Extreme Demon

Chapter 392 Xuan Wu 1

At the bottom of the valley, there is a medium-sized waterfall. The pond below the waterfall is slowly glowing with light blue light.

This light passes through the water flow and evaporates along the water mist several meters high. It is quiet, cold, hazy, and like a fairyland.

When Lu Sheng and others arrived, the place seemed completely unaffected by the outside world and was still dead quiet. There was no sound or movement of any living thing.

The King of Shadows was distracted and walked to the edge of the pool, stretched out his hand and gently dipped a little into the pool.

This is it. He turned around and said solemnly.

Get ready, let's do it. Lu Sheng nodded. This encirclement and suppression of the divine soldiers must only succeed and not fail.

A water-attribute magic weapon was also the key factor in why he favored the Black Deer Clan. Otherwise, he would have no need to find trouble and would have to go to the Black Deer Demon Clan, which was rooted in the imperial court.

Both Shi Lao and the Shadow King knew the inside story and understood Lu Sheng's plot. Although they didn't know why Lu Sheng needed the magic weapon, since they devoted themselves to the Yuan Mo Sect and lived under the command of the leader of the Lu Sect, they were in his position to do what they wanted. , naturally it should work for it.

The two demon kings were distracted, and the three of them dispersed to three places, surrounding the pool in a triangle.

Lu Sheng went forward in person and walked to the pool.


A pale golden light film suddenly spread out around him, which was a black film of true energy that he condensed with Qianyang Sect's unique red gold true energy.

The rules of this world are like this. No matter what energy or system you have, if you practice to a certain height, you will follow a similar pattern of magic weapon and magic blade.

After reaching a certain height, any energy will condense into black film. The black film will naturally increase the self-healing power and strength of the physical body, and the strength and speed will also be improved.

This is the biggest difference and gap between extraordinary beings and mortals.

The red gold zhenqi in Lu Sheng's body was flowing continuously and continuously, like a thin golden mist, but it was extremely condensed and always surrounded Lu Sheng for several meters.

He slowly raised his feet and walked down to the pool. An ownerless magic weapon, and it is most likely a golden leaf level magic weapon. This is a big improvement for him. The next stage of Infinite Method is the only thing needed. So today, no matter what, he couldn't let this magic weapon escape.

The water in the pool was extremely cold. As soon as Lu Sheng entered the water, the red gold black film of true energy around him immediately began to flow slowly, and a thin layer of frost quickly climbed up the outer wall of the black film of true energy.

Chiji. Lu Sheng's expression remained unchanged. This was the first level of competition. He did not intend to use the power of his body this time, but purely planned to use infinite Fa Yang Yuan to try to solve it.

The infinite method was created, and he has not yet tried the power of this method.

As Lu Sheng finished speaking, a little golden light lit up on his fingertips. The Yang Yuan in his fingers quickly turned red and hot, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into Chiji Qi liquid, like a bit of red ink, suspended on his fingertips. .

Go. He gently tossed the red droplet on his finger forward.

The droplets flew forward flatly, and actually pushed back all the water in the surrounding area of ​​more than two meters, forming a huge vacuum ball.

Lu Sheng walked slowly in the ball, exploring the depths of the pool step by step.

The deeper the light blue pool water goes down, the colder the surroundings become, and the green color becomes thicker and thicker.

Lu Sheng dived dozens of meters down, but he still hadn't seen the bottom of the pool.

He frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

But the breath of the divine weapon is deep in the depths, and seems to be very close at hand.

As long as you don't escape, it'll be fine. He was determined in his heart. Continue going down slowly

After diving for another ten meters, a soft sound suddenly came from the surrounding lake, as if something was leaking air, like a hole in a balloon.

Lu Sheng followed the sound and saw in the distance a green dragon with countless white ice spikes all over its body. It was coiled up in the black mud at the bottom of the pool, sleeping soundly. The sound was his breathing while sleeping.

This green dragon is tens of meters long, has five claws on its abdomen, and two pairs of horns on its head, a total of four. In other places, it is no different from the dragons in ordinary myths. But the weirdest and most special thing is that this green dragon actually has only one eye.

The one eye occupies almost half of the entire dragon's head. It doesn't look like a deformity, but more like it is natural.

After Lu Sheng glanced around, he quickly landed on the center of the green dragon's body, where a green light point flickered slowly.

Xuan Wu. He spoke directly, and his voice vibrated in the pond and reached the green dragon's ears in an instant.

The green dragon slowly opened its one eye, and a small sun seemed to suddenly appear in the pond, and the feeling of extreme cold increased greatly. Even the red droplets in front of Lu Sheng slowly shrank a little, but that was all.

Who are you? Green Dragon stared at Lu Sheng with alert and cold eyes.

Are you Xuanwu? Liuliu looked at the Green Dragon with interest. This was his first face-to-face contact with a complete, normal ownerless golden leaf-level magic weapon.

You are also here to sign a contract with me? You should know my conditions, right? If you don't sacrifice a thousand souls to me a year, there is no need to talk more. Xuan Wu said calmly and coldly.

One thousand people? Lu Sheng was dumbfounded. He finally understood why the Black Deer clan had not been able to negotiate with this person so far.

It stands to reason that before signing the contract with the Divine Weapon Demon Blade, the sacrificial conditions proposed are actually the lowest. Later, as the cultivation strength increases, the requirements and quantity of sacrificial offerings will continue to increase.

And this one can sacrifice a thousand souls with just one mouthful. This is just the beginning, what if it comes later? Will it become 2,000 or 3,000 people later? Even ten thousand?

This is not without precedent. Many Chaos God Soldiers and Chaos Demon Blades were killed because their demands were too excessive and had seriously disrupted the rule of the military leaders.

That's why there are so many fragments of magic weapons and magic blades.

Do you really dare to think about it? Lu Sheng chuckled, Forget it, I'll give you two choices. One is to just surrender and go back with me to live a good life.

The second is to recognize me as your master. You and I sign a contract. Forget about sacrifices or anything like that. I will throw you a few when I am in a good mood.

Xuanwu Green Dragon was stunned for a moment. He didn't react for a while. Is this person afraid of losing his mind? How dare you speak so arrogantly in front of a magic weapon.

It had a strong sense of unreality, as if the person in front of him was not talking about him, but another magic weapon that was very similar to it.

But at this moment, there is no second magic weapon within ten miles around.

So after being dull for a while, Xuan Wu broke out.

Ouch! ! !

He looked up to the sky and roared wildly, and the white ice spikes all over his body suddenly dispersed and shot wildly in all directions. The entire body of the dragon, which was dozens of meters long, turned over and circled in the pond like a giant python, and then suddenly rushed towards Lu Sheng.

Shu Zi is looking for death!!

Lu Sheng didn't panic, took a step back, stretched out his hand and moved forward again.

A bit of pale gold suddenly lit up, and the red gold zhenqi could now be transformed by Yang Yuan at will because of the infinite method. He is now a Demon Lord, but his Qi cultivation before the fusion was not high, so the red gold Qi transformed at this time can only reach the level of a weapon master at best. That is the same gold leaf level.

The Weapon Master masters the golden leaf-level magic weapon, and the strength he can exert is at the level of a junior Weapon Master. Instead of the Demon Lord Holy Lord, he can fully unleash the power of the Golden Leaf Divine Weapon.

However, with such power, it should be no problem to deal with an ordinary magic weapon. After all, it is not a chaotic divine weapon. It can be said to be the pinnacle of divine weapons. A divine weapon that has developed its potential to the extreme is a chaotic divine weapon. But the one in front of me is obviously not it.

Lu Sheng didn't want to cause too much noise. After all, the Qingluo Division was still there, and so was the Yin-Yang Division. He also plans to mix well in the three sects. Although the three sects only have two soldier masters as backstage, a lot of old monsters are emerging one after another. There are also strong overlords who are infinitely close to the soldier masters at the holy master level, and there are also many.

So although he is strong now, he doesn't want to attract too much attention.

The red gold zhenqi was originally at the earth element level. At this time, Lu Sheng used the soul of the Holy Lord to urge it, and its power was forcibly raised to the level of the commander.


A bit of golden light shot out and suddenly turned into an oval formation filled with flowers, slowly rotating in front of Lu Sheng. An obvious triangular winged snake in the center of the array disappeared for a fleeting moment.

Go. Lu Sheng pointed out the formation map again.

A dark golden beam of light suddenly shot out from the formation, hitting Xuan Wu's head hard.

Bang! !

The golden beams of light flowed continuously, like a wrestling match, blocking Xuan Wu's rushing momentum.

With a bang, Xuanwu was deflected by the huge force, and his head hit the stone wall of the pool behind Lu Sheng.

For a time, the sand was turbid, the stones were broken, and the water flow was turbulent. The entire pond was so muddy that it was impossible to see anything clearly.

Lu Sheng pressed his finger again, and golden threads like ropes from tree roots suddenly flew out of the formation in front of him, surrounding him. From a distance, they looked like a ball of golden threads.

This is the orthodox fighting method of Qianyang Sect, which uses red gold energy to use precious formations to attack the formations, defend the formations to defend, and also provide additional assistance to detect the formations.

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand again, and suddenly a series of negative undercurrents flew out from the golden thread beside him, hovering within tens of meters around him, investigating all situations.

Bang! !

Suddenly there was a loud noise throughout the array, and one of Xuanwu's dragon tails hit the surface of the array hard. Lu Sheng obviously felt that the red gold energy was disappearing rapidly, and it was obviously a lot of consumption.

Xiao Youjian. Lu Sheng quickly made a hand seal spell with both hands.

The formation diagram in front of him suddenly exploded and split into five pieces. In the center of the five pieces, a delicate pale golden sword slowly took shape. The red gold zhenqi released by a large amount of Lu Sheng quickly condensed, quickly in the pool and in front of Lu Sheng. Rotate.

The crisp sounds of birdsong continued to spread from the sword.

Chasing the Sun Sword Technique, Thunder. Lu Sheng pressed the hilt of the sword with his palm.

Suddenly the sword shone with golden light and disappeared with a swish.

Then there was the sound of fierce fighting coming from the distant water pool. The golden long sword and the dragon scales, dragon tail and dragon horns collided continuously, making loud noises.

Every loud noise consumes a huge amount of energy reserves on both sides.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously. Now that his physical body was fully developed and his demonic body was full of energy, he could support such a small amount of energy and keep fighting like this. There would be no problem in maintaining a stalemate for several years.

Zhuri Sword Technique, Mingdu. Seeing that the red gold Qingyou Sword couldn't defeat the green dragon Xuanwu, he concentrated and released the second golden sword again, and released it to fight Xuanwu.

Now Xuanwu couldn't bear it anymore.

When Lu Sheng took action, he relied on the pure power of the Qianyang Sect's main cultivation technique, and the essence of this power was the bloodline superpower of the Weihe Sword he held on his waist.

The core of the red gold zhenqi is the strange power of the Weihe Sword. Any power actually relies on the magic weapon, the magic blade, or its related bloodline or fragments to exert its power.

Lu Sheng was the same at this time.

The Weihe Sword, which was just a low-level divine weapon, was wrapped in red gold energy to promote its fortune, and its power even reached the level of a weapon wielder.

If this were said out loud, I'm afraid it would blind a large number of people in Qianyang Sect.

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