Extreme Demon

Chapter 395 Conspiracy 2

Speaking of which, Lu Tianyang was Lu Sheng's half-brother, but he was careless and liked drinking and sex, so he was never taken seriously by the family.

At this time, when he arrived in Qiuyue County, he was surrounded by many outsiders who flattered him and offered him all kinds of benefits. He couldn't calm down for a while, so he was tempted to drink a lot of wine and told some truths that were fatal to him. .

Now that the handle was caught, the other party not only refused to pursue the blackmail against him, but specially gave him two restaurants and a gambling house. At this time, this group of people took him to see the situation of the gambling house.

Master Xu, I really can't bear this. Lu Tianyang is not a fool. Although he is a young master, after becoming the first family in the North, he has also been exposed to a lot of nasty things. He knows that treating others with courtesy must be done. Ask for something. At this time, the other party had caught him and still paid such a large sum of money. There must be something important for him to do.

Thinking of the horror of Brother Lu Sheng, he shuddered all over. He had lost his appetite for beautiful women, belongings, delicious food, etc. Now he just wanted to go home and rest and sleep.

Brother Tianyang, what you said is wrong. Now in Qiuyue County, since you are that brother's brother, there is nothing you can't do. What you want is just a matter of words. Brother Xu is really serious here. I have no other choice, so I can’t do this and come to your place to beg for help.”

Master Xu said with a bitter look on his face.

Don't worry, I will never mention that matter again, just pretend it never happened. I only need Brother Tianyang to help me with this matter. Mr. Xu's voice gradually became quieter.

Lu Tianyang listened to the other party's words, and at first he seemed to agree, but as he heard more, his expression changed more and more.

No, no, no! If anything goes wrong in this matter, I can't bear it, and you will even want to confiscate your family and exterminate your clan! I know my eldest brother's temper best, and this is absolutely impossible! Lu Tianyang waved his hands and said with a change of expression.

Brother Tianyang, we have no other intentions. It's just that our little girl has been infatuated with her for a long time. She has been waiting at Jintuo Temple for a long time. If you facilitate this and get married in the future, we will pretend that your little incident never happened. . Although Mr. Xu's tone was respectful, the threat was clear.

You!! You guys!! Lu Tianyang was suddenly shocked, and his face turned blue.

If that matter were really exposed, he might be beaten to death by his father and eldest brother on the spot.

Brother Tianyang, we are helpless. We are waiting for both sides. Cooperation will benefit both sides. Why do you have any hesitation now? Mr. Xu shook his head and persuaded.

I'll think about it again. Lu Tianyang finally hesitated. If it is true as he said, this matter is not a big deal, but Mr. Xu's daughter wants to form a good relationship and climb the high branches of his Lu family, then everything is fine.

Lu Tianyang had a sense of luck in his heart. After hesitating for a long time, he finally agreed.

Five days later, at the suggestion of his son Lu Tianyang, Lu Quan'an went to the nearby Jintuo Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha to bless the safety of the whole house.

The cold wind in the temple was a bit strong. After Lu Quan'an returned, he felt slightly cold and fell ill a day later. The Lu Mansion invited doctors and pharmacists to treat him, but to no avail. Lu Quan'an fell into a coma, and the Lu Mansion was shaken.


At noon, the sun was shining brightly outside. Inside the room, Lu Sheng was sitting half-crouched in front of his father, Lu Quan'an, with his hand gently placed on his veins, his eyes slightly closed.

The entire Lu family was waiting outside at the door. No one dared to talk nonsense for fear of disturbing Lu Sheng's diagnosis results.

After a while, Lu Sheng opened his eyes, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

It's just an ordinary cold, but coupled with some of my father's usual secret illnesses and fatigue, it all broke out. It's not a big deal. Second mother, don't worry. His voice was not loud, but the second mother Liu Cuiyu and others at the door naturally And can all hear clearly. She was hugging her daughter Lu Qingqing at this time, her face was lightly stained with tears, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, and she didn't know how many times she had cried.

Sheng'er, is your father really okay? Liu Cuiyu asked softly, not believing it.

Don't worry. Lu Sheng stood up, turned around and smiled. It's just a minor problem. Just rest more. I've already taken care of it for dad. It's okay.

He had previously used his free time to plant a Yin Crane Net in his father Lu Quan'an's body, and then injected a tiny bit of pure inner energy into it, allowing it to run on its own, which was enough to prolong life.

There is no way, Lu Quan'an is just an ordinary person and cannot withstand too many changes. It’s not that having more of everything is the best, but the most suitable thing is the best.

That's good, that's good. Liu Cuiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition, I now have an idea to solve the problem of Qing Qingmei. I may be able to help her recover in the future. Er Niang doesn't have to be too sad. Lu Sheng comforted her again.

Now not only Liu Cuiyu, but also everyone else in Lu Mansion were stunned.

Lu Qingqing was a person whose brain had been eroded by Yin Qi and was completely stupid. He didn't expect that the eldest son was still confident that he could cure him.

Okay, Erniang, sister, please pay attention to your health. Dad is just sleepy and caught the wind and cold. He just couldn't bear it anymore. It's better to rest more this time. I still have something to do, so I'll go and deal with it first. Lu Sheng comforted.

I know you are busy, go quickly. Er Niang quickly came to her senses and cried with joy. Her words now are considered authoritative in the entire Lu Mansion. This also stems from the close relationship between Lu Sheng and him.

Lu Sheng strode out of the bedroom and walked into the blazing sun. Although his body was a little hot from the sun, his heart felt cold.

It's interesting. It seems that what I have been worried about has finally happened. So many protections have not caught the painful feet. It's really interesting. The result of his check was naturally not cold, but poisoning.

Lu Quan'an suffered from a vicious disease that kept him in a coma for a long time, and he had to consume a lot of precious medicines to replenish his vital energy and even die.

This kind of maggot is as vicious as tarsal bones and is extremely difficult to get rid of. If Lu Sheng hadn't made another breakthrough this time, the Yang Yuan could be transformed and disguised as any real Yuan, and this time it would really be troublesome.

Originally, Lu Sheng was at a loss when he came into contact with the living toxin that was extremely difficult to remove. Later, he continued to convert the Yang Yuan into the toxin. Only then did he finally gain the trust of most of the toxins and understand the details and operation of the toxins. Method, three times, five times and two times will be completely solved.

But Lu Quan'an also suffered a lot because of this.

The idea actually came to his back house! Lu Sheng felt angry. This was a seriously unruly act. Since the other party didn't follow the rules, he wasn't going to follow the rules.

Demon Emperor Vera failed twice in succession, so there will definitely be a back-up plan. Facing the threat of a demon emperor, he would be lying if he said he was not afraid. But what he was afraid of was not that he would be hurt, but that his family would be implicated by him.

He could easily escape by himself, but there were so many ordinary people in Lu Mansion who could not survive the threat of the Demon Emperor.

Therefore, he needs stronger strength and enough power to resist the Demon Emperor's attacks.

Xuan Wu gave him a water-attribute magic weapon before. The will of the magic weapon was still sleeping, but he took advantage of it.

Although it is just a weaker Golden Leaf level weapon, it is enough for him to break through the infinite magic.

In addition, because he was very disappointed with these so-called powerful moves when he tried the Qianyang Sect's skills before, he had also applied to read the Qianyang Sect's more profound special skills.

He didn't believe that Qianyang Sect could not find a set of powerful enough martial arts and true skills after so many years of accumulation.

After leaving the bedroom, Lu Sheng whispered to the servants and said hello, and he knew what was going on.

When he was disposing of the toxin just now, he felt an extremely subtle amount of demonic energy clinging to it.

This shows that it should be the handiwork of the demon clan. If the poison does not have Yang Yuan that can simulate various energies, then my father's illness will inevitably worsen this time, and he will not be able to recover so easily.

Outside the door, a large group of people hurried into the room to see Lu Quan'an. Lu Sheng stood outside the door, looking at the stupid Lu squatting gently at the door, scratching his fingers on the ground, mouthing. There are still words in it, I don’t know what they are shouting.

Brother. Lu Qingqing suddenly raised his head and gave Lu Sheng a silly smile.

Lu Sheng reached out and rubbed her head, then walked towards the room where he was resting.

According to Xuan Wu, the second water-attribute magic weapon he caught this time was named Han Luo. It is an ordinary magic weapon that is at the level of power accumulation. It is in a self-proclaimed state and is inconspicuous. As long as there is no danger that threatens their life safety, there will be no abnormality in this Han Luo magic weapon.

After Lu Sheng obtained the divine weapon, he wrapped it in his own Yang Yuan and sealed the sword with the power of the Holy Lord. It hasn’t officially started eating yet.

Originally, Lu Sheng planned to eat it immediately when he came back, and then quietly practice breaking through the infinite method. But he didn't expect that he would be called over by his father, Lu Quan'an, who was unconscious as soon as he came back. Now that Lu Quan'an has solved the problem, he should speed up time and quickly deal with the Cold Luo Magic Weapon.

Especially when the demon world is getting closer and closer.

The Demon Emperor lost two clones in succession, and Lu Sheng also understood that if the Demon Emperor Vera sent people again this time, they would definitely be really difficult to deal with.

This can be seen from the venom on Dad's body.

After returning to the room, Lu Sheng once again checked the situation of the nine evil demons scattered around. Everything was normal.

Originally, he thought that there were these nine evil demons. Even if the demon comes in person, no disguise can hide him. But now it seems

There is no trace of demonic energy. Lu Sheng frowned.

In the devil world, you don't necessarily have to do it yourself. It's the same with letting others do it. Suddenly Weihe Jian's old voice suddenly sounded.

Ever since Lu Sheng took Xuan Wu away, he had been silent. Now he suddenly spoke, obviously thinking of something.

Didn't you do it yourself? Lu Sheng was slightly stunned, with some guesses in his mind.

In this regard, there are many masters in the demon world who can manipulate people's hearts and assassinate people. It is not difficult to use some special means to let people within the Lu family do it secretly. Weihe Jian said in a low voice.

Do it by yourself. Lu Sheng's expression turned serious. This was what he was most worried about. After all, he is not a nanny, and he cannot be with his family 24 hours a day.

Actually, there is a way to solve this. Weihe Jian whispered.

There are many ways to solve it, but I just don't have the right person that I can trust. Lu Sheng shook his head. The murderer is hiding in the back house, but it's still unclear who he is.

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