Extreme Demon

Chapter 504 Soul Seizing 2

call! !

Luo Sang suddenly sat up from the bed. He was covered in sweat, his eyes were frightened, his hands were trembling, and he touched his face unconsciously.

Damn it! It's this dream again! He couldn't help but curse in a low voice. Although there was no emotional fluctuation in the dream, after waking up, the extreme panic and fear made his whole body tremble unconsciously. .

He wiped his face fiercely, pressed his eyes, and tried to calm himself down as much as possible. But the rapidly beating heart could not slow down. More and more cold sweat seeped out from his forehead, then wetted his clothes and flowed down his cheeks, chin, neck, and even his back.

Medicine. He quickly crawled out of bed tremblingly, rummaging in the bedside table with trembling hands to find the medicine to suppress the rapid beating of his heart.

His name is Luo Sang, an ordinary, ordinary son of the manor owner. If there is no accident, he will inherit his father Luo Di's village and continue to live an ordinary life peacefully until he dies of old age.

There are countless lives like this in today's peaceful countries.

The Donghe Empire he belongs to is huge. Although it is decayed, it is still as stable as Mount Tai. A large number of nobles and giant businessmen firmly control the power of the upper levels of the empire, but do not overly exploit the lower levels. The empire was just past the peak of its glory and was slowly declining.

Because of stability, the upper class pursued more material enjoyment, which led to a large number of merchants to start crazy exchanges and trade with another equally huge empire in the East. Some newly developed manors have also appeared on the border, combining the East and the West to form a unique and characteristic place.

Twenty years ago, Luosang's father, Rody, established a large farm of his own here.

Now, this place has become a prosperous area known as Sunset County.

Luo Sang shakily took out the special potion in a thin-necked silver bottle from the bedside table. Luo Sang held on to the potion tightly, but did not open it and drink it immediately.

Many times recently, nightmares recurred more and more frequently, almost bringing him to the brink of collapse.

I have had enough of this horrible nightmare every night, and sometimes even having nightmares during my nap during the day!!

An unknown anger surged from deep in his heart, and a force emerged from his body, causing him to smash out the silver medicine bottle in his hand.


The silver bottle bounced off the stone wall not far away and rolled several times on the ground. The cork at the mouth of the bottle had been knocked away, and streams of light red potion flowed out and penetrated into the light yellow soil. .

Go to hell! In a life like this, it would be better to die. If you die, you won't have nightmares anymore. If you die, you won't have to worry about it anymore. You won't have to be forced by your father anymore. A thought of self-destruction kept coming up deep in my heart.

The pain in my heart is getting bigger and heavier, and my breathing is getting faster and faster.

Luosang couldn't help but recall everything he discovered yesterday.

His father Roddy has been preparing for twenty years to take revenge on that small town. He never gave up on returning to that terrible and terrifying place.

He secretly made all preparations, but he only planned to bear it alone and did not tell his son the action he wanted.

Luosang understood.

That town, that terrible and evil place, they would never let them go. Those evil and powerful devils, it can be judged from the father's handwriting, that they have been looking for his father and son.

Father Roddy has been trying to hide him and himself.

But such hiding will eventually be exposed one day. Those evil guys will always find various ways to find the traces they leave behind.

The notes record a simple story of his father Rody's battle of wits and courage with them over the years. In order to avoid those guys, more than a dozen substitutes that Rody worked hard to create and mislead have all been killed.

And now, it's their turn.

From the day he discovered the note, Luosang gradually confirmed that his father's secret actions were indeed true, and he also began to have more and more nightmares, and it was the same nightmare.

He then understood in his heart that nothing could be avoided. After hiding for twenty years, they still have to face this destined ending.

He couldn't imagine what his father and son would use to fight against that evil town.

Crossbow? Torch? Or poison? My father has tried many methods one after another over the years.

Fire won't kill him, and he won't even get a chance to get close with his sword or knife. A crossbow shot has no effect. Poison has a slight effect, but those monsters are too powerful. Poison that can kill people only slows down their reaction speed.

Maybe it's not bad to just die like this.

Luo Sang fell from the bed to the ground, covering his heart with his hands, but his consciousness gradually fell into calmness and relief.

If he had to choose, he could easily die of a heart attack rather than die at the hands of those monsters.

The moonlight shone in from the square window and sprinkled on Luo Sang's pale cheeks.

This thin and painful young man should have been in fear and pain due to inner cramps, but at this time, a sense of serenity and peace inexplicably emerged.


Suddenly, a tiny gray crack appeared from the back of Luo Sang's neck, and a red light point flew out of the crack and sank into the back of Luo Sang's head.

Luo Sang's originally narrowed eyes suddenly widened, and his blue pupils shrank slightly, then expanded. Red blood-like lines began to spread along his pupils towards the whites of his eyes.

The spread was not very fast, it only took a few minutes for it to completely occupy the entire eyes.


His body arched downwards suddenly, then bounced back to its original shape.

Well Luo Sang blinked, and the hand covering his heart slowly retracted.

This body... is a bit weird. At this time, Luo Sang, or Lu Sheng, rubbed the skin around his heart with a strange expression.

Waves of tingling pain continued to surge throughout his body from there.

Myocardial twitching, temporary shock? It should be a nerve problem. Just adjust the nerves. Lu Sheng's spirit spread out and he slowly smoothed and relaxed the twitching heart muscle.

The stinging pain in his heart slowly faded and dissipated.

For the Holy Lord Spirit who can deceive reality, forging some neural signals is nothing.

Lu Sheng straightened his body again and began to close his eyes to absorb the hidden memories of this identity.

Losang? Small town? Avengers? Scenes of weird scenes kept replaying in his mind. As the memory went back, Lu Sheng's expression became more and more weird.

Interesting. This place. He could feel his body curled up deep in his heart, restricted by a huge and complex power of rules, unable to leave this body.

After carefully investigating this restricting power, he immediately discovered that the rules here were completely different from those in Great Yin and other worlds.

I was suppressed a lot, but it doesn't matter. I just need a period of time to adjust and adapt. The old rule is, if it is not necessary, try not to use the main body. Let's take a look at the cause and effect of this Luosang first. Lu Sheng closed his eyes again.

The bedroom fell completely silent.

After more than ten breaths, he opened his eyes again.

Don't let the tragedy happen again? Also, destroy the town. These two causes and effects are also the biggest purpose of Lu Sheng's trip.

Let me tidy it up. Lu Sheng stood up, walked to the window and opened it. There was a damp, cold air flowing in from outside.

The cold air hit his face, instantly refreshing him.

Luo Di Luo Sang and his son fled the town because of persecution twenty years ago. Luo Sang's mother died in the town, and her grandparents and grandparents all died in the town. Even if the two father and son managed to escape, , there are still varying degrees of small town influence on them.

Every once in a while, a monster from that mysterious town will catch up and try to hunt the two of them. In these years, it was all thanks to Luo Sang's father, Rody, who relied on various means to go around and hide. According to Rody's notes that Luo Sang saw, it seems that no one in the world can resist the small town monster.

So the question becomes, what are these small town monsters?

Judging from Luo Sang's memory, this world is completely a world of cold weapons. The most powerful ones known to people are bows and crossbows, but even this type is a controlled product among the people. Except for military use, everyone else uses it. die.

Luosang's father, Rody, secretly obtained several strangled crossbows in order to fight against the monsters. Once word spread, he would be beheaded.

Lu Sheng opened the closet and took out a set of long gray clothes with a hood, which was somewhat similar to a windbreaker. There was also a coarse cloth rope around his waist as a belt.

After getting dressed, he opened the door and walked out.

Directly opposite the door is a square and spacious small courtyard. Two ladies with thick waists and hips are sitting in the courtyard on small stools, peeling potatoes, while whispering and chatting.

They wear gray skirts and white cloth headscarves. They spit when they talk, but they can peel potatoes continuously with knives in their hands.

After Lu Sheng went out, the two aunties waved to him.

Little Asang, are you up?

The butter mashed potatoes are ready and placed on the table in the small hall. Go and eat yourself.

Lu Sheng smiled and nodded. Then he walked towards the small hall following his memory.

While walking on the road, he began to try to condense the spiritual energy in the air, but unfortunately he found nothing. There seemed to be only pure gas in the air without special energy.

Then Lu Sheng changed it again and tried to extract the essence essence from his body. This is the Dharma of Great Yin.

This time it had some effect, but it wasn't very obvious. It was still very slow and not very efficient.

The third is to extract spiritual power. Everything has spirituality. Lu Sheng tried to extract a little spirituality from the vitality, and it worked, but the efficiency was far less than in the spiritual power world, and even worse than in the Muyun world.

While trying, Lu Sheng followed his instinct and walked to a yard planted with many purple flower-like grasses.

The father of this body, Roddy, was wearing tight-fitting black clothes and standing in the middle of the yard practicing basic sword skills.

He used a silver machete as short as his forearm. There was no routine in his swordsmanship. One move after another was consistent, powerful, and fierce. There is also a hint of blood and cruelty in it.

Asang, are you up? It's rare to get up so early today. The strong man quickly finished practicing a set of sword skills. After finishing, he noticed Lu Sheng standing beside him and said warmly.

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