Extreme Demon

Chapter 396 Secret Fight 1

If you trust me, I will make arrangements. Weihe Jian said slowly.

You? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. Although the Weihe Sword was a second-class magic weapon in his hands, he did not trust this sword.

Forget it, I'll come here in person to find the traitor. It's nothing more than those methods. He is not an ordinary person who is blocked by information here. He has never come across anything on the Internet in his previous life. With his quick thinking at this time, he wants to find someone. Being a traitor is not simple.

Okay, but from what I see, the opponent's tactics are rough and he may not have any plans to attack head-on. Lu Sheng, you'd better make plans early. Weihe Jian reminded in a low voice.

Although he didn't know what Weihe Jian was thinking, Lu Sheng naturally didn't think that it was enough to simply deal with the traitor.

In the next few days, Lu Sheng stayed at home, using the excuse of his father Lu Quan'an's incident to start checking the health of all his family members. With his momentum at this moment and his status as the head of the Lu family, the order quickly spread, and elites from the Lu family, Yuan Mo Sect, and Scarlet Sun Clan all arrived.

Lu Sheng set up a small hall, and asked each group of five people to take turns to enter the small hall, with him as the leader and at the same time setting up the Yinhe Net.

Demon Emperor Vera keeps approaching, and he has not really come into contact with the top levels of the three sects. There is no military leader behind him, and he is a little worried after all.

While setting up the Yinhe Net and injecting it into the bodies of his family members, Lu Sheng was also observing everyone's reactions at this time.

In the morning, it took him more than two hours to thoroughly interview all the key personnel of the three parties.

A total of three spies of unknown forces were found.

After these three people left the room, they couldn't wait to pass on the news to the forces behind them. However, they were noticed by Yinhe.com and easily discovered by Lu Sheng.

However, after finding out the identity of one of them, Lu Sheng immediately informed his father, Lu Quan'an. Let all the relatives of the Lu family gather together.

Spy? Lu Quanan looked at Lu Tianyang, who was kneeling in front of him begging for mercy, and felt so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Now that the Lu family has traveled thousands of miles to Dayin without even standing on their toes, this kid actually dares to cheat and act as an informant for outsiders? ?

Say!! What's going on!? Lu Quan'an was shaking with anger, pointed at Lu Tianyang and yelled.

Lu Tianyang trembled all over, with a sad face, and finally told his secret.

Dad, I didn't expect them to threaten the children. The children can't think of anything. He said intermittently why he wanted to be an informant.

He just had an affair with an elder in his family. He didn't expect to be caught just once. Now, both he and the elder were caught. Now he is just teasing Lu Quan'an. They took ordinary aphrodisiacs, but it was unclear what the elder did under their coercion.

Lu Tianyang was also frightened. The aphrodisiac he thought was actually an extremely poisonous mixed poison. It was obvious that the other party had lied to him. And the person on the other side.

Who is that person? Tell me! Lu Quan'an was completely disappointed with his son. At this time, he was even more jealous of iron than steel. He pointed at Lu Tianyang and said with a trembling voice.

Yes, Yu Niang. Lu Tianyang lowered his head, glanced at Lu Sheng sitting beside him with a pale face, and finally revealed who the person he was having an affair with was.

Who!!? Everyone present was in an uproar. The immediate relatives of the Lu family all stood up in shock.

Yu Niang was Wang Yanyu, and she was Lu Quan'an's third wife. Lu Sheng had to call her Sanniang. Since the death of his son, he has changed from crazy to taciturn. Unexpectedly, he did not expect.

Where's Wang Yanyu? Lu Quanan asked sharply. He glanced at the surrounding family members, but he didn't see the extremely disgusting beautiful woman.

I took my uncle and my mother to the Buddhist temple to burn incense before, but I haven't come back yet. Lu Yiyi stood up and said anxiously.

Yu Niang is here too? Lu Quanan's expression changed drastically.

Lu Sheng's expression also turned colder. Who doesn't know that the person with whom he has the deepest affection is his second mother, Liu Cuiyu, and now the other party actually attacks her directly.

Forget it, I'll go there myself. You can just stay at home. He stood up, knowing that this trip was still planned. The other party's plan was not good, but the important thing was to be fast. Only speed can make it unbreakable. No matter how many flaws there are, they can be quickly covered up at extremely fast speeds.

Brother Sheng. Lu Quan'an was a little worried.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Lu Sheng consoled him. Since his debut, he had always had the advantage, using the strong to defeat the weak, but now it was the first time that he was being led into a trap.

Be careful in everything. If it's not possible, don't worry. Your safety comes first. Lu Quan'an couldn't help but remind in a low voice. At this moment, he felt sore in his eyes when he thought of his many years of relationship with Liu Cuiyu.

I understand, dad, just wait and see. Lu Sheng looked calm.

He stood up and glanced at the silent crowd. Exit the small hall room.

Old Shi, Elder Ying, follow me.

Yes. Shi Lao and the Shadow King responded at the same time.

There is only one nearest temple, Jintuo Temple. Xu Chui, send people to surround and isolate the entire Jintuo Temple, and send people to notify the Qianyang Sect. Just tell the messenger the location.

I understand. Xu Chui responded quickly.

Lu Sheng issued several more orders one after another, causing Chirimen and Yuanmo Sect, which had just taken root in Qiuyue County, to operate rapidly, like a simple but fast machine.

After finishing all the instructions, Lu Sheng did not go to Jintuo Temple immediately, but returned to his bedroom, sat cross-legged on the bed, and closed his eyes.

After a while, his whole body twisted and vibrated like water ripples, and disappeared in a few moments.

Pass on the secret realm.

As the sun set, in a large forest of blood-red maple leaves, Lu Sheng met the two people he had met before.

Two masked women wearing black robes with bloody patterns on the edges.

Lu Fuzong, the emergency order can only be used once a year. If you use it in such a hurry, if it is not extremely important, you will be punished and demoted by the great Yuan chiefs. You have to think clearly. One of the women faced He still didn't have any respect for Lu Sheng.

I am sure that I will use my emergency order as the honorary sect master once. Lu Sheng's expression was calm. Demon Emperor Vera was pressing forward step by step. Naturally, he would not resist on his own.

Okay, as long as you understand the consequences. One of the masked women nodded. We will contact you for follow-up.

Thank you two envoys. Lu Sheng also didn't expect that he would pass the test so easily.

Jintuo Temple in Qiuyue County.

The largest Buddhist temple in the nearby area, the monk who presides over it is proficient in Buddhism and has amazing cultivation. He is also famous in the county.

However, in the afternoon, large numbers of Qianyang Sect disciples, working with a group of unknown men in black, blocked and guarded all important intersections up and down the mountain from Jintuo Temple.

The two parties are clearly different from each other, but they cooperate with each other tacitly.

At the foot of Jinxiang Mountain in Jintuo Temple, on the simple winding stone steps, Lu Sheng and Chen Jingzhi were standing, as well as the two sect leaders of the Youin Sect of the Binding Sect.

At least most of the biggest power leaders in the entire Qiuyue County are here.

Lu Fuzong, you urgently summoned us and other county sects. What do you do for me? The leader of Youzhong Sect is a skinny old man with a white beard. He was originally refining a chain formation diagram in the sect's Taoist palace. At this time, Lu Sheng He screamed all at once, still feeling angry in his heart.

His formation diagram was almost complete, but he didn't expect that half a month of hard work would be wasted in an instant after being notified by Lu Sheng.

Don't be anxious, Sect Master Wan. There will be movement soon. After Lu goes up the mountain, something will happen within half an hour. Please remember to report it in time. Lu Sheng simply ordered.

Several people looked at each other. If it was really a higher-level fight, it would be useless for them to come. High-level fighting depends on the number and experience and skills of masters of the same level, not simply the number of people.

Lu Sheng seemed to notice the uneasiness of the three of them, and Lu Sheng did not explain. Now he is the strongest person in Qiuyue County, and no one here dares not to listen to his orders.

Okay, Lu is going up the mountain. Please remember your previous agreement. He looked at the sky and stopped delaying. He raised his feet, stepped on the gray and white stone steps step by step, and walked towards the top of the mountain.

As his pace continued to increase, Lu Sheng's speed became faster and faster.

There are waves of pines on the mountain, the wind is howling, and the large branches and leaves are blown and rustled under the sunset. There was deathly silence on both sides of the stone steps, with no birds chirping or insects chirping. It was as if Lu Sheng's footsteps were the only sound echoing in the entire world.

Follow the winding stone steps up until you are almost on the mountainside. Lu Sheng suddenly stopped and stopped on the steps, looking up and forward.

On the stone steps slightly higher than him in front, with his back to him, stood a middle-aged man with an elegant temperament and frosty white temples.

Who are you? What's the purpose of arresting my relatives and bringing me here specifically? Lu Sheng didn't say any nonsense like threatening to release him. Since the other party knew his identity, he still dared to attack him, and he did so by design, so it was clear that his identity and background were meaningless.

The middle-aged man's long coat was blown slightly to the right by the wind.

Qianyang Sect Lu Sheng? Did you know that you are about to be in disaster now? When he opened his mouth, he spoke in Dayin Mandarin with a thick and strange accent, and his tone was regretful.

A catastrophe is imminent? Alarmist talk. In today's world, there are only a handful of people who can bring me disaster. Lu Sheng sneered. But you're definitely not in it.

Have confidence. The middle-aged man finally turned around slowly. This man had a handsome face, an ape's back and a wasp's waist. His eyes seemed to show compassion and kindness at any time, but between his eyebrows, there was a cigarette painted on it. Purple double-tailed scorpion pattern.

It's a pity. It seems that the greatest genius of the Song Dynasty is going to fall in my hands today. The man slowly stretched out his right palm, and a purple point was looming in the palm, like a small tornado rotating at high speed, with electric light shining in it, and the shape was like a tornado. A purple wind ball.

What a shame!! Lu Sheng also raised his hand, a dark red winged snake flashing between his brows. He already understood the other party's level. He was the absolute demon lord of the demon world, and not just any ordinary demon lord. With awe in his heart, there was even more excitement and boiling in his heart.

After all these years of becoming a holy master, he has never had the opportunity to fight with anyone at full strength. This time he was actually intercepted and killed in the wild. It was obvious that the demon world was determined to kill him.

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