Extreme Demon

Chapter 949 White Mist 2

Do you want to ask if I saved you before? Lu Sheng interrupted her directly and whispered.

Zhang Qixuan's eyes widened suddenly, showing an expression of fear, shock, and bewilderment.

You are just an ordinary person. Don't know what you shouldn't know. Live a good life and study well. Now go back and don't think too much. Lu Sheng said casually.

Zhang Qixuan wanted to ask something else, but when Lu Sheng glanced at her, a chill surged up from her tailbone, causing her whole body to tremble. She didn't dare to say anything, and she got up obediently and returned to her seat.

Soon Yuan Shuangshuang also returned to his seat with a curious look on his face.

Did you fight with your cousin? Why does she look so afraid of you? She wasn't like this before, right? Yuan Shuangshuang's beautiful big eyes stared at Lu Sheng, looking like a curious baby.

No, she had a nightmare and wanted to seek comfort from me. Lu Sheng said casually.

A girl came to you just to comfort you? Do you have any special abilities? Yuan Shuangshuang became even more curious.

Lu Sheng rolled his eyes and was too lazy to answer.

Okay, rest now.

Yuan Shuangshuang wanted to ask again, but when she saw Lu Sheng leaning against the window and taking a nap, she didn't dare to ask again.

The plane shook slowly and started to take off. Soon, with a sway, the entire huge iron bird took off into the sky and flew towards the Blue Grange Republic.

Halfway through, my cousin Zhang Qixuan sent another message, asking for details about the previous nightmare. But Lu Sheng didn't reply.

Yuan Shuangshuang also became more and more curious and chatted with Lu Sheng from time to time.

Several times, Zhang Qixuan wanted to take the initiative to come over and talk to Lu Sheng. But Lu Sheng motioned him away with his eyes.

About to get off the plane.

Her three souls and seven souls have been frightened. Suddenly Huang Ya sent a message, She may have nightmares often in the future. It is also easy to see virtual demons and other messy things.

Lu Sheng saw this message when he turned on his phone.

He raised his head and glanced at Zhang Qixuan, who was drowsy in his seat. She seemed to have just fallen asleep. Her pretty face was pale and her previous confidence and arrogance were completely gone. She was like a pitiful little girl, holding the armrest tightly with her hands. , beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

It's none of my business that she committed suicide. Lu Sheng replied directly.

There is no other way but to rely on oneself to heal slowly. It usually takes at least three years for the wounds of the soul to heal.

from now on. She can actually see a lot of strange souls and is easily frightened.

Huang Ya continued to send messages.

The white mobile phone screen reflected on Lu Sheng's cheek. He glanced at the new messages but did not reply immediately.

After thinking for a while, he replied again.

Then what?

If you agree to join Yishanmen, I can help you fulfill your wish. Huang Ya sent a message without any clue.

Lu Sheng sighed and ignored her. She deliberately made her words ambiguous and let him guess that he didn't have the time to play with her.

Turning off the screen of his mobile phone, he stood up. The people in front of him were almost starting to get off the plane. He followed suit and slowly walked off the plane with his luggage.

Yuan Shuangshuang took the initiative to change his mobile phone number with him, and also invited him to hang out with him when he was free.

Lu Sheng was noncommittal, dragged his things, greeted the team leader, and acted alone.

Just walked out of the baggage claim area.

He saw Huang Yahe, a middle-aged man in a suit with a solemn expression and a beard, standing at the entrance waiting for someone.

Behind them were several uniformed men and women who seemed to be their subordinates. At first glance, the scene is different.

Seeing Lu Sheng come out, Huang Ya took the initiative to step forward.

Wang Dong. Let's have a drink together? Don't you want to know something about our world? This world is not the only one you have encountered before.

Lu Sheng glanced at the bearded man and nodded slightly.

The three of them went to a private club near the airport and entered a private room that had been reserved in advance.

After sitting down, the man sat opposite Lu Sheng, accompanied by Huang Ya, and the other outsiders stayed outside the room to wait.

After the waiter at the club brought three cups of fragrant green tea and some fruit snacks, he respectfully left.

The door closed with a click.

The man straightened his back and stared at Lu Sheng deeply.

When we first met, my name is Huang Yehe, and I am Huang Ya's uncle. I heard her mention on the phone that you can block the aftermath of the soul power explosion with your hands? Is it true?

Lu Sheng glanced at Huang Ya. The girl looked as honest as a quail at this time, not at all as arrogant as when she fought with Zhao Zhongjun before.

It's true. Lu Sheng nodded and admitted.

Then, can you please put your hand on the table? Let me do a little test. Huang Yehe said calmly.

Lu Sheng put his hand up and spread it out as instructed.

Then he watched Huang Yehe take out a small green cube from his pocket and put it gently in his palm.

As soon as he put it down, he saw the small square light up with fluorescence, and the faint green light made Huang Yehe and Huang Ya's faces turn green.

But the expressions on their faces were unprecedentedly surprised and moved.

Very good, very good! Huang Yehe took a deep breath to cover up the shock on his face. Huang Ya has already mentioned to you the basic conditions we can provide before.

Now that it has been confirmed that your soul strength is very high, our Yishanmen is also willing to show more sincerity, please join us.

What about? Lu Sheng asked casually.

For example, the annual funds disbursed can be increased to 50 million, and gold-level human resources can be mobilized and used by you. The Shanmen Secret Library is completely open to you, and all the ghost weapons below the gold level in the ghost weapon library are up to you to choose, as long as you can Whatever comes to mind, we will try our best to satisfy.”

Huang Yehe answered seriously and matter-of-factly.

Lu Sheng looked at the man and saw that he was indeed sincere. This was equivalent to saying that we can meet any conditions you choose, as long as we can achieve them.

He thought that he needed a lot of manpower to find the whereabouts of the Eye of Sin, and he also had to find out the details of the Desolate Power. This dangerous force must not be allowed to develop or grow, otherwise it may be very troublesome later.

He thought for a moment.

External conditions must be more than just yours, but I don't really value these.

Then tell me what you value. Huang Ya couldn't help but interject.

Lu Sheng thought for a while.

I don't want to fuse and share memories with some ghost weapon.

Yes. You can use the enslavement method to completely avoid this problem. You are not the only one in history who is unwilling to share memories. Huang Yehe nodded.

In addition, I want to use your strength to find something. Lu Sheng said bluntly.

What? Huang Yehe asked.

I will send the pictures to you later. Lu Sheng whispered, I also want all the information about Xu Mo.

No problem. We will not only give you all the information about virtual demons, but also information about all the forces of psychics. Not only you, but also many psychics within us will understand this. Huang Yehe sinks vocal channel.

Then, I'm glad to join Yishanmen. Lu Sheng extended his hand.

Huang Yehe finally showed a smile, curled up the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to hold Lu Sheng's palm.

You're welcome. Trust me, you won't regret it.

An hour later, Lu Sheng left the club and got into the car with Huang Ya going home.

The two of them were sitting together in the back seat of the car.

You said you met a young man with white hair who was looking for Zhao Chongjun everywhere? Huang Ya was slightly stunned, That person may be Bai Wu.

White mist?

Well, one of the three major psychic organizations in the world is Baiwu, and the other two are Ruby and Netherworld.

Among them, Baiwu has been chasing Zhao Chongjun recently, seemingly because he ruined the good deeds of a big shot in Baiwu. Huang Ya explained.

Lu Sheng stretched his arms and felt that his body had reached thirteen times the strength of a normal person. At this level, it is difficult to use the appearance of an ordinary person.

Fortunately, he was very familiar with this aspect. After rummaging through his memory for a while, he quickly found a secret technique to maintain his current body shape.

This secret technique allows him to continue to improve and strengthen himself while maintaining his current appearance. The only limitation is that the strength that this appearance can exert is at most thirteen times.

No matter how much, you must unlock the secret technique and change the appearance.

The people in Baiwu are quite powerful, with an average level of at least Silver level. There are also quite a few Gold level people. It is said that the twelve divine generals in their leadership have the strength of the God Advocate level.

Fortunately, you just met them, otherwise you would get into trouble and it would be really difficult to solve. Huang Ya introduced in a low voice.

Lu Sheng didn't tell him that he was not only the one who met Bai Wu, but he also hit his head with one punch.

Okay, apart from these forces, the next level is the ten major families. We, Yishanmen, are also one of them. These ten major families once jointly sealed a peerless troll, which is a parallel saying. .

Among the ten families, the powerful ones are as powerful as I Yishanmen, spreading all over the Republic. The weak ones are just a thatched cottage, from a single generation, and have to earn their own money for food, clothing, housing and transportation. Huang Ya sighed.

Miss, there is someone in front of you. The driver suddenly reminded.

Huang Ya was startled and looked up.

A hundred meters ahead, in the middle of the road, stood three young men and women in white outfits, all with white hair.

The man in white in the middle has a smile on his face, but he gives off a cold and cold look. You can tell at a glance that he is not a simple character.

The man raised his finger and pointed it at the car.


His lips moved slightly, making a gunshot sound.

Baiwu's people!! Huang Ya's expression changed.

The driver stopped quickly. There was a constant flow of vehicles on both sides of the viaduct, but the car stopped decisively.

The two got out of the car quickly, Huang Ya gritted his teeth and said loudly.

Senior Bai Wu, we are members of the Yishan Sect. If there is any misunderstanding between us, please be kind to me, senior.

Bang! !

Huang Ya watched with a dull expression as Lu Sheng pulled his hand out of the chest of a white-haired man. The blood in the man's mouth was gushing as if he wanted no money.

Just a moment ago, Lu Sheng flashed past him in the blink of an eye, and before anyone had time to react, he punched the white-haired man in the middle until his sternum collapsed, causing him to vomit blood on the spot.

Bang! !

The other two white-haired people had just exploded with white fluorescence when they were swept away by Lu Sheng's right arm. The two of them flew out at the same time and hit the cement pier on the side. They died on the spot.

Lu Sheng retracted his hand, turned and walked towards Huang Ya.

I killed one of their people before. There's nothing to say. They must be seeking revenge when they come out now. Since they are here to seek revenge, they must be killed as soon as possible.

At this time, the driver squatted next to a corpse to inspect it and slowly shook his head.

No, they carry an invitation contract with them. They should be here for peace talks.

I guess I haven't had time to come up with the contract yet, the driver added again. I was beaten to death by you.

He didn't say the last sentence.

. Lu Shengdu paused on the spot.


Huang Ya was also speechless.

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