Extreme Demon

Chapter 928 First Friendship 1

The boundary is Huangquan Mountain.

Huge golden wings flapped slowly behind a giant rhinoceros-like monster.

It flew along the mountainside and landed at a mountain col. The huge body transformed into a human form in a thick white mist.

Duan Fang, uncle is here to see you. The human form of the rhinoceros monster was a strong man with a beard. He was wearing a brown leather jacket and leather trousers, and a rough leather whip inlaid with many gems was tied around his waist.

As soon as the voice fell, subtle footsteps could be heard from the mountain col. Soon, two small figures sprang out from the woods on the side and rushed towards the big man at high speed.


Running in front was an ordinary young man who looked handsome and thin. He was wearing a long cyan coat, followed by a slender girl in a white waist skirt.

The two of them stood in front of the big man, one behind the other, with smiles on their faces.

Where are your father and mother? the big man asked with a smile.

I went out to collect medicine and haven't come back yet. The young man answered seriously.

Then come with me first. I told you last time that I would take you to a good place to play, but I can't go into that place on weekdays. If you didn't have a good opportunity now, you wouldn't be able to wait until this time. The big man smiled.

Okay, let's go back and bring some things first. Uncle, please wait a moment. The young man Duanfang said quickly.

No problem, go ahead.

Duan Fang led the girl back quickly, and then rose into the air, crossed a mountain stream, and landed on a wide stone platform.

There is a cave hidden among the vines on the stone platform, and Duan Fang is about to enter.

Wait, brother, do you feel that Uncle Mishan is a little weird this time? The girl suddenly reminded in a low voice.

Weird? Duan Fang was stunned for a moment, and then carefully recalled his uncle's actions. Don't tell me, it was indeed a bit weird.

There seems to be a special, indescribable smell on him. The previous fragrance of Moon-Watching Rhinoceros can hardly be smelled anymore. The girl continued, When father left, he specially told us to be careful. Father has just left now. At that time, Uncle Mishan took the initiative to contact us.

And at my father’s place.”

I understand. Duan Fang nodded, his expression gradually becoming serious. At this moment, the war between Lich and Lich spread across countless areas. If you're not careful, you might stumble.

Also, I just saw two of Uncle Mishan's subordinates blocking the two entrances and exits of our place. The girl continued.

Duan Fang, who was initially hesitant, suddenly became serious.

Are you sure you read that correctly?

I'm sure. The girl said firmly.

Uncle Mishan has always been close friends with my father. What's the matter? Duan Fang felt that his brain was a little insufficient.

No matter what, I always feel that this kind of specifications and arrangements... the girl said sternly, This is a time of war, so be careful.

Let's go find Uncle Baize! Let's go, pack up quickly, let's go through the secret passage! Duan Fang made a decision immediately.

Although Mishan had a good relationship with their father, they were only good friends and could not have a close relationship with a demon god like Bai Ze.

The two little guys are gifted and can avoid all the creatures they want to avoid through their scent. After simply packing up their things, the two quietly flew away through a secret passage from behind.

Baize Palace.

You said something is wrong with Mishan? Are you bringing your subordinates here to arrest you? Bai Ze stared at the two children in front of him with a strange expression.

They are his good friends, the children of a powerful demon god named Fufengzi. Fufengzi did not like fighting, so he declined the invitation of the Emperor of Heaven and lived in seclusion in the mountains. Only a few friends knew his whereabouts.

Bai Ze frowned slightly, something was wrong with the Demon Court recently. Demon gods gathered together in twos and threes. Demon gods who were strangers to each other always seemed to like to get together, and seemed to be discussing some unknown matter.

No matter how many times he used his magical divination, he still couldn't get any results, which made him feel slightly wary.

What about your father? He said before that he was going to visit friends in Mount Jiuhua. Mount Jiuhua is only a few days away from your cave. Isn't he back yet? Bai Ze continued to ask.

No. We went to Jiuhua Mountain on the way, but found nothing. Duan Fang looked a little pale and solemn.

Not only is my father not here, but also the Jiuhua Demon King is not here. The girl Duan Li added behind him.

You are right to come to me as soon as possible. I happen to have something going on here and I need your help. Bai Ze said solemnly.

Duan Fang, you inherited your father's natural magical power, and this matter is also related to whether you can find the whereabouts of your father. So, are you willing to help me? He stared at the young man seriously.

Duan Fang was slightly startled, then nodded without any hesitation.

We came to uncle to find my father! If you need anything, uncle, just ask. He knew the specialness and power of his magical powers, and now if he wanted to find his father as soon as possible, he might really have to do his own part.

After all, when it comes to tracking anything, there is no one better than him in the world.

Bai Ze nodded.

You need to help me check. The whereabouts of some residual demon power. Several demon gods suddenly disappeared before and have not come back so far. I suspect there was an accident.

Regardless of whether it is the work of the Wu clan or not, we must investigate the truth of the matter.

I understand! Please ask uncle to lead the way. Duan Fang nodded.



Suzaku Palace.

Lu Sheng slowly opened the door and walked out into the courtyard.

More than ten days had passed since he defeated Shang Yang and parasitized him. During these days, she had been working hard to refine the world source power that had remained in her body almost every day.

This kind of world source power from the Evil God Realm has such high quality and intensity that it is simply shocking.

It took a lot of effort for him to barely retain two traces of the source power of the world, refine it, and integrate it into his own soul.

But it also consumed a huge amount of Suzaku Divine Fire and Evil God Power. Of course, the most powerful one was the Divine Power. The Divine Power that had just been obtained was used completely.

Of course, he thinks it's all worth it.

The current members of the Suzaku clan in the courtyard are performing activities such as performing music in other palaces.

There was only a cool girl in a red dress sitting in the corner, holding a book in her hand and slowly turning the pages.

Lu Sheng ignored the girl and walked out of the courtyard. Immediately, a jade talisman of fire shot from a distance and fell into his hand.

The fire talisman dispersed, and a message entered his mind.

'Master, the ambush against the ghost car failed. He seemed to have noticed something in advance and did not pass by that location. ’

Oh? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, feeling a little surprised.

It seems that the Demon Court has finally noticed something and started to become vigilant. But now the entire Demon Court Demon God and 90% of the important ministers are completely controlled by me. There are only a few left. Even if they are discovered, it is too late.

He couldn't help but chuckle and dispersed the traces of the fire talisman in his hand.

Brother Lu Sheng. Xiao Ning flew towards him from afar on the fire cloud.

This girl changed into a fiery red dress, with the skirt flying up and down like a fairy. She looked very beautiful.

The fire cloud fell in front of Lu Sheng, and Xiao Ning threw herself at Lu Sheng with a smile.

Brother Sheng, why are you in the mood to go out for a walk today? You haven't paid much attention to me recently. You are either reading or playing in the lower world, and you don't want to come with me.

Lu Sheng held Xiao Ning's shoulders and let her land firmly on the ground, avoiding her embrace.

I'm just busy with some cultivation matters. As you know, I just came up from the lower world, and a lot of things are left down there. I have to carry them up and down, and my subordinates also need to settle down.

His subordinates from the Guangming Sect have all been returned to their original places in the lower realm, and Lu Sheng arranges for them to go to various places to slowly expand their power from time to time.

Now that he discovered that parasitism with the evil power would be beneficial to him, Lu Sheng decisively began to let a large number of his parasitized subordinates spread around, allowing them to parasitize all living creatures in sight.

This is indeed what the members of the Illuminati Cult do.

Recently, Lu Sheng began to feel the attention of the Evil God Realm being faintly directed towards him again. This time it was clearer than last time.

After more than ten days of distinguishing and sensing, he could already sense that there were more than forty evil gods watching him.

These evil gods only have some vague tendencies and do not have particularly wise consciousness.

They seem to be following some ancient rules and will reward him as long as he meets certain conditions.

However, Lu Sheng would not just work for them in vain. It stands to reason that the world source power that entered his body would at most help him strengthen his body, soul, and spirit, and then he would retreat on his own. However, the Evil God Realm probably would not have thought of such a powerful person. Lu Shengli used Dark Blue to take two bites of the world's source of power.

The world source power of two units was integrated into Lu Sheng's soul.

After coming back to his senses, Lu Sheng looked at Xiao Ning in front of him.

Why did you come back so early today?

Sister Yuxuan is coming back. It just so happens that there is no banquet in the palace I went to today. The demon god there was temporarily ordered to fight in the lower world, so I came back first. Xiao Ning said with a smile. That's right, Brother Sheng.

She suddenly leaned into Lu Sheng's ear and whispered.

I have nothing on under my skirt. Do you want to touch it?


Lu Sheng grabbed Xiao Ning's face and rubbed it. Knead it into various shapes like dough.

What are you doing, Nu Zai? Xiao Ning couldn't speak clearly. She wanted to break away, but she didn't have enough strength.

The little girl's hair hasn't even grown yet, and she's thinking about something all day long. Lu Sheng rubbed her hair hard with an expressionless face.

Bah, bah, bah! Xiao Ning backed away fiercely, both sides of her face being rubbed red.

My hair has grown long ago! If you don't believe me, see for yourself!

She pushed her skirt up hard and spread her legs.

Let's go. Lu Sheng's voice came from a dozen meters away. Girls should be reserved.

Shit! Xiaofei is being reserved, right? I haven't even touched your hand now. Opportunities will only be given to those who are prepared! This is what you said about Brother Sheng! Xiaoning put down her skirt in embarrassment and turned around to chase Lu. win.

The two walked in tandem between the white jade fences of the Suzaku Palace, and soon entered the main hall of the Suzaku Palace.

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