Extreme Demon

Chapter 935 Fighting 2

No matter how powerful a being is, when you have concerns or worries, that is the beginning of your failure.

Lu Sheng's feet paused, and a spatial crack suddenly exploded in his body. With the help of the huge reaction force, he teleported and appeared in front of Emperor Kuang, and punched the Emperor in the face.

Come on, fight me happily! Leave everything behind! Bet everything! At the cost of your life and mine!

Lu Sheng laughed.


The fists of his arms caused countless overlapping transparent ripples. The white Suzaku divine fire origin and the purple-black evil power were like two dragons and snakes, one black and one white, circling around his body.

The two kinds of energy rubbed, squeezed and collided with each other, and the terrifying power that exploded broke through Emperor Kuang's body-protecting demon power in an instant, and hit him hard between the eyebrows.

Di Kuang hurriedly raised his hand to block it.

Bang! ! !

A violent black storm instantly exploded between the two of them, with circles of pitch-black ripples centered on Lu Sheng and Di Kuang, spreading in all directions.

Space and time were completely stagnant at this moment, and there was only pure destructive power between the two people in a crazy confrontation.

The illusory Luoshu raised in Di Kuang's hand blocked Lu Sheng's fist. The circles of ripples spread from Luo Shu.

It was rapidly transforming Lu Sheng's terrifying power and transmitting it to the earth, in order to share the pressure from Emperor Kuang.

Stupid!! Lu Sheng gave another backhand elbow.

Bang! !

The elbow was once again blocked by another piece of light yellow paper with Bagua drawn on it.

So, this is the river map that represents the natural principles of heaven and earth? Lu Sheng's arms struck Di Kuang hard like a violent storm.

Even if it was blocked by Hetu Luoshu, the terrifying power had even reached the limit that the two spiritual treasures could withstand.

While they had to hold on until the Hunyuan Heluo Formation was in operation, they also had to use their bodies to resist Lu Sheng's violent bombardment.

They were originally purely magical weapons, but their light gradually dimmed.

Emperor Kuang had sweat on his forehead and could only barely resist Lu Sheng's close fight. Although he is a three-legged Golden Crow, his fighting style relies on releasing magical powers from a distance. It is rare to encounter a pervert like Lu Sheng who can withstand magical powers and is so powerful in close combat.

In just a few seconds, he had to mobilize his true sun fire source and inject it into Hetu Luoshu to help it sustain for a longer period of time.

Weak, weak, weak! Too weak!!! Lu Sheng whipped his leg, and the black and white halo flashed away. The two forces exploded, and the impact was enough to destroy several huge planets in an instant.

Now under the influence of the world source power of the Evil God Realm, his true body and the Suzaku True Body are gradually merging into one.

Every move he makes is several times more powerful than the master-level body.

It has simply reached its strongest level ever! none of them.

The fusion of the ontology and the power of this world does not produce one plus one equal to two at all.

Boom! !

Di Kuang's mouth and nose oozed blood, and he could barely maintain the body of the Hetuluoshu in his hand, but he himself flew out.

He wanted to show his true form, but his true form in actual combat was far less powerful than the magic weapon in his hand. In previous fights, Tai Yi was always in front, and he released his magical powers from behind. This time I didn't expect it

Bang! !

Another black and white storm hit Di Kuang hard. The protective light on his body had begun to show cracks and looked like it was about to break.

Is this the strength of the Emperor of Heaven? Hetu Luoshu is indeed extraordinary, but unfortunately, you are too weak.

Lu Sheng was suspended in mid-air, with the purple-black evil power and white Suzaku divine fire intertwined and flowing around him, reflecting the countless dark red patterns on his face, giving people a weird and powerful strange beauty.

He is now very disappointed. Compared to the powerful men from the Demon Realm he once fought against, Di Kuang is simply a pure mage. He is nothing without a human shield. Once he gets close, he becomes a meaningless sandbag.

Thankfully, I was looking forward to a good and thorough fight. Now...die!!

Lu Sheng sprinted, so fast that he seemed to be teleporting, and grabbed Di Kuang's chest with his claws. A large amount of violent black and white energy entangled in his arm, erupting with terrifying power that was several times stronger than before.

This palm can be said to be his peak. Even in the Heavenly Demon Realm, Lu Sheng had the confidence to tear Yuan Qingmi, the former leader of Qingcha Sect, into pieces in an instant.

This is pure power! There is no room for mitigation.

Emperor Kuang opened his eyes wide and tried his best to block the spiritual treasure in his hand in front of him.

Do it!! He yelled at the same time.

Almost at the same time, two golden figures appeared on both sides of Lu Sheng.

On the left is a person wearing a crown, with the shadow of a giant golden bell slowly emerging behind him.

A person on the right held a green tree in his hand and gently threw a green light towards Lu Sheng.

A deadly threat surged into Lu Sheng's mind.

Donghuang Taiyi? Xihe??!! He advanced instead of retreating, his face twisted and he laughed wildly.

At this moment, all the strength in his body was even more unreserved, and it was all blasted against Di Kuang.

Boom! ! ! !

Black light exploded.

In an instant, nearly half of the Demon Court disappeared silently in the black halo. It's like something bit off a chunk.

There is no fragment, no residue, just like it was moved out of thin air, it disappeared without a trace.

The demon army and Bai Suzaku, as well as Bai Zekunpeng and the demon god who were fighting fiercely, were all covered by black light.

Half of Bai Ze's body disappeared on the spot, he was severely injured and fell into the distant sky.

Kunpeng lost one-third of his lower body, and a lot of black blood sprayed everywhere. He was better than Bai Ze because he was good at flying in his roc form, and his speed was amazing. The moment he felt something was wrong, he avoided it in time. Only by turning on partial black light did he survive.

But even so, Kunpeng, who was frightened, did not dare to stay any longer. With the movement of his demonic power, he quickly stopped the bleeding and fled away quickly.

Even though he was a quasi-sage, he had no power to resist under such a bombardment that was close to the level of a saint.

The center where the black light exploded.

Everything turned into thick darkness and nothingness.

There is no air, no matter, not even space anymore, and time has been at a standstill.

From the outside world, this place looks like a huge black hole.

Lu Sheng floated quietly in the middle of the black hole, and Suzaku's soul was also severely damaged and was taken back into his body.

That blow just now was a bet on all his power, whether it was the power of the evil god or the source of Suzaku's divine fire, everything was bet on that claw.

The results are clear.

Di Kuang was severely injured on the spot and fell unconscious. If Tai Yi had not used the Chaos Bell to block him for a moment, I am afraid that from now on, there would be no Emperor Kuang in the world.

In order to protect Emperor Kuang, Xi He had no choice but to devote most of his power to Emperor Kuang to help him resist the invading evil power and the origin of the Suzaku Divine Fire.

This also made Lu Sheng's hit much less severe.

The attacks from the rest of the three were melted away by the black light of annihilation produced by the big explosion, allowing Lu Sheng to survive unharmed.

What a pity. I didn't expect that the majestic Donghuang Taiyi would choose to retreat temporarily. Lu Sheng looked disappointed.

Lord of Nanming Jing, you must understand what you are doing.

An unknown sound came from somewhere and penetrated into his ears.

Lu Sheng stretched his body and stepped forward slowly. The surrounding black holes were rapidly shrinking due to the restoration of the natural power of heaven and earth.

Leaving the coverage area of ​​the black hole, what caught his eyes was the completely destroyed ruins of the Demon Court. And the large circular area around him as the center was empty, and it was an area that was completely annihilated by the big explosion just now.

A huge figure tens of meters tall was slowly suspended in the sky far away from him. View here from a higher vantage point.

The figure had the head of a human and the body of a snake. He was holding a light yellow scroll embroidered with mountains and rivers in his hand. Behind him, golden light automatically flew away, like countless spreading golden sands.

It turns out to be Saint Nuwa. Lu Sheng bowed his head to show respect.

Whether you heard about the deeds of Nuwa in mythology when you were on Earth, or you actually saw Nuwa's meritorious deeds in repairing the sky here.

All these show that the saint in front of him is still a compassionate person who has monsters in his heart and humans in his heart.

Now that the Demon Court is destroyed, as the Great Sage of the Demon Clan, you can re-establish the Heavenly Clan. Are you willing to fight against the Witch Clan? Nuwa looked at Lu Sheng in front of her, feeling helpless.

Taiyihe, the Eastern Emperor of the Demon Court, and Xihe, the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Kuang, were beaten away by the Suzaku demon clan that descended from another world.

The Demon Court, which was originally a whole, was completely broken up and its vitality was severely damaged. If you want to fight against the powerful Wu Clan, the current way is to re-establish the Heavenly Court.

It is true that she is a saint, and she also cares for the demon clan, but she cares for the entire demon clan, not Donghuang Taiyi and others.

The three-legged Golden Crow is just one member of the entire demon clan. It doesn't mean anything.

She favors the many demon groups under their jurisdiction.

Lu Sheng looked at Nuwa and understood the meaning of this compassionate saint in an instant.

In this case, it is better to receive the saint's decree. He bowed deeply and saluted.

Donghuang Taiyi's Chaos Bell represents the most powerful defensive magic weapon in the world. Unfortunately, he failed to understand it, but a living saint came in front of him.

Lu Sheng licked the corner of his mouth, maybe he could experience the power of the legendary saint.

Saints mainly manipulate the laws of the universe on a small scale. Different saints operate different laws, which is related to the origin of their sanctification.

Nuwa's words may be the rules of life and creation.

Lu Sheng's own body has already mastered the inherent rules. Even if he goes to any cosmic world, he will not be overwhelmed by different rules in an instant. At most, he will be forcibly expelled.

Therefore, facing the saint, he might actually have the strength to fight.

Sage, actually Sheng has a merciless request. Lu Sheng suddenly said.

Since it's an unkind invitation, there's no need to say more. Nuwa seemed to have guessed what Lu Sheng wanted to say.

But, I agreed to the saint's request. In exchange, can the saint grant a small wish of Sheng? Behind Lu Sheng, a huge and seemingly endless Suzaku Divine Fire steamed up again.

The power of the evil god was once again intertwined with the divine fire, and at the same time, the purple-black underworld flame belonging to his body rose.

The three forces were mixed together, and a terrifying wave that was even more powerful than before slowly spread.

Nuwa narrowed her eyes slightly and immediately understood what Lu Sheng was thinking.

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