Extreme Demon

Chapter 948 White Mist 1


A gray-black rag-like figure swooped down from high altitude towards the ground.

Before it even flew close, the figure was punched through the chest by a big white hand, and with a hiss it completely split into countless pieces.

Lu Sheng looked at the virtual demons flying in the sky with a calm expression. He disguised himself as an ordinary person who knew nothing and could not do anything. He was just an example of someone who was born with a stronger soul.

As a result, as soon as he reached an inaccessible place, he was surrounded by a large number of dense virtual demons.

It's almost like a wild dog looking for food in the wild.

He retracted his right hand and stabbed the head of the Void Demon from the left like lightning.

The palm of his hand was drawn out like a blade, and the stabbed Void Demon screamed and turned into black smoke and dissipated on the spot.



Bang! !

Suddenly there were heavy footsteps in the distance.

Black mist filled the air, covering all the surrounding grass, and it seemed that Lu Sheng was the only living person left in all directions.

He raised his eyes and looked forward, just in time to see a tall fat man with a big belly, wearing black spiked gloves, walking towards him step by step.

This fat man has jet black skin all over his body, with tiny scales. His face is full of fangs that almost protrude from the sides of his lips. His hair is densely covered with countless black earthworms, and a huge keyhole is clearly visible on his belly.

Ouch! !

The fat man was more than three meters tall. He lowered his head towards Lu Sheng and roared violently.

It seems this is also a virtual demon? Lu Sheng took a few steps forward.

boom! !

The fat man punched him hard in the face. His fist the size of a washbasin was clenched like a thick hammer, flying towards Lu Sheng with the sound of heavy howling wind.

Then, let's use it ten times. Lu Sheng also raised his fist, bent down and twisted around, and punched the fat man without hesitation.

He had only used eight times the quality before. This is simply unmatched by other virtual demons. But the guy in front of him seemed to have some strength, so he specially improved his strength, using ten times the strength and speed of ordinary people.


With a muffled sound, the arm that the fat black man used to punch was twisted and broken on the spot, and a large amount of black plasma exploded.

In the middle where the two fists, one large and one small, came into contact, it was like an invisible sound wave spread slowly, shocking the virtual demons around them so that they couldn't even get close, and they screamed and flew around.

There was a muffled thud, and the fat black man screamed, kneeling on one knee, and his other arm seemed to be trying to grab Lu Sheng from the side.

But Lu Sheng raised his other hand to block it.

Snap Shadow Boxing. Lu Sheng grabbed the fat man's hands with both arms and tore them to both sides.

With a loud hiss, the fat man was torn into two halves, howling miserably and turning into countless black smoke. A series of pale human figures were shot out from his belly quickly, as if the soul swallowed by it was escaping.

Lu Sheng took back his hand and looked at the scene in front of him quietly.

Boring. He didn't find any more desolate power. The structure of the virtual demon and the monster in front of him was also clear. It was an ordinary monster formed by the desolate power absorbing the surrounding negative energy and gathering it.

Because of this, these monsters have simple structures and low intelligence, and are completely the product of similar natural phenomena.

Now we just want to see if the so-called ghost weapon is the source of divine power. If not, then this world is really boring.

He took one last look at the virtual demons around him, turned around and walked towards the way he came.



Early the next morning, the tour group arranged a bus that left at noon.

Taking advantage of this little time, Lu Sheng wandered around for a while, taking the money he had earned before and finally ate at the nearby delicacies.

In this boring world, he only has so many hobbies left.

He quickly found a ramen restaurant and Lu Sheng ordered a large plate of stir-fried ramen, which is the local favorite stir-fried ramen with sweet sauce.

The hot ramen has just been served. Several young men in formal clothes walked in front of the noodle shop.

Classmate, this way, this way. One of them, wearing glasses, was the four-eyed boy who had gone through the loan procedures with Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took a bite of ramen, stood up and walked to the door.

Is something wrong? He glanced at the three strong men behind Si Yanzai and said calmly.

Classmate, aren't you a bit unethical in what you do? What did we say before? If you borrow something, return it, and don't do any tricks. We all come from poor backgrounds, and no one wants to get into more trouble for no reason. The four-eyed boy was a little sinister. He said with a dark smile.

I didn't do anything fishy. Lu Sheng nodded, I borrowed money in an honest way and wrote the receipts. Why, you regretted it? Let me tell you, the receipts are there and they are legally binding. .”

But the way you mortgaged your car before was unethical. Si Yanzi sneered.

What are you afraid of? It's not like you won't pay back the money? Bring me a pen and I'll write you some more IOUs. I borrowed 50,000 from you before. Is it enough to write 500,000 now? Lu Sheng said impatiently.

Classmate, it's boring for you to do this. Are you making it clear that you don't want to return the favor? The smile on the four-eyed boy's face gradually disappeared.

Okay, let's go have a nice chat in the alley over there. Lu Sheng saw several more waves of people walking towards him in a blink of an eye.

It is estimated that the company he borrowed money from had contact with the car rental agency and knew the truth.

It just so happens that we can solve it together. He said to the waves of people.

The four-eyed guy didn't doubt his presence, so he followed Lu Sheng and the other groups of people into the most remote alley on the far left.

After walking into the alley about ten meters deep, the four-eyed guy stopped immediately.

That's it. If you have anything to do, it's time to talk about it, right?

When will you pay back the money? Paying back the debt is a matter of course! Hurry up!

Classmate, take out the borrowed car as collateral for the loan, tsk tsk, it's quite a big game.

Several waves of people entered the alley, all staring at Lu Sheng with sharp eyes.

Lu Sheng looked at his watch.

First of all, I borrowed the money. I, Lu Sheng, borrowed the money and never paid it back. So don't even think about paying it back.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the group suddenly changed, and their expressions became increasingly difficult to look at.

The four-eyed boy made a gesture with his eyes, and immediately a few strong men behind him took a few steps towards Lu Sheng, showing some momentum.

Boy, it seems you are planning to default on your debt to the end?

A bald man approached the gloomy man.

Okay, let's deal with it a little bit. Lu Sheng looked at his watch again. Solved in three minutes.

After a while, groups of people filed out of the alley and returned to their cars calmly.

Lu Sheng walked out of the alley, looked at the sky, and went back to the noodle shop to eat noodles.

I took out my mobile phone and looked at the information above. I saw that there were about a few million more funds in my bank card. In total, it was almost more than six million.

You're such a nice guy to come here in such a hurry to give money. The power of psychological guidance was beginning to show, and the trouble was easily solved.

After quickly finishing his noodles, Lu Sheng walked slowly along the edge of the street back to the hotel.

Team leader Xu Fan has already begun to gather for roll call.

In the crowd, Zhang Qixuan changed into a red dress. Her tall figure and fair and well-proportioned legs were exposed from under the skirt. She was holding a small white handbag in her hand. Her pretty face seemed to be trembling slightly when she saw Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng gave her a toothy smile. The girl turned pale with fright, and she didn't dare to look down.

After a moment, she calmed down and looked up at Lu Sheng with a look of confusion. Although her expression was still tense, it was at least much more normal than before.

Seeing that Zhang Qixuan was hesitant to speak, Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the two people on the other side.

Zhao Chongjun and Huang Ya leaned to the side. When Lu Sheng looked over, Zhao Chongjun showed a shy and gentle smile.

Huang Ya took the initiative to squeeze out a smile. Although it was a little stiff, his intention to please was not obvious.

Okay, now everyone has packed their luggage and is getting ready to get on the bus. Remember not to leave anything behind. Once we drive, it will be troublesome to come back. The plane will not wait for anyone. Xu Fan warned with a smile.

At this time, Huang Ya quietly squeezed to Lu Sheng's side.

I, the division commander of Yishanmen, want to meet you. When we return to China, we can see you by the airport. Can you give us a chance to see first how sincere Yishanmen is?

Sincerity? Lu Sheng raised an eyebrow.

If your qualifications are really that good after testing, we at Yishanmen are willing to give you benefits equivalent to those of a True Core disciple!

With a fixed fund of 30 million per year, the sect can mobilize silver-level human resources. As for schools, after the college entrance examination, you can choose any of the 13 key universities that the sect can influence, and...

Huang Ya talked about a lot of benefits in bits and pieces, which made Lu Sheng a little stunned.

On the other hand, Zhao Zhongjun, who was squeezing over from the other side, had a sneer on his face.

I don't have any benefits here, but my organization can give you a chance to choose a gold-level ghost weapon!

After saying that, he looked at Huang Ya with his arms crossed confidently.

Huang Ya's previous eloquence felt like his throat was being pinched, and he could no longer speak.

She knows how precious gold-level ghost weapons are.

Once you get it, you can find a powerful and brilliant soul to introduce and cultivate, and the rewards you get will be far beyond the material conditions provided by Yishanmen.

Huang Ya bit her lip reluctantly and looked at Lu Sheng.

Let's go back and take a look first. To be honest, I'm not interested in any kind of ghost weapon. Lu Sheng said casually, If Yishanmen adds some benefits, it's not impossible to consider whether to join or not.

Huang Ya, who originally lost confidence, was startled for a moment, then overjoyed.

That's it!

Zhao Zhongjun looked at Lu Sheng in complete disbelief as if he had been struck by lightning.

The brigade started to get on the bus, and it wasn't until they sat down that Zhao Chongjun finally realized what was going on.

You have no idea what the golden weapon represents. When you go back and understand it carefully, you will understand that Yishanmen cannot give you this.

He seemed to have regained his mysterious confidence.

Lu Sheng glanced at him and felt that this guy seemed a little different from the previous few days. There seemed to be something extra about him. But I couldn't tell what it was.

I hope so. Lu Sheng replied.

Zhao Chongjun returned to his seat and sat down.

Huang Ya was also assigned to the front position.

Lu Sheng was at the back, and as soon as he fastened his seat belt, Yuan Shuangshuang stood up and changed positions with a tall figure next to him.

Zhang Qixuan sat down against Lu Sheng with a hesitant look on her face, turned her head slightly and whispered.

Can I?

What do you want to know? Lu Sheng opened the small window on the side to let in the light from the outside.

I want to know. I seemed to have had a dream before. But that dream was too real. Wang Dong, you. Zhang Qixuan closed her legs tightly and lowered her head a little nervously.

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