Extreme Demon

Chapter 931 Test 2

There are nine suspicious directions in total, and this is the sixth.

Duan Fang looked at his sister's retreating figure, quickly found a hidden bush, and lay down.

The demonic power and vitality in him quickly dimmed in the blink of an eye, as if he might die at any time. Faint and extremely inconspicuous.

Follow the bushes and check the remaining traces on the ground bit by bit.

Even if there is a spell to cover it up, there will definitely be residual traces of the spell and the aura of demonic power. As long as you find this and then lift the cover, you can restore the full picture of everything that originally happened. Duan Fang felt solemn in his heart.

According to his judgment, the bushes in this area should not be so lush, and the location is a bit weird and unnatural.

'Now, it's time to prove my hypothesis. ’

Duanfang hunched over and moved carefully through the bushes step by step.

Time passes little by little.

Suddenly his body trembled.

'This is it! ’

A shallow pothole appeared in front of him. In the eyes of others, this might be just an ordinary pothole, but in his eyes, this pothole was mixed with at least ten kinds of weak residual demonic power.

So much residual demonic power! What a great discovery! Duan Fang suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and gently reached into the pit and touched the moist soil inside.

Let me see, the demon power here is all those demon gods. He licked his lips and slowly covered the bottom of the pit with his palms.

A trace of special demonic power slowly penetrated into this pit, quietly coming into contact with the first demonic god's power.

Who!!? Suddenly a deep and rich male voice exploded above his head.

Before Duan Fang had time to react, he quickly raised his head and saw a brilliant blue light flying from a short distance and falling towards here.

The aura of demonic power emanating from the escaping light was one of the remnants of the demonic power he had just discovered.

He was horrified, stood up and ran away without saying a word. After running a few steps, his body turned into white smoke, and he met his sister who also turned into white smoke. The two of them quickly flew towards the distant sky.

In the woods, the blue escaping light quickly fell to the ground and transformed into a tall man with four arms.

Not just him, a giant black python also flew out of the darkness silently.

Someone is here to investigate the remaining traces of our previous actions. The man's face was as dark as water.

Kill them! The giant python uttered human words with sinister eyes.

Split up! The man nodded, stood up from the ground again, turned into blue light and chased the direction where the Duanfang brothers and sisters were escaping.

The giant python exploded, turned into black smoke, and began to take shortcuts, intercepting and killing Duan Fang.

White smoke and blue light streaked through the sky one after another. The blue light was so fast that even a bloodline like Duan Fang, who was good at escaping, couldn't evade pursuit.

After trying to escape several times without success, Duan Fang gritted his teeth and raised his head and rushed towards the heaven.

Be careful, hold it back! He yelled and rushed towards the formation of the Heavenly Legion stationed above his head.

But at this moment, the blue light behind him saw through his intentions, and he snorted coldly. His speed increased several times, and he caught up with Duan Fang and the others in an instant.

In the light, a big furry black hand grasped Bai Yan fiercely.

Now that I've discovered it, I won't be able to keep you! Die!

Before Black's hand even came close, a dazzling golden light lit up, as if he was holding a golden ball of light in his palm. But Duan Fang could clearly see that in the center of the black hand, there was a golden eye that slowly opened.

Before he even got close, he felt the golden light falling on him, giving him a burning tingling sensation. At the same time, my sister's cries of pain were also heard, and it was obvious that she was not feeling well either.

Run away!! Duan Fang was extremely desperate. At this moment, he realized the worry that Bai Ze and the others had been hiding in their hearts.

That feeling of clearly knowing that a crisis is approaching, but being unable to find the direction, or even delaying it, is really terrible.

He desperately tried to block the golden light with his body, trying to make his sister run farther. But what made him despair was that his sister was actually doing the same thing as him.

This resulted in the fact that one of them might have been able to escape, but now both of them lost the possibility of escaping.

No!! Duanfang was stunned, watching the golden light stabbing his sister in the smoke, but he had no time to stop it.

The origin of all pictures is the origin of wisdom in heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a pure white light exploded between him and the golden light. A familiar male voice penetrated the ears of everyone present.

The golden black hand was shattered in an instant and turned into countless smoke that dispersed. There are miniature phantoms of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers that flicker and disappear.

Bai Ze!!? How is that possible! Didn't you go to the front line!? The mysterious man, the owner of Black Hand, was suspended in the sky in disbelief, as if he had been forcibly condensed out of his body, with a look of astonishment on his face.


Bai Ze had no answer at all. There was just an explosion in Duan Fang's ears, and the white light enveloped the two brothers and sisters. In the blink of an eye, they turned into white meteors, escaping from the place at a speed many times faster than before, and disappeared into the heavenly garrison formation above.



Demon Court.

Suzaku Palace.

Lu Sheng was sitting in front of the red low table, holding a volume in his hand.

The pages halfway through the book were full of special information recorded in ancient texts, information about the innate demon god. These were some precious books he found from the depths of the Suzaku Palace.

After unsuccessfully searching for the Eye of Sin a while ago, Lu Sheng returned and devoted himself to various pursuits of information.

Fortunately, the Suzaku clan is originally a clan of ancient mythical beasts. Although they are not strong, they have complete information.


Suddenly there was a soft sound, and the book in Lu Sheng's hand trembled slightly.

He took a deep breath, slowly closed the book, stood up, and walked to the bedroom window.

Ever since he merged with the source of the world, his soul has been undergoing subtle changes that are incomprehensible every day.

This feeling is like when the owner is feeding his pet, the pet eats all the food and his feeding hand.

Lu Sheng felt like he was that so-called pet character. To the evil god world, he is a favored son and a being that attracts much attention.

But what surprised him was that the Evil God Realm, which he had robbed of two units of world source power, didn't seem to care about this loss and still maintained strong concern and favor for him.

It would be fine if you gave me a little more time, Lu Sheng sighed, looking out the window at the hazy Suzaku Palace with its faint white mist.

If he had more time and more divine power, he could definitely absorb more of the world's source power from the Evil God Realm.

Master. Suddenly a silver light flew into the bedroom from the window and hovered in front of Lu Sheng.

Someone is investigating our previous plan to siege the demon god. I suspect that the traces of the battle you left have been discovered.

Has it been discovered? Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged. It was only a matter of time before he was discovered or not, so he didn't care.

Pause the rest of the actions and wait for the opportunity. In addition. Lu Sheng's lips moved slightly, and the sound came into the light spot. From the outside, you can only see that he seems to be talking to himself, but you can't hear what he is actually saying.

I understand. The light suddenly dispersed.

Lu Sheng stood quietly in front of the window, seeming to be thinking about something.

He has now reached the realm of quasi-sage, but even for the same quasi-sage, there is a big difference between strength and weakness. The top one is at the level of the Styx. Even the saints can't deal with him, because he himself is the natural law of heaven and earth. Although the saint has the power to kill him, he cannot do it because that would break the rules and affect the operation of heaven.

As for the weaker quasi-sages, such as Hongyun, except for a broken gourd, they really don't have any particularly powerful magic weapons. It is normal for Kunpeng to take Hongmeng Purple Qi away later.

Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly when he thought of the magic weapon.

My cultivation level is sufficient now, but what I still lack is a spiritual treasure. The innate spiritual treasure already has an owner. The only one I can interfere with is the acquired spiritual treasure.

He has already arranged the Lingbao the day after tomorrow.

Pushing open the door, Lu Sheng walked out.

Now that Yaoting has begun to speed up his actions, it's time for him to start making arrangements.

After walking out of the courtyard, Lu Sheng stood up and flew towards a hidden Demon God's Palace.

He flew out of the Zhuque Palace formation and passed through a desolate palace and pavilion. Most of these pavilions were built in one go when the heaven was first built. However, because there were not many demon gods willing to go to heaven, and there were many demon clans who died fighting against the witch clan over the years, many of them were left idle.

Passing through the idle palace that was like a ghost land, Lu Sheng quickly landed in front of a huge triangular building with a silver cane sculpture on the door.

An old man wearing a gray robe, his head lowered and his face unclear, stood in front of the palace door.

Seeing Lu Sheng fall, the old man bowed slightly to show respect.

Everything is ready.

Lu Sheng nodded and followed the old man into the palace gate.

Passing through rows of eerie and dark strange bird sculptures, the two came to a large oval silver-white pool.

The clear spiritual water that originally filled the pool had long since disappeared, replaced by bright red blood that was dazzling.

There are countless purple-black tentacles climbing on the edge of the pool. They are squirming, but they decorate the entire pool like reliefs.

There were several big demons wearing black masks on the edge, grabbing the struggling humanoid creatures in their hands and throwing them into the pool.

Thirteen demon gods and thousands of great demons have been released. The old man explained in a low voice. They are all old guys who are over 100,000 years old.

A smile appeared on Lu Sheng's lips, and he looked around. Deep in the hall around the pool, he saw countless great demons and demon kings. They were all prostrate with their heads lowered, praying in low voices.

The heads of all the monsters bowed towards the pool.

“Anyone who resists me and disobeys the teachings is a heretic.

They will all be judged by the divine fire. If they cannot pray to the divine blood pool wholeheartedly and repent of their mistakes, then they will all become part of the divine blood pool and merge with the light. Lu Sheng walked forward towards the blood pool.

The old man lowered his head deeply behind him.

As Lu Sheng continued to approach, the center of the blood pool slowly began to boil, and a bright light rose from the bottom of the pool.

In the light, a dark red, simple and exquisite huge long sword slowly emerged from the blood pool.

The red light shone on Lu Sheng's smiling face, reflecting an obscure and strange fluorescence.

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