Extreme Demon

Chapter 923 Breakthrough 2

The current plan is to wait and see. The Wu clan is in the midst of grief and anger at this time, and when their fighting spirit is at its strongest, we will delay for a moment or two until their momentum weakens before making any plans. Bai Ze said seriously.

Good. Tai nodded in agreement.

Nowadays, the Demon Court has sent hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and nearly a hundred demon gods. Only half of the demon gods remain in the Demon Court. It is not easy to maintain the war situation while setting up an ambush again.

Taiyi briefly inquired about the current situation of the war between all parties, encouraged and rewarded those who had made great contributions in the war, and punished the guilty monsters.

The discussion is over.

After the meeting of the demons and gods ended, Bai Ze got up and walked together with Yingzhao. The two had always been good friends and talked relatively casually.

After walking out of the meeting hall, the two walked along the white jade fence on the edge of the heaven, admiring the rolling sea of ​​clouds below and chatting casually.

I heard that Jiu Ying went to the lower world not long ago. He failed to ambush Xiang Liu and was slightly injured. Why don't you and I go visit Yi Er? Ying Zhao has always been a warm-hearted person in Heaven, and there are many demons and gods who have good relations with him. , among which Jiuying is one.

Bai Ze and Jiu Ying had gotten along for a while because of their duties, and they were considered friends. He also smiled when he heard this.

The Jiuying Palace is not far nearby. I also wanted to take a look before. I just have free time today. Let's go together. Otherwise, I don't know what trouble will happen in a while.

Just use Jiu Ying's ability to deal with Xiang Liu. Even if he fails to kill him, he will not be harmed. Although Xiang Liu is a top wizard, his strength is even weaker than Jiu Ying. I have dealt with him before. Bai Ze Frowning slightly.

That's right. You'll know if you go over and take a look. Yingzhao also frowned.

Both were top-notch demon gods, and they were extremely fast. They arrived outside Jiuying Palace in a blink of an eye. Seeing this, the snake demon guarding the gate did not dare to neglect and hurriedly went in to report.

Soon, the palace door opened, and Jiuying's voice came from inside.

Brothers, please come in quickly! The voice was a little gloomy, and it was obvious that he was in a bad mood after being injured.

Bai Ze and Yingzhao stood side by side, their figures flashing, and they stepped into the main hall of Jiuying Palace in a few seconds.

In the dark hall, a burly man with nine heads was sitting opposite a one-eyed woman. When he saw them coming in, the man stood up quickly, and the gloom on his face faded.

Two brothers, the younger brother is only slightly injured, so he can't afford to come with him to visit!

Since Brother Jiuying has a guest, I would like to take my leave first. The one-eyed woman who was sitting before smiled slightly, stood up and bowed her knees to Yingzhao and Bai Ze, then her body exploded and turned into black smoke and left.

Who is that? Yingzhao asked doubtfully.

It's Feng Hou Fei Lian. Bai Ze knew all the demon gods in the entire demon court and said their names directly.

Didn’t Jiuying always get on with brother Feilian? How did you get together with this person?

Yingzhao's heart moved slightly.

He looked carefully at Jiu Ying's face and sensed the demon power in his body. It was indeed as he said, only a minor injury.

Putting aside the strangeness in their hearts, Yingzhao and Bai Ze sat down and chatted with Jiuying for a while, then got up and left.

After walking out of Jiuying Palace, Yingzhao's expression darkened slightly.

Both of them remained silent until they were far away and almost reached the location of the Sun and Star Palace, surrounded by a blazing heat.

He just stopped and leaned against a fence.

Brother Bai Ze, when did Jiu Ying and Fei Lian get together? Hasn't he always been at odds with Fei Lian's brother Shang Yang?

I'm also a little surprised. After a trip to the lower world, the Nine Infants seem to be a little strange. Bai Zeshan is wise, clever in strategy, well versed in astronomy and geography, and is extremely sensitive to every change.

Although Jiuying didn't change much on the surface, he still felt a little abnormal.

I don't feel it, but recently, Heaven seems to have become a little strange. I wonder, Bai Ze, have you noticed? Yingzhao is not only a demon god with top combat power, but also responsible for managing the trivial matters of the entire Heaven. He is the Emperor Taiyi He Di Kuang's helpful help. So I feel sharp in this regard.

Oh? What's the matter? Bai Ze narrowed his eyes.

Originally, the demon gods were all in twos and threes, each grouping together according to their region and temperament. They hardly had any extra interactions on weekdays. But in the past year, some demon gods who did not move around very much have begun to contact each other. There are even several demon gods who have grudges against each other. , and began to put aside the past grudges. Yingzhao said in a deep voice.

Is that so? Bai Ze has always been responsible for the operation of the major formations in Heaven, so he didn't pay much attention to this aspect. When Yingzhao was mentioned, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

When you put it like that, I saw a few demon gods who were originally on the wrong side walking together and talking and laughing.

Yingzhao nodded.

This feeling is as if the entire Demon Court Demon God is beginning to condense into different small groups.

Bai Ze nodded in agreement: It's a bit, but even if we unite the group, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't affect the combat situation against the Wu clan.

If it's just like that, I don't need to say more. I'm just a little worried. Yingzhao shook his head.

There is nothing to worry about. There is the Emperor of Heaven in charge of the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation and the Hunyuan Heluo Formation. Unless the ancestral witch comes in person, all other turmoil in the Demon Court will be trivial. Bai Ze comforted.

That's right. Yingzhao also smiled.


Lu Sheng was playing with a small round ball the size of a pitch black egg in his hand. A large amount of hazy black mist was faintly flowing inside the ball. At the same time, there was a nine-headed monster that looked like a dragon, but not a snake, and was constantly cruising and howling.

A large amount of the Suzaku Divine Fire around him has been restrained by him, leaving only a little protective flame surrounding himself.

A large amount of divine power continuously poured into Lu Sheng's palm from the black beads.

As expected of the legendary Nine Infants ferocious beast, this inner elixir actually contains such huge divine power! Lu Sheng absorbed the steady stream of divine power with a look of surprise on his face.

This inner elixir was just sent by his demon god, the heart core of Jiu Ying.

As the top demon god in the Demon Court, Jiu Ying originally went to ambush Xiang Liu, but unexpectedly he was attacked and ambushed by his own people on the way. After struggling, he was helplessly parasitized and became one of Lu Sheng's demon gods.

He was also the first top demon god to be parasitized.

Although seven of the demon gods who were besieged and killed were severely injured, it was all worth it.

As he wished, Lu Sheng got the core inner elixir magic weapon that Jiuying had been refining in his body for countless years. As an ancient ferocious beast that can control water and fire, Jiuying has a history almost as old as the Suzaku clan.

Lu Sheng aimed at his inner elixir magic weapon, intending to try it to see if there was any divine power in these magic weapons that were sacrificed by the ancient demon gods themselves.

What was beyond his expectation was that Jiu Ying's inner elixir not only had supernatural power, but also a lot of it!

It seems that as long as there are many demon gods with a history, or existences that have lived long enough, they may have a huge accumulation of divine power.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Sheng let go of the Jiuying inner elixir and checked the supernatural power he had obtained.

There are actually 100 million!? He was slightly stunned. If I had known this, why would I have gone around looking for those witchcraft and magic weapons?

This ancient world is really full of supernatural power! Lu Sheng was so happy that he immediately thought of the many demon gods he had parasitized. Although most of those demon gods are unknown, there are quite a few who live a long time, and may be able to harvest a batch of supernatural powers!

As soon as he thought of it, Lu Sheng quickly issued an order through his body, asking all the demon gods to take turns sending their demon elixirs to him.

A few days later, demon gods lurking in and out of Guangshan one after another. They didn't stay long, and they arrived one by one with extremely fast speeds and powerful concealment techniques, but they didn't cause much movement.

Although the contributions of these demon gods in the tens of millions are not as large as those of top demon gods like Jiuying, they cannot bear the large number.

And the divine power in Lu Sheng's hands soon and finally increased to an unprecedented three billion!

The opportunity to become a quasi-saint is now!


Rays of lightning flashed across the sky, and the edge of the Tianzhi Cave above Buzhou Mountain began to slowly fill up with colored substances.

The pouring speed of the Tianhe River is getting slower and slower.

The rivers around Guangshan were turbulent, and it had been raining heavily for ten days.

Lu Shenglian stood at the entrance of a cave in the mountain, quietly looking at the slender strands of rain dancing outside.

Nanming Longevity Record has been deduced to the ninth level of the ninety-ninth turn, reaching its true limit.

His current Suzaku prototype has reached an unimaginable level of complexity.

Even if the ancient Suzaku ancestor was still alive, he would never be his opponent. If there is anyone in the Suzaku clan who is considered the strongest, then he is the undisputed Suzaku King.

King Suzaku. I like this title. Lu Sheng calmly stretched out his hand to catch a few drops of rain falling from the sky.

The water droplets fell on his palm, as if they just fell into the palm of an ordinary person, rolling slowly on his skin.

Then today, let's let this title live up to its name.

Lu Sheng smiled.

After a moment of silence, he gently shook his hands.


The water droplets between the fingers of the palm suddenly turned into white-gold flames. The flames squeezed out from the fingers and intertwined like silk threads, forming a perfect and illusory flower of flame, slowly opening tall and straight.

There is a white-gold delicate red bird quietly crouching in the flower's stamen.

Suzaku slowly raised his head, his eyes suddenly ignited with pure golden flames.


Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and suddenly held Suzaku in his hand.

hold head high! !

Sword-like white-gold flames exploded from his hands and soared into the sky. It was as if a crack between heaven and earth suddenly opened leading to the world of white flames!

Come on! Burn!! Lu Sheng opened his arms and looked up to the sky, laughing wildly.

boom! !

Countless white-gold flames centered on him, spreading and exploding in all directions like a sea wave.

Countless living creatures, rocks, mountain soil, all vaporized and disappeared in the flames.

The space continues to crack, cracks spread like a spider web, and countless air spiritual energy leaks along the cracks into the outer void. This is the world's vitality leaking!



Zixiao Palace.

In the middle of the vast and vast hall, Hongjun slowly opened his eyes.

Password to my decree: I will grant Lu Sheng the title of Suzaku Emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty. He will be in charge of the Heavenly Pure Flame. He will be called the Lord of the Southern Heavenly Purity and be in charge of all visible and invisible fires in the south.

A purple jade talisman formed in front of him, and in an instant it floated out of Zixiao Palace and fell towards the lower realm.

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