Extreme Demon

Chapter 910 Nanming Longevity Record 1

A light blue interface suddenly popped up in front of you. Lu Sheng took a deep breath and clicked the modify permission button.

Suddenly the interface trembled, and a deduction button appeared behind the box.

Yes, since there are ready-made techniques, there is no need to deduce. Deduction is much more wasteful than improving. Let's try to improve first.

Promote Nanming Changsheng Record to the first level.

As soon as his thoughts fell, Lu Sheng felt that his spiritual power suddenly disappeared. Then his whole body felt as if he had entered a furnace, heating up. A large amount of heat appeared out of thin air on his limbs and wings.

Something in the body seemed to be rapidly changing and expanding.

This feeling lasted for a few minutes, then gradually disappeared and cooled down.


It feels very obvious, but I don't know how much it has improved.

Lu Sheng let out a heavy breath and looked at himself at this moment through the halo of the Suzaku Divine Fire on his side.

He was originally practicing in the human state. Now after entering the first level of the Nanming Immortality Record, his originally dull skin gradually became crystal clear.

The facial features are also much softer. Doesn't look as tough as before.

The skills that have not been deduced are indeed flawed, and the appearance is getting more and more ugly. Lu Sheng touched his cheek.

But it doesn't matter. Compared with deduction, the saved spiritual power can improve me more. Let's improve it first.

He carefully experienced the changes in his body.

The demon body seems to have become more energetic. Other than that, there is only a very slight increase in physical strength.

It's about one percent higher than before, maybe less than that.

“According to the inheritance, it only takes ten days to reach the first level, so it’s understandable that the improvement is so small.

Next is the second level. Dark blue!

Lu Sheng had a thought.

Immediately, another wave of divine power suddenly disappeared, numbering approximately 20,000 units.

This time was different from last time. The moment the spiritual power disappeared, a large amount of hot and scalding heat surged from the top of his head into his body like a flood.

Before Lu Sheng could prepare, he felt pain everywhere in his body.

The hot flow was like a flame, and it was mixed with many small hard fragments. These things were mixed together and shuttled fiercely through his bones and flesh.

And the original demon power in the body is also rapidly repairing the torn flesh and bones.

After a while, the heat faded and dissipated.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes with sweat on his head.

This second level of movement is quite big. According to inheritance, this level will take at least ten years. He sensed his physical condition.

What surprised him was that this second level of technique was not only useful for the soul of his body.

Even his body and soul could feel traces of hot things slowly seeping into it.

This kind of thing has extremely strong vitality, and seems to be able to attract something with a strong desire to die within the soul of the body.

Lu Sheng clearly felt that traces of unknown black matter were attracted by this fiery energy. The two quickly adsorbed together, blended and neutralized each other, and soon turned into a gray substance like a stone. Excreted by body secretion.

With a movement of his eyes, he quickly forced the gray substance out and seeped out from the pores of his skin.


In a daze, traces of gray smoke slowly floated out from the pores of Lu Sheng's body, and then gathered and condensed into a hard gray substance like a stone in front of him.

This thing seems to be the boundary stone that merges life and death mentioned in the Nanming Longevity Record.

It is mentioned in the Nanming Immortality Record that this stuff is used to add to the magic weapon. It is a special material that can make the magic weapon harder. But that's it. Among all materials that increase hardness, this thing only ranks among the top 100, and its output is extremely high.

After Lu Sheng recognized the origin, he was not very interested. He threw the thing aside and continued to observe the changes in his body.

Soon the blurry box became clear again, and the second level of Nanming Longevity Record was officially completed.

‘Nanming Longevity Record: The second level. (Special effects: Eternal Fire, Flame Enhancement Level 2. Flame Heart Level 2.)'

Lu Sheng knew about the eternal fire. It was mentioned in the inheritance that it was a special effect that allowed his flames to help people extend their lifespan.

Of course, whether to burn the enemy or extend his life depends on his mood.

It is only the second level of Nanming Immortality Record. Even if it can help people extend their life, it can only extend their life by a few minutes.

Firing the Immortal Fire once can only extend your life for a few minutes. It's useless. Keep going!

Lu Sheng once again immersed himself in continuing to improve.

The modifier box is blurry again.

There is no realm division in Nanming Longevity Record, only the difference between which turn and which turn. The realm division is the realm of orthodox Qi practitioners, and the Suzaku clan, as the most ancient divine beasts, is naturally not in this system at all.

The only thing that can be compared with the realm is the real power and actual combat effect.

Lu Sheng continued to improve, and his spiritual power was consumed rapidly like running water. Every time you upgrade one level, tens of thousands of divine power will be consumed.

One day passed in the blink of an eye.

The further you go to the Nanming Longevity Record, the longer it takes to improve. At the eighth level, it even takes three hours to complete the complete improvement.

After being promoted once, Lu Sheng could feel the blazing heat flow constantly seeping into his soul and body, absorbing a black muddy substance that he had never discovered before, and fused it into pieces of gray stones, scattered around. Inside the cave.

According to records in the Nanming Longevity Record, that black mud-like substance is the death energy that naturally occurs in life.

The Nanming Immortality Record, combined with the Suzaku bloodline, was born with the ability to absorb death energy, so Suzaku actually has a legend of being in charge of immortality.

If the Phoenix represents rebirth from the ashes, then the Suzaku represents immortality from the ashes.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Lu Sheng's Nanming Longevity Record finally completed the first turn of the ninth level.

Different from practicing other techniques, although he spent hundreds of thousands of spiritual energy, he did not feel exhausted at all. Instead, he was more energetic, and his body was not in any overload state. Every cell in his body was cheering for joy, just like After a good night's sleep, I felt so energetic when I first woke up.

Sitting in an underground cave.

Lu Sheng fell into deep thought.

The essence of Nanming Longevity Record is to mainly enhance the Suzaku Divine Fire, extend lifespan, and strengthen the soul. On the contrary, it improves the body the least.

I mentioned the first round, and my physique is only 30% stronger than before.

But the good thing is, I actually practice this without any fatigue period!

Lu Sheng felt extremely surprised.

You must know that any skill he practices, as long as he uses Deep Blue to improve, the training time will be greatly compressed, and the improvement will be too fast and too strong, which will cause the physical body and soul to be unable to bear it, so it will take a period of adaptation period before the next improvement can be carried out.

But Nanming Longevity Record doesn’t have any such feeling!

Generally speaking, the improvement of skills is like letting people go to work. After working for a long time, they will be tired and exhausted, and they need rest and entertainment.

The improvement of Nanming Changsheng Record is like letting people play and rest directly. The whole person is in a state of relaxation. It's just like taking a hot bath, extremely comfortable.

It's really magical. It is indeed the oldest mythical beast inheritance that existed in the dragon and phoenix era. This is the first time I have encountered this phenomenon.

No matter what happens, since there is no fatigue period, you can keep improving.

Lu Sheng said nothing and continued to adjust the dark blue.

Give me a bite to upgrade to the second level and ninth level!

With a loud bang, millions of divine powers disappeared in an instant, and were replaced by countless scalding heat streams that continuously rushed into Lu Sheng's body. It was like a clear stream, absorbing all the death energy from his body and his body. It condenses into gray stones and is scattered around.

There is no fatigue period, which means that you can improve infinitely, as long as you have enough spiritual power!

Lu Sheng forgot about food and sleep, and practiced hard in the underground cave day after day.

Nanming Changsheng Lu has been promoted from the first level to the second level, the third level, the fourth level, and the fifth level.

The death energy in Lu Sheng's body in this world was completely absorbed in the ninth turn, and then the main body was formed. The main body was hidden deep in the soul of this body, and could also be absorbed into the death energy.

Lu Sheng continued to consume his spiritual power, but the death energy absorbed from his body seemed to have no end, and it continuously condensed into a large number of gray stones.

As the death energy continued to be absorbed, Lu Sheng felt that his body's soul was becoming more and more crystal clear. It was as if all the burdens had been lifted off my body, and I felt more and more relaxed.

He intuitively felt that this would be of great benefit to his own body, but he couldn't tell what the benefits were.

More than 1.5 billion divine powers have become his endless energy furnace. The ninth chapter of the Nanming Longevity Record was quickly completed.

Then the tenth turn, the eleventh, the twelfth, the thirteenth, the fourteenth.

Gradually, time passed day by day. The cost of improving the Nanming Immortality Record is also increasing.

But Lu Sheng didn't stop. His current body soul was also silent, and its intensity increased a lot.

After the death energy was absorbed, his body and soul became more and more pure and refined. It seems that many impurities have been extracted. Naturally, the strength of the soul also began to increase.

The greatest support of the demon itself is the divine soul. The stronger the divine soul, the stronger and bigger the mental world will be, and the more powerful the various magical powers will be.

Lu Sheng originally thought that he had reached the peak of the Ming Luo Master level, but now it seems that he is far from reaching the limit of this realm.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now under the reflection of Nanming's Longevity Record, he was shocked to find that countless impurities and garbage had accumulated in his soul without knowing it.

While Nanming Changsheng Record is constantly absorbing the dead energy, it is also bringing out a large amount of impurities and garbage related to the dead energy.

Only leave all the energy and matter that is better for life.

It's just that although this technique is powerful, the further you go, the longer it takes to practice.

The spiritual power is mainly consumed in greatly compressing the practice time.

When Lu Sheng reaches the fifty-fourth level of his cultivation, the amount of spiritual power he needs to consume is already astronomical. It takes at least one hundred thousand years to reach each level of minor realm.

To use divine power to greatly compress the acceleration time and convert all the power of one hundred thousand years of hard work, at least three million units are needed.

But Lu Sheng had no intention of stopping, and he continued to improve the Nanming Immortality Record.

Turn fifty-fifth, turn fifty-six, turn sixty, turn seventy

Until the seventy-first turn.

Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes in the cave.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to continue, it’s that the divine power is gone! ?

More than 1.5 billion divine powers were all used up

In fact, Lu Sheng had already thought that there would be such a moment when he realized that Nanming's Record of Immortality could even be of great benefit to the demon itself.

But when this moment really came, he felt empty in his heart.

So much. So much spiritual power. It's all used up. He stretched out his hands.

The entire arm was covered with a thick layer of gray stone shell.

This is a gray substance formed by the condensed heat flow of dead air. It was just that there were so many that the entire cave could not fit in them, and in the end they could only stick to the surface of his pores and skin.

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