Extreme Demon

Chapter 503 Soul Seizing 1

Within the Great Yin, Golden Leaf, Jade Star, and Shenhui are just three simple levels, but they represent the three levels closest to the military master in the entire human world.

The power of the Holy Lord is tyrannical, and the soul can distort nature and deceive the energy. If we really want to compare it, Jinye is like a user who shoots randomly with a submachine gun, while Yuxing is a master of marksmanship who knows submachine guns extremely well and has undergone targeted training.

As for the final Shenhui, he uses a submachine gun, but the bullets fired will automatically turn into RPGs. The difference is no longer comparable.

Not long after this kid broke through, he was able to reach this level. What kind of monster was he in his previous life!? Su Fei's mind was racing, but he never expected that any Holy Lord would have such a fighting style on the road.

After thinking for a while, she raised her hand and pulled out a small box engraved with bamboo leaves and green snake patterns. This is compensation. Your messy magic weapon is just made of ordinary materials. If you use it to go head-to-head with the magic weapon, it will be strange if it is not destroyed. There will be no next time!

Lu Sheng smiled, said nothing, caught the box, and immediately sensed the subtle aura of the divine weapon that was faintly permeating inside. It was indeed the most powerful Holy Lord Su Fei, and he had a golden leaf divine weapon in his hand.

After collecting his things, he glanced at the frightened Jinlong Cave Master beside him, turned around, jumped into the air, and fled away. Now that Su Yufei has arrived in person, there is no use for him to stay here. It's better to go back and use the remaining time to quickly study and improve your strength.

The catastrophe is approaching. If he wants to avoid becoming cannon fodder and follow the crowd between the Great Yin, the Demon World, and the World of Pain, he must have enough strength to stand on his own.

If you don't become the master of war, you are just a chess piece after all.

His next goal is to accumulate souls and wait for the qualitative change to become a soldier.

Lu Sheng searched the area again and casually killed some bandits who were attracted. He soon discovered something was wrong.

In addition to the Golden Dragon Cave Master, there are actually layers of talisman formations arranged here. The most important thing is that there seems to be someone behind him who seems to know him very well. All these formations have only one purpose, and that is to teleport.

Teleport him somewhere else instead of defending and attacking or something like that.

Moreover, these formations seemed to be based on the position where he intercepted the Golden Dragon Cave Master before, and were built around it as the center.

It's just that these formations seemed to have been arranged in a hurry, and they seemed to have been abandoned in a hurry before they had time to start.

Interesting. If Su Fei doesn't arrive, then I will definitely be surrounded by these formations after killing the two masters of the Golden Dragon Cave.

Unfortunately, my speed was too fast, and Su Fei suddenly appeared, which made them misjudge my actual combat strength, so they made a decisive decision and gave up everything.

After Lu Sheng checked the formation, he immediately felt that the commander behind all this had the feeling of being able to escape thousands of miles away without hitting a single hit.

Decisive in setting up the formation, with so many formation flags and resources, he gave up when he said he wanted to. He was ruthless and sold out the two masters of the Golden Dragon Cave. He could still use them as bait to try to complete more arrangements.

He was already a little curious as to who was targeting him behind this time.

Unfortunately, he circled around and found no trace of anyone around.

The other party obviously knew his style very well, so much so that he didn't leave any clues around him.

In desperation, Lu Sheng destroyed the formation patterns and turned around to Yuan Mo Sect. No matter who is targeting him, they will always jump out when given the opportunity.


Su Yuanfei's matter was resolved, and when Lu Sheng turned around, he had already heard that Su Yuanyuan had been rescued. His trip was just a show. In fact, the leader of the Aurora army took the initiative to ease the relationship between him and Su Feifei on the pretext of giving away the clay tablet.

But it doesn't seem to be very successful now.

Su Fei took Su Yuanyuan to practice in seclusion. There was no movement or movement in Dayin for a while. Lu Sheng went to the World of Pain again, and Heijin had already found a desolate town nearby, a place called Duming Town.

There are three magicians in the town, one mirror spiritualist, and the rest are weird things and ghosts.

There will always be some unexplainable weird existences in the painful world. They are similar to the human world, immortal, and if they are destroyed, they will grow back after a while.

However, they are in different levels of pain, and their existence cannot be noticed until the pain reaches a certain level.

Lu Sheng also realized this when he was making up for the absence of several sacrifices.

After helping Heijin carefully plan the follow-up development, Lu Sheng forced her to go out and patrol the surrounding area, killing all kinds of weird monsters running around. Then, while studying the Holy Sword Clay Tablet, he began to prepare for the third coming.

Twelve years is neither long nor short. If you choose well, you may be able to choose an outside world with a big difference in time flow speed, and maybe you can use the difference in flow speed to understand the Holy Sword Clay Tablet.

So this time, Lu Sheng, who had gained experience, began to repair the advent formation, re-dissolve the formation patterns, and modify it again.

Now simply devouring divine weapons no longer appeals to him. The fastest way to improve his practice is by descending and devouring oneself from other worlds.

After thoroughly studying the Four Seasons Ice Strategy, Lu Sheng conducted an overhaul. Successfully set the time flow rate limit between one to ten and one to fifty.

As for what world can be randomly visited, it's unclear.

However, Lu Sheng vaguely felt that in a world where time flows faster, energy flows and circulates faster. The two are directly proportional to each other. But similarly, in such a world, the energy limit level is not high.

Therefore, it is not easy to take into account several points and choose the most suitable world.

After months of research, finally, the new advent array was completely perfected.

Lu Sheng also began a new third coming.


Fine blue light spots and dark red fragments were scattered in the air in the research hall. Like tearing up dancing pieces of paper.

Lu Sheng stood in the formation in the center of the hall, holding several small boxes that had been prepared in advance. These are the special items he plans to take with him on this trip.

In order to prevent him from encountering a world with huge differences in the rules of heaven and earth, he prepared some additional basic gems and sands, which are the simplest basic gems used by mortals, just in case he encounters a special world. Start.

East 12.33, West 13.16, North 20.00, South 9.47

After refinement and adjustment, the power of divine patterns is injected.

Lu Sheng stretched out the back of his hand, and the divine pattern on the back of his hand naturally lit up with a faint blue light. This divine pattern, even in the Great Yin, was not weakened much and still had quite powerful lethality. It can be seen that its energy level is extremely high.

Lu Sheng discovered in an accidental experiment that adding this divine pattern as a special material to the advent formation actually had the effect of stabilizing the entire formation structure.

Therefore, the Xuanshui divine pattern has become a key part of his current advent formation. It is precisely with this that he can greatly reduce the scope of the advent world to a controllable range.

As Lu Sheng read out the adjustment data in rune language word by word with the vibration of his voice, the formation under the entire research hall slowly began to light up with red light. The halo was like a burning flame, beating continuously. There seemed to be some subtle monster shadows showing their teeth and claws.

Seeking death! Lu Sheng's soul came out, and a dark red winged snake pattern appeared on his forehead and between his eyebrows.


With a muffled sound, all monsters in the research hall disappeared, screaming and blending into the halo.

I actually encountered a time and space planarian. According to the records in the Four Seasons Ice Plane, only when the time difference reaches a certain level can such a phenomenon be possible.

Lu Sheng looked at the formation patterns that were glowing under his feet.

According to records, there are some insect-like matrilineal clan creatures surviving in time and space. They survive by devouring the time lifespan of past life. The time and space planarian is one of them. I didn't expect that I would encounter it.

Lu Sheng's soul surged, and his invisible mental power tried to search for some wreckage of the time and space planworm, but all the wreckage had long been washed away by the rushing energy of the formation and disappeared.

It's a pity. We can only wait until next time. In the regretful voice, the advent formation suddenly glowed with red light, and the red and blue snowflakes lit up with white light.


A gray gap instantly opened in the space above the formation, and Lu Sheng's entire body was wrapped in a white light, which flew in and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The gray crack only opened for a moment. After Lu Sheng entered, it suddenly closed in less than half a second.

Everything was carried out properly under the precise calculation and arrangement of the advent formation. In this way, it only takes a little time and the size is reduced to a very small range. The pressure on Lu Sheng and the load on the formation are reduced to an extremely considerable level. It can also maximize security and stability.


The evening sun shines on the abandoned and dead town.

The streets, stables, taverns, and inns were all deserted, and there was dust and mist floating in the air.

Asang, do you still remember this place? A strange voice came from my ears.

Luosang looked at everything in front of him blankly and responded unconsciously.

This is Wind Falcon Town. My hometown.

Yes. It's also my hometown. The voice came from the right side, and Luosang immediately turned his head to look.

He saw a tall, strong and burly man with a beard and a vicissitudes of life, looking calmly ahead, but that kind of calmness, anyone could see that it was just suppressed.

The man has short hair and looks smart and simple. He wears a black shorts on his upper body and opens his chest to reveal strong muscles full of scars. The bronzed muscles reflected a shiny luster in the dim sunset.

Asang, you must remember all this firmly. The man's voice was low, filled with unforgettable hatred.

Remember this place.

Remember this place that once belonged to us but was completely destroyed for us.

Asang remembers it. Luo Sang clearly didn't feel his lips move, but his voice came out spontaneously.

Let's go and end this. The man strode forward from his side, heading towards the dead town.

Woo! !

Suddenly a sharp whistle sounded in the sky.

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