Extreme Demon

Chapter 926 Wrestling 1


Taiyi took off his crown, held the wine glass with his hand and poured wine into his mouth. Suddenly, the candlelight on the table in front of him exploded.

The dancing firelight cast a shadow on his flawless face.

Mingcheng Juehuo actually showed an ominous sign.

The current situation in the Demon Court is extremely complicated and troublesome. Taiyi is the Demon Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor, but the Heavenly Emperor is not perfect, extraordinary or omnipotent. Regardless of the name of the Emperor of Heaven, he is actually just a powerful innate demon spirit, a three-legged golden crow.

The innate demon spirit that controls the strongest flame in the world, the True Fire of the Sun.

Send the order. His voice was low. Let each war zone report the current situation. Any suspicious situation must be notified to me immediately.

Yes. In the empty hall, a sharp voice responded quickly and slowly disappeared.

Taiyi stretched out his hand, and a bright golden flame suddenly ignited in his palm. There were faint golden birds circling and singing slowly in the flame.

The prehistoric world was so big that even though he was the nominal Emperor of Heaven, he was unable to govern most of the area.

In some places, it takes at least several years for light to escape and fly at full strength. This is only possible because he is known for his speed in flying.

If it were an ordinary demon clan, they might not be able to fly across the wilderness in a lifetime.

Even if it is nominal surveillance, he has no way to control it perfectly.

The wave of flames before. Could it be that the Twelve Ancestral Witches have another plot? Do you really think I dare not take action? Tai's face darkened, and the flames in his hands became more and more dazzling.



Chi! ! !

As soon as the white-gold flames lit up, they exploded around like a prairie fire.

Shang Yang's expression changed drastically and he wanted to take back his palm, but it was too late.

Large swaths of platinum flames stained his body, like maggots on the tarsal bones, and a large amount of black rain eroded and evaporated each other. Countless black steam filled the air.

He screamed and jumped into the sky. His body suddenly expanded and grew in size. In the blink of an eye, he became tens of meters tall and turned into a strange bird with light green feathers.

The exotic bird flapped its wings, and the black rain in the sky above suddenly became thicker and heavier. It seemed like it was pouring down continuously from a big basin.

But the black rain couldn't extinguish the white-gold flame on Shang Yang's body at all. The fire seemed to be burning on his soul. After being soaked by the black rain for a while, the entire flame seemed to be transparent and invisible, and was directly penetrated by the rain. Transparent, like an invisible thing.

ah! ! !

The formation under Shang Yang's feet shone brightly, and the dazzling formation increased his soul power by a large margin again.

Ten thousand floods!! Accompanied by the roar, a large area of ​​pale green water burst out from the white-gold flames.

But the massive water flow like a flood was enveloped and vaporized by the Suzaku Divine Fire as soon as it came out.

Lu Sheng calmly looked at Shang Yang in front of him.

Fire, in essence, is purification and rebirth. The ashes after burning can be used to redevelop fertile soil and become the best source of nutrition for countless new creatures. It is the purest purifying power in the world.

So, you can't run away.

Lu Sheng suddenly raised his hand and blocked it in front of him.

At this moment, a pure green light beam shot out from Shang Yang's position. It hit Lu Sheng's raised palm.

The light beam exploded into pieces and turned into three round green flowers. The flowers rotate slowly, with little dark red diamonds shining red in the center.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, three loud bangs exploded.

A big explosion suddenly occurred where Lu Sheng was. What erupted in the center of the explosion was not high temperature, but extreme coldness.

Cough cough cough!! Shang Yang jumped out far away and landed in an open space without white-gold flames in the distance. His face was pale, he was bending over and coughing hard, and his body was covered with sweat from the full force of his attack.


Unable to bear it any longer, he bent his knees, his muscles trembling and fell to the ground, spitting out a large mouthful of green blood.

Originally it was intended to be a back-up for the great witch of the Wu clan, but now it's good to leave it to you. Shang Yang wiped away the remaining blood and stood up slowly with a ferocious expression. But he obviously spent too much in the fight just now.

First, he broke free from the burning of the platinum flames, and then he instantly released three of his biggest trump cards.

It was a one-time magic weapon called Taiyin Xuanming Hanlei. His original form was born with the ability to control rain. After a long period of time, Shang Yang not only completely mastered the magical power of rain control, but also used this ability to continuously deepen it. Until now, he has mastered this kind of rain control, which can be said to be the most sinister and extremely cold in the world. of terrifying energy.

Of course, he could only collect such terrifying power slowly, weave and wrap it piece by piece, and make it into so-called Taiyin Xuanming Cold Thunder.

But just now, when he realized something was wrong with the flames, he decisively threw out the three cold thunders that took thousands of years to be refined.

Now, I think you're not dead yet! Shang Yang lowered his head and vomited blood again. After all, he is not a real quasi-sage. He just used the formation to temporarily achieve it. This is equivalent to a human being who exerts too much force. Now his strength is at its peak. As it passed, the aftereffects began to unfold.

In the area where Lu Sheng was located, a large ball of dark black light was constantly floating and rotating, making a crackling noise like electricity.

A thin layer of ice slowly spreads around the ground, forming a strange scene in which the periphery is solidified and the core rotates.

From a distance, it looks like a black toy ball enclosed within a glass wall.

Just the unconscious energy leakage, such a terrifying killer weapon as Taiyin Xuanming Cold Thunder, has frozen the surrounding space, making it impossible to break through.

Is this what you rely on most, Taiyin Xuanming Hanlei?

A peaceful voice slowly came from the core of the black ball.

Shang Yang trembled all over and looked up.

Inside the black ball, a white and delicate palm was slowly pressed against the inner wall.

It really scared me.

Bang! ! !

In an instant, transparent fragments scattered all over the sky, and the entire black ball and its invisible outer shell exploded into pieces at the same time. Before the black energy and cold current inside could spread and overflow, it was drowned by a large amount of white-gold flames pouring out of the core.

Chichi chichi! !

Four white fire pillars broke through the blockade and rushed in all directions like real fire dragons.

One side is where the stunned Shang Yang is.

The situation was urgent, and he came to his senses in shock. He roared and reluctantly raised his hand to sacrifice his inner elixir. Even for a demon god, his inner elixir is the core of his strength and his strongest point.

Boom! ! !

A white fire dragon with a diameter of tens of meters hit Shang Yang's inner elixir with a brutal impact.

His whole body was thrown high into the air by the huge force, and his inner elixir cracked a fine line and suddenly burned in the sky. His body flew thousands of meters and finally hit a forest of huge rocks.

Huge stone pillars collapsed one after another, and the smoke and dust filled the air, and white flames instantly ignited the entire stone forest.

The fire burned quickly, and the stones melted and vaporized. A high-temperature hell was formed, locking Shang Yang tightly in the center.

Pah. Pah. Pah.

Tiny crisp footsteps kept approaching from the outside.

Lu Sheng was wearing a golden-red feathered coat, with tassel-like golden flames flying around him. The three cold thunders just now did not harm him at all.

It's over. He raised his hand, and the flames surrounding Shang Yang automatically opened a gap, and an intact figure slowly approached from the outside and walked in along the gap.

That figure was clearly Fei Lian.

Brother, I'm here to love you. Hahaha. Fei Lian's eyes were blood red, his nostrils, mouth, ears, and everywhere on his body had purple-black tentacles pouring out continuously.

A large number of tentacles fell on the ground. They were not harmed by the remaining high temperature. Instead, they became more excited and rushed toward the immobile Shang Yang at an accelerated speed.

The Emperor of Heaven will avenge me!! Shang Yang opened his eyes wide, and twisting ripples suddenly appeared on his body.

He wants to blow himself up.

But the purple-black tentacles were extremely fast. Before he could react, the tentacles jumped suddenly and covered his whole body in an instant.

ah! !

A scream of pain came from the tentacles.

Lu Sheng watched all this with a calm expression. Although he now lacked the power of the evil god, the tentacles that had previously parasitized his subordinates had also multiplied in sufficient numbers. It is only used for parasitism, not for direct action, and the quantity is still enough.

The screams gradually dimmed and weakened.

Lu Sheng raised his hand and looked at his arms.

The next one is the quasi-sage. He breathed out softly and turned to leave.

Boom! !

Suddenly, black clouds quickly gathered in the sky. The black rain that Shang Yang released just now not only did not dissipate, but became even denser now.

Thunder rolled and lightning flashed. Large black clouds rolled violently, with traces of purple lightning flashing through them.

Huh? Lu Sheng frowned and raised his head.

He suddenly felt that Shang Yang, who was about to be completely eroded and parasitized, suddenly had an inexplicable huge power of resistance.

He seems to be on the verge of becoming a quasi-sage?

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, turned around and looked at Shang Yang's position, which was overwhelmed by countless tentacles.

What is this? The protagonist is cheating? Or is it a temporary explosion?

So far, Shang Yang is different from all the demon gods he has parasitized and corroded before. He is the strongest one and the one closest to the quasi-sage.

As one of the most powerful demon gods in heaven, I am afraid that only the demon master Kunpeng can stabilize Shang Yang.

But now, the act of eroding Shang Yang seems to have caused some kind of subtle confrontation in this universe.

Lu Sheng silently stared at the hot area of ​​flames covered with purple-black tentacles without saying a word.

A large amount of inexplicable energy is pouring into Shang Yang's body through some mysterious channel, helping him resist the erosion of his soul and body.

Moreover, Lu Sheng couldn't figure out the source and channel of this energy. He couldn't even detect it, so naturally he couldn't cut it off.

He felt that these energies were extremely repellent, and they were repellent against the tentacles of his evil power.

It seems that it is basically a product created to target the tentacles of the evil god's power.

Is this the rejection of this universe? Lu Sheng's eyes flashed red, and he was about to step forward to take action.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and his body deep in his soul trembled slightly. A dark, strange force full of despair and panic surged out from his body.

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