Extreme Demon

Chapter 934 Fighting 1

Kill kill kill kill!!!

Amidst the wild laughter, the twisted white flame Suzakus roared and were automatically generated from the flames at high speed.

Each of these white Suzakus is over a thousand meters high. Their bodies are burning with incandescent flames, as if they have no form. As soon as they come out, they rush towards countless monster armies.

The Hunyuan Heluo Formation has been partially activated, and it will take some time to activate all of it, but this time is too late to fight for at this time.

Countless demon armies and a large number of White Suzakus collided together, and they fought and roared with each other.

The weapon arrows with divine light pierced the white Suzaku's body quickly, and the white flames were like maggots on the tarsal bones, killing them if they touched them.

Some generals of the demon army directly used the magical power of Fa Tianxiang and Earth, and their bodies grew larger and expanded to thousands of meters, competing head-on with Bai Suzaku.

The war situation showed a stalemate from the beginning.

Di Kuang looked down at the formation below.

The huge white Suzaku completely enveloped the entire heaven, and countless Suzaku divine fires seemed to be endless, rushing out like waves.

The demon army is almost filling the flames with their own lives. They gave up their lives in large numbers and turned into flaming golden crows, rushing towards the White Suzaku. Although due to the size difference, hundreds of thousands of Golden Crows can die together with a White Suzaku.

But the number of the demon army was too large, and they fell into a stalemate for a while.

This is not the way to go! Bai Ze said in a deep voice beside Di Kuang.

I didn't expect that there is such rebellion hidden in the Demon Court! Di Kuan said coldly, with a bit of dazzling golden light flashing in his eyes.

Now at a stalemate, he was considering whether to completely release all the power of the formation.

In this way, it is indeed very possible to solve the immediate trouble, but the huge power accumulated over so many years will also be consumed in huge amounts.

If the Wu clan takes action after the formation is over, it will be extremely troublesome.

At this moment, there were new changes in the formation below.

The Hunyuan Heluo Formation has clearly isolated all external spiritual energy, and there is only a vacuum of absolute nothingness inside. But at this time, in the middle of the white sea of ​​​​fire, a tall figure covered with white flames, with a large number of purple and black tentacles behind him, slowly walked out .

Surprisingly, it was none other than Muchou and other demon gods from before.

The aura on their bodies had obviously risen by several levels at this time. The threat is much greater than before.

Kill!! Muchou rushed towards the surrounding demon army and Golden Crow first.

A large piece of twisted white flame tentacles exploded in his palm in an instant. These tentacles easily grabbed a large area of ​​hundreds of demon soldiers, like hooking a large amount of bloody flesh, and he grabbed hard.

Suddenly all the demon armies spun around and quickly gathered in the sky above his palm. They collided with each other and turned into an indistinguishable ball of flesh.

After these twenty-odd demon gods entered the battlefield, they had a great impact on the situation.

They can cause hundreds of horrific casualties every second. The Golden Crow rushed toward them one after another, but their efforts were in vain.

This cannot continue like this. The formation can only assist from the side. Once all is activated, the Wu clan will never stand idle and will definitely take the opportunity to launch an attack. Di Kuang said in a deep voice.

Let's go. Bai Ze took a step forward.

Kunpeng's right arm also turned into a jet-black bird's claw, and streams of spiritual power gushed out from his body.

Give me the power of the formation. I'll handle it. His face looked a little ugly, and he seemed a little angry. Although no one knew where he was offended.

Emperor Kuang glanced at the large formation below that was being torn apart by the demon gods, and nodded.

Then, please.

In fact, he still had some important points to say. The Hunyuan Heluo Formation had the ability to change the world, but that was when all the formation nodes were ready, and the dozens of demon gods who were supposed to be the formation's eyes were all gone. Instead, he needs to allocate strength to suppress them.

In the entire Demon Court, except for Bai Ze and Kunpeng, all the other demon gods were actually parasitized.

This is the key to making it difficult for Emperor Kuang to continue.

Use an incomplete formation to fight against so many demon gods and the powerful Suzaku King.

That's a demon god, not a Chinese cabbage!

But because of the Demon Emperor's pride, Emperor Kuang didn't express anything, and his face remained as calm as water.

Bai Ze and Kun Peng leaned down, transformed into their true bodies at the same time, and rushed towards the battlefield below.

One has a white lion-like appearance, with double horns on the top of its head and a goat's beard. It is thousands of meters in size. As soon as it appears, it falls and smashes large palace buildings, and its whole body is filled with pure and soft white light.

This white light was completely different from the surrounding white Suzaku divine fire. It quickly eliminated a pure and clean area and tore apart all the approaching white Suzaku soldiers.

Compared to Bai Ze, Kunpeng is more rough, and its body is a huge black roc bird. The body was tens of thousands of miles long, and as soon as it landed, it circled in mid-air, whipping up a large amount of black demonic wind.

These demonic winds easily tore apart the bodies of hundreds of White Suzakus.

The joining of the two top demon gods instantly turned the entire battle situation around.

Especially Kunpeng, who can kill hundreds or even thousands of White Suzakus with just one wave of his wings.

With no choice, more than a dozen demon gods covered with white Suzaku divine fire rushed forward and transformed into their own bodies to fight closely with Kunpeng. In a short period of time, the palace buildings collapsed and shattered, and many demon gods and giant beasts temporarily held back this terrifying peak beast. .

Bai Ze also came close to the ten-headed demon gods. As soon as they met, he fell into a bitter battle. The endurance and resilience of these demon gods are simply terrifying. As long as their heads were not smashed, their injuries could be recovered in a few breaths.

Once the two were contained, the battle situation that had just improved became deadlocked again.

In the sea of ​​white fire, the largest Suzaku slowly stretched its body and raised its eyes to look at Di Kuang. A slender and well-proportioned figure appeared above Suzaku's head. It was Lu Sheng who had just summoned this super giant Suzaku.

This huge Suzaku is dozens or even hundreds of times larger than the largest Kun Peng. Even the entire Demon Court can only be wrapped in it.

I don't want to fight, I just want to do something I want to do and find something I want to find. Lu Sheng said calmly. How about a truce?

Emperor Kuang snorted coldly. At this point, even if the war ceased, it would be meaningless. Neither he nor Taiyi would allow such a huge threat to stay by their side.

The threat must be eliminated, otherwise once a full-scale war breaks out with the Wu clan, the subordinates will not be able to control even a single demon god. Will it be possible to rely on the three of them to fight?

That's ridiculous! Di Kuang finally stopped talking nonsense and directly used his maximum magical power.

He reached out and opened the illusory book in his hand. Eight different halo colors rise from it.

The mountains and rivers are shattered, and the Hunyuan Qi is intact!

With a chirp, the eight colored lights turned into large swaths of light and shadow, flying towards the giant white Suzaku.

Each of these colored lights is filled with powerful destructive power of different natures.

Red represents separation, and is a collection of countless flames in the world. Although it is not as powerful as the Suzaku Divine Fire, it represents endless mortal fire.

Yellow represents mountains, the ups and downs of mountains, and the heavy and huge gravity.

Blue represents rivers and oceans, a symbol of countless water flows.

Purple represents thunder and lightning, which is the natural purifying power of heaven and earth.

At the same time, there is green wind, dark yellow earth, and dark sky.

The eight colors are filled with beautiful scenes derived from the nature of heaven and earth, as if countless pictures and photos are projected in them.

This is the true power of the Hunyuan Heluo Formation. Lu Sheng saw a demon god under his command blocking the path of the eight colored lights. Before he had time to dodge, he was easily torn apart by the round wheel formed by the eight colored lights. Broken into countless pieces.

Instead, these fragments were swallowed up by eight colors of light, further increasing their power.

Just in time, let me see how powerful the legendary Hetu Luoshu is!!

Lu Sheng opened his arms, and the huge white Suzaku under him buzzed, flapped its wings and soared into the sky, facing a large swath of eight colored lights.

The wave-like Suzaku divine fire overwhelmingly hit the surface of the eight-colored light. As soon as it came into contact, the eight-colored light at the front instantly swallowed up the white divine fire and turned it into a part of its own power.

But there are too many white Suzaku divine fires, almost endless.

The continuous devouring has brought the transformation of the eight colors of light to the limit, but the Suzaku Divine Fire has only just reached a small part, and most of the quantity behind it has not yet surged up.

The swallowing of colored light began to become laborious. The book in Di Kuang's hand began to tremble slightly, with uncertain brightness and darkness.

His expression was extremely ugly. The Suzaku Divine Fire on the opponent's body is more difficult to transform than any other kind of power.

You must know that what he represents is the natural circulation and purification power of heaven and earth.

When the leaves and fruits fall to the ground, they will be decomposed by decay and become part of the nourishment of the earth.

After life dies and falls, it will also rot and be swallowed up by bacteria, turning into countless nutrients and returning to the earth.

The sewage is filtered by rocks, grass and trees, decomposed and devoured by countless microorganisms, and transformed back into clean water.

All things will be purified and restored by the dissolution of the millstones of heaven and earth.

Whether it is death, circulation, or dissolution, they are all part of the nature of heaven and earth, and part of purification.

But now, Hetu Luoshu is obviously having a hard time digesting that strange Suzaku Divine Fire.

This kind of difficulty caused the operation of the Hunyuan Heluo Formation to become sluggish.

Although this lag is not too big, it can already be regarded as a big trouble in a battle of this level.

What's wrong? You've just lost strength at the beginning?! Lu Sheng jumped forward, letting the huge Suzaku under him leave him, and rushed towards the eight powerful colored lights representing Hetu Luoshu.

The huge Suzaku Yuanshen not only has the Suzaku divine fire origin of the Suzaku clan itself, but also has the huge evil power transmitted by the main body.

It is this evil power that makes this powerful array even more indigestible.

Lu Sheng walked slowly in the sea of ​​white fire. Whether it was the fighting demon gods or the countless Demon Court Demon Army, they were all naturally pushed away by the countless Suzaku Divine Fires, creating a straight path for him to the Emperor's Palace.

If you only have this ability, then this farce should be over. Lu Sheng felt a little disappointed. Di Kui, who is also the Emperor of Heaven, should not only have this strength.

You can see what he is afraid of and what he is worried about.

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