Extreme Demon

Chapter 957 Mountains 1

Some people in Yishanmen, under the influence of the Huang family, began to carry out a top-secret plan called the 'Absolute Holy Spirit' against Lu Sheng.

The main purpose is to train Lu Sheng, also known as Wang Dong, step by step into an extremely powerful spiritual king, that is, a powerful being at the level of the God of Destruction.

Lu Sheng was quite impatient at first, but after Yishanmen's various benefits were increased and Huang Ya took the initiative and continued to lobby, he turned a blind eye.

There is no obstacle to him anyway.

Since that day when Huang Yun Temple was defeated head-on. Yishanmen also has a relatively clear understanding of his force value.

Although no elder has ever fought against him with his full psychic strength.

But among the simple disciples of his generation, he is undoubtedly the strongest. In fact, some disciples rumored that Wang Dong just never took action with all his strength. If he really breaks out with all his strength, he might really be the strongest being in the entire Yishan Sect.

After all, that kind of terrifying power and speed is too difficult to resist. Even if the soul power is covered, ordinary disciples will never be able to match the strength of fifteen times the human limit.

Among the five major spiritual species, Lu Sheng is ranked first, and is secretly called Nai Luo En by those who do good things. In ancient language, it means the limiter, the person with power.

The other four major spiritual species spend almost every day in the mountains, practicing tricks with the disciples and elders of Yishan Sect.

Only Lu Sheng, who often goes up and down the mountain, doesn't spend much time in the mountains.

He spent more time investigating the black evil eye he had obtained. With constant visits to archaeologists and historians, I have read countless documents about this thing.

Finally, after more than a month, I roughly figured out the details of this thing.

This thing should be an imitation of the legendary Eye of Miai, the god of transformation.

In the study room, Lu Sheng sat at the desk with Wang Jing in his arms, looking at the printed documents he had just received in front of him.

What is that? Wang Jing curled up in Lu Sheng's arms, squirming slightly, and hugged Lu Sheng's waist tightly with her hands.

Some boring stuff. Lu Sheng smiled, Aren't you asleep yet? Have a good rest.

Yes. A strange look flashed in Wang Jing's eyes.

Eye of Miai, she seems to know part of the information about this thing. She had seen this treasure before she had been reincarnated countless times.

From the records, she probably knew the various identities she had experienced before. One of them has come into contact with this Eye of Miai.

She didn't know how her brother became interested in this. But it doesn't matter. As long as she could be with him, nothing else mattered.

Lu Sheng tightened her grip, adjusted her position, and continued to check the information.


The phone on the table vibrated.

Lu Sheng picked it up and looked at it.

Sister, I'm going to go to the mountains in a while. The things this time are more important, but it won't be long and I'll be back soon.

Oh. Wang Jing curled up quietly, opened his eyes and stared at Lu Sheng's face.

be safe.

Well, don't worry. Lu Sheng smiled.

He put down his mobile phone, and it clearly displayed: The complete body test is about to begin, and the tester is the Grand Elder of Shanmen - An Fengguo.

Lu Sheng probably knew a little about Yishanmen's so-called plan. Although he didn't care, it was an arrangement with him as the core. So I somewhat understand their intentions.

These psychics are trying step by step to push their so-called limits.

Regardless of whether they use soul power or anything else, they are all trying to test the maximum limit of Lu Sheng's strength.

This time should be the final stage of testing.

Lu Sheng left the villa and on the way to the mountain gate by car, his physical fitness doubled again. So far, his physical strength has reached a level one hundred and thirty times unimaginable by ordinary people.

If the average person's ultimate lifting strength is 300 kilograms, then his lifting strength at this time is about 40 tons.

The weight lifting alone can reach forty tons, and the explosive punching force can reach about one hundred and fifty tons.

That is to say. He is truly complete and can easily overturn trucks and kick various vehicles away.

Even giant trucks and tanks that weigh hundreds of tons are inevitably helpless in the face of dozens of tons of force compressed into a person who is about 1.8 meters tall.

Because of the same force, the unit contact area will also determine the pressure intensity.

And if you want to fully exert such a powerful force in such a small individual, your physical body will naturally be strengthened to an incredible level.

Sitting in the car, Lu Sheng looked at Huang Ya who was driving in front of him.

A lot of things have happened at the mountain gate recently, right? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Well, we have lost a lot of manpower overseas. The pursuit of the mixed-race fugitive has also reached a deadlock. Huang Ya said with some distress.

The most disgusting thing is that the fugitive organized several powerful guys and established an organization called Man Yue Mei. The third leader among them is our eldest son who once moved the mountain gate, that is, my uncle.

That's really troublesome. Lu Sheng also raised his eyebrows. When encountering such a distressing matter, I am afraid that all forces will use this as an excuse to suppress Yishanmen.

It is also difficult for them to continue to increase benefits for themselves under such difficult circumstances.

Don't think too much. Since the Grand Elder has agreed to your plan, he will never allow you to be affected in any way. Although our Yishanmen is not a world-class powerful organization, we will not be defeated by such a little pressure.

Huang Ya explained in a deep voice.

There is no trace of the immaturity of a high school student in her, only coldness, strength, and perseverance.

Now that it comes to this, although Lu Sheng was quite interested in Man Yue Mei's organization, he was too embarrassed to ask any more questions.

After all, this child's uncle just rebelled and left. This blow may have a huge impact on the child.

Twenty minutes later, the car slowly stopped in front of the Yishanmen gate.

Lu Sheng opened the door and got out of the car. Under the bows and salutes of all the mountain gate guards, he walked quickly into the gate.

The heavy iron door, which was more than ten meters wide, slowly opened a crack. After Lu Sheng and others entered, it quickly closed again.

The group of people moved forward slowly, and there were already many senior officials from the mountain gate on both sides who planned to come and watch.

The structure of Yishanmen is very simple.

Ordinary disciples, core disciples, stewards, elders.

The highest are the nine elders from one to nine, and Huangyun Temple, Huang Ya's grandfather, ranks second.

It can be said that there are powerful and powerful beings in the entire Yishanmen.

At this time, he and seven other elders were standing side by side at the deepest part of the building complex, waiting at the entrance of an underground cave.

All the senators were wearing formal silver ribbons, large black robes, and even their faces were wearing black masks with dark swirls painted on them.

Lu Sheng, led by a special steward, walked to the entrance of the cave and stood still.

The entrance of the cave kept spitting out hot air. Obviously, the hinterland of the mountain here might also be a volcano.

Wang Dong. The one in the middle of the elder's hand holding a cane slowly took a step forward and made a deep and majestic voice.

The disciple is here.

Lu Sheng lowered his head slightly to show respect. After all, he is still nominally the fourth-generation core disciple of Yishanmen, and he also enjoys the huge benefits provided by the other party. The other party is really thinking about him.

Originally, several other elders planned to conduct a final test on you one-on-one, but they were all rejected by me. I decided to conduct this final test myself. The elder said solemnly.

Before that, you must think it over carefully.

In this test, you are likely to face an extremely harsh test. But you cannot become a magic weapon without tempering steel. So...

It doesn't matter, I have confidence in myself. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

According to Wang Dong's original wish, becoming the strongest person in the world is an inevitable goal.

So as a real and extraordinary group - psychics. How strong are the top experts among them?

This is what he needs to test with his own hands.

The Grand Elder stared into Lu Sheng's eyes through the mask.

It wasn't until he confirmed that he really didn't waver in any way and was fully prepared that he nodded to the elder Huang Yunsi beside him.

Let's go. He turned around and walked towards the cave.

Lu Sheng followed closely behind.

Entering the cave, less than a hundred meters deep, Lu Sheng and the Grand Elder got on the large, heavy black elevator and continued to fall.

The elevator descended for ten minutes before stopping.

This is the largest safety training ground for Yishanmen and us, and it is also the place where our elders usually compete with each other. The elder elder walked out of the elevator and looked at the heavy silver doors that opened automatically in the tunnel ahead.

Let's go, only the winner can leave here. These gates are not automatic, but manual mechanisms that can only be activated by injecting soul power.

It doesn't matter. I will help you up in a while. Lu Sheng said noncommittally.

The great elder suddenly laughed heartily.

How long has it been since I heard such ridiculous remarks?

He strode forward with a cane, his body flashed in a daze, and he crossed tens of meters and appeared in the huge cave at the end.

Lu Sheng smiled and lightly kicked his foot. Like an arrow, he instantly passed through the open doors and landed a few meters away opposite the Grand Elder.



Bang bang bang bang! !

Heavy doors fell one after another, completely sealing off the environment here.

Even the light was completely lost.

In the darkness, the Grand Elder slowly let go of his crutch.

Let me see how far you can go.

Buzz! ! !

The entire giant cave, as wide as a large auditorium, suddenly lit up with a layer of faint blue fluorescence.

The great senator's body was ignited with light blue flames, and the firelight illuminated the entire underground cave wall.

The most unparalleled, Tengjiao!

The senator's black robe rose into the air, revealing the tall and extremely strong body of the great senator below.

His feet stopped, his body moved at a speed far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and his hands suddenly grabbed Lu Sheng's shoulders.

Just the crackling sound of claws cutting through the air is enough to make ordinary people deaf.

And those blue flames were twining and circling around the Grand Elder's arms, extending out two ferocious and fierce illusory black dragons.

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