thing is like a void, a void.

You know, even in the void, there are various thin particles, various rays, and even space itself is a kind of existence.

But this thing is like a hole in the real world, constantly swallowing everything around it, whether it is ordinary energy or the bodies of other trolls.

Lu Sheng observed carefully along the way and discovered that the structure of this troll actually used the devouring traction on the periphery of the Desolation Power as energy to construct a living engine similar to a perpetual motion machine.

Like a water dynamo, the troll's energy comes from this traction.

It seems like the handiwork of this world instinctively wraps up the power of desolation. Using this method, it greatly reduces the erosion speed of the power of desolation. It converts the devouring traction force into various other energies.

Lu Sheng was thoughtful.

The helicopter soon arrived at the pier, where a long-awaited special boat was docked.

Several peripheral industry disciples from Yishanmen stepped forward to salute and helped Lu Sheng carry Troll and Jela down.

Go to the airport immediately. Lu Sheng ordered.

Don't worry. The person in charge of the trip was a bearded middle-aged man. He patted his chest and said loudly. My old Huck has run boats for so many years, and this one is definitely the fastest!

Lu Sheng didn't say much to him. After placing the troll and Jera, he immediately looked at Mienke. These black mist humanoids are completely invisible to ordinary people.

How is my sister doing now?

It's okay. The God of Destruction seems not ready to completely fall out with our Lord. Everything is still normal now. It's just... Mienke hesitated.

Just what?

It's just that my lord was marked by some kind of tracking mark. Mienke replied in a low voice.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and felt that the tentacles on the troll's body were completely offset and destroyed by the power of desolation.

He walked to the side of the ship and looked at the undulating water outside the ship's side.

As long as you don't take action, you will have time.

Mienke hesitated to speak, but didn't know what to say.

The journey back was finally uneventful, without any fluctuations.

Early the next morning, Lu Sheng's special plane landed slowly and returned to the Blue Grange Republic.

After getting off the plane, Lu Sheng took a special car from Yishanmen and went straight to his villa at home.

Huang Ya got the news immediately and called to inquire about their situation. Knowing that Lu Sheng had to rush home as quickly as possible, she knew Lu Sheng's personality. If something big and troublesome hadn't happened, he wouldn't be so eager.

So he rushed out of Yishanmen decisively, and met Lu Sheng at the gate of the villa area.

Lu Sheng got out of the car and looked up towards the window of the villa.

The smell inside made him feel something was wrong.

What happened? Huang Ya stepped out of the car on the opposite side with a solemn expression.

We'll talk when we get up. Lu Sheng took out the key, walked into the community in a few steps, quickly ran to his villa, and opened the door.

It was empty, not a single human being inside. There were still traces of something dragging on the living room floor.

Sister? Lu Sheng called.

No response.


he shouted again.

There was no echo from the upper and lower floors of the villa.

Huang Ya followed Lu Sheng, carefully stretching the silver-blue gun body in his hand, screwing on the gun head, and carrying it behind his back.

There are no signs of fighting. She glanced at Lu Sheng, who looked gloomy.

She had heard before that Wang Dong had a very good relationship with his sister, and that the two had some kind of extraordinary relationship. Now it seemed that this was really the case.

I can be alone here. Please rest outside now. I'll be out in a moment. Lu Sheng said solemnly.

Okay. If you need help, just ask. Huang Ya nodded and walked out of the door with the gun in hand.

There are more than a dozen Yishanmen disciples waiting outside the door.

As the door of the villa slowly closed, Lu Sheng quickly walked up the stairs to the second floor.

He stood in front of his sister Wang Jing's bedroom door and gently stretched out his hand to push it.

It was empty, no one was there. There was only a piece of letterhead on the table, and there seemed to be a message written in black on it.

Lu Sheng walked over, took a look, and picked up the letter.

‘If something happens for the time being, don’t look for it, don’t worry about it. ——Sister Wang Jingliu. ’

Mienke. Lu Sheng turned his head and shouted into the air.

Unexpectedly, the black mist figure that had been quietly following him didn't respond at all at this time.

Mienke!? Lu Sheng shouted again.

Still no response.

Lu Sheng's expression became more and more gloomy. He probably guessed why Wang Jing left. If she was really the God of Destruction, then the fight between the Gods of Destruction would definitely turn out to be far more powerful than he imagined.

After all, he forcibly defeated a troll in front of Mienke and others.

It would be okay if Wang Jing didn't know about this situation, but if she did know, she would leave voluntarily

Lu Sheng felt slightly worried.

Although he didn't spend much time with Wang Jing, the feeling touched his heart even more than when he was with Chen Yunxi.

This was the second woman that made him feel passionate.

Get out of here! His eyes became slightly fierce and he scanned the surrounding air.


There was silence.

Just as Lu Sheng was getting more and more irritable, a black mist quickly formed in front of him.

Your Highness, my Lord has not left. In fact, the God of Destruction generally does not fight in this world because its destructive power is too powerful. They usually fight in the God of Destruction Realm.

Destroy the God Realm? Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

Yes, that is a powerful world that only the God of Destruction is qualified to enter. It is filled with endless power of destruction. Except for the God of Destruction, nothing can survive in it. The black mist humanoid said quickly.

So the only thing we can do now is to wait. When our Lord takes the initiative to leave the God of Destruction, then it will be our turn to fight.

Besides becoming the God of Destruction, is there any other way to enter? Lu Sheng asked.

There is no way. It is another space that is completely independent of the world. Only the God of Destruction knows how to enter. We don't know either. The black mist humanoid answered quickly.

Lu Sheng's eyes became sinister.

Force me again. I don't want to waste any more of my spiritual power.

But now, it seems that there is no other way except to quickly improve his spiritual skills and become the God of Destruction.

It seems that we have to go to Ten Thousand Spirits Cave in advance.

As soon as the thought came to an end, a black light suddenly exploded in front of Lu Sheng's eyes. The light spot expanded rapidly and turned into a whirlpool, from which a white and slender female arm stretched out.

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