Extreme Demon

Chapter 929 First Friendship 2

Yuxuan was only wearing moon-white underwear and was lying on a wicker chair. Two beautiful women were gently massaging her shoulders and waist with their hands.

You're here? Lu Sheng. Yuxuan looked extremely tired.

I just went to the lower realm, and now the lich has even sent low-level demon gods like me on missions. The general has been getting more and more nervous after suffering repeated losses.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to rest for long before I have to go to the lower realm.”

Clan leader, be careful. Lu Sheng nodded. He naturally knows better than Yuxuan, and this is actually caused by him in disguise.

Nowadays, except for Kunpeng, Baize, and Yingzhao, most of the demon gods in heaven are his subordinates.

Most of the demon gods have probably been noticed, so they are gradually not entrusted with important tasks. On the contrary, Yuxuan's behavior was absolutely normal, and she became one of the few demon gods that Taiyi could command.

Recently, the Emperor of Heaven asked me to cooperate with a little guy named Duan Fang to investigate the cluster of demon gods. I heard that you and the demon god Yunmeng get along very well and are considered friends. Remember to remind him later to stay away from those clusters of demon gods. Yuxuan reminded me kindly.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

Also, when are you going to decide on a Taoist partner? Yuxuan asked another touching question.

Are you sure about Taoist companion? Lu Sheng was stunned.

That's right. Now that the Lich is fighting, the Witch Clan is strong. If anything happens to the situation, we, the Suzaku Clan, can also leave some fire. Yu Xuan sighed. It looks like it feels a little bad about the situation.

If you want, all the tribesmen in Heaven can choose to be partners as long as they are in love with each other. The rest of the male tribesmen have also been determined.

We don't have this plan yet. Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

What about Xiao Ning? She has always been devoted to you, why don't you leave a seed for her and maybe miss her a little bit in the future. Yu Xuan looked at Xiao Ning behind Lu Sheng with a smile in her eyes.

She is still young. She still doesn't understand what liking means. Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

Brother Sheng, don't you have any physical needs? Xiao Ning asked softly and helplessly from behind.

Any male has desire, but why can't you see it at all, Brother Sheng? Is it possible? Is it possible that you like it? Suddenly Xiao Ning seemed to have thought of something, and her face became a little weird.


Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and pinched Xiao Ning's face, spinning it 180 degrees.

Ahhhh!! It's going to break!!!

Xiao Ning screamed, which frightened Yu Xuan for a moment, and then she started laughing.

You guys have such a good relationship, it seems I don't have to worry anymore. There was a slight smile in her eyes.

Then that's it. I have to go to the lower world and bring something back. Lu Sheng said calmly, See you next time.

He grabbed Xiao Ning's face and slowly exited the main hall.

It's not that he doesn't like beauties, it's just that he hasn't found the one that makes him attracted. Moreover, to Xiao Ning and the entire Suzaku clan, he is actually just a passerby and cannot stay here and live a stable life.

Maybe even if I have to look for him in the future, I will look for a top expert at the same level as him.

Lu Sheng took Xiao Ning out of the main hall.

Okay, go back and rest quickly. I have something else to do, so I'll go back first. He thought for a moment and threw out a red fire talisman condensed with his own flames.

Take this with you. If there is any trouble, let me know immediately. I will help if I can. If you can't help, I can still find some connections to do something.

Xiao Ning caught the fire talisman.

Is this a token of love? There was a hint of expectation on her pretty face.

No, maybe I can think about it again when your breasts grow twice as big as they are now. Lu Sheng rubbed her hair expressionlessly.

I told you not to rub my hair, I did it with great difficulty! Xiao Ning looked distressed.

I know, I know. Lu Sheng wanted to say something else, but suddenly another fire talisman flew from a distance and fell into his palm.

He reached out to catch it and squeezed it gently. A piece of information flooded into my mind.

‘Master, everything is in place, Yingzhao has already entered the ambush in the lower realm. ’

Just right. Lu Sheng's eyes flashed with golden light.

Yingzhao is the chief executive who manages the chores inside and outside Heaven. If he is captured, the penetration of the entire Heaven will enter a whole new stage.

In addition, their heroic skills are among the strongest among all the demon gods.

Those alone, even if Shang Yang Jiuying is added, can beat Yingzhao, but they may not be able to catch him.

Looks like I have to do it myself this time.

Lu Sheng made up his mind.

Okay, go back and have a good rest. I'm going to the lower world. See you later.

Um, wait for me, Brother Sheng!! Before Xiao Ning could react, he saw Lu Sheng leap forward, turn into a red light and shoot towards the bottom of the fence, and disappeared in the clouds in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yunshan.

The tops of the rolling mountains are filled with white mist. There are faint roars of beasts and birdsong in the mountains, which are long and crisp.

Deep in the mountains, in a large lake.

The entire lake is tightly covered by a huge golden transparent shield. Inside, there were three figures colliding crazily, with weapons in their hands mixed with fists and feet constantly clashing together, making a huge and dull collision sound.

The two figures frantically moved around the third figure.

Fine blue blood dots splashed out from the besieged man, along with a large number of slime-like blue demon power fragments flying out.

Give up Yingzhao. The formations arranged here are completely designed for you. Not only can they suppress you and prevent you from returning to your original shape, but they can also further deform and exclude any other spiritual energy from the world. Among the other two figures of the besiegers, One of them said in a low voice.

So what! Yingzhao's eyes and nostrils were all bleeding, and his blocking movements became slower and slower. I was driven into a panic, and everyone died together. They were separated. You should be the ones who know best what I have on me.

As a confidant of the Emperor of Heaven, he never lacks good things. Naturally, there are many disposable high-power consumables.

The other three demon gods who had been besieged before were killed by the sudden attack of a one-time magic weapon.

After Lu Sheng landed silently not far away, what he saw was this.

In his perception, Yingzhao still has more than ten different types of mysterious magic weapons. As the palace manager of the Emperor of Heaven, Yingzhao naturally has a lot of good things. Some of them were gifts from Emperor Taiyi, but more of them were magic weapons that he made for free using materials from his treasure trove.

After all, what the Emperor of Heaven can enjoy is not only magic weapons, but also various secret techniques.

How is the situation? Lu Sheng asked softly.

A slim woman in tight black clothes quickly appeared next to him.

The woman had waist-length hair and a flat chest. She was kneeling on one knee in front of Lu Shengqing.

Replying to the master, Yingzhao can't escape, and we can't intervene. That barrier is a powerful barrier created in conjunction with the demon gods' wrestling,

It doesn't matter, just let me in. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

at this time.


The entire shield exploded directly, and Yingzhao, all in a panic, soared into the sky and flew into the distance.

The other two demon gods were suddenly attacked by him. They covered their chests and half-knelt on the lake. They were speechless for a while. Only blood slowly flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Interesting. Lu Sheng curled his lips and stepped forward.

His whole body turned into a stream of light in an instant, appearing behind Yingzhao as if teleporting.

A wisp of white flame wrapped around his right arm, and he grabbed it forward.

Who!!? Yingzhao was still running for his life when he suddenly felt a creepy, sharp feeling on the vest behind him approaching rapidly.

His expression changed drastically, and he crushed two gray beads again in his hands.


Two balls of green and powerful poisonous fire exploded from his arms in the blink of an eye.

These poisonous fires seemed to be alive, gathering behind Yingzhao and rushing towards Lu Sheng like living creatures.

Lu Sheng moved his index finger, and the white fire turned into mist and spread rapidly outward.

As soon as the misty white fire came into contact with the green poisonous fire, it was swallowed up in the blink of an eye. Continue to rush towards Yingzhao.

How is it possible!! Is this?!? Yingzhao looked startled, then showed a look of disbelief.

Lu Sheng's hand lightly pressed on his chest.

boom! ! !

With a huge explosion, Yingzhao flew backwards and transformed into his original shape in an instant. It was a winged monster with a human head and a body like a leopard.

But at this time, this monster was extremely miserable. His whole body was covered with scales and feathers that were scorched by the flames. Ninety percent of the originally large amount of gorgeous reddish hair, including the feathers, were burned away by the overbearing and powerful white fire.

How is that possible!! Yingzhao couldn't believe it at all. He was one of the top demon gods in the demon court. There had been five high-level demon gods here attacking him before. It was normal for him to be injured.

But now this new guy appeared, one-on-one, and he ate up the previous Xuan Ming Nine Poison Fire.

That was a vicious flame that even he did not dare to touch easily in his heyday. It was also because of this that he was able to temporarily escape from the siege of the five golden immortals and high-grade demon gods.

But this guy in front of me.

I thought the ghost car was attacked by the Wu clan before, but I didn't expect it. Yingzhao turned around, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he simply stared at the person in front of him with all his attention.

He was filled with shock and anger, as if Lu Sheng's face was deeply imprinted in his mind.

who are you!?

Lu Sheng smiled, and the white flames between his fingers slowly spread out.

It doesn't matter who I am. What matters now is that if you don't surrender to me, today next year will be your memorial day.

Yingzhao was silent for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.

That's not certain.

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, covering it accurately.

I finally met the mastermind behind the scenes. Just wait, the Emperor of Heaven will catch you personally and execute you! Yingzhao laughed loudly, I deliberately came out alone this time, and I really gained a lot!

Whoosh! !

A huge force of flame protected Yingzhao and pulled it towards the sky.

Lu Sheng could feel that the source of the flames came from heaven. He was smiling and seemed not to worry about being discovered by Heavenly Emperor Taiyi.

What a pity. I really want to take you under my command.

Looking at Yingzhao flying away from a distance, Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he gently stretched out his hand to pull.

A brilliant white-gold flame automatically formed a long bow, shaping it between his hands.

A large number of flames in the sky and the earth spontaneously condensed and gathered together, condensing a huge arrow as thick as a palm on the long bow string.

The beginning of separation between heaven and earth.

The top of the arrow suddenly exploded with countless golden dazzling beams of light like the sun.

In a sea of ​​gold, a pure white Suzaku quietly woke up from hibernation, opened its eyes and let out a heavy low cry.

Ling Guang.

Lu Sheng gently let go of the bowstring.

Chi! !

The sky and the earth instantly lit up with a golden beam of light. It was as if the curtain had been cut open with a sharp knife, revealing the golden base cloth underneath.

The sharp golden thread, like a blade, shot through the direction of Yingzhao in an instant, and white flames suddenly exploded, completely submerging and burning everything.

Demon Court.

The armrest of the seat in the Emperor's hand cracked open.

There was silence for a moment behind the bead curtain, and then there was an extremely angry roar.


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