Extreme Demon

Chapter 502 Troubled Times 4

The boat was like a shuttle, dragging long white traces on the green river. The traces rippled and spread out, and soon disappeared.

Lu Shenglian stood with his hands in hand, standing on the boat and heading forward into the wind. There was no pole under his feet, but the boat was still moving forward at a fast pace without slowing down.

To be precise, Dou Xing Cliff is located outside the Great Yin, close to a large wilderness.

The Qilong Mountains are an extremely weird mountain, with lush green grass and giant trees, but there are no monsters gathered here, not even weird ones.

There are only some scattered wild cultivating sects on the outer edge of the mountain range.

The Golden Dragon Cave is one of them. The Qianjin Dragon Ancestor Qing Baiwu is known as the Master of the Golden Dragon Cave. He possesses the blood of the legendary Golden Dragon and is one of the few wild Holy Lord overlords in the world.

It can be said that they are independent and carefree.

But now, it was because of the Wanhua Divine Weapon that he imprisoned Su Yuanyuan, the daughter of Su Fei.

It is rumored that this Qianjin Dragon Ancestor has extraordinary strength and is even older than Holy Lord Qianming. It is said that his experience is somewhat similar to that of Su Fengfei. He also went on a rampage in his youth and killed countless people. In the end, he was killed by an unknown old monk. Afterwards, I was persuaded to enlighten myself and turn around to do good. Then I lived in seclusion in the mountains and created the Golden Dragon Cave lineage. I don’t know whether it is true or not.

Lu Sheng came here alone with the idea of ​​​​quick resolution. After solving the trivial matters this time, he would return quickly to arrange future affairs for Heijin. Then the arrival must be as soon as possible.

He didn't have much time to lose. If Heijin did not lie to him, then it can be explained clearly why in recent years, the Song Dynasty and Dayin have been frequently at war with the demon world, and demon disasters have continued to break out.

It must be that the demon world keeps opening battlefields in order to delay the coming of the catastrophe.

I just don’t know why Heijin can use such a sure tone, confirming that the catastrophe must be twelve years later.

Lu Sheng didn't know what the meaning of this time was.

After coming back to his senses, Lu Sheng took out a complex and detailed color map, looked at it, and carefully compared his location.

Duxing Cliff should be here. He looked around. There were gray cliffs on both sides of the bank. The sky above was gloomy and the river was quiet. Obviously this should be the destination, but Lu Sheng didn't notice the slightest bit of energy. fluctuation.

I didn't expect that person was right. Sect Master Lu actually came here in person. Just as he was doubting, suddenly a young man wearing a long green dress slowly floated on the river in front of him.

I'm going to Jinlong Cave Poof!

Lu Sheng slowly took his hand out of the man's heart, and the human body in front of him suddenly turned into black ash and dissipated. He didn't know when he had flashed onto the water in front of this person.

His gaze shifted, his soul dispersed, and he suddenly looked towards a cave on a cliff by the river not far away.

found it.

With a flash of his body, Lu Sheng shot into the cave with a series of afterimages, and it was as if the distance of several hundred meters did not exist.

There are two people sitting cross-legged in the cave. One of them has messy hair and leaky front teeth. There is a red sword floating behind him.

The other man's face turned pale, and he actually looked the same as the man who had just appeared in front of Lu Sheng. Astonishingly, it was Qing Baiwu, the master of Jinlong Cave who was in high spirits before. At this time, his face turned pale, and his eyes widened when he saw Lu Sheng coming in so quickly.

Holy Lord Lu, wait a moment! You don't want to know. Boom! !

Before he finished speaking, Qing Baiwu felt as if he had been hit by an elephant, his whole body flashed with golden light, and he flew backwards into the depths of the cave.

Wait! Lord Lu, please don't force us to attack Su Yuan! Another old man with wild hair was shocked. The big knife behind him suddenly made dense red knife marks in front of him. The countless knife marks were like vines. Red flowers burned in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, it was woven into a large translucent net.

Then you go ahead. Lu Sheng looked calm and stepped forward.

You!?? The old man was stunned, and then his eyes blurred. Suddenly he didn't react, and he felt a sharp pain in front of his body. His eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything anymore.

Lu Sheng casually crushed the old man's head, and green yin fire spontaneously spread out, covering the old man's entire body and burning it.

Bang! !

The old man's body exploded, and the red sword inside automatically split into five pieces and shot out in all directions.

You still want to escape in front of me? Lu Sheng stretched out his hand to grab it, and a large piece of dark blue water emerged behind him. He immediately wrapped up the five fragments of the divine weapon and took them in.

Sect Master Lu, have mercy on me!! The voice of the old Holy Lord begging for mercy could be heard faintly in the sea water.

Oh? So he's from the Jing family? Lu Sheng made a careful analysis and immediately discovered the old man's real background.

Exactly, please ask the sect leader to open up the net and bypass the old man this time! The old man shouted sadly.

Why are there people like you in the Jing family living outside? You must have seen it wrong. A blue light flashed in Lu Sheng's eyes, and two thin sounds suddenly came from the blue water behind him, as if something exploded.

A mere Golden Leaf Holy Lord is rare among Dayin Holy Lords, but that doesn't mean that he will become stronger when facing Lu Sheng.

To put it bluntly, the Golden Leaf Holy Lord is almost the same as the monks in the early stage of Divine Infant. In the previous world, he didn't kill too many people.

Although compared with the Divine Infant monks in Muyun's world, the Holy Lord here is better at killing, but that's the same for Lu Sheng.

He didn't even use his own divine wisdom and soul, but simply used part of the power of the Sea-Shifting Pearl left over from the previous world.

He easily killed this person.

Although he couldn't bring back the terrifying magic power from the previous world, he could only fuse part of it into his physical body, which could be regarded as increasing the physical strength.

But the Sea-Floating Pearl was brought over completely, even though the laws on the Great Yin side were very strong, making the Sea-Floating Pearl only have half of its original power at most. Dan Dan is enough to deal with the ordinary Golden Leaf Holy Master.

It's not bad, after all, there is no diffuse spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air here. Without spiritual energy, there is no way to increase the power.

It can only be as powerful as the main body is. Fortunately, the changes in the rules are not too big in other aspects, and the power of the magic weapon itself is still less than half.

Lu Sheng was quite satisfied, so he put away the sea water behind Huo Haizhu and continued to move forward.

Following the rapid movement of the cave, Lu Sheng crossed several thousand meters in the blink of an eye, and soon caught up with the Golden Dragon Cave Master who was escaping with golden light all over his body.

Sect Master Lu! If you have something to say, if you kill me, you will definitely not find Su Yuanyuan's whereabouts! The master of Jinlong Cave was sweating violently at this time. Fortunately, he had listened to the girl's advice before and did not take Jinlong Cave with him. , otherwise this trip would be a real loss.

It was impossible for Lu Sheng's strength to be broken through just now. Just the reaction sent back the moment his previous clone was killed made him understand that the vicious man in front of him was at least at the Jade Star level.

Among the Holy Lords, most are only at the Gold Leaf level, and those who reach the Jade Star level are considered outstanding. If he had this level of cultivation, he wouldn't have to change his identity and leave his family to come to such a wild place.

The Golden Dragon Cave is a magic weapon. It is not with me at this time. I asked others to take it and put it in a hidden place that no one knows. Only I know that place.

clang! !

Before he finished speaking, Lu Sheng had already grabbed Qingbai Wu's forehead with one hand, which was blocked by a thin golden film.

But the golden film only blocked it for a moment, and then cracked open under the burning green flames under Lu Sheng's hands.

Nine Dragon Kaiyun Sword!! Qing Baiwu knew that he was at the critical moment of life and death, so he gave up his plan to persuade Lu Sheng, gathered all his soul, the power of the divine weapon, and the power of his blood, and waved his hands forward to the peak of his history. of a knife.

Brilliant golden light gathered in his hand like flowing water, and then extended into a slender scimitar swallowing golden flames.

The scimitar blade is engraved with nine pure white snakes and dragons, which surround the long blade like snakes and roar continuously.

Ahhhhhh!!! Qingbai Wu roared wildly, and everything in his body was poured into this sword. All the power in the divine weapon, as well as the power of his own golden dragon blood, surged out without reservation at this moment. Get into this knife.

The golden light shone in the cave, and it was like a small sun exploding in an instant.

Ouch! ! !

The nine white snake dragons suddenly burned, soared into the sky, and turned into nine golden dragons. Along with a brilliant sword light in the center, they slashed towards Lu Sheng.

Cover the sea. Lu Sheng pointed forward indifferently.

The blue water ripples again behind me. A blue-gold metal ball rose rapidly from the water, facing the golden Nine Dragon Knife.

boom! ! !

The two collided head-on, and a horrific explosion broke out in an instant.

The entire small mountain suddenly exploded, and golden light and blue water columns shot out from the crack.

I don’t know how long it took, but the golden light dimmed and the blue water column gradually disappeared.

Less than half of the mountain completely collapsed, and the cave became an open-air ruin environment.

Qing Baiwu gasped heavily, half-kneeling in the ruins, holding a golden sword in one hand. All his clothes were blown away by the explosion, revealing the golden inner armor he wore close to his body.

Lu Sheng was suspended in the air opposite him. At this time, he gently waved his hand and took back the sea-covering pearl in mid-air.


As soon as I pinched it, a line suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea-covered pearl.

Lu Sheng's expression suddenly darkened.

You deserve to die!

In an instant, his figure flashed and appeared in front of Qing Bai Wu, and suddenly grabbed Qing Bai Wu's neck with his claws.

Stop!! Suddenly a roar came from mid-air.

Lu Sheng turned a deaf ear and grabbed Qingbai Wu's neck with his claws.

But the next moment, a white jade-like lotus arm appeared in front of him as if teleporting, blocking his claw.

Bang! ! !

Lu Sheng was knocked back several meters, then he snorted and moved forward again.

Slaughter the spirit! Claw shadows exploded from his hands like lightning, and rushed towards the man from all directions.

I said stop!! The owner of the lotus arm suddenly emerged from the void, and his arms caught all of Lu Sheng's claws one by one like lightning.

You will be punished by death for destroying my magic weapon! Lu Sheng's expression was cold, and his body began to swell rapidly. His mouth quickly opened to the base of his ears, revealing three rows of sharp saw teeth.

I'll pay you!! the woman shouted immediately.

boom! ! !

Lu Sheng's palm met the woman head-on, and a disc-shaped white shock wave suddenly exploded between the two of them. All mountains touched by the shock wave were cut off and fell instantly.

It would have been better if the teacher had said no. Lu Sheng's body suddenly shrank and returned to its original shape, and he looked at the woman in black skirt in front of him with a smile on his face.

Su Fengfei looked strange and stared at him panting. You still know that I am your teacher! Fortunately, I came here! Otherwise, if you killed him, where would I go to find Yuanyuan?

I don't care about that. Lu Sheng said with a smile, The teacher's daughter is not my daughter. But I believe that the teacher will never let his descendants die so easily.

Su Fengfei was immediately choked up.

She was here in person this time, and during the hurried fight just now, she faintly noticed that Lu Sheng had become stronger again. Although it was only a physical fight, Lu Sheng's physical body was obviously extremely powerful as he was able to fight her body head-on without losing for a short period of time.

Although she is only in human form, she at least has the lethality of the Jade Star stage.

Thanks again for last week’s reward list~

It’s a bit uncomfortable for everyone to be so awesome all of a sudden~╮(‵▽′)╭

The list is as follows:

The helplessness of not being able to bear the sorrow

Book Friends 20161228140145984

98k bullet bag

Small forest at sunrise

Drunken person

A certain taro

Ji Youqing

The third young master’s big cock

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