Extreme Demon

Chapter 399 Communication 2

Senior, Liyang County is not far from my Qiuyue County. They are suffering from demonic disasters. I'm afraid we are not far away. A letter asking for help to Fucheng must have been sent, but the fastest support can only come from us. Come out. Chen Jingzhi said helplessly. Moreover, Mr. Xie Chengxuan of the Xie family in the county set out to rescue his sister before. He sent a message back on the way, saying that he had discovered that monsters had begun to gather near our Qiuyue County.

Lu Sheng took the letter, scanned it a few times, and pondered slightly. He is now the strongest person in the entire Qiuyue County. The sudden appearance of the Mind-Controlling Demon Lord before was unexpectedly not noticed by Qingluo Division and reported to the police. Now, even the appearance of the monster was unexpectedly discovered by a wealthy young man. , this is intriguing. What does Jingzhi mean?

Chen Jingzhi looked solemn, I'm afraid something went wrong in both the Yin Yang Division and the Qing Luo Division. There is no news about such a big thing. Jingzhi was bold and asked Sect Master Lu to go to the Secret Realm to inform the general line and save Qiuyue County. One hundred thousand people are in water and fire!

He said with a long bow.

Demonic disaster! ?

Lu Sheng reacted suddenly, and the fog in his heart quickly dissipated. Only then did he understand why Xiao Zizhu only sent a mere Yin body. He must have just come here to test it out. The real secret method, I am afraid, is the real magic disaster this time.

Not only to destroy him, but also to destroy Qiuyue County and Liyang County at the same time to expand the scope of the demon army's influence.

I'll give it a try. Since the other party had such a plan, Lu Sheng had a bad feeling in his heart. Is there no way for the demon world to counter the path of spreading the secret realm?

Thank you, Master Lu! Chen Jingzhi stood up and said seriously.

Lu Sheng quickly closed the door, sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and began to recite the teacher's name silently.

After dozens of times, his entire body began to blur. Just as he was about to disappear into the secret realm. With a pop, a translucent black shadow exploded in front of him, quickly condensing into a black cow with wings on both sides of its ears.

The black bull let out a low cry before exploding and dissipating again.

Lu Sheng's figure also quickly solidified and returned to its original shape.

He opened his eyes and looked solemn.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible to enter the Secret Realm. It seems that the main purpose of Xiao Zizhu's Yin body, besides assassinating me, is to delay time and completely prevent me from escaping from the Secret Realm. Hey! What a good idea. ! He suddenly recalled that the ghost brothers were so slow to enter the secret realm before, obviously they were disturbed.

Lu Sheng fully understood Xiao Zizhu's plan. No wonder only one Yin body was sent. I am afraid that the main body is presiding over a large formation to seal off the secret realm. In addition, the demon army is encircling and dispatching in groups. This is to be absolutely sure and mobilize troops to encircle and suppress me.

He felt a little cold.

This is the first time, the first time I have encountered such a difficult situation. He has been accustomed to everything going smoothly, but he never expected that there would be such a vicious and powerful person in the demon world.

How to break the situation!? This was the problem he was facing now. Lu Sheng saw clearly the opponent's plan, but it was a conspiracy. He would not abandon his family and flee unless he had no choice. The other party also locked the secret realm where reinforcements might come, leaving him with no choice but to fight hard.

With a large army suppressing the situation and personal strength also being dominant, crushing them forcefully was Xiao Zizhu's real plan.

After thinking it through thoroughly, Lu Sheng sat there with his eyes closed and cross-legged. The thoughts in my mind were spinning rapidly.

I have become a holy master now, but because Su Fei didn't give me the corresponding true cultivation skills, in fact, the way of fighting at the holy master level is still at the level of a soldier. This is the biggest gap between Xiao Zizhu and me. My strongest state, Yin and Yang, is much stronger than the anode state, but it definitely can't beat Xiao Zizhu's original form. There is even a huge gap.

There is no way to make up for this gap in a short period of time, so the only way to break the situation is...

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed with cruelty.

You forced me. If that's the case, don't blame me for being unscrupulous!

Deep Blue. At this point, it's useless to keep your spiritual power. You must improve your strength as soon as possible.

Lu Sheng had previously obtained nearly 5,000 units of divine power from the Evil Weapon Divine Weapon, and now he had obtained a water-attribute Hanluo.

Pulling out the Cold Luo Divine Weapon from behind, Lu Sheng glanced at it. It looked like a fairly sharp wooden sword, but the hilt was a bit rotten. It was disguised as an ordinary discarded wooden sword for practice. Sword, no difference.

But only when he holds the Hanluo in his hand can he feel the huge power that is constantly stirring in it.

Each of the golden leaf-level magic weapons actually has great potential. Only when they fully develop their potential can they become chaotic magic weapons, that is, the level of the devil lord and the holy master.

For Lu Sheng, every magic weapon was an extremely rich gift package containing divine power.

He checked Hanluo's body a few times, then stuffed it into his mouth.


A misty scream suddenly sounded.

The sword exploded into a large white ripple, but it was immediately completely blocked by the rising golden light that appeared next to Lu Sheng.

Infinite Fa used all his strength to boost his luck, and Lu Sheng chewed the sword blade twice. It was no different from eating ordinary steel, but it had a slight mint flavor, which was refreshing.

He raised the sword and took another bite. The white ripples twisted crazily and stirred up waves of extremely cold power, freezing his whole body into a thick layer of ice.

But that's all. Han Luo could only use his power at the level of a soldier to face holy masters like Lu Sheng. In addition, he was in a deep sleep state and suddenly woke up without fully waking up.


With his third bite, Lu Sheng chewed up the entire sword and only half of it was left. Hanluo lit up ice-blue runes one after another, a small triangular symbol of the divine weapon, spinning rapidly on the hilt of its sword. The power of the divine weapon in the sword expanded rapidly, as if it was planning to self-destruct.


Lu Sheng forcefully stuffed the entire sword blade into his mouth for the last time, chewed it hard, and a large amount of divine power poured into his body crazily.

One hundred, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand.

Countless spiritual powers were like streams, flowing crazily into the deep blue and into the mysterious cavity in Lu Sheng's chest and abdomen.

He stuffed the hilt of the sword into his mouth with one last push, chewed it for a few times, and swallowed it. Then he quickly glanced at the only square box on the dark blue.

Sure enough, the conditions for promotion to the next level on the infinite method were completely met.

With the influx of a large amount of divine power, the cultivation level of Caiying, the realm of the infinite magic, that is, the realm of the Holy Lord, can finally be directly improved.

He clicked the modification button at the bottom of the modifier with ease, and the entire dark blue box trembled suddenly, and then quickly became clear again.

There is also an extra deduction button behind the infinite method.

That's it! Lu Sheng curled his lips and focused on it.


There was no movement, just the infinite law's box slowly blurred. Then it slowly became clear again.

The first layer of Caiying has become the second layer, followed by a long row of densely packed special effects.

Lu Sheng was about to take a closer look at which special effects had been enhanced. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and a groggy feeling came over him.

In an instant, countless complex, difficult to understand, and various knowledge contents derived from his own martial arts system crazily entered his mind. The spiritual power fell rapidly like a waterfall.

It is being consumed violently at a speed of almost a thousand units per second.

Countless knowledge, countless true skills and skills that are further advanced than what he is now, just like cramming ducks, all poured into his mind regardless of whether he can adapt to it or not.

Holy Lord, Demon Lord, Chaos Divine Weapon, Law! Yuanli!

Deep Blue deduced a new direction based on all the knowledge systems he knew. After more than half an hour, it was finally completely poured into Lu Sheng's brain.

The biggest difference between the original Holy Lord and the Weapon Masters is the Fa. If the Weapon Masters are those who use the divine weapons, then the Holy Lord, the Demon Lord and the Divine Weapons transform themselves into the masters of the law. The magic weapon and the magic blade as a medium have been eliminated.

The triangular symbol of a dark red winged snake shone in Lu Sheng's eyes.

No matter whether the direction of my deduction is consistent with the direction of this world, there will definitely be nothing wrong if I directly step over the magic weapon and magic blade and contact the magic.

Contact method, what is my method? Lu Sheng's biggest question has finally reached this moment, and was separated by the dark blue peeling off the layers of cover.

My method Lu Sheng recalled the joy he felt when he first discovered the terrifying Yin Fire when he was still underground in the Yuan Mo Sect.

He raised his hand, and the yin fire ignited in his palm again. The purple-black Yin Fire was only as big as a palm, and at its core was an eye composed of golden flames.

And the entire Yin Fire is undergoing drastic changes as his spiritual power is consumed.

The originally purple-black Yin Fire was turning into jet black bit by bit, and the golden flames gradually became brighter and more dazzling. Mysterious changes were taking place that were completely unknown to Lu Sheng.

This change does not seem to be used to transform Yin Fire, but more like communicating a certain will.

He had no idea that his direction had completely deviated from the scope of the Holy Lord and Demon Lord in the orthodox sense. Instead, following Deep Blue's forced deduction, he was extending step by step in some unknown direction.

Suddenly, the yin fire in Lu Sheng's palm finally changed and reached a certain limit, and suddenly exploded.

A sound like singing in an opera house sounded in the secret room.

The Yin Fire exploded suddenly, and a large golden flame burst out from the golden eyes in the core. The flame was completely out of Lu Sheng's control, as if it had nothing to do with him, and exuded an ancient, majestic and brilliant aura.

Just like the totem of the temple, the divine pattern on the altar, the flame itself conveys a terrifying meaning of holiness, greatness, and vastness like the sea just by being watched.

It seemed that what was pouring out in front of Lu Sheng's eyes was not a flame, but some kind of golden crack. Behind the crack was leading to an extremely sacred and mysterious place of terror.

This is...!!?? Lu Sheng opened his eyes wide, and his whole body was forcibly fixed in place by an inexplicable majestic force.

His heart was beating fiercely at an unprecedented speed, and his whole body was beating wildly, trying to transform into a true restraint, but to no avail.

The power of the golden flame is endless, completely out of the scope of the divine power he offered. Not only him, but also Deep Blue's deduction was forced to interrupt, and he deduced most of the infinite magic, seemingly allowing the Yin Fire to be connected unintentionally. Some unknown terrifying will.

That's...!!? In a daze, Lu Sheng seemed to see some inexplicable image through the golden flames.

It was an indescribably huge and terrifying beast. It had the heads of eight giant eagles, and was covered with snow-white feathers. It had a strong body like a lion and walked calmly in the depths of the dark universe. Wherever it went, the surrounding planets were filled with black holes. Burning golden flames.

The eight-headed griffon is a mythical beast that can swallow the sun in legend. It is said to be the ancestor that gives vitality to all things. Wherever it goes, drought, heat and heat will come along with the blazing vitality of reproduction.

Lu Sheng's whole body felt like he was struck by lightning. He had accidentally connected to the original will of eight griffin beasts!

Although the other party didn't seem to notice him at all, he just turned his back and flew away. But just by looking at the back of this terrifying creature, Lu Sheng seemed to understand countless truths about flames.




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