Extreme Demon

Chapter 930 Test 1

The smell of the flames still lingered in the air. Traces of green smoke continued to spread from the ground.

Duan Fang slowly knelt down and reached out to gently squeeze a handful of finely divided soil at the bottom of what was once a lake and now a huge pit.

He put the dirt into his mouth and chewed it.

This flame... smells weird.

What kind of strange method? Bai Ze stood not far away and asked in a low voice. He knew that Fufengzi's son Duanfang was far more professional than him, so it was no problem to leave tracking matters directly to him.

I have never tasted flames with this flavor. Among the ten major flames in the world, I have tasted nine residual flavors, but I have no impression of this one. Duan Fang said doubtfully.

Will it be the last one?

Impossible. The last one is high-concentration pure true sun fire. I haven't tasted it just because even if it's residual, the power of the true sun fire can completely burn my tongue. Duan Fang shook his head.

He stood up and looked around.

Judging from the remaining traces, Uncle Yingzhao should have been here before and fought with someone on this original lake. In the end, the opponent failed to keep Uncle Yingzhao and was ambushed by him.

Indeed. Bai Ze nodded. Judging from the remaining traces, Duan Fang's judgment was consistent with his previous judgment of tracking the demon fairy.

But. Duan Fang frowned, Uncle Yingzhao should have successfully escaped far away after escaping from the ambush. So with his level of strength, what magic weapon can defeat him from such a distance?

He couldn't understand.

Bai Ze recalled silently.

Perhaps only a very small number of top quasi-sages can do it, and the rest are saints who are above us, but the saints' actions and each other's every move attracts the world's attention, and there are other saints who pay attention to it at any time.

Therefore, he is the least likely to be a saint. As for the quasi-sage, I do know of a guy who can do this easily.

Ancestor Styx? Duan Fang reacted immediately, But it's impossible for Ancestor Styx to have such a high temperature flame. So it can't be him.

Did you find anything else? Bai Ze continued to ask.

Yingzhao disappeared this time, and even the remnants could not be found. The Emperor of Heaven confirmed that Yingzhao had completely fallen, and even his soul had completely disappeared.

Bai Ze was furious and immediately came here with Duan Fang, whose tracking power was unparalleled in the world. Now, it depends on Duanfang's performance.

One more thing, I have memorized this strange flame breath. If nothing happens, next time, no matter what disguise he makes, I will be able to recognize it instantly. Duan Fang said firmly.

That's good. Bai Ze nodded. Let's go back first. Things here must be considered in the long term.



Lu Sheng slowly walked in the sky above the ancient land.

The endless sea of ​​trees below and the tall trees protruding from time to time made him clearly realize that he was no longer in the other world before.

But in a prehistoric world with extremely abundant spiritual energy.

He was currently standing in the air more than three thousand meters above the ground, looking down. The earth was like a sand table, and the trees, cliffs and hills above were like the most exquisite building block toys.

After he killed Yingzhao, Lu Sheng went directly to the location of the Eye of Sin that he had previously explored.

Saint Nuwa's mending of the sky is about to be completely completed, with only a few tiny gaps remaining in the sky.

The rest should be to chop off the limbs of the divine turtle to support the four pillars of the sky.

But Lu Sheng didn't have time to go over and take a look now. He has been delayed for a long time and must solve the problem of the Eye of Sin before the Great War breaks out completely.

Now that he had refined two units of world source power into Yuanshen, he came to try to solve the matter.

The integration of the world's source power into his body brought him special changes that were unimaginable before. This change was unreasonable and extremely overbearing. Even Lu Sheng would no longer want to forcibly use the power of the world to improve his strength for no reason.

Because after merging the source power of the world and entering Yuanshen, he obviously felt that the connection between himself and the evil god world was deeper and closer. And that's not what he wants.


High in the sky, a huge bird with a wingspan of thirty meters suddenly passed by Lu Sheng.

The giant bird has pure white soft feathers and looks like an enlarged version of a seagull, except that it has two more weird eyes on its face.

Lu Sheng was awakened from his reverie by the four-eyed seagull passing by.

He came back to his senses, placed his palm firmly on the tail of the four-eyed seagull, and pressed it gently.

A powerful aura of the demon god passed along the tail feathers of the four-eyed seagull, and the giant bird suddenly howled, flew not far away, and then circled back.

Lu Sheng gently landed on the back of the giant bird and pointed in a general direction. The giant bird chirped loudly and spread its wings to fly in that direction.

Although not the Phoenix, the King of Birds, the Suzaku clan is also worshiped and respected by many low-level birds because of its noble bloodline.

Coupled with Lu Sheng's powerful quasi-sage cultivation, it is not difficult to control this giant bird and low-level monster.

The four-eyed seagull is extremely fast. Although it is not as fast as Lu Sheng, it is still far faster than ordinary birds.

Lu Sheng casually gave it a tentacle, and the tentacles of the evil god's power multiplied in its body, giving it even more powerful endurance and resilience.

The giant bird flew continuously at high speed. This full-out flight at the highest speed could last at most an hour in its normal state. However, after being parasitized, the giant bird had been flying for more than three hours without showing any signs of fatigue.

Lu Sheng stood quietly on the back of the giant bird, all the demonic aura on his body restrained. To prevent any troubles and accidents caused midway.

As the giant bird continued to lower its altitude under his control, the ground became clearer and clearer.

After several hours of high-speed flight, the land gradually changed from the green before to the large dead gray forest now.

Countless dead trees were like remnants of a fire, charred and covered with a large amount of ashes.

From a high altitude, it looks like a patch of black mud covered with dandruff. The black dead trees were showing their teeth and claws, and their sharp limbs were stretched and twisted. The ground was dry and cracked black hard mud.

Lu Sheng reached out and took out a black pearl the size of a fingernail from his arms, and gently rubbed it.

The pearl suddenly glowed with soft yellow light. The light separated from the pearl like smoke, condensed above it, and pointed in one direction.

This way. Lu Sheng controlled the giant bird under his feet to fly in that direction. At the same time continue to lower the altitude.

About two more hours passed.

The four-eyed seagull slowly landed in front of a huge, pitch-black dead tree.

This dead tree is different from other dead trees around it. There is a rough, but obviously made, white wooden door at the bottom.

The pale white door panel is extremely thick, but the door leaf is ajar, and deep darkness reveals through the gap.


Lu Sheng gently jumped off the back of the giant bird and stood firmly on the ground.

He straightened his robes and walked slowly towards the tree cave door.

When he walked to the door, he saw a line of text engraved on the top. It was a long-lost Eur language. However, the grammar and strokes seemed a bit weird, but the general meaning was still understandable.

‘Nanseongfu Kongmyeongdong’

Lu Sheng stood in front of the door, looking away from the text and focusing on the ajar door.

He stepped forward, and invisible force automatically pushed open half of the door.


As soon as an unpleasant noise spread, it was carefully blocked by Lu Sheng with an invisible force field. Only a faint, subtle sound spread a few meters before disappearing.

Lu Sheng carefully walked in through the half door.

Inside is a small tree hole.

On the dark inner wall, there were several rough stone axes scattered on the ground, wooden short bows hanging on the wall, and two lamps that looked like lighting.

Lu Sheng frowned, approached, and reached out to take down one of the lamps.

“This doesn’t seem like the style of this era.”

The lamp looks a bit like a horse lantern, with a handle on it. Although the workmanship is very rough, you can still see the outline of an oil lamp in it.

Lu Sheng soon found more traces of human life in the tree hole. But that seems like a long time ago. The traces left in the tree hole, the latest one, also have a lot of dust accumulation.

What moved Lu Sheng was that there was something that looked like a short sleeve in the corner of the tree hole.

Lu Sheng reached out and made a move, and the clothes suddenly rose into the air and approached quickly.

He grabbed the clothes with a snap and carefully identified them. There were actually residual trademarks on the clothes.

That's it! Lu Sheng was shocked.

If this is the place where relatives of the Lu family stayed, does this mean that there may still be relatives living in this world.

Lu Sheng put down his clothes and walked slowly around the tree hole. There is nothing of value except clothes.

As for the Eye of Sin, there was still no whereabouts. Lu Sheng only sensed the suspected residual traces of this thing on the table in the tree hole.

Unable to find the Eye of Sin, he began to search in all directions with this place as the center.

As for the Demon Court, they are still proceeding according to the original plan.



Xia Qiu Shan.

This is it. If my judgment is correct, according to the analysis results, the person most likely to be ambushed is Senior Flocculation. In the forest, Duan Fang and his sister Duan Li whispered.

Ali, remember, if you encounter trouble, crush the jade as soon as possible without any hesitation.

I understand. Duan Li nodded solemnly.

In fact, the situation in the Lich War has become increasingly serious in the past few days. Bai Ze couldn't separate himself for the time being, so he asked the two little guys to stop temporarily and wait for him to recover before continuing with a new investigation.

But after several days, Bai Ze didn't come back, which made Duan Fang anxious, so he relied on his bloodline's tyranny in concealment. He took his sister with him and began a private investigation.

This trip is the sixth location they have investigated privately.

According to Duan Fang's judgment, these locations are most likely where the masterminds behind the scenes have taken action.

These locations all have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely concealed and very convenient for concealing their aura and covering up traces of battle.

After waiting around and waiting for Uncle Bai Ze, Duan Fang and his sister planned to go to the lower realm first to investigate clearly and save time.

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