Extreme Demon

Chapter 912 Point 1

Let me ask, are all the rules in heaven like this? Lu Sheng asked cautiously.

After all, he came from a civilized society, so he felt a little weird about Xiao Ning's words.

Yes. To be disrespectful, look at His Majesty Emperor Kuang, Xi and the Empress. The Three-legged Golden Crow clan has extremely low fertility, but they have not yet produced ten princes. If you don't work hard every day, don't say Ten, even one is enough.

Xiao Ning covered her mouth and smiled.

Okay. There is such an inside story. Lu Sheng was also speechless.

But that's not what he came to the Demon Court for. Now that the mountain is broken and the lich is about to fight, fishing in troubled waters is what he wants to do most.

And with the war approaching, he must find the whereabouts of the Eye of Sin and the giant black tree as soon as possible. Otherwise, once these great supernatural beings use real fire, the clues may be lost directly.

Okay~~ How about you touch me~ I like it best when others touch me. Xiao Ning puffed out her breasts and said coquettishly.

She was wearing a pure white tube top, and her plump pair stood up high, just within reach of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng was speechless and was about to speak.

Xiao Ning, what are you doing again!? Several charming girls in white tulle dresses hurried into the side hall and shouted when they saw Xiao Ning's entire body clinging to Lu Sheng.

Sister Fufu, sister Xiaoxiao, didn't you go to perform music and dance at the invitation? Why did you come back so soon? Xiao Ning turned to look at the door helplessly.

Hmph! Xiao Lang Hoozi, if the clan leader hadn't greeted us in advance, you really couldn't help but want to break my little brother's body!

That's right! Fortunately, we came back in time! Xiao Ning, I'm warning you! Little brother's pure sun belongs to everyone! All the sisters have a share! If you want to take it all for yourself, there's no way! Another one has a red crystal between his eyebrows. The girl with long black hair wearing a forehead said angrily.

Huh? Everyone has a share?? Lu Sheng felt as if he had heard something extraordinary.

You misunderstood, I just happened to have time to come over and receive you.

Who would believe what you say?

You didn't even wear a**, how dare you say you didn't do it on purpose!!

I'm sorry, brother Lu Sheng. The clan leader asked you to come over. Please come with me. While the three of them were arguing, another petite and cute girl secretly pulled Lu Sheng up from the side and fled quickly. Side hall.

Before Lu Sheng could figure out what was going on, he was pulled out of the palace gate.

I'm Ni'er, Brother Sheng, you can call me Xiao Ni or Ni'er. The girl smiled, with two small dimples showing on her cheeks, and she looked extremely cute.

Don't blame them. There are very few people in the Suzaku tribe in heaven, and almost all of them are women. The few men are not only more beautiful than us, but also weak in temperament, without any masculinity at all. Let me wait. Look down on them. Over time, they became like this.

It's understandable. I just didn't expect the atmosphere in Demon Court to be like this. Lu Sheng shook his head.

That's right, many demon gods in the Demon Court dominate the world, and they have been at war with the Witch Clan for too long, and there is no longer a threat, so apart from enjoying themselves every day, they just have to enjoy themselves.

My Suzaku clan is okay, because of my special constitution. Even if I want to, if I have sex with many other demon clans, I will burn them unconsciously. Even the demon god cannot avoid the pain caused by being burned by the Suzaku Divine Fire. So I'm pretty clean.

Can't demons and gods be avoided too? Lu Sheng asked in surprise.

Naturally, after all, although we are not strong in actual combat, our power is the most ancient divine beast after all, the ancient flame of the dragon and phoenix era. Although the demon gods will not be burned, the pain still exists. Only a very few demon gods can ignore the pain.

But those demons and gods are too ugly. With Xi and the Empress taking care of us, we still have the right to choose. Nier explained with a smile.

Why does Emperor Xihe take care of our clan? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Because of the sound of music. Our clan leader Yuxuan is the best music official in heaven. Only her music can make the emperor and empress relax. Nier said with a smile.

While the two were talking, they soon walked up and down the white jade passage and entered a red pavilion surrounded by clouds.

In the pavilion, Yu Xuan was sitting opposite a petite figure, seeming to be giving instructions.

Seeing Lu Sheng's arrival, Yu Xuan said a few final words and asked him to get up and leave.

But when the petite figure left, he met Lu Sheng face to face.

With a startled glance, Lu Sheng looked at the other party.

She has a flawless and exquisite appearance, a petite and slender figure, and is wearing a black one-piece lotus leaf skirt, which perfectly highlights her voluptuous waist. The neck, arms, and thighs are all exposed, like the most delicate and flawless perfect porcelain.

What left Lu Sheng most speechless was that this woman even raised her butt up and down when walking. The ultra-short skirt could not cover her buttocks, perfectly revealing a hint of purple under the skirt.

Hmph! The opponent snorted coldly and deliberately bumped Lu Sheng hard. As a result, he was too weak and was almost knocked down by the bounce.

Don't think you are certain to win! I, Nanchi Luo, will never give up easily!

The little guy's pretty face turned red with embarrassment, and he became a little angry. He snorted again and passed by.

Lu Sheng was speechless again. He didn't know how he provoked the other party. He looked up at Clan Chief Yuxuan who was standing up.

Don't blame him. As one of the only three remaining males of the Demon Court Suzaku clan, he also has his own self-esteem. After all, there are too few pure-blooded male Suzakus. You attracted all the clan members as soon as you came. It’s natural to have some attention and a temper.” Yuxuan said helplessly.

Male??! Lu Sheng was suddenly stunned.

Yes, you thought he was a female because of the skirt he was wearing? Yu Xuan covered her mouth and smiled, No, in our Suzaku clan, as long as we can fully display our own beauty, no matter what the outfit, It’s allowed. Don’t be fooled by the appearance. Whether it’s a skirt or anything else, it’s just a prop to show off your beauty.”

Really? Lu Sheng felt that his three views had been subverted.

Of course, if you like, you can wear it like this. No one will control you. In heaven, you have absolute freedom in this regard. Yuxuan smiled.

Okay. Instead of talking about this, let's talk about business. Chief, is it true that Buzhou Mountain broke off? Lu Sheng changed the subject and looked solemn.

You come with me. Yuxuan nodded and reached out to touch Lu Sheng's shoulder. The scene around the two people suddenly changed, and countless images flashed past them.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Sheng found himself standing on a vast plain as green as emerald. At the far end of his field of vision, a huge white mountain range connecting the sky and the ground was slowly breaking and bending from the middle of the waist.

The speed of breakage is not fast, but it is accelerating every moment.

That's Buzhou Mountain. Yuxuan said calmly, The two ancestral wizards Gonggong and Zhu Rong were fighting here. Zhu Rong was slightly better. Gonggong was angry and ran into Buzhou Mountain. The result is what you see now. Now. These top powers are going crazy and are really causing harm to the world.

The cold wind carrying broken snow blew from the side, and the biting cold made Lu Sheng shiver.

This is the cold air of Taiyin. Even Suzaku and I can only be stunned for a short time. The battle between the two ancestral witches has shattered the space nearby into shape. Many space cracks mostly lead to the Taiyin pole region. Yuxuan said casually. explained.

She waved her hand again, and immediately the two of them were dazzled and returned to the pavilion.

What I showed you just now is the memory scene that I witnessed with my own eyes before. What you felt is also the situation I felt at that time. Yuxuan said helplessly.

I'm afraid the situation on earth is even worse now. We, the Suzaku clan, don't have many saint-level blood descendants. Together with you, there are only five derived blood descendants on the earth. I will bring you up in time to resettle you, which can be considered a preparation. .”

Thank you clan leader for your kindness. Lu Sheng said, cupping his fists.

Don't thank me. In fact, Zhu Rong Gong Gong died together this time, and it was also designed by the ten Golden Crow princes. The Wu Clan has now learned the truth, and will soon start a war with Heaven. When the time comes, you should pay attention to protect yourselves. Yu Yu. Xuan warned.

Lu Sheng originally thought that she would have other intentions or requests in exchange. But now it seems that she really only made this choice to continue her tribe.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

Okay, I still have guests to meet. You can go down and rest first. Yuxuan said calmly.

Lu Sheng slowly left the pavilion and walked halfway when suddenly, outside the palace complex in the distance, there was the sound of horns. The desolate horns were accompanied by the beating of huge war drums, and subtle roars of giant beasts continued to be heard.

He kept walking, guessing that the Demon Court had officially dispatched its army, and a war with the Witch Clan might begin at any time.

Let me take you to your residence. The Suzaku Palace is actually very big. There is enough space for you to move around. Just remember, never leave the Suzaku Palace. The many demon gods and subordinates outside are not easy to deal with. If you offend anyone, even the clan leader will not be able to protect you.

Nier warned carefully.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded.

The two of them walked in tandem, and Nier quickly led him through a large palace, and finally stopped at an exquisite and luxurious mansion.

This is where you will live for the time being. Come on, let's go in. She took the lead in pushing open the door of the white jade mansion.

Inside, two pretty girls with rosy complexions wearing goose-yellow dresses walked out carrying palace lanterns.

Seeing Ni'er and Lu Sheng come in, the two girls lowered their heads and covered their mouths shyly, and left quickly.

Nier explained as she walked.

There are two Suzaku Holy Body level blood descendants here who came up from the lower realm. You can get along well. In addition, there is a shared bath for men and women in the courtyard outside. If nothing happens, you can go in and take a long soak. It is good for your cultivation.

Also, the most important thing is to remember to lock the door at night. She turned around and said seriously.

?? What's wrong? Lu Sheng was stunned by her sudden solemn expression and didn't understand why this matter was important.

If you don't lock the door, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow. Xiao Ning must have told those little guys about you before.

This heaven is very boring. The only entertainment available is wine, mating, mating, and wine. The pure yang in your body has not been released. If you can maintain it, that would be the best. It will be of great help to your future cultivation. so.

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