Extreme Demon

Chapter 936 Secret 1

If you can repel the Witch Clan and maintain peace for ten thousand years, I can help you. Nuwa was silent for a moment and said slowly.

The Suzaku Divine Fire on Lu Sheng's body seemed to be extinguished by water in an instant, and disappeared completely in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

Since the saint has no intention, let's take it as a presumptuous one. There was still a faint smile on his face, as if the violent fighting spirit before was just an illusion.

But Nuwa knew very well that Lu Sheng really wanted to fight her just now.

This is a lunatic.

She looks calm on the surface, but deep down she has an absolutely crazy fighting spirit, but just based on her performance just now, she feels weird.

Because generally such a lunatic would never reach such heights. More than 99% of such people will die prematurely due to too many conquests and too many hidden injuries in the middle of the journey.

Therefore, he must have some kind of support of his own.

But these have nothing to do with her. She is not the saint of heaven who controls everything and calculates everything like Hongjun.

I hope you will do what you say. Nuwa left her last sentence. She stretched out her hand and a red light flew out from her fingertips and landed gently in front of Lu Sheng.

The red light dissipated, revealing a red jade talisman edict inside.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand to hold Fu Zhao and looked up, but Nuwa could no longer be seen.

Witch Clan. I don't want to spend ten thousand years here. He gently crushed the talisman. This kind of sage talisman generally does not last long and will disappear automatically after the message is transmitted.

After thinking about it in his mind, Lu Sheng was about to regroup the remaining demon gods under his command.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​clouds in the sky below trembled.

Channels of black gas evaporated from bottom to top, penetrating the white cloud sea, like countless black maggots, quickly polluting and corroding the surrounding white clouds.

Some of the nearby ruined buildings of the Demon Court were slowly covered in black.

Lu Sheng glanced coldly, his eyes lit up with red light, penetrating through the clouds and black energy, and saw on the ground below, countless black energy supporting a large and stretching army of the Witch Clan, flying rapidly towards the Demon Court.

In order to encircle and suppress him, the Demon Court had temporarily mobilized all the demon troops that could be mobilized.

At this time, there was a hole in the defense, and due to various other reasons, the defenders collapsed, and the Wu Clan finally broke through the defense line and rushed to the heaven.

Lu Sheng's face turned cold. He had already tested his current level of strength before, which was much stronger than a quasi-sage, but not as good as a saint.

It can fight against two innate spiritual treasures in the hands of quasi-sages, but this is already the limit. Unless he


A loud roar interrupted his thoughts.

In the middle of the sea of ​​clouds polluted by black air, a giant hand penetrated from bottom to top and grabbed the large area where Lu Sheng was.

The arm was ten thousand meters long and hundreds of meters wide. It was covered with black hair and had six fingers. The fingertips were burning with some kind of black flame-like mist.

Muchou. Lu Sheng said coldly.


A huge blue-black tree man suddenly stood up in the ruins of the Demon Court. It was thousands of miles tall, and instead of the branches and leaves it should have, there were countless green-purple tentacles growing on its branches.

There are a thousand golden eyes on the trunk of the tree man. He is slowly opening his eyes and looking at the giant black hand.

Phaseless divine light!

Chichi chichi! ! !

In an instant, countless rays of golden light flew down like raindrops, as if large golden raindrops fell in the sky.

Muqiao looked at his own magical power in admiration. In the past, he could only continue to release the magical power for a few seconds before he would be unable to use it and become completely exhausted.

But now, he felt that there was a steady stream of inexhaustible power in his body, and his supernatural power surged out crazily, spraying downwards.

This formless divine light, as long as any creature touches it, will be instantly dissolved and digested, as if it had never appeared in the world.

It's not just him.

The remaining ten demon gods who had survived before rushed out of the ruins one after another. They originally had horrific residual wounds, but they were all healing at an astonishing speed. The healed fur didn't even leave a scar.

Without waiting for Lu Sheng to say anything, they all released their strongest magical powers towards the black sea of ​​clouds.

Countless poisonous stingers burning with white flames, large rainbow-like light strips, huge dark red acid balls that are constantly exploding, and so on.

All kinds of magical powers were on sale below as if they were free of charge.

Before the black hand that just appeared could touch anything, it was directly smashed by a large piece of magical power.

Even more than that, the entire black sea of ​​clouds was smashed out of a huge hole tens of thousands of miles wide.

Through the hole, below, the army of witches and Lu Sheng and his group of demon gods were facing each other.

The leader of the Wu clan is the old man Zhu Jiuyin who is holding the cane.

His turbid yellowish eyes raised and immediately fell on Lu Sheng.


Zhu Jiuyin didn't say anything nonsense. He knew that this moment was the moment when the demon clan was at its weakest, and ordered a full-scale attack on the spot.

This was the first time Lu Sheng encountered such an extremely straightforward opponent. Moreover, the opponent's strength is still the strongest person he has ever seen besides the saint.

Kill! He didn't need to say much, and directly ordered to take action.

Suddenly, the shouts and killing sounds of countless armies intertwined together, like a torrent of sound, violently colliding with each other.

The remaining demon army knew that if they didn't fight hard at this time, they would definitely be dead.

Behind Lu Sheng, demon gods who had recovered from their injuries kept popping up, and many demon gods flew in from other areas. That was the external demon god he had parasitized.

Most of them were guarding outside strongholds. At this time, they led their troops back to defend. In just ten seconds, there were more than thirty demon gods in the demon court. Including those who survived before, there were close to fifty people who took action.

Although there is no large formation to assist, these parasitized demon gods are not afraid of death. As long as their heads are not lost, their combat effectiveness will not be affected.

As for the one whose head fell off, pick it up and press it on, and countless tentacles will join together, and a few seconds later it will be a hero again.

Their bodies seemed immortal.

But Lu Sheng knew that this was not a true immortal body. Their immortality depended on whether the parasitic evil god's power on their bodies had been exhausted.

However, the power of evil spirits is invisible and has extremely strong corrosive power. It cannot wait for it to be exhausted. The large group of witch clan witches suffered a big loss as soon as they came into contact with the demon gods.

Countless evil powers ignored the powerful offensive they launched, penetrating everything like phantoms, and instantly penetrated into their mouths and noses.

A large group of dozens of great witches were parasitized on the spot, and the evil power controlled them to directly rebel and kill their own tribe.

Damn it! Zhu Jiuyin was about to call the ancestral witches to attack, but when he saw this scene, his heart suddenly became cold.

Although they were confident that they could defeat the white Suzaku demon god, in the current situation, even if they could defeat that guy, almost all of their own tribe would be dead by then.

That ending makes no sense.

Withdraw! They must figure out what that strange power is as quickly as possible. Until then, there must be no further war.

Zhu Jiuyin made a decisive decision and ordered a retreat.

Brother, maybe if you kill that White Suzaku, you can release the control! Ju Mang suggested in a deep voice.

No, we can't afford the gamble! Zhu Jiu looked gloomy. Originally, I just planned to come here to catch the autumn wind and see if I could get some more benefits, but I didn't expect that I would lose dozens of great witches in one encounter.

His heart was literally bleeding.

Take the men and let's go! he ordered on the spot.

I'll do it! Di Jiang snorted coldly and waved his wings.

The entire battlefield suddenly stopped, and the space was completely stopped on the spot.

Turn! Di Jiang shouted, and the parasitic witches who had just been massacred among their own tribe were teleported and disappeared immediately, and they didn't know where they went.

The demon gods of the Demon Court still wanted to take action. A monster with eight human faces and a tiger's body and eight tails soared into the sky from the black clouds.


A black light flashed and exploded, and countless black winds suddenly rolled up between the sky and the earth.

Black Wind suppressed the demon clan's army, and at the same time covered the wizard clan and began to retreat rapidly.

This black wind is not too lethal, but it cannot be completely ignored. It will corrode and freeze the body of the demon clan if it touches it.

Lu Sheng thought, he was not very familiar with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, so there was little chance of winning in such a hasty fight.

All demon armies, obey the order and withdraw! he said directly.

Now he controls 99% of the demon gods, and the demon gods control all the demon armies in heaven. The hundreds of millions of demon armies are under his control in disguise.

It can be said that today's Demon Court, except for Dong Emperor Kuixi and the three others, most of the other places are still the same, except that the top leader has changed.

As the Wu clan retreated, a large amount of black smoke retreated downwards with the black wind, and Yuanyun returned to pure white.

Above the Demon Court, the reinforced cloud walls were littered with the remains of demon army corpses, most of which had been killed by the Witch Clan in the previous battle.

As for the demon army that fought with Lu Sheng, they had long been burned to ashes by the terrifying and blazing Suzaku Divine Fire.

The ghost car shook its nine huge ugly heads and flew from a distance.

Boss, what should we do now?

Keep it as it is. The Sun Star will continue to move according to its original trajectory. The formation there will remain as it is and don't move. The rest will start rebuilding the Demon Court. Lu Sheng directly ordered.

According to myths and legends, he has now successfully usurped the throne. Although he has not yet completely eradicated the problem, at least the situation has been stabilized.

What about the witch clan? Mu Qiao turned into a human and landed next to Lu Sheng and asked.

Don't pay attention. They have too much time to take care of themselves right now. Lu Sheng said casually. If the evil god's power can be cracked so easily, then there will be no need for those huge evil gods in the evil god world to mess around.

You must know that this kind of power almost surpasses all the energy he has ever seen except for the power of the gods. Only the power of the evil god can resist the power of the evil god. Lu Sheng has tested this point countless times.

This is simply a strange parasitic force generated specifically to target living bodies.

Do we really want to rebuild the Demon Court? Are we going to be a target in the sky? Demon God Shang Yang on the side asked hesitantly.

After being parasitized, he successfully changed his mentality and became Lu Sheng's number one strategist. It was also his skill to mobilize these demon gods to gather quickly.

Especially when he and his sister Fei Lian were truly united, and after recognizing the feelings deep in his heart, Shang Yang's attitude towards Lu Sheng had changed to another feeling.

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