Extreme Demon

Chapter 909 The War Begins 2

After Yuxuan returned, the Suzaku clan spent a lot of connections and financial resources to finally confuse the Fenglin incident.

The Wu clan found the murderer and were still chasing him, but no one knew that Yuxuan secretly hid the Fenglin in a special ruins where the ancient Suzaku once lived.

It was simply another small space that no one could discover.

The Wu clan couldn't find anyone, so they angrily killed several groups of surrounding demon clans and had no choice but to retreat.

Some people also began to wonder if Feng Lin was hidden by Yu Xuan, but there was no evidence, and since Xi He spoke for the Suzaku clan, no one was willing to continue to step on this head.

On the whole, except for the relationship between the Witch Clan and the Demon Court, which was getting worse, the situation gradually calmed down again.

As far as the Wu clan is concerned, a small tribe like Zengmu has not only 100,000 people, but also 70,000 or 80,000 people under its command. All they care about is face. And the most important thing is that something happened inside them again and they need to deal with it urgently.

The Suzaku clan was detained for inheriting the magic weapon. The clan leader personally came forward to arrest the murderer, found out the real culprit, apologized on behalf of the Demon Court, and paid a lot of resources and materials.

They themselves also massacred several demon clans.

With this result, the Wu Clan could no longer pursue the case, and the matter gradually calmed down.

The only difference in the Forest of Giant Trees is that there is one more Suzaku blood descendant in the entire forest, and one less Fenglin Firebird whose Suzaku extended bloodline is missing.

And Lu Sheng also truly refined the Junshan Order magic weapon he got from Yuxuan.


The giant hairless birds all over the mountains and plains walked with heavy steps towards the Moses cattle family with blood-red eyes right in front.

Moses Cow is one of the largest demon tribes in the Forest of Giant Trees. Originally, their territory was located on the edge of the Zengmu Witch Clan's territory. Now that Zengmu was destroyed, the territory was taken over by the Lu Sheng Guangming Sect who took action immediately.

The Illuminati Sect has become a major force now bordering on Moses Niu.

Lu Sheng stood on a huge broken wooden pile and looked at the battle situation in the distance.

Tens of thousands of giant birds from the Illuminati Sect waved their powerful wings and fought fiercely with the Moses Bull Demon, who also had natural supernatural powers.

The strength of both sides is about the same. Depending on the size and quality, each other will win or lose.

The Moses cow has super strong defense, its leather is tough, hard to be damaged by swords, but its recovery power is poor.

The giant bird's recovery is amazing, but its defense is not that good.

Both sides were so furious that they didn't even bother to use their magical powers, and just went up to fight. Anyway, ordinary magical powers are of little use to them.

The entire forest floor was filled with violent crashes and vibrations.

Lu Sheng had an expressionless face, playing with the Junshan Order in his hand. Behind him stood Mingzhao and the other three great kings.

The four guardians had already gone down to join the battlefield, but the battle situation was still at a stalemate.

Leader, let us also join the battle! I've been waiting for so long and I didn't just come here to watch the excitement! Mingzhao's broken arm had grown back, and his face turned red at this time, wanting to ask for orders to join the battle.

The other two Vajras are also eager to try. Recently, with the support of the resources of the Guangming Sect, their cultivation has improved again. At this time, the battle is a good opportunity to prove themselves.

Lu Sheng shook his head slightly.

No, they can't last long. The situation seems tense and evenly matched, but in fact Moses Cow can't last much longer. Their endurance is far less than that of the giant birds of the Light Sect.

Not long after, there was a roar from the side of Moses Cow.

A black light soared into the sky, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a translucent gray shadow in mid-air, falling from the sky and slamming into the giant bird formation below.

Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he pressed the Junshan Order gently in his hand.


Suddenly, a white light shot out from the time token. The white light flew into the air, expanded rapidly, and turned into an oval white portal.

A huge dark red arm suddenly rushed out of the door.

A huge stone man whose body was made of dark red magma suddenly emerged from the portal and punched the shadow of the giant bull released by Moses Bull on the opposite side.

Bang! !

The two behemoths, which were more than ten meters high, also began to fight.

Is this the lava giant? Lu Sheng played with the Junshan Order in his hand, This lethal and destructive power is the early stage of Nascent Soul. It seems that I didn't inject much mana. According to Yu Xuan, this thing is the highest Can summon the lava giant in the transformation stage.

With this thought in mind, he poured more mana into the Junshan Order. Suddenly, the lava giant's body lit up with a red light, and his body swelled up again. His whole body seemed to be greatly strengthened, and he punched the giant bull opposite him. The virtual shadow was hit so hard that the opponent howled miserably and staggered back.

Sure enough. Lu Sheng nodded and continued to inject mana. Soon the lava giant became bigger and bigger, and its height quickly surpassed the original giant bull shadow.

Ouch! !

It roared wildly, hugged the giant bull phantom and pressed it hard.

Boom! !

The entire phantom giant shattered into pieces, and a certain bull demon from the Moses Bull clan opposite him spat out blood on the spot.

Retreat!! it roared violently.

Immediately, the entire Moses Niu clan completely exited the forest of giant trees and migrated into the distance.

Let's go, next one. Lu Sheng turned around and rushed towards the rest of the war zone.

The other five demon kings are currently developing territories in several other directions at the same time. In the Forest of Giant Trees, territory represents resources, food, shelter, spiritual fruits, etc.

In five days, the entire territory of the Guangming Sect has grown larger.

Expanding from the Zengmu Witch Clan to the surrounding areas, the territory of the Guangming Sect has at least nearly doubled.

Lu Sheng made many attacks on the battlefield, and the lava giant summoned by Junshan Order was very confusing, making people unable to notice his own level of strength.

This world mainly uses magic weapons to fight, so most of the outside world's attention is not focused on him. Instead, they all value the powerful Junshan Order he holds.

This is also the result Lu Sheng wants.

After obtaining the powerful inherited skills of the Suzaku clan and defeating the surrounding threatening forces, he no longer bothered with trivial matters and left the affairs of the sect to the three Vajra and four guardians around him, and then entered seclusion again.

This time, he wanted to really try to see what the true power of Suzaku's inherited technique was.



Demon Court.

Yuxuan. On the jade bridge between the White Jade Palace, the leader of the Suzaku clan paused and looked back.

A handsome man with a green jade crown on his head and a jeweled sword hanging from his waist walked forward quickly with a worried look on his face.

Qing Zhong? Didn't your Qinglong clan go to the West End? Why are you suddenly back now? Yu Xuan said in shock.

Qinglong is the clan with the most bloodlines in the Dragon Clan, and is considered the clan closest to the Ancestral Dragon. The combat power is also the strongest among the four elephants. He was appointed as a leading general in heaven and fought everywhere.

It's not that I came back suddenly, but something happened over there again. Qingzhong sighed, In short, you and I are in the same boat. I can't reveal the specific situation prematurely, but you should be more alert. A big chaos is coming. Already.

Qingzhong didn't say anything, and quickly passed Yuxuan and walked towards the palace in the distance.

Yuxuan stood on the jade bridge, always feeling a little uneasy.

I heard that several princes are going to visit the lower world recently. I don't know if it is true or not.

It should be true. I was asked to help organize the chariot a few days ago, but there are seventeen Golden Crow Nests in the lower realm, and I don't know which one the prince is going to.

Yes, yes. If we can know where we are going in advance, maybe we can let my family prepare a few things in advance. If we can please all the princes, it will be a great achievement!

Yuxuan applauded, her heart moved slightly at this moment, and she heard the recent events discussed by the little demons around the demon court.

The prince is visiting the lower world. Yu Xuan frowned. For no reason, why did the ten princes of the three-legged Golden Crow, who were in charge of the movement of the sun and stars, suddenly go down to the lower world?

Her mind moved slightly, and she began to capture the movement coming from the demon god area.

Most of the demon gods are very casual and lazy, and sometimes they just chat without using voice transmission or spiritual consciousness.

This is when she can collect information.

Nine times out of ten I hear nothing, but I seem to be lucky this time. Yuxuan immediately heard that several big stars were gathering together to drink and chat.

It's been ten days since Zuwu Gonggong and Zhu Rong fought, right?

Absolutely. It was just a squabble in the beginning, but why did the fight get more and more violent? These barbarians really can't figure it out.

But I guess the fight won't last long. Zhu Jiuyin will never sit back and watch the two fight. It should be time for mediation soon.

Speaking of which, Zhu Jiuyin has been the mediator many times before, but this time you don't know that Zhu Jiuyin happened to be away! Yixing Jun said with a drunken smile.

Not here? No wonder the two ancestral witches of water and fire have been fighting for so long. No wonder the ten princes want to fight.

Stop talking! This matter has not yet been finalized, so don't speak nonsense.

Yes, thank you fellow Taoist for reminding me.

The voice quickly became quieter, and it was no longer audible.

But Yuxuan probably already understood that the demon emperor's ten sons descended to the lower realm for more than just fun.

It's really a storm that's coming, she said, her face slightly condensed, and she quickened her steps towards the Suzaku Palace.

If the balance of the lich is really broken, a war may be imminent. When the time comes, she will have to think carefully about how to find the best place for the Suzaku clan to live.



The lower realm is thousands of meters underground in Baiqiu.

Lu Sheng was sitting cross-legged in the dark underground palace, surrounded by balls of light red Suzaku flames, illuminating the surrounding environment.

He holds the Junshan Order in his hand, and on his right side is a pile of various magical artifacts and rare materials collected from surrounding forces.

The body has almost adapted, and it can be improved again. This time we want to see how powerful this Suzaku inheritance technique is.

Lu Sheng was looking forward to this. After all, it was the pure bloodline of the legendary beast and the righteous divine technique.

He first retrieved the Nanming Longevity Record from his inherited memory and checked it carefully.

This Nanming Immortality Record is divided into nine levels. After completing the nine levels, you can reincarnate yourself once. The more times Suzaku is reincarnated, the stronger his physical quality, the more beautiful his appearance, the more sweet his vocals, and the more powerful his flames.

And for each successful reincarnation, the life span can be increased by 10,000 years.

Lu Sheng read it several times, but could not figure out the specific principles, the concepts and elements involved, such as pulling the innate heart, soul seal, extinguishing the soul-leaving lamp, etc. It is not a normal system of cultivating immortals at all.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it can be fixed.

Not being able to understand it has nothing to do with whether you can cultivate it or not.

After reading through the Nine Levels of Kung Fu, Lu Sheng decisively began to concentrate and calm down.

Dark blue!

He planned to use the magic weapon Junshan Order as a cover, mainly rely on the magic weapon to take action outside, while he continued to improve rapidly, reaching the limit in the shortest possible time.

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