Extreme Demon

Chapter 398 Communication 1

Mind Controlling Demon Lord? Lu Sheng licked his lips and looked at Xiao Zizhu's corpse greedily. It was an ancient demon. If these two people weren't present at the scene, he could have swallowed the corpse in one go. What a waste of so much magic energy.

But since there are two masters from Qianyang Sect's Blood Sun here, it's hard for him to do negative things like eating corpses.

These two are the true top commanders. They are the strongest forces in the vicinity that he quickly mobilized through emergency orders during the bloody day.

These two people are sworn brothers and practice two different palm techniques. However, because the magic weapons are a pair, they can complement each other's yin and yang and are extremely powerful.

Now that the mind-controlling demon lord has also appeared, it seems that the situation on Brother Lu's side is not good. Why not go directly to the secret realm to meet the holy master? The demon lord's appearance will inevitably alarm the higher-ups, and there is no way to cover it up. The man whom Lu Sheng called Brother Ghost said sternly.

That's what I meant. It's just that the distance is too far now. Lu Sheng couldn't believe it.

Actually, in reality, the distance is very far, but it is very easy to walk from the Secret Realm. The Golden Waterfall in the Secret Realm can be reached within a day by just taking a boat upstream. Brother Lu, if you don't have Well, how about my brother take you to meet my master today? Brother Ghost suggested sincerely.

In fact, since Lu Sheng rose to prominence in Fucheng, and because he has the body of the evil moon and is a disciple of Su Fengfei, he has long been noticed by the holy masters of Qianyang Sect. It was only because of Su Hongfei that he didn't take the initiative to reach out.

At this time, it was suddenly discovered that Lu Sheng was very powerful, and many Holy Lords secretly had their thoughts.

Well, thank you two brothers for the introduction! Lu Sheng bowed slightly to express his gratitude. At this time, the injuries on his body were also healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although only the superficial wounds were healed and the internal parts were not yet healed, this speed of recovery also amazed the two people who saw him.

In this case, Brother Lu will prepare a few things first. In the next two hours, after my brother has made arrangements, he will come to pick you up. Brother Gui arranged.

Okay, then, see you later.

See you soon.

Lu Sheng felt a little regretful as he watched the two men carrying the mind-controlling demon lord's body slowly disappearing from the place, apparently returning directly to the secret realm.

But he also felt a little strange about the previous fight. Even if it was a sneak attack, he felt that it was a bit weak compared to the so-called mind-controlling demon lord.

From beginning to end, the strength and trump cards displayed were far from matching the title of Demon Lord.

Standing on the spot and looking around, Lu Sheng's injuries recovered rapidly, and now the wounds were almost invisible.

Xiao Zizhu he repeated the person's name. In the end, he did not use the strongest form of yin and yang, just to keep himself a trump card. To avoid being seen through.

After settling the matter, let's go back first. The situation is getting more and more troublesome. My strength is actually not enough.

Without Xiao Zizhu blocking his way, Lu Sheng continued to move forward, walking along the shabby stone steps until he reached a huge temple with red roofs at four corners.

The incense burner in front of the temple was lit, the smoke was lingering, and there were many wooden sticks scattered on the ground.

Lu Sheng walked forward, picked up one and looked at it.

‘Great evil. ’ There was a word clearly written on the light yellow wooden sign.

Lu Sheng smiled, threw away the wooden stick and stepped forward, slowly walking into the courtyard of the temple. A group of monks in yellow clothes were gathered in a corner of the courtyard. They looked a little panicked. The old monk with long eyebrows in the lead was as steady as a mountain. He just lowered his head and silently recited the Buddha's name.

Several people from the Qianyang Sect and several people from the Yuanmo Sect were guarding the side. When they saw Lu Sheng entering, the leader quickly stood up and came closer.

Disciple, see the sect master. This little leader looks quite smart with his brows. He is not too old, in his early twenties at most.

Where are the others? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Reporting to the sect master, an underground palace was found under the temple. The two leaders have already led the team to check it out in advance. The little boss quickly replied.

Underground palace? Lu Sheng became more interested and glanced at the old monk who was surrounded by people watching. A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

This Jintuo Temple obviously has some inside information, and now it seems that he accidentally discovered it by accident.

Have the people from my Lu Mansion been found? Lu Sheng asked carefully. The key now is to find the location of Er Niang first. Er Niang Liu Cuiyu is just an ordinary person. She was taken by Sanniang to who knows where. I'm afraid there will be Danger.

This. The little boss suddenly felt a little embarrassed, obviously he couldn't find it.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously either. The person must be here anyway. He looked up at the door of the temple hall, and a group of people just strode out of it. The leader was Huang Zhenxian, a member of the Blood Sun sent by Qianyang Sect, Yuansha Taoist. He was also the leader of the team he sent to sneak up the mountain from the other side.

Huang Zhenxian is a tall and sturdy young man, but his actual age is much older than he looks. He carefully supports a middle-aged woman, who is Liu Cuiyu, the second mother, and the group slowly walks out of the hall. As soon as Huang Zhenxian saw Lu Sheng, he quickly showed an expression of relief.

Sect Master Lu! Fortunately, you have lived up to your fate! He shouted loudly.

Lu Sheng took a quick look and saw that Er Niang was completely intact except for being unconscious. There was someone behind him supporting another beautiful woman, and it was Sanniang Wang Yanyu who was walking away with her.

The woman's face was red and her clothes were disheveled. She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Lu Sheng.

Hey, the sect master doesn't know something. When I went in, this woman was going crazy and having fun with a few men, which is called exciting. Huang Zhenxian chuckled and said through the message, Under the next anger, Just kill all the men who played with her. Don’t worry, no one else will see this scene except me. There will never be any rumors about it.

This shows loyalty.

Lu Sheng stepped forward and put his hand on Er Niang's shoulder. After checking that her body was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Well done. He nodded to Huang Zhenxian, What's going on in this underground palace?

This underground palace is not big. It is a place that hides evil and evil. It is full of altars built with human blood and corpses. I don't know what they are for worship. It doesn't look like the devil emperor of the demon world, but more like some unconscious soldiers of chaos. The barbaric ritual that came out. Should this be reported or...? Huang Zhenxian was the person introduced to Lu Sheng by Chen Jingzhi. Although he was also a member of the Blood Sun, he had a different temperament. Because of some things before, he became a wallflower and was used by thousands of people. Several major factions within Yangzong hated being excluded, and it was said that they had offended a certain important figure.

At this time, Lu Sheng suddenly returned, and there was a large dock for nothing. This person also quickly found connections and took the initiative to get closer. If Lu Sheng recognized it, Huang Zhenxian would be barely safe.

Because this mission was dangerous, Chen Jingzhi introduced this person.

Lu Sheng originally thought that there would be some back-up plan in the follow-up, but he didn't expect that until now, he had not found any back-up plan. The mind-controlling demon lord Xiao Zizhu seemed to have ended so simply.

He took a step forward, put his hand on Sanniang Wang Yanyu's shoulder, and separated a trace of the infinite Fa Yang Yuan from his body, and penetrated into her body for inspection.

Nothing unusual.

Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged and he took a step back.

Eldest Young Master Wang Yanyu looked a little pale, raised his head and opened his mouth as if he was ready to beg.

Take him down, lock him up first, and send him to the Lu Mansion. Lu Sheng casually ordered.


A disciple of Yuan Mo Sect stepped forward and escorted Wang Yanyu away quickly.

Lu Sheng himself recalled his previous fight with Xiao Zizhu. He also knew something about the concept of the Yin body. The Yin body is generally an existence that is one level weaker than the main body. It is similar to a clone, but stronger than the clone. It is a Yin demon existence similar to the Eight-headed Demonic Path. It has its own independent consciousness and has a master-slave relationship with the body.

We are both demon lords. Even if Xiao Zizhu is at the highest level, his Yin body is one level weaker. At the Jade Star level, he is not that much stronger than me, right? Lu Sheng was confused. He suddenly thought that since he broke through the Holy Lord, he had never obtained the cultivation methods at the Holy Lord level.

Su Fengfei never offered to teach it to him. Just assign tasks blindly. As a result, except for the infinite method he created, he has no other real skills that the Holy Master can practice.

Lu Sheng ordered his men to take Er Niang back to Lu Mansion, while walking towards the inside of the temple. Under a Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara Buddha statue, he entered through the tunnel entrance under the futon and began to explore the underground palace.

Huang Zhenxian, who was leading the way, held the torch forward and introduced in a low voice.

Speaking of which, the sacrifices in this underground palace have no effect at all. They just look like a group of lunatics making random blood sacrifices. Not to mention the phenomenon of sacrifices, even ordinary supernatural beings cannot smell at all.


Huang Zhenxian let out a light sigh and realized something was wrong.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

After killing so many people, there aren't even any victims. Is this normal?

The two of them walked down the dark tunnel, passing through several shabby holes in the middle. After walking for more than ten breaths, they soon arrived at a spacious oval underground palace.

The entire underground palace is only as big as a small basketball court. There is a bone altar in the center. A large pot is placed on the top of the altar. There is boiling blood in the pot. Bones and human heads and skulls are rolling up from time to time in the water. There is still a faint smoke floating out from the bottom of the pot, which seems to be the most ordinary charcoal fire.

Lu Sheng frowned and glanced at the crude ghost-drawing symbols around him, as well as a series of messy twisted symbols at his feet.

Take care of this place. I really don't feel any problems. He turned around carefully and found nothing, so he simply ordered Huang Zhenxian.

Understood! Huang Zhenxian responded quickly.

Lu Sheng returned along the original path, but before leaving, he unconsciously saw a huge Xu-colored symbol on the wall. Or a symbol-like word ‘元’.

There was nothing unusual about this word. Lu Sheng just glanced at it and turned around to leave. Leave the rest to Huang Zhenxian.

After solving the problem, he hurried down the mountain, assigned the people at the foot of the mountain to deal with the aftermath, and then hurried back to the Qianyang Zongdao Palace, asked Chen Jingzhi to open a secret room for retreat, and walked in.

Wait! When Lu Sheng was about to retreat behind closed doors, Chen Jingzhi suddenly called out to him. Senior Lu, please wait a moment. There is an emergency report for help from nearby Liyang County. Please take a look.

An emergency report for help? Lu Sheng turned around and looked at Chen Jingzhi, seeing a vermilion letter in his hand and a solemn look on his face.

If this matter is reported to Fucheng or the General Pulse, why should Jingzhi show it to me? Lu Sheng was a little confused. Now that he was being targeted by the Demon Lord of the Demon World, he had to come up with a solution, but he didn't have time to pay attention to other things. What kind of nearby demon disaster?

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