Extreme Demon

Chapter 947 Virtual Demon 2

Soul power turned into blood? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and watched Zhang Qixuan miraculously quickly come from the brink of death, heal her wounds, replenish her energy and blood, and suddenly return to her previous state without any injuries.

This effect is very magical. He has seen many similar methods before, but none of them are as magical as this.

And there seem to be no side effects.

After doing all this, Zhao Zhongjun stood up and looked at Lu Sheng.

Friend, are you interested in getting to know our ghost weapon user? He tried his best to put on a sincere smile on his face.

Don't listen to him, come with me. Our Yishan Sect has a long history and is one of the most famous sects in the spiritual world. It's not like him who is a dabbler. He learned in a mess and followed wild methods.

Huang Ya on the side approached and said coldly.

The boy in front of him has extremely good qualities. If he can become a psychic and a ghost weapon user, he will definitely be the best partner with great strength.

In any case, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time. The virtual demon and other local ghost weapon users may find out if they stay for a long time. Escape first. Huang Ya said calmly, and was the first to put away his sword and walk down the mountain.

Wait, let me add your phone number. If you have anything to ask later, you can ask me directly. Zhao Chongjun said quickly.

Lu Sheng glanced at Zhang Qixuan who was unconscious on the ground.

The world was more interesting than he imagined.

With a swish, Huang Ya came back and gently landed next to Zhang Qixuan. He picked up Zhang Qixuan and walked down the mountain.

Obviously she was considering that there might be problems if a girl was alone with two grown men, Lu Sheng.

We almost killed her because we didn't pay attention just now. Now I'm responsible for taking her back to the hotel. Huang Ya said a word and quickly went down the mountain to leave.

Let's go, let's go too. Zhao Zhongjun wiped the sweat from his forehead, got up and walked down the mountain.

A moment later, Lu Sheng was sitting in Huang Ya's hotel room.

Zhang Qixuan and Huang Ya were sitting cross-legged on the bed. At this time, everyone was staring at Lu Sheng with burning eyes.

Before you ask questions, let me first introduce to you what kind of existence we, the Ghost Weapon Envoy, are. Huang Ya had lost his previous cold temperament. She looks just like an ordinary high school girl.

Wearing denim shorts and a white T-shirt, she looks like any other girl.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded, indicating that the other party could start.

Huang Ya glanced at Zhao Zhongjun on the side and continued.

“In this world, there are always people with different talents who are different from ordinary people.

They can communicate with dead souls, talk to the dead, and borrow the power of dead souls to strengthen themselves in a short time.

They are called psychics.

She carefully gave a concept first.

Can I talk to the dead? Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully.

Among the psychics, there are some knowledgeable people who guide and attach their communicating souls to weapons made of special materials, and then carefully care for and maintain them to nourish and strengthen the souls in them.

As a result, these weapons become more powerful. This is the so-called ghost weapon. Weapons attached to souls are legendary ghost weapons.

Actually, to put it bluntly, us ghost weapon users are not ordinary people who can borrow the power of ancient souls attached to the ghost weapons. It's that simple. Zhao Chongjun concluded casually.

It's really simple. Lu Sheng nodded. So, what is that thing called virtual demon before?

That is a monster created by resentment and hatred that is formed by broken souls. It only hates us psychics. Don't worry, they rarely attack ordinary people. Huang Ya said simply.

Then, what do you want to do by dragging me here? Lu Sheng asked in surprise.

You are a person born with a strong soul. You can withstand the soul shock wave without hurting yourself. Such a person with a strong soul is born with the best qualifications to practice as a ghost weapon. Huang Ya said seriously.

So I hope you can join my sect, and I will extradite you to become a real ghost weapon user.

Ghost weapon user? You want me to find a weapon with a soul, and then let him possess me and fight with me? Lu Sheng said in surprise.

Theoretically, that's the case. Huang Ya nodded.

Then what are the consequences of possession? What side effects does that state have on people? Lu Sheng asked again.

There are no side effects. For ordinary people, it will damage life span, but for us, it has no impact. The only troublesome thing is that memory sharing takes time. The memories of you and the ancient soul will be shared with each other to a certain extent. Improve the fit between the two parties.

The higher the degree of compatibility, the stronger the power you can unleash together. A specific example is, look at Zhao Chongjun over there. Although he holds a gold-level ghost weapon, he is only as good as me, a silver ghost weapon user.

That means that the compatibility between him and the golden pistol is very low? Lu Sheng drew inferences.

That's it. Huang Ya nodded.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded. I'm sorry, although I really want to know about the world where you ghost weapon users live, but I don't like sharing memories with others. Especially a random stranger from the outside.

After hearing the introduction, he probably understood the status of this special group of people.

By borrowing the skills of ancient souls, one can fight with powerful force in a short time. There may also be some secret methods that can mobilize supernatural soul power to fight.

But that's about it.

He doesn't think there are any ancient souls in this world that are qualified to possess his body.

As for shared memory, that's even more nonsense.

Are you going to stop thinking about it? Huang Ya and the other two were a little confused for a moment. Lu Sheng actually refused decisively just after hearing the secret introduction.

This is the first time they have extradited a psychic.

There's nothing to think about. Lu Sheng stood up. Okay, you play your own game, and pay more attention to your surroundings from now on, so as not to harm innocent people. I'm leaving first, don't worry about your business, I won't spread it randomly.

Without waiting for the two of them to react, he waved his hand, opened the door, and walked away.

Zhao Chongjun stood up and wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Huang Ya.

Forget it, this man is different from us. People like him are determined and it is difficult to change once they have made a decision. Otherwise, he would not have such a strong soul.

How will you know if you don't try. Zhao Chongjun said casually and chased after him.



The journey continues.

After Lu Sheng returned to the room, from that day on, Huang Ya and Zhao Zhongjun always appeared in his field of vision.

However, Zhang Qixuan, who woke up after being in a coma, woke up and found herself lying in her room with nothing missing from her body. She suspected that everything she encountered before was just a dream.

Instead, I continued to travel with everyone as if nothing was wrong.

Lu Sheng continued to use the Red Soul Technique to continuously improve his physical strength. Basically, the speed of improvement could stabilize at twice the rate of improvement per day.

By the fifth day of the journey, his physical fitness had reached ten times that of ordinary people.

And on the journey, it’s time to leave this area.

The so-called active volcano is actually just looking at the scenery from a distance at the foot of the mountain, staying in a hotel on the mountainside for one night, and experiencing wild life, that's all.

If there was any difference compared to before, it was that Zhang Qixuan, her cousin, no longer caused trouble for Lu Sheng as much as before.

Soon it was time for the tour group to return.

On the afternoon of the last day, everyone decided to have a dinner together and have a good singing and rest. Lu Sheng, however, did not participate in the event. He quietly left the KTV alone and followed the road in front of the hotel towards the ecological park.

The kind of virtual demon mixed with the power of desolation is what he is most interested in.

At night, street lights divide the dark street scene into pieces along the way. Scattered pedestrians moved slowly under the street lights, and some vehicles roared past with their high beams on, rolling up messy garbage bags and beer cans.

Lu Sheng walked slowly towards the ecological park, putting his hands in his pockets. Just half an hour ago, he successfully increased his strength to eleven times that of an ordinary person.

After knowing the main system of this world, he gave up any intention of integrating into the system here. He was only prepared to fulfill the boy's wish and karma, and then find clues to the power of desolation and the eye of sin, and then return to the demon world to have a good rest.

As the road goes further and further, there are fewer and fewer people on the road, and the frequency of passing vehicles becomes less and less.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Sheng suddenly stopped and stood there.

Under a streetlight directly in front of him, a white-haired man wearing a white sweater was squatting on the ground, holding a cigarette in his hand. The red cigarette butt flashed in the shadow, obviously smoking.

Lu Sheng glanced at the other party. It was so late and in such a remote place, but there were still people smoking here.

You must know that this place is at least ten kilometers away from the bustling area.

But it has nothing to do with him.

He just paused and continued walking forward, passing by the white-haired man.

Hey. Suddenly the white-haired man stood up, threw the cigarette butt under his feet and stamped it out.

Have you come into contact with psychics recently? He turned and looked directly at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng turned around and looked at him.

Contacted. What's wrong?

The white-haired man didn't expect him to be so honest. He was stunned for a moment and then said.

Do you know where Zhao Chongjun is? You have his soul aura, don't tell me you don't know. I don't like this answer.

Zhao Chongjun? Lu Sheng's voice raised, I know.

Where is he? The white-haired man nodded and looked at his watch. You should be lucky that I'm in a good mood now and don't want to kill anyone. Tell me and I'll let you go.

Lu Sheng's shoes, which he was about to leave, suddenly fell down. He turned around, put one hand into his trouser pocket, and pulled the collar with the other hand to make the clothes looser.

Then he walked slowly towards Bai Mao.

Bang! !

A lightning punch.

Lu Sheng's arm was blurred under the streetlight for a moment, and then returned to its original position.

The head of the white-haired man exploded like a watermelon on the spot, and the remaining headless body still held a newly taken out cigarette in its hand, and fell powerlessly to the sky.

Lu Sheng looked down at the corpse, turned around and continued walking in the direction he had sensed before.

His goal is virtual demons, not these inexplicable garbage.

At his level, killing a guy of this level is no different than killing an ant on the roadside.

There is no sadness or joy, no surprise or shock, it is as natural as eating and drinking.

By the way, why should I kill him? He suddenly thought of this question, thinking inexplicably, and slowly left, walking towards the distance.

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