Extreme Demon

Chapter 391 Establishment 4

Qiuyue County, Lu Mansion.

Opposite the mansion gate, in a wine shop, there were several tall men and women wearing gray dust-proof robes sitting in the corner. Among them, a woman sitting in the middle wore a snake-pattern mask, revealing only a pair of bright, clear and beautiful eyes.

The woman's eyes were staring at Lu Mansion opposite.

Is this where Lu Sheng's family is?

This is here. I heard that it was just moved from Da Song Dynasty. A man on the side nodded.

The two of them communicated and talked without moving their lips, and the subtle sounds were transmitted like extremely weak ripples. Let alone ordinary people, even accomplished Qi masters would find it extremely difficult to detect it. Even if they could detect it, they would not think it. It’s how two people communicate.

Before, Shen Ling went directly to Lu Sheng, intercepted him, and was killed, which made him look disgraced. He was really stupid.

She also didn't think about it. If this person could destroy the seal of the Demonic Abyss, he must have an extraordinary trump card of his own. If you go head-to-head with him and compare whose hole cards are higher, even if you can win, aren't you afraid that both sides will lose? The woman shook her head and laughed.

My lord, you are right. The Divine Bell is valued by His Majesty and holds important positions. It is a bit arrogant. The man responded in a low voice.

When it comes to things, I like one of the principles of the human world the most. That is, if something can be solved with ten efforts, if it can be solved with one point of effort, it is good to save more. This is called 'just right'. The woman chuckled.

So what do you mean, sir? The man raised his head and waited for instructions.

Let's go in directly and capture all of Lu Sheng's family members first. Then we can easily set up a trap and ask that person to come to the appointment. Even if it succeeds or fails, we will be invincible. The woman smiled sweetly.

Your Majesty, it's your pleasure. The man showed his sincere expression at the right time.

Let's go.

The woman stood up and walked slowly towards the gate of Lu Mansion.

Following closely behind her were four or five people who came together. As the steps approached, a gray-black mist rose vaguely from the bodies of several people. It was invisible to ordinary people, but anyone with a certain level of cultivation could easily detect that this black mist was simply demonic energy.

The woman walked to the door of Lu Mansion, ignored the surprised look of the concierge next to her, stretched out her hand and pushed the door gently.

Bang! !

The door of the mansion suddenly burst open. Lu Qingqing's pretty face was revealed behind her, who was playing in the yard.

Lu Hongying was still standing in the yard, holding a long gun and waving it around, as if she was practicing with the gun.

In addition, there were several servants and maids passing by, who also looked at the door of the mansion in confusion, as if they didn't know why the door of the mansion suddenly opened wide.

Good afternoon everyone, I'm Shenyin. I've been entrusted by your noble family master to take you to a good place. The woman's voice was delicate, sounding soft and weak, as if she didn't have much strength. But the content shocked everyone in Lu Mansion.

Okay, I'd like to invite you all to get on your way. Shenyin stretched out her right palm and suddenly grabbed Lu Qingqing and others.

puff! !

With a flash of red light, Shenyin and everyone behind her disappeared instantly, as if they had never appeared before.

Lu Hongying and others were suddenly stunned and had no idea what was going on.

Golden lights appeared on the ground of Lu Mansion, countless tiny golden threads intertwined with each other, and a large number of strange and unknown symbols appeared. Three dark purple crystals protrude, connecting each other with thin black lines. Thin lines form a standard triangle.

A short, wizened old man slowly emerged within the triangle.

Outside the gate of Lu Mansion, three fierce men in white robes with red borders floated down and walked in quickly.

Chief Ping. The three of them respectfully saluted the old man with clasped fists.

Thank you for your hard work. Sect Leader Lu applied for the use of this magic circle. It was originally just a precautionary preparation, but I didn't expect it to be actually used. The old man shook his head and smiled. It's not easy to set up this spiritual exchange formation once.

Isn't that true? We didn't expect it to be used. One of the men in white robes with red edges smiled and answered.

The old man smiled: I'm going to have a sip of tea first. I'll go back to the secret realm in a while. By the way, where is the transfer point you set?

Sir, this depends on the strength of the attacker. Normally we are located in the Jinpu Mountain in the Secret Realm. Of course, if the demonic energy on his body is extremely strong and pure, we may have to go further. After all, this is The magic circle was originally created to target the demon world. The man in the white robe with red edges explained.

Is it really Jinpu Mountain?? The old man was stunned when he heard this.

The secret realm of Qian Yang Sect.

A place of ice and snow, among the peaks of the ice field with powdery snow.

A huge white dragon with a body of more than a thousand meters lazily dragged its snake-like long neck around its body on a slightly smaller snow peak, making it more tense.

Then it faced the sky and continued to maintain its previous posture. Open your mouth wide, waiting for food to fall from the sky.

It's been a long time since I've sent food. Bailong has lived in this ghost place for too long, not two thousand years, but three thousand years. This is Jinpu Mountain, the place where Qian Yang Sect handles all kinds of death row prisoners for heinous crimes. And it is the sweeper, or jailer, who voluntarily stays here to deal with the prisoners on death row.

It has dealt with many prisoners, and its method of treatment is to swallow them directly. Anyway, those who will be sent here will definitely be sentenced to death. Most of them are demons.

He likes the smell of demons. The meat head of the Demon General is the thickest, but a bit soft. Demon King has a moderate taste and is best for women.

The Demon Lord is very hard to eat and a little difficult to digest. Even with the help of this extreme cold ice drinking formation, it is very troublesome to eat. So far, he has only eaten two.

While remembering the good taste of the past, Bailong opened his mouth wider to avoid missing the dropped objects that were a little tilted in the direction.

This place is the standard direction that he calculated for the formation to be sent to. As long as food is sent, it will definitely fall from here.

And he happens to have his mouth open here, which saves a lot of effort.

Soon, there seemed to be movement in the formation above.


A very small ball fell into Bailong's mouth. It quickly closed its mouth and chewed a few times with its teeth.

Bah! It's dirt again! Can you please don't bring garbage every time you deliver it? Bailong spat out the stuff in his mouth with a little annoyance.

At this time, it did not notice that as the soil fell, three pale-faced men and women were quietly suspended in the air, staring at it with a trace of despair.

This is the secret realm of Qianyang Sect.!! Shenyin's hand was still in the grabbing position, but at this time her whole body was almost stiff.

To the human world, the Secret Realm is a paradise and a holy realm, but to the demons, it is a Jedi soaked in poison.

Among them, the six Jedi of the three major families and the three sects are especially famous. Among them is Jinpu Mountain of Qianyang Sect.

In particular, there are a large number of terrifying characters living in seclusion in the mountains. Each of them is an old monster with terrifying cultivation and has lived for an unknown length of time.

Only then did Shenyin understand why Shenling showed such a calm expression in the end. It turned out that she had long been sure that she would fail this time.

We must find a way to get out of here as soon as possible before he finds us! Shenyin suppressed her anxiety and said in a deep voice.

Where to go from here?

Where can we go in the Secret Realm?

Yeah, where can we go?

Go to other places in the Secret Realm. If you can get in, there must be a way out! Jinpu Mountain is the most dangerous place in the Secret Realm. We can't stay here!

After all, Shenyin is the real Demon King who has been the Demon Emperor's staff for many years, and he is not at all confused even when faced with a desperate situation.

It turns out that my place is actually the most dangerous.

The frightened voices of several demon generals were also mixed with an unfamiliar voice.

Shenyin stiffened suddenly and slowly turned his head to look down.

Unfortunately, the only thing she could see was a giant ice-blue dragon eye that filled her entire field of vision.


Deer King Valley.

Black smoke overflowed like streams, crawling and swimming around in the valley like snakes. Searching for every living person who might be hiding.

For a mere leader of the Black Deer Clan who was in the Earth Yuan realm, Lu Sheng didn't even take action himself. He just let the Shadow King's distraction take action and easily eliminated all the resistance of the Black Deer Clan. These shadows and black smoke that fill the valley are the work of the King of Shadows.

As a demon king, in order to hide its identity and prevent Da Yin from discovering it, it simply refined a distraction that had no demonic energy at all, and this distraction has reached the same level as the demon king. Although his body was weakened by half, it also increased his chance of survival.

Speaking of which, my subordinate was so distracted when I was in the altar. I was trying to find a way to escape from the gap, so I thought hard about it. Because the formation that sealed the altar was extremely sensitive to demonic energy, so I just figured it out at the beginning. I came up with such a splitting trick, but I didn’t expect that it wouldn’t be used at the altar, but instead would be used here.” The Shadow King stood beside Lu Sheng and said with a smile.

Isn't this great? Lu Sheng said with a smile, Compared to Mr. Shi, you have much more freedom.

That's true, but from my subordinate's point of view, the Black Deer clan seems to be just attached to the so-called clan-suppressing magic weapon and has not established a master-slave relationship with it. Otherwise, we have been working for so long and we haven't even seen it. Use that magic weapon. It’s a bit unjustifiable.” The Shadow King waved his hand and began to direct the shadow black smoke in the valley to collect the corpses on the ground.

It makes sense. Dogs rely on human power. The Black Deer clan probably only relied on the spontaneous radiation of the divine weapons to transform their bloodline, but they did not have a confirmed relationship with the divine weapons. Lu Sheng nodded. Agree with the views of Shadow King Xu Feira.

Found it! Suddenly Xu Feila whispered and became energetic.

Sect Master, please come with me! He was going to make meritorious deeds again this time. He is the one who knows Lu Sheng's plan best. The main purpose of this trip is not to find the attacker at all, but to first devour the magic weapon of the Black Deer clan. Killing the Black Deer is just a matter of waving a hand. What is really most important is , is a magic weapon.

Several people quickly followed the King of Shadows all the way to the depths of the valley. There were honeycomb-like caves everywhere on both sides of the valley. Inside, the sounds of conflicts and fights between the disciples of the Qianyang Sect and the Black Deer clan could be heard faintly. There was obviously some residual resistance, but the three of them didn't pay attention, and kept walking through the entire valley, to the bottom of the innermost layer of the tunnel.

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