Extreme Demon

Chapter 963 Miserable 1

Purple-red beams of light burst out from the eyes of the giant python Red Sera, sweeping across a giant tree like a blade.

With a bang, the giant tree collapsed.

Red Thera laughed and glanced to the other side.

A group of humanoid black mist exploded one after another, reuniting their bodies in various places.

This can't go on like this! Her poisonous gaze is too powerful! We must either retreat or find a way to suppress it! A black mist said loudly.

Several black fog figures quickly rolled on the spot to avoid the red laser-like beams.

The ground was full of charred scorch marks scratched by the beam.

The leading humanoid figure, Black Mist, said nothing and continued to dodge the beam sweeps at high speed.

Behind him, there was a black cocoon-like substance on his back, beating slowly like a heart.

Something seems to be brewing.

puff! !

Another human-shaped black mist was swept by the beam. It screamed miserably on the spot, and its body decomposed and disappeared completely.

The leader of the black mist took a deep breath and suppressed his increasingly impatient emotions.

I'm counting to three! Everyone!




He suddenly turned around and pointed his back at Red Sera. The beating cocoon on his vest burst open, and a stream of dark red liquid shot out, just in line with the beam.

hiss! ! !

Thick rancid smoke suddenly rose, completely covering Red Sera.

Let's go! The leader of Black Mist took the opportunity to shout hurriedly.

A group of black fogs had already been damaged more than half, and they quickly scattered and fled.

Go save Wang Dong! the leader of Black Mist shouted.

hiss! ! !

Red Sera's violent roar came quickly from behind.

She roared angrily, twisted her body, and rushed towards a group of black mist figures with bloody eyes.

Don't try to escape!!

The two sides chased each other and ran away for thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

Red Sera was extremely fast and soon caught up with the last two humanoid black mist. She took a step forward and immediately bit into half the body of a humanoid black mist.

Leave me alone! Go and save Wang Dong! Go quickly!! The bitten Black Mist figure screamed and roared.

On the right, Lu Sheng was carrying Andy to separate the bushes.

Who's calling me?

Red Sera and a group of black mist humanoids were stunned for a moment, feeling a bit cold for a moment. But immediately, I was shocked and overjoyed at the same time.


Run away!!

One pot at a time!! Hahaha!!

The roar, mixed with Red Sera's triumphant laughter, exploded in Lu Sheng's ears, creating a chaotic mess.

Can you please be quiet? You guys. Lu Sheng frowned slightly.

Run away!

Run, run!!

Take a bite! Take a bite!!

People on both sides were still shouting.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and felt his temples throbbing.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!

A violent roar exploded like thunder. Lu Sheng took three steps forward and aimed at Red Sera, who was rushing towards him, and slapped him on the head! !

Boom! !

Red Sera's entire snake body was as if it had been hit by a heavy truck. Its scales were deformed and shattered on the spot. The whole body let out a miserable scream and flew out in a mess like a ball of hemp rope, hitting the rock wall more than ten meters away.

Looking from a distance, one can only see a bright red patch on the mountain wall, all covered with blood splashed from Red Sera's body.

The huge roar made the humanoid black fogs that had been screaming just now shut up.

The surrounding leaves were scattered like raindrops, and a large number of reptiles and small animals in the grass on the ground were shocked and dizzy. Some of the weaker ones were directly shocked to death.

Lu Sheng licked his lips, retracted his hand, and straightened his body.

It's quiet now. I don't like others to disobey me. So... He glanced at the group of black mist present.

If you don't obey, I will consider letting you get the same treatment as it. He glanced at the Red Sera embedded in the mountain wall in the distance.

Just now, because he did not recover his full body, but simply mobilized his right arm to release part of his power, Red Seira escaped with his life, but was immediately disabled.

Otherwise, if he is completely killed by a slap, the snake, no matter how thick-skinned it is, will only turn into snake soup.

Andy smiled bitterly behind him. By now, he knew what his god's brother was like.

Should we say they are siblings? There is almost no difference in attitude and means in this regard.

It’s not that one family doesn’t enter the same house.

Andy. Come and explain to them. Lu Sheng didn't like to talk nonsense. When he saw that the humanoid black mist in front of him had become quiet, he turned around and walked to the edge to rest.

But halfway through, he hesitated again, his stomach tumbling a little.

Calculating the time, I haven't eaten for four hours.

Involuntarily, his eyes slowly drifted to the big red snake in the distance.


A bright red bonfire continued to burn, with pale red sparks dancing and floating.

Lu Sheng held a large handful of red meat skewers in his hand, and while brushing the seasonings on them, he kept turning the meat skewers.

Under the leadership of Andy and the man named Mienke, more than a dozen black mist figures stood aside obediently, waiting for him to finish eating.

Farther away, the skins of Red Ceras were piled up in a mess, like snake sloughs, showing a slightly translucent color.

Actually, I felt that you were following me all the way. I just couldn't be bothered to pay attention to it. I didn't expect that you are all my sister's subordinates. This is quite surprising. Lu Sheng looked at the meat skewers. They must be familiar. , and then stuffed the meat and skewers into his mouth.

A dozen skewers at a time, a dozen skewers at a time, the entire red sera was fifteen meters long. At this time, more than two meters of the tail was left in place, and the rest was not even a bone. It was all in Lu Sheng's stomach. .

Your Highness Wang Dong, we shouldn't waste time here. The troll is about to awaken. What we are facing now is not just one God of Destruction, but two. If they are sent out together.

The leader, Mi Enke, tried to dissuade him seriously, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Lu Sheng.

Do you know why I'm here? Lu Sheng asked.


A group of black fog shook their heads. They looked like ordinary humans covered with a layer of black gauze, so even fine movements such as shaking their heads could be expressed very accurately.

Because the so-called psychic world is too weak. Lu Sheng sighed, The world is too boring. Without opponents, it is like a fish pond without fish, and there is no business at all.

So, I wanted to come over and have a look and see if I could find anything interesting.


Mienke had something in his mind, mmp, I don’t know if I should say it. A group of them worked hard to protect this guy. After a long time, this guy just came here for excitement and death?

So what's the point of them risking their lives to protect him?

If I had known, I would have let him die on his own!

Mienke and Andy felt a twinge of pain in their hearts.

With their thousands of years of experience, they could tell at a glance that Lu Sheng was a very sincere person.

This kind of sincerity is strange.

It gives the impression that he would never lie.

Because there is no reason to lie. It was as if in his eyes, no matter how outsiders reacted, it actually meant nothing.

Just like a normal person would never talk to himself or lie about the fried saury in his bowl.

The same seems to be true for Lu Sheng. There seem to be only two categories of creatures in front of him.

‘raw’, ‘cooked’.

Now Mienke felt that this was how Lu Sheng looked at him.

His scalp was numb all over. If he still had his scalp when he was alive, he would definitely be able to see countless small bumps all over his head.

You said this place is dangerous? Lu Sheng thought for a moment, It's because the strongest general under the God of Destruction, the troll, will appear here, right?

Yes! The trolls are immortal and terrifying in strength. Only existences of the same level can stop them. We are meaningless to them! Mienke explained bravely.

Immortal? How powerful is it? Is it useful to burn it all to ashes? Lu Sheng became interested.

The physical resistance of the troll is very high. We have never tried to burn it to ashes, Mienke replied in a low voice.

Try it later. Lu Sheng nodded.

But if we don't go back in time, my lord will be there.

Can you help her block the gun when you go back?

. Mienke was speechless.

In a battle at the God of Destruction level, let alone help, he would at least not be a hindrance.


Suddenly the ground slowly began to shake.

Lu Sheng threw away the meat skewers and stood up.

Coming? Troll?

Mienke's throat growled, and he couldn't help but want to persuade him a few words.


The ground was suddenly lifted like a carpet.

A dark, powerful monster with the head of a bull and the body of a bull broke through the soil, jumped easily, and landed in the open space between Lu Sheng and the black mist humanoid.

This monster has the head of a cow and is covered in gray-black messy clothes like a cloak.

He also carried a simple, rusty short-handled ax on his back.

It is about 1.8 meters tall, no different from an average adult.

If it weren't for that head, perhaps no one would have thought it was the strongest troll pillar general under the Platinum God of Destruction.

Red Sera? Baan? The tauren looked around while still shaking the dirt stained on his body.

When he saw Mienke and other human-shaped black mist standing on one side, his face suddenly showed a strong and strange look.

It's you. It's been thousands of years since we last met, right? The tauren looked at Mienke in a low voice.

If I remember correctly, this territory should belong to my Divine Lord now, right? He slowly reached out and held the short-handled ax behind his back.

Red Sera! Get out of here! He roared loudly, and his voice was the same as the one he had just walked on. It was vibrating and spreading in the woods like thunder.

Some of the nearby trees were shaken so hard that they continued to shed dry bark.

It's a pity that only the skin of Red Sera is left now

Troll Eddie, shouldn't you be sleeping? It's not yet midnight at this time. Mienke swallowed, not daring to tell the other party this fact, and slowly backed away.

Trolls at this level are completely different species from ordinary virtual demons.

Even if he is a top-level void lord, the gap between him and the troll in front of him is still as big as heaven and earth, and there is no possibility of catching up.

Not only him, but also the remaining ten or so black mist figures around him all retreated and moved away involuntarily.

This is the blood pressure that trolls are born with. It is the halo pressure unique to the followers of the God of Destruction.

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