Extreme Demon

Chapter 911 Nanming Longevity Record 2

But the benefits are obvious. My body has been strengthened to at least three times its original size! And there are fewer impurities in my body. It is more pure and pure. Lu Sheng had a hunch that if he regretted the world of demons now, he might be able to achieve success no matter what technique he practices. Easier efficiency than before.

This should essentially mean that the qualifications have been improved.

And if he fights Libra City Lord Ziyue again, he should be able to easily defeat the opponent in his first form.

And the life span has also been increased to 550,000 years, which is not bad. Lu Sheng was quite satisfied.

Now that his spiritual power has been used up, he plans to get up and test his current state.

Just as he started to move, Lu Sheng just moved slightly before he could raise his hand.

A large amount of pure white fire suddenly ignited around him.

He was slightly startled. This was not the Suzaku Divine Fire he had emitted. It seemed to be just the movements of his arms, drawing traces in the air. These traces naturally derived natural flames.

The white flames burned the surrounding gray matter cleanly in an instant, just like ice and snow dissolving quickly in the sun.

The gray material filling the cave melted rapidly within a few seconds, leaving only a little residual transparent material after burning, which dissolved in the air and disappeared completely.

Lu Sheng looked at his naked body in shock.

All the clothes on his body were burned clean by the white flames. The power of the flames was unbelievable.

Should I say, it deserves to be the most ancient divine beast? Lu Sheng looked at his arm again. When he saw the countless dense mysterious lines on it, he seemed to understand the root cause of the fire just now.

The seventy-first chapter of the Nanming Immortality Record. Just one move can trigger natural phenomena in the world. It is indeed worthy of the name of a mythical beast. I just don't know how powerful I am in my current state compared to those demons and gods.

Not caring so much for the time being, Lu Sheng quickly restrained his aura, and the natural deception of the Demon Master level slowly unfolded, wrapping the body and naturally isolating it from the outside world.

He will not completely untie this layer of isolation until he has complete control over his body and soul.

The improvement was so huge that even a master-level powerhouse like Lu Sheng could not fully grasp the entire body's strength at once.

He needs more time to adapt.

Otherwise, if you accidentally blow your breath and burn to death your valued subordinates and relatives, it would be really tragic.

After dealing with this, Lu Sheng had time to check the magic weapon of Junshan Order.

He glanced at the remaining spiritual power.

There are still a million or so. It should be enough to upgrade this Junshan Order. Lu Sheng breathed out.

This is a magic weapon that has been sacrificed and refined, and it is closely related to his essence and spirit, so the spiritual power can also treat it as a part of himself to a certain extent and quickly improve it.

Lu Sheng didn't know to what level the Nanming Eternal Life Record had increased the power of the Suzaku Divine Fire, but he knew that his control was too poor and he could burn the opponent alive if he was not careful.

This world is famous for its longevity. Various magic weapons have been around for a long time, and the divine power contained in them is absolutely abundant. This can be seen from the fact that just a few days ago, a mere magic weapon accumulated millions of divine powers.

So Lu Sheng's current idea is to grab as many magic weapons as possible while investigating the information about the Eye of Sin and the Black Giant Wood.

And if you want to grab the magic weapon, the Red Emperor's Condensing Star Art and a powerful protective magic weapon are indispensable.

Increase the power of the Junshan Order, keep improving and don't stop! Lu Sheng rested for a moment and then directly ordered Shenlan.

The dark blue interface quickly blurred.

A brilliant golden light mist evaporated from the surface of the Junshan Order, and the original simple and exquisite lines on it quickly became more concise under the influx of a large amount of divine power.

The size of the entire token also slowly began to shrink.

Lu Sheng carefully sensed the changes inside.

The promotion of Junshan Ling seems to be based on his Nanming Immortality Record, with the influx of divine power corresponding to the time he spent refining this magic weapon.

The more divine power he has, the longer he has been refining this magic weapon.

After all, his own demon power is already at the powerful level of the 71st level.

Soon, the Junshan Order completely reached its limit after tens of thousands of divine powers poured into it. Its entire body has turned into a dark golden color and is only half a palm in size. Both the front and back have complex and gorgeous patterns that resemble the shape of a red bird.

Lu Sheng held the Junshan Ling and felt the effectiveness of the magical power inside. A look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his face.

Next, it's time to look for magic weapons. Lu Sheng carefully recalled some of the most famous magic weapons in the ancient world.

Forget about the Pangu Banner, the Chaos Bell, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, etc., each of those innate treasures is in the hands of the top powerful ones, but there should be a lot of acquired magic weapons, and there is a chance to get them.

Then, the place with the most magic weapons should be under the saint's door. Or in the heaven!

Boom! !

Suddenly, a loud noise accompanied by vibrations spread rapidly from the ground in the distance.

Lu Sheng had just finished refining the Junshan Order, and he felt as if the whole earth was shaking violently.

Countless loud wails suddenly rang out in his ears, and the lives tens of thousands of miles around him all let out a sad and shrill cry at this moment.

This is actually not a sound, but just a wonderful instinctive fluctuation. It is only in the ears of the Suzaku Holy Body that it becomes a sound.

What is this!!? Lu Sheng's soul continued to fly towards the distance, following the direction of the sound.

But no matter how much he explored, he couldn't see where the sound was coming from.

He put away the Junshan Order and rushed upwards.

The cave wall above his head was directly knocked open and torn apart by his unbridled brute force. The seventy-one-turn Nanming Immortality Record, even if it only improves a small amount in one turn, the more it is accumulated, the more it will become a qualitative change, achieving Lu Sheng's current terrifying physical strength.

Bang! ! !

He rushed out of the ground in one breath and landed firmly on the right side.

The sky was turbulent, and countless clouds were rushing towards the far distance.


Suddenly, a red light point with extremely fast speed shot from a distance like lightning and fell into the palm of his hand.

‘The sky pillar is broken! Heaven and earth are separated and there is going to be chaos! You can move to the territory of my Suzaku clan as soon as possible, and I can personally protect you.

But no matter what, don't stay where you are. The Forest of Giant Trees is too close to the Witch Clan. Once the Lich fights, there will be no buffer. ’

It was a message from Yuxuan, and it was sent through fire using the unique method of the Suzaku clan.

Tianzhu? Buzhou Mountain!? Lu Sheng reacted immediately. His expression changed.

Buzhou Mountain was smashed by Gong Gong, and he and Zhu Rong both died. The next step should be Nuwa mending the sky, but why did Yu Xuan mention the possibility of a battle between lichs? Is it possible that Gonggong's collision with Buzhou Mountain and the demon clan's hidden efforts behind it?

No, if the Ancestral Shaman has died, the Demon Clan Nanfang will not be ready to make a move! Big trouble!

No matter what, this is an earth-shaking change. Just relying on his small foundation is not enough. The Suzaku clan is high in the ninth level of Demon Court and should be able to avoid this disaster.

Without saying a word, Lu Sheng quickly turned into fire and flew into the main hall of Baiqiu, and began to summon all his generals.

Everyone felt the huge earthquake just now, but they never thought that it would break the Buzhou Mountain.

Soon, the three and four guardians of the Guangming Sect, as well as the five demon kings, gathered one after another. After discussing in Baiqiu for half an hour, some of the demon clan had no worries and were willing to follow Lu Sheng to leave, while the other part obviously did not believe it and did not I wish to stay away from my homeland.

Lu Sheng didn't force it either.

Immediately began to use the firelight that Yuxuan sent the message to reply again. Contact the Suzaku Clan. Everyone followed Yuxuan to heaven to escape the disaster.

The Heavenly Court is extremely vast, with tens of thousands of featherless birds, so there is plenty of room for the Suzaku clan.

Demon Court, Zhuque Palace.

A beautiful girl wearing purple-red clouds led Lu Sheng into the side hall.

The clan leader has gone to the East Palace for discussion. Is your name Lu Sheng? How does the place where you used to live compare to our Suzaku clan? It shouldn't be as beautiful as ours, right? The girl's name is Xiao Ning. In terms of age, she is older than Lu Sheng. Even better, it is now more than 5,000 years old.

He has just been living in a simple tribe, with a pure mind and no evil intentions.

I've never been to the Suzaku Clan. I don't know what it's like there, but it's probably not as beautiful as the Clan. Lu Sheng replied with a smile.

Really? That's such a pity. Xiao Ning raised her eyebrows and secretly looked at Lu Sheng behind her.

With a strong and tall figure, beautiful and flawless facial features, and brilliant short golden hair, he is like the dazzling sunshine, gorgeous and dazzling.

Compared with those soft males in the Suzaku clan who are more beautiful than women, masculine types like Lu Sheng are her favorite type.

Xiao Ning's face turned red with embarrassment, and her beautiful eyes glanced at Lu Sheng from time to time.

This is the side hall for receiving guests. There are fifteen members of the Suzaku clan in Heaven, which is not a large number. Everyone is busy with other things now and will not be here for the time being. She looked around and found no one. .

Really? Lu Sheng nodded clearly.

The patriarch asked me to take you here to wait. She will come to pick you up after the conference is over. Otherwise, why don't you take a rest here first? Xiao Ning asked softly.

Okay, please, Xiao Ning. Lu Sheng said with a gentle smile.

What a coincidence, none of the other sisters are here. Xiao Ning sat quietly next to Lu Sheng.

Are they not here? What positions do they hold in Heaven? Lu Sheng asked curiously.

We are just ordinary music officials. But because we are favored by Emperor Xihe, our status is pretty good. Xiao Ning stuck out her tongue, looking as innocent and cute as the girl next door.

If it weren't for her hot, perfect and slender figure and the strong aura of Suzaku, it would be impossible to tell that she was already an adult Suzaku beast.

Le Guan was lower than expected. Lu Sheng understood clearly.

Brother Lu? Xiao Ning suddenly asked softly from the side.

What? Lu Sheng turned his head and asked in confusion.

While the sisters are not here, why don't we have a quickie first? Xiao Ning blushed and asked in a low voice.

Uh The smile on Lu Sheng's face suddenly froze.

Okay, Brother Lu? One shot, just one shot! Just treat it as a meeting gift for Xiao Ning when we first met, okay?

Let me tell you, the rules of other demon gods are that in order to show courtesy to each other when meeting, you have to fuck the other person for ten days and ten nights! There are very few Zhuque Palaces like ours.

. Lu Sheng was speechless. Suddenly he thought that the current heaven is essentially dominated by the demon clan, and aren't the demon clan essentially just all kinds of powerful beasts and monsters?

The so-called etiquette, justice, integrity and so on are just rules that only emerged after the rise of the human race in later generations. For the demon race, there are not so many rules. You can eat when you want, play when you want, and do what you want, without any scruples.

This is natural.

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