Extreme Demon

Chapter 924 Quasi-Saint 1

Brilliant white-gold flames burned blazingly, and a large area of ​​the surrounding ground was vaporized.

With Lu Sheng as the center, everything within a radius of several thousand meters turned into white-gold mist. The outermost mist released white-gold light, then turned into pure gold, and finally the center completely turned into white.

White, like black, is all-encompassing and contains everything, representing the ultimate.

The flames soared into the sky and burned rapidly toward the sky. A large amount of invisible smoke blew in all directions along the wind.

In the middle of the flames and smoke, a purple jade-colored light point fell from the sky, splitting all obstacles, and fell straight to the middle position of Lu Sheng.

The fire light automatically separated in front of the purple jade, the smoke was high, the magma force field, nothing could stop the light point from falling.

The core of the white fire split with the light spots, revealing a huge white Suzaku that was entrenched thousands of miles away.

A normal Suzaku is only about a thousand meters long, but the Suzaku in front of you now even grows to tens of thousands of miles, which is thousands of times longer than the average Suzaku.

Lu Sheng's soul energy and blood were burning crazily, and the burned matter condensed into an invisible and strange thing.

It was a crystal material that was rippling like waves, with silver light spots faintly shining in it.

He could feel that his Suzaku Holy Body and his true body were burning together. Speaking of which, the Suzaku Holy Body could improve so quickly, on the one hand, because it had enough spiritual power, and on the other hand, it was also because the energy concentration in this world was extremely high. In addition, his own qualifications are strong enough, and the combination of the two creates a qualitative change.

A strange and mysterious feeling came to his heart. It was as if both bodies were undergoing some kind of qualitative change.

Is this the condensed soul?? Lu Sheng could feel that his consciousness seemed to be shifting, from the depths of this body to the newly formed blurry and translucent special substance.

A feeling of being more mobile than before spread throughout his body, as if he had been walking with countless burdens on his back, but now they were all suddenly lifted off.

Like colloid, the soul continued to twist and shape, gradually condensing into a handsome man with the same appearance as Lu Sheng.

The man wears a golden-red feathered coat with long flowing sleeves. His long black hair hangs down to his waist, and he wears an exquisite golden-red crown on his head.

His face was indifferent and cold, and his skin was as flawless as white porcelain.

If it weren't for the extremely high temperature of the Suzaku Divine Fire that surrounded her, she might have been able to pretend to be a peerless beauty just by changing her clothes.

Chi! !

At this moment, a ray of purple light fell from the sky, landed steadily in front of Lu Sheng, and floated in mid-air.

This is...!? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand, gently pinching the purple light in front of him.

The halo dissipated, revealing a piece of purple jade inside.

A clear message flooded into his mind.

Purple Xiao Palace? Hongjun? Lu Sheng immediately understood the meaning.

What's this? Are you seeking peace? He looked around. Everything around him collapsed and turned into ashes under the burning of the Suzaku Divine Fire. The rules of the flames had reached the point of absolutely expelling everything.

In this extreme case, if it spreads over too large a territory, it will create a bad situation where there is only a single rule for this part of the universe.

After Lu Sheng thought about it, he completely understood what it meant to prove the Tao through strength.

I understand. It is impossible to break through the rules by improving yourself within the rules, but you can use reasonable rules to exclude all other rules and leave only your own rules.

There cannot be only one rule in the natural universe of heaven, earth, and when a single rule crowds out all other rules, the basic laws of this universe will collapse.

This can also achieve the goal of breaking through the rules in disguise and forcing the universe to grant privileges to prove the Tao.

Looking at the fast purple jade in front of him, a sneer appeared on Lu Sheng's lips.

What is this? Did you notice that I was a threat to this world and immediately released the jade ultimatum to recruit me?

Although he didn't know how far he had reached, Lu Sheng knew very well that if it wasn't for the erosion of this universe, or for some other important reason.

This purple light point will never fall easily.

After sensing the information coming into his mind, Lu Sheng snorted coldly and crushed the purple jade.

From the Suzaku inheritance, he learned that one of the signs of a quasi-sage is the connection between the soul and the universe.

Jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements, cutting off all connections, becoming independent of heaven and earth. It refers to the saint,

Lu Sheng moved his soul and felt that something deep in his consciousness was connected to the spiritual energy outside.

It's just that this connection is much weaker than before.

He raised his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the layers of clouds and look towards the Zixiao Palace located thirty-three days away.

Forget it, it's not the right time yet. His mind moved, and the countless white flames around him suddenly shrank, and flew back to his current body in the blink of an eye.

The firelight that filled the sky disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the remaining vaporized rocks quickly cooled down and condensed into liquid magma.

The magma was extracted with a large amount of heat, and cooled and solidified in an instant, turning into volcanic rock and some glass-like substances.

Within hundreds of thousands of miles around Lu Sheng, the original light mountains had long been turned into plain ruins, and the ground was extremely smooth, as if coated with a layer of shiny metal.

The huge white Suzaku body slowly faded and dissipated. Lu Sheng straightened his robe, turned slightly, turned into white fire and soared into the sky, flying towards the distance.

The white fire gradually adjusted halfway and returned to its original color of ordinary red flames.



The lich war continues to be a stalemate.

Every moment there is a conflict between the demon clan and the witch clan on the earth, and countless monsters and the witch clan perish together.

As the war slowly escalated, some lower-level demon gods also began to suffer casualties. After Lu Sheng quietly returned to the Demon Court, a huge and brutal battle broke out in Wushan in the lower realm.

This battle directly led to the death of three demons and gods, and the death of two great witches from the witch clan. Millions of lichs were reduced to ashes.

The Demon Court urgently dispatched the top demon gods to the lower realm, and cooperated with Shang Yang to summon the power of heavy rain to form a temporary blockade. It happened that the Wu clan also wanted to retreat, so the two sides temporarily ceased fighting and stationed troops on both sides of Wu Mountain.

Under this situation, Lu Sheng could no longer sit still in the Suzaku Palace. Shang Yang was one of the strongest demon gods in the Demon Court. This time, he used all his strength to form a rainstorm belt to block the two lich clans. This was a good opportunity for him to take action.

The Jiuying he had just parasitized was temporarily unable to take action and was still recovering from his injuries in the Demon Court. Because the Jiuying Palace was very close to the meeting hall, it would be easily discovered if no one was around.

So Lu Sheng dispatched Shang Yang's sister Fei Lian and two other demon gods who happened to be free, and the three of them cooperated with him to attack Shang Yang personally.

Unlike Jiuying, Shang Yang is known as the Rain Master, who controls the power of rain. In addition to being extremely powerful, he also has extremely terrifying light-escape speed.

If one accidentally escapes from it, it will be really troublesome.

Moreover, there was another reason why Lu Sheng took action personally. This Shang Yang was the demon god who was known as the closest to a quasi-sage in the Demon Court. He wanted to test how far his current level of strength was.

Quasi-sages, if he understood correctly, are beings who can break through limits and influence rules on a small scale in a short period of time. But this kind of existence has not yet reached the point where it has a great impact on the universe. Therefore, the standard for receiving the holy title cannot be met.

Wushan Canyon.

On both sides of the huge canyon that stretches for thousands of miles on the earth, on the blood-red plains, there are countless military tents that stretch to the end of the field of vision.

On the right side of the canyon is the Witch Tribe, which is full of black military tents and a large number of spiked fences shining with black light. Teams of strong and barbaric Witch Tribe people are patrolling around under the leadership of the wizard.

A tall shadow with a tiger's head and body floated in the sky over a large tent. It was the projection of Qiang Liang, the Ancestral Witch of Thunder, one of the twelve ancestral witches. This time the army was composed of the Xingtian tribe led by his great witch commander to form a coalition to fight against the demon tribe.

On the other side of the canyon, groups of eagle-headed monsters shining with green fluorescence were hovering over the entire monster army, patrolling any situation that occurred around them.

There were streaks of pale golden light shining on the ground below, which seemed to be a huge formation that covered the entire army camp.

A large area of ​​light yellow military tents is located among the white clouds and smoke, one of which is the largest golden tent.

Shang Yang was sitting in the middle of the tent, with several demon god generals sitting on both sides who were fighting together. The atmosphere in the camp was slightly depressing, and the faces of the demons and gods were not very good-looking.

The previously discussed tactical strategy was unexpectedly discovered by the Wu clan when it was half implemented, and the sneak attack immediately turned into a frontal battle. Both sides were unable to help, and a large number of troops were invested. The two sides fought desperately over the canyon fissures. More than a million people were killed and injured, and everyone's vitality was severely damaged.

I don't know about other war zones, but in this seventh war zone, any evasion tactics are absolutely not allowed. This is not only my intention, but also His Majesty's. Shang Yang's human form is that of a solemn old man with a beard. She often wears an exquisite dark brown robe, embroidered with beautiful dancing light green birds. That is his original form.

But if we don't have follow-up support, complete defeat is inevitable. A demon god said with an ugly expression. We, the monster clan, are far less united than the witch clan. Many monsters are unruly and unruly, and they don't care about anything once they fight. Encounters are okay, everyone just shows off their magical powers, but group battles really suffer.

That's what I say, but if we can use our advantages to avoid the witch group's charge, it is not impossible to win. Another demon god said solemnly.

Shang Yang was about to ask for advice when suddenly a red jade talisman flew straight out of the tent.

He stretched out his hand to summon the jade talisman and slightly inspected the contents.

What's Fei Lian here for? Shang Yang looked puzzled, but still didn't say anything. In the current situation, having an extra demon god is also a fighting force. What's strange to him is, shouldn't Fei Lian be in charge of the demon court now? Why did he suddenly find him in the lower world?

Putting this aside, he continued to discuss the next arrangements with the other demon gods.

About half an hour later, the meeting ended. Shang Yang walked out of the tent with a calm expression and walked slowly towards the south. Soon it turned into a piece of green water and disappeared.

The water flowed across a large dark red plain, and soon at the southernmost periphery of the military camp, he saw his sister Fei Lian, who was dressed in black robes and had only one eye.

In addition to Fei Lian, there are two other demon gods who look a little strange.

Brother! Fei Lian saw Shang Yang from a distance, his face suddenly lit up and he took the initiative to greet him.

Why are you here? Doesn't the Demon Court still need the Demon God to stay and guard the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation? Shang Yang asked with a frown. Slowly transformed into a human and landed on the ground.

Just as he lay down on the ground, he felt numbness on the soles of his feet, as if something obscure was drilling into him along the ground.

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