Extreme Demon

Chapter 933 Burning 2

Putting down the cup, Lu Sheng raised his eyes and quietly landed on Duan Fang behind Bai Ze.

Compared with my original estimate, it's much faster. It seems that the source of everything is you, right?

Being stared at by his gaze, Duanfang felt as if his body was being burned by a ball of flames. Just by being swept by the other person's gaze, his body would correspondingly become hot and red, as if it had been marked by a soldering iron.

He couldn't help but take a step back, trying to hide more of his body behind Bai Ze.

Interesting little guy. Lu Sheng laughed.

His few words were tantamount to acknowledging the questions raised by Bai Ze and other demon gods.

The atmosphere in the hall changed instantly, and waves of the demon god's huge soul steamed from their bodies.

A small palace simply cannot bear the conflict of the auras of so many demon gods.

Cracks appeared on the surrounding walls and the ceiling above.

Led by Bai Ze, the demon gods focused their dangerous eyes on Lu Sheng, but he seemed unaware of it.

Yuxuan's face was horrified, but she didn't dare to move. Even if she was a demon god, she would not dare to act rashly in such a stalemate atmosphere. Otherwise, if she were not careful, all the auras involved would be destroyed in the first moment. Hit her.

This much demonic aura was enough to severely injure her in an instant.

But compared to the physical shock, the mental shock was more difficult for her to accept.

She looked at Lu Sheng blankly, not knowing what expression to use to face him. This blood clansman who was brought up from the lower realm by him at first actually caused such a big disaster.

Yuxuan was confused for a moment. But the scene when he performed a blood test on Lu Sheng was still echoing in his mind.

The phantom of the Suzaku with pure blood will never be fake in the inheritance mirror.

But...but what should be the explanation for this scene in front of me?

Who is he? ? What's the identity? ? What's going on here? ?

Yuxuan felt that all kinds of questions were in a mess in her mind.

Like her, the surrounding Suzaku tribe members were also in shock and consternation.

Xiao Ning trembled and fell to the ground, looking at Lu Sheng who looked calm in the distance. She felt that this man had never been like this before, making her feel strange and dangerous.

What should we do now? A demon god behind Bai Ze asked in a deep voice. His name is Mu Chuan, and he is the most powerful among the demon gods who just joined. He is also a true top-grade golden immortal with powerful combat power.

Bai Ze's face was expressionless, and Yuanshen scanned the surroundings, trying to find any possible ambush danger. But maybe it was because they came so fast that the other party didn't have time to make any move.

There is no possible threat at all in the Suzaku Palace here.

Tell me, who are you? Why do you do this? Bai Ze stared at Lu Sheng and asked in a cold voice.

He and Yingzhao are the best friends, and now, this friend is very likely to die at the hands of this mysterious man in front of him.

It was extremely rare for him to be able to hold back his anger and not take action immediately.

Why are you doing this? Lu Sheng raised his brows, his handsome face still had a strange beauty, and he didn't seem to be at all alarmed by the scene in front of him.

Kill Yingzhao and control so many Demon Gods. What are your intentions!? Bai Ze said coldly.

What nonsense are you talking to him about? Let's cripple him, destroy his body, and search for his soul directly. Kunpeng sneered from the side.

To him, this was a farce.

Lu Sheng's eyes passed over Kunpeng, Baize, Duanfang, and Muqi one by one, with a faint smile on his face.

Do it! When Bai Ze saw that smile, he couldn't control his emotions in an instant. He raised his palm, and a white full moon-like array appeared in his palm.

A group of demon gods and souls used their own magic weapons, and colorful lights rose into the sky. The huge and twisted substance-like energy exploded in the hall like muffled thunder.


Muchou behind Bai Ze raised his wooden hammer magic weapon and was about to turn into smoke and rush towards Lu Sheng.

boom! !

In an instant, a muffled sound spread in the hall.

Yuxuan's face turned pale and she couldn't help but take a few steps back. She covered her mouth with her hands and stared at the scene in front of her in shock.

Not only her, but the rest of the Suzaku clan were also the same. Their originally frightened expressions turned into deep surprise and shock.

As soon as Bai Ze took a few steps forward, several magic weapons of different shapes appeared beside him, trapping him tightly among them.

He firmly held up a long knife that had been slashed, and looked back. The three of them, including Kunpeng Duanfang, were all surrounded by Mu Qian and other demon gods at this moment. The magical light turned into a formation and surrounded them. stand up.

Dozens of attacks fell hard on Kunpeng, catching him off guard. Blood bleeds slightly from the corner of his mouth, and his face showed a mixture of shock and anger.

Now, it's time to end the last obstacle. Lu Sheng stood up and looked straight at Bai Ze, still with the same smile on his face as before.

He left his seat and slowly walked towards the three people under siege.

His pace is slow, even leisurely.

Bai Ze, Kunpeng and the others were really sad and wanted to vomit blood at this time. The power of the demon gods they brought seemed to be united together. Every time they took action, their demon power collapsed, making it impossible to confront them head-on.

If it weren't for Kunpeng's almost infinite demonic power and the added power of the Quasi-Saint's rules, the three of them might have been captured as soon as they started.

Muqian's face was expressionless, and his seven orifices were wriggling with tentacles. Together with more than twenty demon gods, the precious light and magical power were mixed together, turning into streams of light and mingling with Baize Kunpeng.

Their power seemed to be connected as one, unparalleled in strength.

Lu Sheng walked slowly to Duan Fang and looked at the young man who had collapsed on the ground with fear.

I heard that you have tasted the most powerful fire in the world?

Duanfang's eyes were full of fear.

Lu Sheng, however, ignored his state and asked softly.

So, tell me, what is the strongest fire in the world?

Yes. It's the True Fire of the Sun.!! Duan Fang's voice was trembling. Facing this seemingly not tall humanoid monster, the pressure and fear he faced in his heart almost reached the critical level.

The sun is really hot? Lu Sheng laughed, Soon it won't be anymore.

What...what do you mean!? Duan Fang asked tremblingly. He wanted to retreat further away from Lu Sheng, but it was no use. His body seemed to be fixed by something, and his legs were so weak that he had no strength. There was no way he could leave.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand, and a white flame slowly lit up on the top of his index finger. The flame was so bright and dazzling that it surpassed the concept of white. It was more like a ball of light, an extremely bright light.

The flame on his index finger slowly pointed towards Duan Fang's eyebrows. An extremely dangerous and uneasy fear surged into the young man's heart.

He began to struggle and twist crazily, but no matter what he did, he could not stop Lu Sheng's index finger from approaching.

Feel it.

The white flame gently pierced Duanfang's eyebrows.

Chi! !

In an instant, a golden thread shot out from outside the hall, piercing Lu Sheng's index finger at an unparalleled super speed.

puff! !

The golden thread and the white fire collided instantly, and both were annihilated and disappeared at the same time.

The smile on Lu Sheng's face disappeared. He turned around, no longer looking at Duan Fang, but towards the direction where the golden line had just shot.

That's the entrance to the main hall.

At this time, a tall, handsome man with loose long hair was standing there quietly. There is a golden-red mark between his eyebrows, and the golden feathered coat on his body not only does not have any cliché impression, but gives people a noble and majestic temperament.

The man held a black cane in his hand, and slowly lowered his other hand. On his fingertips, little golden sparks could still be seen flying around his palm like living creatures.

It turns out to be His Majesty the Emperor. Lu Sheng retracted his finger. When we meet for the first time, you can call me Lu Sheng, or you can call me King Suzaku.

Emperor Kuang moved his palm slightly, and a large ball of true sun fire spread out and burned behind him.

Get him!

There was a golden flash in his eyes and he stepped back. In an instant, a large number of Demon Court demon troops poured in from the gaps on both sides of him.

The entire Demon Court came to a standstill for an instant. In the sky directly above the countless palaces, a round stone plate slowly emerged, with dots of cipher text symbols recorded on it like starlight.

Tens of millions of demon troops surrounded the entire Suzaku Palace. With the support of the Hetu Luoshu Formation, they rushed into the palace one after another.

With a flash of golden fire in the air, Emperor Kuang, Kunpeng, Baize and Duanfang appeared outside the Suzaku Palace, staring coldly at the palace complex surrounded by people.

Change the world. Di Kuang stretched out his hand, and the shadow of an illusory and blurry book slowly appeared in his palm. The book was slowly opened, and a small clattering sound was made as the pages turned.

The formation above the Suzaku Palace suddenly changed dramatically, and a similarly huge book slowly appeared above the palace complex.

Everything is destroyed! Di Kuang shook his hand suddenly, and golden sparks exploded from his hand.


Fine golden cracks began to appear in the center of the Suzaku Palace, and the space there seemed to be unable to withstand the double pressure of the large formation and the true sun fire, and it was shattered one after another.

Inside the palace.

Under the influence of the formation, countless demonic troops ignited golden flames, roared and turned into flaming golden crows, rushing towards Lu Sheng in the middle of the hall.

But before he was completely close, a bit of white light suddenly rose from behind Lu Sheng.

Fire from the sky is extinguished, and steam is rising in all directions.

Lu Sheng slowly closed his eyes, and countless scarlet lines crawled onto his cheeks.


Suddenly he opened his eyes, and endless white light exploded with him as the center.

Deep in the white light, a huge Suzaku of extremely huge size slowly opened its eyes, Aung! ! !

Countless platinum flames capable of destroying everything rushed around like a tsunami.

above the earth.

Witch clan.

Zhu Jiuyin held on to his crutch, stood on the dry ground, and suddenly looked up at the sky.

What is that?!? His expression changed slightly, and he stared at the strange scene that suddenly appeared in the sky.

The entire Demon Court palace group that occupies the sky is now surrounded by a huge white firebird, gently entrenched in the middle.

The demon court is burning.

The golden and white flames burned wildly, burning and extinguishing.

That white firebird looks like...

That's Suzaku? Zhu Jiuyin unconsciously clenched the crutch in his hand.

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