Extreme Demon

Chapter 925 Quasi-Saint 2

What! Shang Yang snorted coldly, and the light green water on his body exploded, instantly exploding the debris on the soles of his feet.

A large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly appeared on the ground.

Brother, be careful! Fei Lian's face in front also changed drastically at this time, and he hit him hard with a flying swoop.

Sister, you! Shang Yang was about to tell Fei Lian to be careful. He hugged his sister tightly with both hands. Just as he was about to exert force, suddenly countless dense purple-black tentacles surged out from Fei Lian's mouth and nose and quickly followed the gaps in his clothes. Get in there.

At the same time, two huge demonic powers surged toward him from the other sides.

It was those two demon gods who took action!

Shang Yang's expression changed, and he didn't have time to think too much. He pushed Fei Lian away with both hands, and his whole body exploded into green water, trying to distance himself from the three of them.

Look at my Taiyin Xuanguang! One of the demon gods shook slightly, and an icy blue halo suddenly rose behind him, instantly covering Shang Yang.

Dragon Fire Hammer! Go! Another demon god raised his hand and threw out a golden light. The golden light fell from the sky, became bigger and bigger, and in an instant turned into a dragon-headed golden hammer, hitting Shang Yang hard in the rain.

Ripples appeared all over Fei Lian's body, and gusts of strong wind spread from her body, wrapping around Shang Yang who was about to retreat.

Brother, come and join us and become one with the master!!

Her delicate face with only one eye was now distorted into a strange and fanatical state.

You!! Shang Yang's heart sank, and he raised his hand to block the dragon-headed golden hammer. Green rainwater poured out in front of him, turning into a shield to block the icy blue lunar light.

boom! !

The golden hammer made a huge gash in the palm of his hand, but the green rain healed the wound instantly.

Instead, the ice-blue Taiyin Mysterious Light froze the water flow he released, turning it into countless ice cubes and falling to the ground.

The heaven and the earth will naturally obey my orders and merge! The soul emerged behind Shang Yang and turned into a big light green beautiful bird.

The big bird is somewhat similar to a rosefinch, but it does not have long tail feathers and has a slightly shorter beak. As soon as its body appears, the sky changes, black clouds gather, thunder rolls, and fine rain falls from the sky.

Nine Profound Gang Winds!! Come on!! Fei Lian was the Demon God Palming the Wind, and at this time, a piece of light green primordial light slowly rose from behind him. In the divine light, there is a strange monster with the head of a bird and the body of a deer, looking up to the sky and screaming.

In an instant, countless strong winds howled from all directions, trying to blow away the gathering black clouds.

Dark clouds were gathering and strong winds were raging. The two demon gods were frantically attacking Shang Yang with their magical powers, while Fei Lian was competing with him for control of the celestial phenomena.

The three of them besieged one, but Shang Yang still looked calm and showed no sign of difficulty. Instead, he seemed to be at ease.

What on earth is that? Fei Lian, my sister, are you temporarily controlled by this weird thing? He stretched out his hand to grab it, and immediately pulled off a purple-black wriggling tentacle from his body.

Without saying a word, Fei Lian and the others used all their strength to activate the demon power and soul to increase the power of their magical powers.

But Shang Yang's expression remained unchanged, and his power to resist the demon increased correspondingly.

Wherever the light of his soul shines, it falls into heavy sluggishness, all power disappears, and the original magical power seems to be wrapped in countless invisible things, unable to move.

The four demon gods were in a stalemate for a while. Shang Yang kept trying to escape from the battle, but due to Fei Lian's full delay, he was unable to escape completely for the time being.

Another reason is that he wanted to use this opportunity to fight and observe to find a way to save his sister.

And he also noticed that there seemed to be an invisible barrier within a hundred miles of the surrounding area, completely blocking this area.

After fighting for several minutes, Shang Yang still couldn't find any flaws or solutions, and he gradually became impatient.

That's enough. You are no match for him, please step back. Suddenly a voice sounded a few meters behind him.

Shang Yang's heart trembled and he was startled. He quickly hit a large corrosive rain with his palm, jumped to the left, stood firm, and looked behind him.

Behind his original position, a mysterious man wearing a black robe and his face hidden appeared at some point.

Who are you? You are so bold to dare to attack me, General Demon Court! Shang Yang's face was as dark as water, and a trace of murderous intent slowly appeared on his body.

He doesn't care about other demon gods, but if he dares to attack his sister Fei Lian, he is really seeking death!

The man in black robe turned his body and faced Shang Yang.

It seems like you don't understand the current situation.

Shang Yang suddenly sneered, and the ground under his feet slowly lit up with large complex and mysterious green light patterns.

I haven't moved for a long time. It seems that no matter what kind of thing, I dare to offend the majesty of my Demon Court. He stepped on it, and the ground suddenly rippled with halos of formations.

The man in black robe looked at the ground in slight surprise.

So you've been setting up formations before? What a good idea.

Shang Yang's eyes slowly turned green, and his long hair quickly began to turn into green airflow. The lower half was filled with wind, and the upper half was quickly filled with arcs of electricity.

Heaven-Sacrificing Bath, here comes the water!! A green divine light suddenly rushed out from behind him, and in the divine light was the phantom of his body.


In an instant, heavy rain fell from the sky. This rainwater carried unparalleled corrosive power and could erode all physical objects including the power of the soul every minute.

The light green rain gradually turned black, and countless raindrops fell on the ground and Lu Sheng and other demon gods, evaporating wisps of corrosive black smoke.

The demon power of the three demon gods is rapidly weakening and decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Slowness, accelerated consumption, weakness, poison, and other negative states appeared on the three demon gods one after another.

This is because as demon gods, they have extremely strong resistance. If they were ordinary people, if they were hit by a little rainwater, they would rot and die.

Fei Lian opened his mouth to vomit, and suddenly a ball of strong wind spurted out from his mouth, blowing away the surrounding rain and rushing towards Shang Yang.


Shang Yang's entire body suddenly exploded automatically as if it were made of water, turning into countless water flows and spreading out.

Tell me, who are you? If you dare to attack me, the Demon God of Demon Court, you are not an unknown person. A gloomy voice echoed in the heavy rain all around. It was obviously Shang Yang just now.

The man in black robe slowly opened his hood, revealing a delicate and handsome face. Surprisingly, it was Lu Sheng who had just arrived from Demon Court.

In today's heaven, more than 80% of the demon gods have been parasitized, leaving only these top-level beings who have not yet fully controlled them.

Jiuying succeeded, and now he is Shangyang.

After that, he gradually encroached and controlled the entire Demon Court. Finally, he attacked Taiyi Emperor and captured the Chaos Bell and Hetu Luoshu.

It would also be good if we could get Xihe's giant hibiscus tree.

Lu Sheng's plan was very thorough. After all, whether it was Demon Court's Zhoutian Xingdou Formation or Hunyuan Heluo Formation, both demon gods needed to be at the center of the formation. As long as they took action at the critical moment, the success rate was not low.

But before that, this body must at least reach the same state as Donghuang Taiyi before it is possible to destroy the Chaos Clock.

After all, the Chaos Bell is a powerful innate spiritual treasure known as the East Emperor Bell. It is known as the number one guardian in the world. It is capable of both offense and defense. It is integrated with the Taiyi Yuan Shen and is extremely difficult to contact.

After coming back to his senses, Lu Sheng was shocked to realize that Shang Yang had already suppressed Fei Lian and the other three and was in danger of losing at any time.

Obviously your cultivation skills are very different from Fei Lian's, but in the quasi-sage realm, you can fight one against three with ease. Quasi-sage Lu Sheng observed carefully and found that when Shang Yang started to move the rain, it was just a trace of demonic power that he randomly released. , or a trace of spiritual power can cause extremely violent feedback from the surrounding world.

It was as if the entire surrounding world was helping him increase the power of his demon power.

I see. Lu Sheng somewhat understood the Quasi-Sage's pattern.


At this moment, a bright green light exploded, and black rainwater splashed away. The two demon gods groaned in pain and were knocked away by the huge force. They fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a moment.

Feilian was entangled in the light green transparent rainwater and was fixed in place, unable to move. In just a few moments, the outcome was decided.

Shang Yang stood beside Fei Lian with his hands behind his hands, looking at Lu Sheng with a calm expression.

I'll give you another chance to tell the Lord's messenger, and you can die more happily.

Do you think you'll win if you solve the three of them? Lu Sheng laughed.

Of course not. Shang Yang looked calm. I'm just afraid that if I act too quickly, you will be killed before you can tell the truth.

He looked up at the sky.

Haven't you noticed yet? This is the heaven-sacrifice shower. The black rain comes to the world to purify everything that is not me.

Now you have no way to escape from here. When the black rain stops, it will be your death.

Interesting. Lu Sheng also looked up at the black rain in the sky. Then let me see how you made me die.

The two of them lowered their faces at the same time and looked at each other.

Bang! ! !

Shang Yang disappeared in an instant. The rainwater gathered behind Lu Sheng, turned into a human form, and grabbed the back of his neck with one claw.

A palm with golden flames stood firmly in front of his eyes.


Fire flew between the two.

Shang Yang's face was expressionless and he disappeared again. He kept concentrating his body and made sudden attacks from all around Lu Sheng. The black rain in the sky was still blessing Lu Sheng with various negative states.

The green light divine patterns on the earth also bound him to this small area.

Shang Yang had never been so angry before. The demonic power in his body surged like a wave. The quasi-sage realm drove these demonic powers to cooperate with the soul to explode dozens of times more powerful power.

Even though he subconsciously restrained his power to avoid affecting the nearby demon army, this powerful destructive power still caused the earth and the surrounding void to show traces of spatial cracks.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk! !

Like the most powerful assassin, Shang Yang kept flashing and teleporting around Lu Sheng, killing him crazily. Coupled with the countless negative states granted by Black Rain and the huge body power he mobilized at this time, he is now the well-deserved number one demon god under the demon master of Demon Court!

He once forcibly took the head of a great witch from among thousands of witch clans. He also once single-handedly killed hundreds of thousands of witch clans.

In the Demon Court, he was bestowed the title of ‘Godly General of Purity’ by the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi.

All the saints in heaven and earth call him brothers and sisters, and all the mansions under him are vacant and no one comes to invade. He led the demon army to fight in all directions without any defeat.

Billions of monsters even began to respect him as the Demon Sage.

There is no one in this world that I can't kill! Shang Yang flashed again, his spirit ascended, suddenly shrunk and condensed on his fingertips, turned into a small ball, and struck Lu Sheng's back like lightning.


clang! !

For a moment, as if time and thought had stopped, Shang Yang's dazzling green index finger was firmly grasped by Lu Sheng.

Feel the strongest flame in the world. Lu Sheng smiled and clenched his fingers.


Chi! !

In an instant, the sky and the earth were pitch black, and a bit of white-gold fire suddenly lit up.

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