Extreme Demon

Chapter 397 Secret Fight 2

The Demonic Way of the Yuanmo Sect is truly extraordinary. Sect Master Lu can combine the essence of the major demonic arts of the Yuanmo Sect and create such a shocking way. He is truly a genius!

It is much stronger than the Yuan Demon Supreme Elders and the like who were killed by Lao Chan back then. The sect master's extreme demon skills have reached an unprecedented level. The man sighed.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. Have you met the former elder of my Yuan Mo Sect?

I have seen a few of them. They are all veterans of the Resentful Fire Demonic Body and the Evil Capital Demonic Body. However, they lack real pure demonic energy and are vulnerable. The man said calmly. Actually, both they and you are on the wrong path. The demonic element is born from the heaven and the earth, condenses the essence of the Nine Netherworlds, and turns into the blood of all things. How can it be used indiscriminately like you are doing?

He turned his hand and pressed down, and the purple ball in his palm suddenly spread out and seemed to disappear completely into the air.

It's you!! Ancient Demon Xinyou!! Lu Sheng suddenly remembered something. During a major demonic disaster that Yuan Mo Sect encountered during its most powerful period, there was a terrifying existence called Ancient Demon Xinyou. , the entire Yuan Mo Sect was wiped out with only a few remaining. It can be said that it was this Xinyou ancient demon that dealt a fatal blow to the entire Yuan Mo Sect, and the Yuan Mo Sect was almost completely wiped out in that demonic disaster.

Thinking of this, Lu Sheng's face became increasingly grim.

Xinyou Ancient Demon? It's just a name I made up at random. Xiao Zizhu smiled. Call me Xiao Zizhu, I like this name. Wisps of purple smoke began to slowly fill around him, which seemed to be caused by the purple sphere just released.

Actually, I originally planned to completely wipe out that Yuan Demon Sect, but later I was busy with other things and forgot about it. Who would have thought that after so many years, Yuan Demon Sect would actually produce a freak like you.

Destroy my Yuan Demon Sect? Lu Sheng's eyes finally changed. I'm afraid it's not that I forgot, but that I simply can't do it, right?

Huh? Xiao Zizhu was stunned, and the gentle look in his eyes slowly changed. After staring at Lu Sheng for a moment, he slowly spoke again.

Forget it, it's not too late to make up for what I didn't finish back then.

Then let's give it a try? As soon as Lu Sheng finished speaking, he suddenly rushed forward, his body was like lightning, and with a clang from his back, the Weihe Sword flew out and fell into his hand.

The setting sun and the rising moon! Lu Sheng shook his hand casually, and the Weihe Sword was released. A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up in mid-air. The entire sword exploded and turned into countless blue light spots.

Bang! ! !

Lu Sheng and Xiao Zizhu's fists and palms met, and a huge roar arose in a circle of gray-white air waves centered on the two of them, spreading in all directions.

I don't know when the place next to the two of them has been completely changed to another place, with the rippling night lake water at their feet, and a huge white full moon hanging quietly in the night sky above their heads.

Oh? The magic weapon knows the scene? You, the magic weapon, have some background. Xiao Zizhu retreated easily, and his figure was also very fast. His palms were like butterflies passing through flowers, and hundreds of handprints appeared in front of him in an instant. Just like the Thousand-Armed Guanyin in the temple.


There were hundreds of different handprints, but none of them were repeated. With a smile on his face and kind eyes, Xiao Zizhu pressed all the handprints towards Lu Sheng.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Continuous invisible attacks hit Lu Sheng, each one carrying strong corrosive demonic energy.

Lu Sheng's whole body trembled violently every time he was hit by a hand seal. This was the first time that he met someone who could compete with him in terms of strength.

The power erupted from each of Xiao Zizhu's hand seals was several times that of the first move between the two, and even this power continued to increase with the continuous release of the hand seals.

One after another, it fell on Lu Sheng's blocking arms like a violent storm. The beating made him retreat repeatedly.

The water in the lake below was constantly being agitated by huge force, causing water waves to explode one after another.

Xiao Zizhu kept moving forward like a leisurely stroll. Specially release the divine weapons to cover up the movement. The releasers are constant and the sight does not disappear. What do you want to hide?

clang! !

His last big handprint was fiercely stamped on Lu Sheng's forehead, which shocked him so much that he flew backwards and fell heavily into the lake. The splash of water was more than ten meters high.

The lake water splashed, scattering like white bolts, and the water mist was evaporated.

Dead? Xiao Zizhu was slightly surprised. There was no sound on the lake, and there was no movement at all.

You're not dead yet! How could I die!!?


A large wave of water splashed out, and a black shadow rose into the sky from the lake. It was a dark arm more than ten meters long.

The arm slammed into the area where Xiao Zizhu was like a giant spirit god. The entire lake was immediately smashed and a gully tens of meters long split open on both sides.

Boom! ! !

Infinite Seal. Under the arm, Xiao Zizhu seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and suddenly raised his hand to form a hand seal again.

This time, the numerous afterimages of the handprints all transformed into this single seal, and the overlapping shadows of a large number of arms finally merged into one.

Xiao Zizhu pressed forward. The handprints were still a few meters away before they hit the black arm hard.

With a click, the huge arm broke off on the spot and flew back into the lake.

But immediately a huge figure of thirty to forty meters rose into the sky from the lake, retracted its arms, and pressed down on Xiao Zizhu in the air.

Surprisingly, it was Lu Sheng after releasing the anode state. His current form is even more demonic than a real demon, with four arms, a body covered in black fire and black smoke, a pair of huge fleshy wings on his back, legs like elephant legs, and an indescribably thick body dragging behind it. A strong and strong tail.

At this time, only one of the four arms was broken, so it didn't matter to him.

Lu Sheng jumped up high with a solemn expression. Knowing that he was encountering an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, he used his most powerful anode form as soon as he took action, and pressed down on Xiao Zizhu head-on.

Divine power!! At the same time, three palms hit Xiao Zizhu's area from three angles.

Bang bang bang! !

Amidst three terrifying loud noises, the lake surface was suddenly dented, forming a huge funnel.

Fan re-seal. In another understatement, a translucent invisible void mark struck the middle of Lu Sheng's three palms in the void.

The virtual seal was more than ten meters wide and twenty meters long. It exploded on the spot, and a loud thunder-like sound erupted in the air.

Lu Sheng's huge body was thrown back by the blast, and his three hands were all bloody at the same time.

He was horrified. This was the first time he used the anode state and was repelled head-on. And also injured

This person is definitely not an ordinary demon lord! Lu Sheng's heart was racing, thinking about a way to escape.

It would be fine if the gap was a little smaller, and they could still compete if they worked hard, but now the gap between the two is not that big, so there is no point in holding on like this.

After taking more than ten steps back, Lu Sheng stared at Xiao Zizhu with solemn eyes and suddenly shouted loudly.

You two! There is no need to follow the rules of the world when dealing with evil heretics. If you don't take action now, when will you wait!!?

Xiao Zizhu's eyes widened, and before he could react, he felt two strange and sharp auras approaching rapidly from behind him.

He didn't have time to turn around, and pressed his palms against the two seal knots behind him.

coax! coax! !

Almost at the same time, two bloody figures punched Xiao Zizhu on the back as fast as thunder. Although he was blocked by the seal for a moment, he still couldn't get rid of the damage.

Xiao Zizhu's whole body was accidentally knocked out of balance and tilted forward.

Opportunity!! Lu Sheng saw the opportunity and pounced forward. He put his hands together to form a sword, and a long black sword suddenly appeared in his palm, with countless light blue stars shining on the blade.

Destroying Star!!

Boom! !

The blade fell, and a circle of gray-white ripples slowly spread out. Countless purple flames suddenly ignited beside Xiao Zizhu, wrapping them in the blink of an eye and burning violently.

The other two bloody figures followed closely behind, one on the left and the other on the right moving their palms at the same time. The screams of birds came from the palms, and there seemed to be bloody eyes in the middle that opened rapidly.

Bang bang! !

The two palms took advantage of the moment Lu Sheng made his move and hit Xiao Zizhu on the back of his waist.

Interesting. Xiao Zizhu's figure was frozen in place, with bloodshot eyes slowly oozing from his mouth, ears, nose and throat. He suddenly shook, and a wave of air pushed the three of them away.

White Lotus Seal. Three pairs of arms appeared beside him at the same time, forming seals on top of each other at the same time. Like flowers, they slowly opened their petals in three directions. The petals were hand seals.

The direction where the fingerprints were pointing was clearly where Lu Sheng and the others were.

Puff puff! !

The three of them had their sternums sunken at the same time. They raised their heads and sprayed out blood mist, flying backwards and falling hard to the ground.

The surrounding lake finally exploded, and the image slowly disappeared, replaced by a large area of ​​destroyed mountain forest slopes.

Lu Sheng's huge body crashed to the ground, breaking more than a dozen trees, and finally got stuck in a ravine. He was covered in blood, his breath was weak, and he passed out.

After being hit by my White Lotus Seal, no matter how strong your regeneration power is, it's just a lie. Xiao Zizhu smiled faintly, stepped out slowly, and appeared in front of Lu Sheng across a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

Why don't you just be obedient and obedient early on? Come on, follow me to meet His Majesty Vera. He reached out to grab Lu Shengshuo's big head.

At this moment, Xiao Zizhu formed a seal with his palm and hit Lu Sheng hard on the temple on the side.

Blood splashed everywhere, and Lu Sheng didn't even grunt, but his body shook with strength. A big hole was opened in his temple, and blood continued to flow out.

Really fainted? Xiao Zizhu was stunned. He originally thought it was a fake faint.

Seeing Lu Sheng's huge body in front of him begin to shrink rapidly, and a large number of black fireworks slowly floated around the body, he suddenly stretched out his finger and hit Lu Sheng's abdomen hard.


Another bloody hole exploded. Lu Sheng remained motionless and passed out completely.

After confirming that the opponent was unconscious, Xiao Zizhu coughed a few times in a low voice. Just now, Lu Sheng teamed up with two allies to attack him. The few hits that hit him were not without damage, but he was forced down by him. After all, his level is much higher than three people, a full two levels.

To be on the safe side, it's safer to cripple you first. Xiao Zizhu made a vicious move, and in an instant, dozens of handprints were shot out at the same time, all of which landed on Lu Sheng's huge body.

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

Within one breath, dozens of hand seals were struck, making Lu Sheng's body roll and bounce, flesh and blood flying everywhere, and bones shattering.

Almost. He then took a step forward, reached out and grabbed Lu Sheng's neck, and lifted it up.

Poof! !

Two clear and crisp sounds, like piercing paper, exploded at the same time.

Lu Sheng didn't know when, but he slashed Xiao Zizhu's neck and waist with his arms like knives. One left and one right almost cut Xiao Zizhu into three sections.

His face was still a little pale, but there was a sinister smile on his lips.

Good intentions. Xiao Zizhu looked stunned and looked down at the injuries on his body. You win this time. Yuan Mo Sect Lu Sheng. I will remember you.

There will be no next time. Lu Sheng suddenly used all his strength and made a mistake with his hands.

There was a loud hiss, and Xiao Zizhu's whole body was suddenly torn into three pieces and scattered on the ground like rags.

Hahahaha!! What a skill! What a plan!! A red figure not far away managed to stand up. Surprisingly, he was one of the two masters invited by Lu Sheng before.

Brother Gui is so ridiculous. Lu Sheng vomited blood, grabbed Xiao Zizhu's body, and began to quickly absorb the demonic energy in it to recover from his injuries.

When Brother Lu came to invite my brother, we thought it was a trivial matter and the Demon Realm wouldn't send out a strong lineup. Unfortunately, we didn't expect that. Another red figure stood up slowly and said with a wry smile. This is a tall man dressed in naked clothes, with a big bump protruding to the left on his forehead. His appearance is strange and unforgettable.

He looked at Xiao Zizhu's body in front of Lu Sheng.

The mind-controlling demon can be regarded as a well-known old demon in the world of humans and demons. I didn't expect that one of his ghostly bodies would be killed here by Brother Lu.

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