Extreme Demon

Chapter 959 Forbidden Land 1

There were a total of fourteen passengers on the boat. Among them were a middle-aged fat man hugging a beautiful woman, a tall and muscular man wearing sunglasses, and a lone traveler like him. And then there were the four idlers behind him who came to adventure. Ordinary tourists.

Look away. Lu Sheng took out a pack of orange jelly from his backpack, opened it and slowly sucked it in.

It takes at least four hours to get to the depths of the Anmi Mountains from here. So there is no need to rush at all.

After closing his eyes and resting for a while, Lu Sheng stood up and walked to the toilet.

Two burly men stood at the door of the toilet smoking, chatting in unintelligible dialects while smoking.

When Lu Sheng passed by, one of the big men glanced at him, with a strange smile on his face and muttered something.

Lu Sheng ignored him and opened the toilet door. After going in to solve his physical problem, he washed his hands and walked out.

Just in time to see the girl Jela with eyes as beautiful as gems, she also got up and walked towards this side.

The girl didn't feel much while sitting, but when she stood up, people immediately saw her pert buttocks and long, round and tight legs wrapped in blue jeans.

She wore a tight black T-shirt on her upper body, and her waist curve was perfectly highlighted without any fat.

The legs are slender and well-proportioned. The jeans stick to the legs like a second layer of skin. Even the calves are tightly wrapped, perfectly outlining the curves of the legs and hips, making people want to reach out and squeeze them.

Although there were several beautiful girls in the cabin, none of them were as tall and in good shape as her.

Lu Sheng stepped aside and passed her.

When they passed the door, the two big men were still standing there bragging. When they saw him again, one of the big men couldn't help but said something again, and there were strange expressions on their faces.

Lu Sheng didn't know what they were talking about, frowned slightly, and passed between the two of them.

He said your ass is very weak and you can play for a year. A cold female voice came clearly from behind.

Lu Sheng paused, turned around and looked at Jela, she was the one who spoke.

The girl winked at him mischievously.

The two big men obviously looked like they didn't understand and continued to chat to themselves.

What are you going to do? Jela didn't have the coldness before, but more of a faint cunning and fun in his eyes.

She is beautiful, sexy, with a good figure, bulging front and back, with Asian skin and Western facial features. When the school first started, several people sent her love letters and flowers.


Until now, she still hasn't had any boyfriend.

Not for any other reason, but simply because no one can stand her.

Jela, who has been pampered since she was a child, looks quiet and beautiful because she has practiced musical instruments since she was a child.

But inside he is an out-and-out devil.

What she likes to see the most is boys fighting and fighting over her in front of her, while girls are begging for mercy in front of her.

Just like now, after sitting on the boat for a long time, she was a little bored and started looking for trouble again.

She originally came out this time to pursue the handsome blond man Ben, but Ben had already heard the rumors about her being a devil and deliberately sat far away from her.

Although Jack and Sharman in the middle dare not mess with her, Ben is also their good friend. Naturally, they protect each other everywhere.

This made Jela very unhappy.

She grew up with a prominent family background, and few people dared to deliberately go against her. But Jack and Sharman were different. They did not directly confront her, but in some inconspicuous places, they always prevented her from being alone with Ben.

This is disgusting.

But Jela had nowhere to get angry.

Fortunately, a handsome young boy suddenly appeared in front of him. This was the first time even she had seen such handsomeness.

Much better than those so-called handsome guys in school.

Just when she was still angry, her mind suddenly changed, and she started to play tricks on others again.

They want to fuck you? Jela glanced at Lu Sheng who was indifferent, then continued with a smile.

Lu Sheng looked at her carefully and then at the two big men. Without saying anything, he turned around and returned to his seat.

From a psychological point of view, the two big men were probably simply surprised by his appearance and seemed to be comparing him with someone.

But it was by no means an insult to him as Jela said.

Sitting back in his seat, he looked sideways at the river outside the window and continued to wait for the ship to sail to its destination.

The place we are going to is a remote river section in the middle of the Anmi Mountains. There are the most ferocious man-eating crocodiles, blood-sucking mosquitoes as thick as fingers, and countless poisonous and ferocious insect plants.

The captain of the black ship started to stand up with a small loudspeaker to promote to everyone.

That place has a beautiful name, called Semo. I will get off the ship soon, and I hope everyone can spend a wonderful three days there safely and happily. Three days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, I will be there to welcome you on board again. .”

Then the captain of the black ship began to educate everyone on some safety measures and warnings that need to be paid attention to in the jungle.

Lu Sheng listened casually while admiring the scenery outside the window.

There are a few people who don't care about safety matters as much as him, including Jela.

Ben and Shaman beside Jera were all taking notes carefully, but she remained motionless with an indifferent expression.

After the captain finished talking about the matters, each person was given an insect repellent incense box and left the cabin.

At noon, after eating the lunch sent by the captain and adding some fruit platter, the group finally arrived at a place called Semo in the middle of the Anmi Mountains mentioned earlier.

At the dock where the boat was parked, there were many small merchants and hawkers waiting with carts. There were two other boats docked at the dock, and it seemed that they had disembarked in advance to unload passengers.

The captain of the black ship shouted, and asked the ship to slowly find a place to approach, then skillfully wound the rope, dropped the anchor, and set up the ship's planks.

Tourists in the cabin began to get up and disembark.

Most people here are well prepared, carrying backpacks of different sizes, taking out insect repellent water and the like, and spraying it on their bodies first.

Then he walked onto the pier on the wooden plank.

Lu Sheng got off the boat empty-handed and stood on the dock looking left and right.

There are not many tourists here, and some people have already walked out of the forest in the distance and are heading here.

Among them, there is also a team that seems to be an expedition team, uniformly wearing the same armband.

As soon as they landed ashore, they began to move their bodies and limbs.

Lu Sheng took out the map and looked at it, then walked to the wooden noticeboard nearby and looked at the printed map on it.

Ben and Jack also took pictures of the map with their mobile phones here, and then stood and studied the route.

This place is a bit complicated. Mustache Jack was a little timid.

It doesn't matter, we can find a local guide and just pay a little more. Shaman smiled.

None of the four of them were short of money.

Lu Sheng looked at the map and walked towards the black forest at the end of the river beach.

There are several well-trodden paths to follow.

As soon as he walked into the dense forest, he immediately felt a sense of coolness all over his body.

A faint black mist can be seen vaguely in the air, blocking a lot of the light here.

He kept moving forward non-stop. Whichever direction the aura of the virtual demon was strong, he would go in that direction.

After walking for about ten minutes, a barbed wire fence suddenly appeared at the end of the path ahead.

The fence was covered with dense black and green vines, all of which were covered with spikes. Surrounded by large groups of buzzing poisonous insects, they were constantly rotating around some small smelly flowers.

There is a sign inserted at regular intervals in the barbed wire fence, with a large skull pattern painted on it with red paint, and a large white cross on the skull.

Lu Sheng searched along the road for a while, and soon found an entrance not far away. The entrance was a rusty iron door. Pulling it open, Lu Sheng strode in, and soon his figure disappeared into the dense and dark forest.

Not long after, four people including Ben and Jela appeared on the path behind Lu Sheng.

You shouldn't be able to go in here, right? Shaman said a little unsure.

I just saw it with the binoculars. The boy sitting in front of us has gone in, so there should be no problem. Jela said casually, Didn't you come here specifically for excitement? It's the end, and you are too timid to go in.

Without saying anything, she stepped forward, opened the iron door, and strode in.

The other three had no choice but to follow them in.

Seeing that the man in front is moving very fast, he must have been here before. Let's follow him as much as possible. Maybe we can encounter some interesting places. Instead of the same old places I have been to before. Jela said as he walked.

You have to know that just taking the road ahead is nothing more than visiting those places. Only by walking in these places that no one has been to can you encounter interesting things. Jela explained.

The other three people came here for excitement, and they felt it made sense when they heard this, and followed them excitedly with their backpacks on their backs.

On a cliff a hundred meters away from Lu Sheng.

More than a dozen human figures like black mist slowly looked at the direction in which Lu Sheng was heading.

This is already the sphere of influence of another god. Do we want to continue? A group of black mist asked in a low voice.

My Lord's command is our will.

The leading group of black mist said in a deep voice.

Let's go.

It took the lead and flew forward, disappearing into the air in an instant.

The remaining dozen human-shaped black mist also drifted forward and disappeared on the cliff in the blink of an eye.

Wow. Wow.

Lu Sheng walked forward in the tropical grass with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

There are thick exposed tree roots everywhere on the ground. Various ferns, shrubs and mosses are densely distributed on stones, tree roots and even tree trunks.

From time to time, various poisonous insects flashed across the uneven ground, or they were camouflaged and lying on the bark of the trees so that no one could detect them.

Lu Sheng calculated the distance and saw that the black fog that could be seen in his vision was getting thicker and thicker.

You can vaguely see some tree branches, and pale human faces flash past in the shadows.

Occasionally, there are huge spiders with grimaces on their backs on the tree trunks, motionless and weaving poisonous webs.

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