Extreme Demon

Chapter 958 Mountains 2

Bang! ! !

Lu Sheng braced his claws with both arms, but the huge impact still propelled him backwards. His legs were firmly rooted on the ground, and he was pushed backwards by the huge force, constantly lifting up large rocks and soil.

Is it also the limit of the human body? Lu Sheng felt the power of this blow.

The Grand Elder is obviously a person who has trained his body to the extreme, coupled with the unique soul power blessing of a psychic.

Even if it was just an ordinary casual move, it would explode with power that far exceeded that of a gold-level ghost weapon user.

Go beyond the limit, or you will die! The Grand Elder raised his claws, one back and forth, and slowly bowed his body.

Ouch! ! !

The countless blue flames behind him quickly condensed into a huge and colorful tiger more than ten meters high!

Grandpa, do you think Junior Brother Dong can be forced to his limit? Huang Ya followed Huang Yun Temple and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

The cold wind on the mountain mixed with the hot wind blowing from the cave, making people feel cold and hot for a while, which was very uncomfortable.

The place Huang Ya dislikes coming most usually is here.

But now she didn't care much anymore. She could faintly feel the subtle heavy impact sounds spreading underground. After waiting for a full ten minutes, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The Grand Elder is the only God Conqueror in our Yishan Sect. He should be able to grasp the rules. The God Conqueror is a top expert on the same level as the Lord of Nothingness. Don't worry, there won't be any big problems. Huang Yun Si consoled him.

I'm not worried. I believe in the great elder's measure. It's just... Huang Ya couldn't explain how he felt.

Come out! Suddenly the guard guarding the entrance of the cave shouted loudly.

The seven elders and many stewards focused their attention on the depths of the cave entrance.

Following the buzzing sound of the elevator rising, two figures, one tall and one short, slowly walked out of the cave.

Walking in front was the great elder who was still wearing a mask and a black robe. He said nothing, just nodded to the other elders, turned around and left elsewhere.

The elders also paused and followed suit.

Lu Sheng followed closely and slowly walked out of the cave.

He seemed unscathed, and his complexion had not changed at all, except that the clothes on his upper body had some holes.

How's it going? Huang Ya rushed forward and carefully checked whether there were any signs of serious injuries on Lu Sheng's body.

It should be no problem. The Grand Elder said it's okay. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Really, that's good! Huang Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Sheng, however, recalled the Great Yuan's ferocious tiger-like consecutive attacks just now. Each attack was accompanied by the killing and biting bites of the huge soul tiger.

This feeling is like the body and soul are being attacked at the same time. You must concentrate on defending both sides. Otherwise, if the body blocks it, the soul will be bitten by the giant tiger, causing serious injuries.

The magician is really powerful.

Lu Sheng recalled the previous confrontation and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

He was forced to increase the strength from the usual fifteen times to nineteen times before he could barely withstand the Grand Elder's consecutive killing moves.

Because it is not a fight, but a test of limits, the Grand Elder needs to continuously send out the strongest attacks to increase the power, while he only needs to resist the defense.

Later, the great elder continued to improve, and after the fusion of body and soul, his power was further increased to an exaggerated level.

Lu Sheng finally increased his body's ultimate strength to twenty-one times, and mixed it with his soul power to firmly block the attack of the Grand Elder.

Twenty-one times. In this state, he is no longer a normal person, and his body has expanded to one and a half times his original size. The body is covered with black and red scar-like patterns. The skin is hardened, and a subtle feather-like texture appears.

Although I feel that the great elder still has not fully released his full strength, and he still has a very strong trump card hidden. But Lu Sheng himself had only released less than one-third of his strength.

Is there any injury? Huang Ya asked in a low voice.

No, let's go back first. By the way, the test here is over, and I'm going to Avaro in a few days. Lu Sheng reminded.

Have you lost the eye to look for the sin you mentioned? Huang Yun Temple whispered from the side.

At this time, the other elders also left one after another, and only a few remained, seemingly waiting for Lu Sheng to explain the results.

Well, I found some clues. Lu Sheng nodded.

He investigated the origin of the Eye of Sin, the myths and legends it formed, and more, and found more and more that this thing was most likely related to the formation of the virtual demon. This trip to Avaro was to investigate the truth.

If you need anything, just ask. When you are away from home, remember that you are the core disciple of my Yishan Sect. There is no need to be afraid, and don't be overly aggressive. When facing any organizational force, just keep a calm mind. Huangyun Temple warned.

Okay. Thank you, Mr. Huang. Lu Sheng nodded.

Nothing happened next, so Lu Sheng found someone to take him home in a special car. In this test, the thunder was loud and the rain was light.

But those who really saw the inside story were shocked. Some people went to test the Grand Elder, but got shocking comments from him.

Wang Dong's strength is no less than that of a divine descendant.

As soon as these comments came out, the whole Yishanmen was immediately shocked.

And after this battle, Lu Sheng truly became the top powerhouse in the entire Yishanmen, second only to the Grand Elder.

There are even rumors that the Grand Elder is actually not his opponent. After all, the Grand Elder is too old.

Lu Sheng was going abroad, to a country called Avaro, so Yishanmen naturally quickly prepared a special plane and accompanying personnel. At the same time, contact the Yishanmen branch over there to greet you.

Although Yishanmen only cultivates its strength in the Bluegrange Republic, it is not completely without foundation in other overseas countries.

Lu Sheng was alone and got on the special plane.

After a journey of more than ten hours, he landed at the largest capital airport in Avaro.

At the same time, he also rejected all the people accompanying him, left alone, and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

His visit this time was not just to find the whereabouts of the Eye of Sin, but also to explore the source of the power of desolation.

Because within the borders of Avaro, there is a world-famous huge mysterious area - the Anmi Mountains.

To ordinary people, this place is just steep, tall, and extremely majestic.

But for psychics, this is one of the four largest virtual demon clusters in the world. There are countless virtual demons in the world, and rumors spread from these four virtual demon gathering places.

So far, no psychic organization has been able to penetrate into these four forbidden areas.

Lu Sheng bought the ticket alone, took the bus, and changed trains several times along the way, and finally found a canal boat that could go straight to the forbidden Anmi Mountains.



In the afternoon, medium-sized fishing boats were parked side by side in the small harbor pier.

These fishing boats happened to be in the fishing ban season nearby, and when they had nothing to do, they simply started the business of carrying passengers on cargo ships.

Most of the fishing boats are more than ten meters in length. Although they have been modified, they can only seat a dozen or so at a time.

An iron plate was erected on the bow of a ship, and it was written on it that there were about eighty-one people from Honsiga to Black Pine City.

The currency of Avaro is a coin called Bawei. One dollar is equivalent to more than nine dollars in the Republic. Quite valuable.

More than 80 yuan is equivalent to more than 700 Republic of China coins, so the price is not cheap.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng didn't care about this. What he wanted was a ship that could go as deep as possible in the Anmi Mountains.

Black Pine City is just on the edge of the Anmi Mountains and is not his destination.

Lu Sheng wore a simple black T-shirt and jeans, and black leather hiking boots. He stepped on the pier that smelled of fish, and walked along the pier in search of ships heading deeper into the Anmi Mountains.

This canal is an extremely long journey, and it is impossible for him to travel on his own feet in an astonishing way. So docking is a must.

After searching for seven or eight ships, Lu Sheng got the answer that he didn't dare to go.

Although this canal extends deep into the Anmi Mountains, everyone only reaches Black Pine City and then returns.

Lu Sheng was unwilling to give up and walked around the dock again and waited for a while.

Fortunately, he finally found a black ship heading deep into the Anmi Mountains.

A cruise ship without a transport qualification certificate for carrying passengers, just a cruise ship modified by myself, was docked at the dock. Some regular customers brought people aboard and were discussing business with the ship owner.

The sound of conversation reached Lu Sheng's ears, and he found the black ship that dared to go deep into the mountains.

Without any further delay, Lu Sheng took the initiative and got a seat on the ship at a price three times higher than the normal transportation fee.

What he didn't expect was that the black ship looked unremarkable from the outside, but once inside, it was quite exquisitely and cleanly decorated inside.

Of the twelve seats in total, eight have been taken, and he is the ninth.

After finding his place, he put down his backpack and stuffed it into the locker. Then he sat down near the aisle.

Another one! Haha! Sitting behind him were several young men and women dressed in exquisite, fashionable and elegant clothes.

There were two men and two women in total. One pair seemed to be a couple, while the other pair sat separately on either side of the couple and seemed to be just friends.

The one who spoke was the mustachioed man in the couple.

He reached out and knocked on Lu Sheng's back.

Hey buddy, it looks like you're also here to explore the Anmi Mountains?

Lu Sheng frowned slightly at his poor international lingua franca.

I heard it's a good place here, so I came over for a walk. Lu Sheng replied casually. His international lingua franca is obviously much more fluent.

He could probably tell where these young people came from.

Obviously, these four were rich second-generation people who came here specifically to seek excitement and were extremely bored.

Because this type of people can easily satisfy their material life, their need for stimulation is increasing, and they then start various adventures and adventures, using life and death crises to stimulate their already extremely enlarged nerves.

The mustache was a very talkative guy. He pulled Lu Sheng along and started chatting wildly. In less than ten minutes, they exchanged their names, and Lu Sheng also understood what the four of them were here for.

It was indeed similar to what he expected, although they claimed to be looking for a rare butterfly to make specimens and complete their graduation thesis.

But Lu Sheng looked at them more like they were just hanging out and having fun.

Among this group of people, the most handsome couple were named Jack and Shaman. The other two, a handsome blond guy with a sad face named Ben. The beautiful girl with long brown shawl hair was left, named Jela.

Ben and Jack chatted a lot, but Jela was silent from beginning to end, as if she didn't like talking. A pair of pure eyes like light blue gems were staring at the slowly rippling river on the side.

Not long after, the planks on board the ship were removed, and the owner of the black ship walked into the cabin and announced that the ship would sail immediately.

Lu Sheng withdrew his gaze and began to scan the other passengers.

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