Extreme Demon

Chapter 505: Self 1

Good morning, father, I woke up very early. Lu Sheng nodded, stood aside and quietly watched Roddy practice his sword skills.

After watching for a while, he discovered that although his physical father Rody's sword moves were extremely scattered, the power erupted from each move was slightly stronger than that of an average person.

Although this is not much, in a life and death fight, if you are stronger and faster, it is a world of difference, the difference between life and death.

And he noticed that this father also had great endurance. A man who is almost fifty years old can still have such a strong body. He must have a secret.

After practicing a set of scattered knife moves, Rody took a long breath and inserted the mottled silver machete back into the sand leather sheath on the side.

What's wrong, Asang? Aren't you usually the most annoying to watch me practice swordsmanship? You are so patient today. I heard something hit the floor in your room just now, are you okay? Roddy asked carefully.

It's okay, dad. Lu Sheng shook his head, looking slightly tired, It's just that I'm having nightmares again and I'm in a bad mood.

It's okay, everything will be fine. Rody came closer and stretched out his hand, gently rubbing Lu Sheng's hair with a gentle expression.

Okay, let's go have breakfast first. The table is already ready.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded.

The two of them walked into the small hall inside one after another and sat down at the rectangular stone table. The black stone table was cold and hard, and it felt bitingly cold even when their elbows touched the edge.

Lu Sheng sat down, with a dark yellow mud-like mess that had been put on a porcelain plate in front of him. It smelled like beef mixed with potatoes and seemed to have pepper and cayenne pepper.

He also read Roddy's notes yesterday, just peeking at them, and then carefully restored them to their original state. Erase all traces.

Although Luo Sang's character was a little bad, he did these details very carefully. Even fingerprint marks were carefully removed.

According to the contents of the note, Rody will soon be preparing to leave the manor and head to the town for revenge.

He didn't plan to take his son with him, so he didn't even mention it to Luo Sang.

At this time, Roddy sat quietly in his seat, scooping up the mashed potatoes with a spoon and eating them, taking a sip of the milk on the quilt next to him from time to time.

He didn't wipe his sweat or wash his hands, and the small hall was filled with a strong smell of sweat.

Lu Sheng secretly looked at Rody and knew that this cheap father would leave Zhuangzi soon. Although he didn't know how long it would take, he should make preparations before he left.

According to Luo Sang's memory, the reason why Rody was able to escape the pursuit of monsters in the town again and again was not only his resourcefulness, but also his key sword skills.

Although this sword skill has no special functions, it gives him powerful explosive power, swift strength, and long endurance.

While Lu Sheng was sizing up Rody, Rody was also secretly observing his son.

He had always hoped that his son would be more sensible, and perhaps one day be able to help him share all the burdens he was carrying. However, as time went by, he found that his son was completely uninterested in what he had learned.

Whether it's the highly poisonous mixing techniques he learned from foreign primitive tribes, or the secret medicine sword skills he studied under the Jelello School of Swordsmanship for many years. He tried to hand it over to his son, but unfortunately there was no response at all.

But starting from this morning, when he saw Luo Sang for the first time, he found that his son's cowardly and evasive look had finally changed, and was replaced by an inexplicable calmness and determination.

It seemed that something happened last night that caused his mood to change drastically overnight, as if he had some kind of firm support in his heart.

Rody frowned slightly and carefully recalled his son's social circle.

Maybe, Carlene from the nearby Mercer Manor? Or is it Angel, the daughter of a clothing store owner in the county?

Apart from that, he couldn't think of any other possibility that would make his son, who had always been timid, suddenly become strong.

Although I don't know what happened last night. But, I like the look in your eyes now. Rody said lightly.

Lu Sheng was startled. He didn't expect that Rody's observation skills were so sharp.

The adults from the patrol room were here before. He was silent for a moment, and then said according to Luo Sang's memory, They said they wanted to investigate the whereabouts of Dikaron, who suddenly disappeared a while ago.

That's the big news recently. Rody smiled, The world is always so dangerous, even tax collectors can encounter mishaps.

As a manor owner, you can't always try to rely on tenants who only have a hoe and a hatchet, how about that? Do you want to learn some tricks from your dad?

He has found a way, perhaps to isolate the special mark on his son. Once this trip is successful, he is ready to leave here and go for revenge alone.

If successful, he would return and continue living with his son. If he fails, then let him take away all the pain and hatred and bury it with the town. Don't let Luosang bear the burden of everything in the future.

But preparations are not enough now, and it will have to be delayed for a while. Recently, he has run out of substitutes, and those monsters may come to his door at any time. The latest substitute needs to continue to make preparations. He will have to go out again in a few days to temporarily lure the monsters away.

Learn your ordinary sword skills that don't look gorgeous at all? Lu Sheng frowned and imitated Luo Sang's previous tone.

It's not gorgeous, but it's practical enough. Roddy said with a smile.

Is it practical? Lu Sheng pondered for a while, How does it compare to Jack's Imperial swordsmanship?

Jack is a friend he met here who grew up together. Because his family was poor, he was sent to serve in the Imperial Legion at the age of twelve. He has been training continuously from preparation to preparation. Now in his twenties, he is already a member of the nearby Sunset Legion. The deputy of the town garrison chief.

According to Luo Sang's memory, Jack's imperial swordsmanship was not the thin sword of the Eastern tradition, but a large sword that was as wide as a palm, heavy and could be used for slashing. The so-called imperial swordsmanship is the basic military swordsmanship taught uniformly in the army. The moves are simple but have good lethality.

Imperial swordsmanship is suitable for battles. It's good for charging into battles. In one-on-one, my swordsmanship is more practical. Roddy smiled gently, without specifically saying who was stronger and who was weaker.

Then it's still too late for me to learn now? Lu Sheng asked again.

It's not too late. Luo Di was overjoyed when he saw his son finally relented. He had always wanted his son to pass on what he had learned. Unfortunately, Luo Sang had no interest at all. This topic was raised countless times, but every time Luo Sang would deliberately use something else. The topic changed.

But he didn't expect that his son would respond directly to him this time.

After all, your request is only for self-defense, not for the pursuit of more. Although it will be limited by the immobilization of the muscles and bones and the length of the joints, it will have no impact on self-defense. He thought for a moment and answered seriously. But if you want to learn, you'd better learn the whole set, sword skills, archery, and equestrian skills, all at the same time. Don't wait until your father is old and can't teach you anymore. By then it will be too late to learn again.

Lu Sheng was not very interested in other things. What he was really interested in was Roddy's sword skills, which could allow an ordinary person to break through the limits of the human body. Although it was only a little beyond the limit, this set of sword skills must have its own characteristics. of the extraordinary.

To complete Luosang Karma, the best way is not to use the body, but to use this body, and use the most suitable system in this world to solve everything.

After all, once you use your true body, even if you successfully solve the immediate problem, you will most likely be rejected by the world and leave this world. Then it's time to waste another advent.

So he first needs to find out what the main power system in this world is. Judging from the cheap old man Roddy in front of him, it is very likely that this set of sword skills has a secret.

I have decided that I want to learn sword skills. Lu Sheng seemed to be thinking on the surface, but then he came back to his senses, raised his head, and finally replied solemnly.

Seriously?! Rody straightened his back and looked at his son seriously. You have to understand that learning sword skills is very hard work.

I know. Lu Sheng nodded.

Rody was silent for a moment. Eat breakfast first.

The two father and son were silent, and both began to eat mashed potatoes with their heads down.

Ten minutes later, the two of them arrived at a small open space surrounded by a fence outside the manor.

The clearing is surrounded by light mangrove trees, and the wind is constantly blowing the leaves and making a rustling sound.

Rody led Lu Sheng to the open space and gently pulled out the knife from his back.

Since you have decided to really learn, I will not hide my secrets. The set of sword skills I want to teach you comes from the Jelello School of Sword Skills from the Faena Empire. This set of sword skills is powerful and suitable for For one-on-one duels, the suitable weapon is a double-edged fixed knife, preferably of a weight that you can hold with both hands without feeling any effort.

He held the knife and slashed forward sharply.


The blade suddenly drew a thin silver line in front of Lu Sheng. The speed was very fast. He quickly pretended to be frightened and took two steps back.

Don't be afraid. The biggest advantage of Jelello's swordsmanship lies in exerting force. How to slash with maximum power without damaging the muscles and bones. This is the main research direction of Jelello's swordsmanship. .Come on, starting from the chopping move just now, I will teach you the specific postures and movements to exert force.

Rody began to teach bit by bit the true secrets of Jelello's sword skills.

Lu Sheng listened attentively. As Rody explained in detail, he quickly understood the actual style of this swordsmanship school.

This school does not focus on sword moves, but only on strength and speed. They have developed many techniques and exercises that can enhance strength and speed. Starting from oneself, try to find out the ultimate speed force of the human body.

Because the worlds are different, Luosang's physical structure is actually completely different from the human body structures in other worlds. This is the key to making it difficult to use other systems.

But now this set of sword skills is a system that completely conforms to the rules of this world.

According to Rody's description of Jelello's knife skills, this school as a whole is divided into three realms.

First: Experienced. As the name suggests, he can master and use various techniques proficiently, and he can be considered a good hand in actual combat.

Second: one hand. It means that you can summarize and integrate the skills of the school, summarize and sort out the skills that are most suitable for you, and then use your sword skills to the limit. One-hand is considered a master in the school. Purely from the perspective of skills and experience, he can be called an elite. One fights two, one fights three, that's the level.

Moreover, in the school, in addition to meeting the requirements in terms of skill and experience, one-handers also need to meet the standards in terms of strength and speed. According to Lu Sheng's judgment, Roddy should be at this level now.

Third: Master. This realm is no longer limited to the inherent skills of the school. They understand the principles of all skills, and their strength, speed, and physique have reached an extremely high level. They can adjust their bodies at all times to keep them in the best condition, regardless of skills or body. They are all in an impeccable perfection without flaws or shortcomings.

This is the master, the pinnacle of humankind.

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