Extreme Demon

Chapter 913 Point 2

I understand. Lu Sheng roughly understood the current situation. This group of Suzakus were too lonely in the sky, and they couldn't marry other groups. They could only play with themselves, but several males in the group were worse than females. female.

Now he suddenly appeared and immediately attracted the attention of almost all Suzaku.

Although Lu Sheng didn't approve of his current appearance, he knew very well what level this appearance was on the outside.

It can be said that Nanming Changshenglu has indeed transformed his original body of combining strength and beauty into the current appearance that is completely in line with public aesthetics in terms of mainstream aesthetics.

Although he didn't like it, it was undeniable that this appearance would make a good first impression on the female.

After Ni'er saw him through the door, she turned and left.

The mansion was empty, except for Lu Sheng, there were two other women in purple who were chatting quietly in the corner of the yard.

The two women are both descendants of Suzaku. One is cold and the other is hot. They have completely different temperaments. They also inherit an almost perfect and pretty appearance.

They just ignored Lu Sheng casually, ignored him, and continued chatting over the phone.

Lu Sheng walked through the yard, found a slightly larger one among the large empty bedrooms in the mansion, and moved in there.

Apart from being a little noisy in the first few days, the Heavenly Court Vermillion Bird Palace has been quiet since then.

Lu Sheng not only goes to another palace complex every day to visit his subordinates from the Guangming Sect, but also Lanxi Enruo and other monsters from the Forest of Giant Trees. After that, he wandered around the Suzaku Palace.

Yuxuan did not stipulate what he had to do, but only told him not to leave the Suzaku Palace. The rest is free time.

This made Lu Sheng, who had always been very curious about Heaven, take a serious tour of the entire Suzaku Palace.

Three meals a day are served by girls from the demon tribe with weak Suzaku blood. Each of these girls wears less than the last, wearing all kinds of alluring clothes. They rotate every day. Their desire to seduce is not too obvious.

In the evening, people often quietly knock on the window outside Lu Sheng's bedroom. A change of underwear hanging out in the yard often disappeared.

Several times, Lu Sheng even found that the tea cup he had just taken a few sips from would disappear after getting up and leaving for a short while.

She told Ni'er these things several times, but Ni'er always laughed it off and seemed to just go along with it.

Yuxuan gradually began to avoid Lu Sheng, and seemed to directly acquiesce in the activities of her tribe.

The Suzaku clan has a low status in heaven. Due to the innate physique of the mythical beast, it is difficult for them to intermarry with other clans. In addition, only demons at the Suzaku Holy Body level can be combined to produce the same high-purity blood race.

Therefore, internal intermarriage is very common. The Suzaku clan where the Dijie clan is located is not bad. Although there are not many males and they all have beautiful faces, the number is barely enough to distribute. But the ones in heaven are completely inadequate.

There are dozens of Suzakus in total, and there are only single-digit males. These males are not very interested in females and they cannot go out to find them. Therefore, the Suzaku clan is tortured by the desire that is constantly aroused all day long.

Lu Sheng's arrival was like pouring a bucket of gasoline into the dry firewood where sparks had already appeared, and a blazing fire exploded in an instant.

After staying in the Suzaku Palace for more than a month, Lu Sheng gradually became familiar with the entire Suzaku clan, and he also understood their helplessness to a certain extent.

But he didn't come here just to rest. But it has another purpose.

You mean, you want to find this thing with the help of my Suzaku Palace's intelligence network? Ni'er looked curiously at the scroll in her hand, on which a giant black tree and a strange-shaped tree were clearly drawn. silver metallic eyeball.

Yes, our Suzaku clan should be quite good at intelligence. If we can find these two things, we will be rewarded greatly! Lu Sheng said in a solemn voice.

Although I haven't seen it before, I can help you give it a try. Nier smiled and nodded. She was the person appointed by Yuxuan to be responsible for the daily life of Lu Sheng and other demon clans in the lower realm.

On weekdays, Nier behaves quite steadily, unlike other Suzaku women who want to do something without saying a few words.

So Lu Sheng came to Ni'er with the picture he drew and made his request.

But the lower realm is too vast, so these two things may not be found quickly. You have to be patient enough to wait. Nier whispered.

Of course. In return, if you need my help in any way, you can come to me. Lu Sheng said solemnly, This is my promise.

If you can help me, I really need something. Nier hesitated for a moment, looked at the scroll in front of her, and tapped her lips with her index finger.

The demon god Yunmeng wants me to send a painter and a musician from the Suzaku Palace. If possible, I hope you can help me protect that musician.

Yunmeng is one of the few demon gods in the Demon Court who is not afraid of the pain of the Suzaku Divine Fire, so he has always had evil intentions towards our clan. But according to the rules of heaven, as a general of the demon god, he is also qualified to recruit the musicians from the Suzaku Palace to play music.

We sent one of only three males before, but even so, that male was ravaged and collapsed completely. After returning, he took a long time to recover before he slowly recovered.

Understood, I will come with you. Lu Sheng has long been tired of staying in the Suzaku Palace for so long. This small mission will give him a chance to move around. If successful, he may be able to gain a foothold in the Demon Court.

Thank you very much. Ni'er was also helpless. Yunmeng had been delaying for too long. Originally, with the words of Xi and the Empress, they could have continued to delay, but after what happened earlier, Xi and the Empress were not in good shape either. Let’s talk about this little thing again.

So there is really no way to escape this time.

Fortunately, Lu Sheng's appearance gave her a way. Among the Suzaku clan, Lu Sheng may be the only one who is not a boy or a girl.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for him to step forward at this time.

After Lu Sheng returned to the mansion, not long after, a maid came to notify him, asking him to go to the west gate of Suzaku Palace to meet the musicians.

He tidied up a little, took his brush and paper, and soon came to the west gate.

Brother Sheng, it's all up to you this time. The musician happens to be an acquaintance of Lu Sheng, Xiao Ning, who guided him the first day he came up.

Xiao Ning stared at Lu Sheng with a pair of foxy eyes. She was wearing a pure white exquisite long skirt, with a few pieces of vermilion feathers on her exposed shoulders as decoration.

Don't worry. You lead the way. I have never left the Suzaku Palace. Lu Sheng nodded.

Business was important, so Xiao Ning stopped being a nymphomaniac and walked in front to lead the way.

Outside the Suzaku Palace are white jade corridors, which are like bridges and extend far into the hazy white clouds, looming.

Cranes and beasts flew by from time to time, and large looming palaces could be seen on the left and right sides from time to time, with huge demonic bodies looming inside.

The two walked forward for more than half an hour, and soon, a brilliant golden medium-sized palace appeared on the right side in front of them.

A tadpole-shaped silver symbol plaque hangs above the palace door.

Guarding the door were two little green-faced fanged demons. The demonic power in his body is not weak, at least he is at the golden elixir stage.

After Xiao Ning stepped forward to communicate with the two little demons, two tall gray-skinned giants soon walked out of the hall, leading Xiao Ning and Lu Sheng in.

Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time, just waiting for Miss Ning'er to come. The giant who led the way said solemnly.

Thank you Demon God for your love, Ning'er will definitely play with all his heart. Xiao Ning looked a little scared, but had to answer nervously and carefully.

That's good. The giant nodded and said no more.

Lu Sheng followed at the rear without saying a word.

Bang! !

Suddenly, there was the sound of a heavy door closing behind him, and waves of space fluctuations spread rapidly. In an instant, Lu Sheng felt that the palace had completely turned into an isolated space.

Xiao Ning's heart tightened, and she suddenly thought of the tribesman who had an accident before, and her heart suddenly beat faster.

The three of them walked forward and soon entered a dark hall.

The gray giant stopped indifferently and motioned for Xiao Ning to come in.

Xiao Ning trembled and slowly walked into the palace gate. Lu Sheng also wanted to follow, but the giant stretched out his hand to stop him.

Your Majesty only wants Miss Ning'er. Just wait outside and I will let you go back when it's done.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly. The giant immediately groaned in pain, and the place where the wrist was touched was scorched black.


Lu Sheng walked slowly into the hall.

It was empty except for a bald man with two heads, sitting at a long table, staring at Xiao Ning who came in first with an extremely greedy and hungry look.

Lu Sheng took a few steps forward and approached Xiao Ning.

Chi! !

Suddenly a knife mark cracked in the ground in front of him, as if some invisible giant blade slashed out instantly.

Lu Sheng's steps stopped suddenly and he looked at the two-headed man.

Get out of here now. I'll spare you for Ning'er's sake. The man opened his mouth, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs.

Is this the demon god? Lu Sheng licked his lips. During this period, he had learned a lot about the Suzaku clan. Since his breakthrough, he had been silent for too long. It just so happens that this time I try to see what level of master the so-called demon god is.

The Suzaku clan has Xihe to take care of them. In fact, if their own actual combat ability was not too weak, they would not be as successful as they are now.

These days, Lu Sheng has also made some plans for this situation.

He looked at Yun Meng intently, then suddenly stretched out his hand and flicked his finger.


A little red light shot out instantly and landed precisely on the back of Ning'er's head. Ning'er's beautiful eyes were startled, and then she fell to the ground and passed out.

Not only did Ning'er fail to react this time, but even Demon God Yunmeng was a little stunned.

You!! He stood up from his seat.

Don't worry, there's just something I don't want her to know. Lu Sheng smiled.

Yun Meng narrowed his eyes and stared at Lu Sheng. The previous relaxed atmosphere was gone, and his intuition told him that the guy in front of him might be in some trouble.

You are not a painter of the Suzaku clan!?

Lu Sheng shook his head.

How is it possible? I am the Suzaku Holy Body with a truly pure bloodline. He stretched out his right arm, and the arm that had been hidden in disguise suddenly gradually revealed its true form.

The fair forearms were quickly covered with dense, mysterious lines. Countless pale flames naturally appeared in the surrounding air. A terrifying and powerful aura slowly surged through the hall.

Suzaku Divine Fire!! Lu Sheng shouted suddenly.

Yunmeng was startled and quickly condensed a large number of Xuanyin water balls. Before he could react, he saw

Countless purple-black tentacles rushed out from Lu Sheng's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, exploding in mid-air.

Chi! !

A circle of substantial ripples spread crazily in all directions with Lu Sheng as the center, wrapping up the entire Demon God Palace in the blink of an eye, once again adding a layer of barrier on top of the original spatial isolation.

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