Extreme Demon

Chapter 393 Xuanwu 2 (Thanks to Tianyu and Tianyue for their Piaohong leader~)

Shuzi!! Xuanwu couldn't hold on any longer. He fought several times in the pond, but was unable to break free from the entanglement of the two golden swords. He was slashed with blood all over his body. There are no sacrifices and no soldiers to provide it with strength. The only thing it relies on is the little capital it has accumulated over the years.

These capitals are consumed so quickly that they are incomparable to big players like Lu Sheng. After fighting for half an hour, Xuanwu couldn't hold it any longer.

You forced me! Xuanwu tried his best to force back the two golden swords. Their martial arts were extremely powerful. Even Lu Sheng could not control the golden swords to suppress them. These magic weapons and magic blades that had survived for a very long time were fighting. The skills are naturally honed, but the total amount of power is too little.

Xuan Wu coiled up the dragon's body, and an increasingly dazzling green light appeared in his single eye. A green long sword slowly rose from its one eye.

The blade of the sword is simple and quiet, and its entire body is blue. The hilt is engraved with unknown curved runes, and the handguards on both sides are inlaid with green jade-like gems.

This is his original Xuanwu Divine Weapon.

Go to hell! Dark Wu!! Xuan Wu suddenly let out a dragon roar, and the entire dragon body suddenly shattered and turned into countless green light spots that converged on the sword body.

At the same time, a circle of blue-black mist spread crazily around the sword blade in all directions.

Seven-level Qiyang Formation. Lu Sheng waved one hand, and the red gold energy exploded with all his strength, using the most powerful Qianyang Sect technique he had ever learned.

Seven golden formations of different shapes quickly emerged around him and rotated slowly. There seemed to be a large number of tiny dark gold light spots brewing in the array.

These light spots slowly expanded, like eggs, hatching and splitting rapidly, and colorful birds of different sizes and shapes flew out.

The appearance of these birds is no different from ordinary flying birds. Apart from the bright red and green colors, the main thing is that their eyes are full of golden light.

Go. Lu Sheng was about to see how powerful this Qianyang Sect thing was.

The seven-layer Qiyang Formation suddenly shook, and all seven formations exploded into a ball of golden light. Large colorful birds flew out and turned into colorful sword blades in mid-air, piercing Xuanwu like raindrops.

But when all the colorful sword blades were about to reach Xuanwu, they were quickly trapped by the fog around them. The golden light and the blue-black fog were consumed and entangled in a crazy way.

Lu Sheng clearly felt that a large amount of Yang Yuan in his body was converted into red gold Qi, which was being rapidly consumed by the formation diagram. He can't actually gain the upper hand at this moment?

Lu Sheng looked at the Xuanwu Divine Weapon in surprise, a little surprised. The feeling he feels now should be the feeling of a military commander at the level of Qianyang Sect when he is doing something outside.

Moreover, Lu Sheng felt carefully and even discovered that Xuan Wu's consumption was actually smaller than his. This is not a matter of energy essence difference. Under his promotion, the red gold zhenqi is not inferior to that black mist.

It's the real gap in attack skills.

His offensive formation is not as good as Xuanwu. Under the same powerful confrontation, the output of both sides is the same, but it consumes more. Isn't this a skill problem?

Lu Sheng frowned and reached forward again. Three points of golden light appeared again. Another attack formation map emerged.

This time the formation diagram is another fighting method that comes with true power.

Three-star talisman array, full attack form. Lu Sheng quickly formed several hand seal magic spells in his hand. As his hand seal magic spells changed, the infinite magic spell promoted Yang Yuan, quickly transformed into new red gold true energy, and injected it quickly In the new formation diagram.

Chirp! !

In an instant, the square golden formation suddenly opened, and a huge firebird covered in flames and golden body swooped out.

The water in the cold pool heated up violently the moment the firebird jumped out, the water in the cold pool began to boil, and a large number of bubbles rose from the bottom of the pool. The newly muddied water quickly became clear as the firebird fluttered its wings.

This three-star talisman array is a conquest method created by combining the three talismans of Qianyang Sect. It not only has the ability to burn, but can also purify unclean things.

At this time, Lu Sheng released the three-star talisman fire bird with a high-pitched bird song, fluttering its wings towards Xuanwu like a phoenix.

In the deep pool, which was not very big, there were both dragons and firebirds. At this time, the golden light and flames were dazzling, and everything else was suddenly invisible. The entire bottom of the pool was covered with gold. If ordinary people were here, they would probably die in an instant. blindness.

However, Lu Sheng's physical body was strong and had no influence at all. His eyesight even reached the level of vaguely seeing through things, and ordinary obstructions could not block his sight at all.

At this time, he began to frown slowly again. After the fire bird was released, it fought Xuanwu with the two golden swords.

At this time, the strength he used was equivalent to the power of three ordinary soldiers of the Qianyang Sect working together, but even like this, he could still defeat Xuanwu?

In the pond, Xuanwu dodged left and right, moving around. There were a lot of rules to follow in the dodging of the small sword. Lu Sheng had always thought that he had experienced hundreds of battles and had strong martial arts skills, but at this time he was This Xuanwu learned a lesson.

Shuzi is despicable! Let's go one on one if we can! Xuanwu yelled while fighting. He was also red-eyed at this time. The power he had accumulated for thousands of years was consumed for no reason. And even like this, he still couldn't force the opponent back. I can only watch my accumulation continue to plummet.

One on one? Lu Sheng shook his head. He knew it was because Xuan Wu couldn't see the water clearly. He called several people to come over and besiege him together.

You despicable human race, you only know how to cheat and win with more!! Xuanwu cursed, but he couldn't think of any vicious words, so he could only repeat these few sentences over and over again.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand to form a dozen seals in front of him.

puff! !

Another formation diagram lit up and opened, and a golden Fang Tian painted halberd slowly emerged.

Go. He pointed at Xuan Wu, and Fang Tian immediately spun his halberd and rushed towards Xuan Wu.

clang! !

This red-gold true energy-condensed weapon is different from the others. It is the Qianyang Sect’s dragon-backed general’s halberd that is known as the number one killing formation used by Lu Sheng. It is also the standard true skill of the entire Qianyang Sect. The most powerful one, most Qian Yang Sect masters use this formation diagram as their final trump card.

He had plenty of Yang Yuan anyway, so he simply took out the formation diagram at this time.

Since Xuanwu can't be taken down by one formation, let's put in a few more. Anyway, he doesn't have much other Yang Yuan now, but he has a lot of Yang Yuan. There are three sources of Yang Yuan, eating, absorbing essence, and the transformation of the demon body itself. The most mysterious thing is the demonic body. Even Lu Sheng doesn't quite understand where the Eight-headed Demonic Path absorbs the demonic energy.

Fang Tian's halberd pounced with great force, and the power of each blow was several times heavier than the previous golden swords. Xuan Wu was immediately pressed and breathless.

But he also took it seriously, and after a while, he actually regained the situation and ended up in an invincible position. It was obvious that he was living alone outside and had never signed a contract, so he must have some unique skills to support him.

Time passed slowly, and more than an hour passed in the blink of an eye as Lu Sheng and Xuan Wu fought.

The golden light array is still shining brightly, not dim at all. Xuanwu was still cursing loudly, his expression was full of vigor, and his sword was still bright, without any signs of weakness.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment. He didn't believe it. He had an almost infinite amount of Yang Yuan at the level of the weapon master, and how could he not be able to do anything to a mere Golden Leaf Divine Weapon?

In his mind, all the Qian Yang Sect's numerous killing formation methods that he had learned during this period came to mind one by one.

Then he urged the red gold energy one by one, and the golden formations around him continued to appear and float. Take out a variety of attacking techniques with different powers and methods.

For a time, golden light continued to shine at the bottom of the pool, binding array, slowing array, sword array, demon transforming array, poison arresting array, acupuncture array, crossbow array, traction array, and even teleportation array The pictures were all used by Lu Sheng.

Qianyang Sect used all kinds of methods in the deep pool.

That Xuanwu was still safe and sound. He was greatly affected by these names, but the actual effect was only a little restrained by the formation diagram, and he immediately returned to his original state.

No matter how many weapons and living creatures besiege it, it still maintains an invincible situation.

The more Lu Sheng took action, the darker his expression became.

Rays of golden light continued to emit from his hands, and then turned into various magic arts of Qianyang Sect, attacking the opponent with effective effects.

Is this the method of your human race? You are vulnerable. Xuanwu laughed.

The Supreme Smoke Formation. A cloud of dark golden smoke shot out quickly. After Xuan Wu was shrouded, he slashed with the sword, suddenly cutting through the smoke, and fought with several golden swords again.

Machine Xuanguang Array. Something like a willow branch flew out. He hit the side of Xuanwu's sword hard, but apart from the loud sound, it still had no effect.

Pingyu flies into the red formation. A piece of crimson and golden glow flew out. Bang! !

Lu Sheng tore the golden clouds in front of him to pieces, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

Forget it, I'll do it myself. He pulled off Xia Guang and stepped forward slowly.

The test ends here. He completely despaired of Qian Yang Sect's offensive techniques. Qian Yang Sect has a false name.

Facing the Xuanwu Divine Weapon who was laughing wildly, Lu Sheng withdrew his whole body, and a large amount of red gold energy was suddenly recovered, and all of it was absorbed into his body.

At your wits' end? Xuan Wu sneered, the blade of the sword emitted a faint light, it was more than a foot long, and it slowly rotated in the pond.

At the beginning, thirteen soldiers in charge joined forces to besiege, and they carried out thirteen different attacks, whether it was formations, killing moves, or secret techniques. What kind of magic weapon had I not experienced? If I hadn't accidentally arrived here and been attacked by the Black Deer Clan, I worship, there are less than five soldiers in command, and they are not even qualified to meet me. Now, with just a few of you, you actually think... His voice was quite loud at first, but later on, it became louder and louder. Getting smaller and smaller.

Lu Sheng's body was rapidly expanding little by little in front of his eyes. From an ordinary man who was more than one meter tall, his muscles twisted and swelled, and in a few strokes he swelled into a black muscular giant seven or eight meters tall. And this rapid expansion has not completely stopped.

In just a few breaths, Xuanwu watched as Lu Sheng's body grew several meters taller, directly crossing the fifteen-meter range. The shadow cast by his huge body completely silenced him.

Just wanted to. Xuan Wu transformed into the form of a green dragon again, raised his head and stared blankly at Lu Sheng, who was almost covered by the shadow in front of him. Halfway through his words, he completely forgot what to say next.


Lu Sheng slowly opened his huge mouth, with three rows of fangs as fine and sharp as sharks, and little black smoke and flames came out from the corners of his mouth and along his ears.

He flicked his giant tail slightly and lowered his head to look down at the little green snake in front of him.

It has been a long time since I completely released the anode state. Although I only released half of it now, it was enough to deal with this ignorant little thing in front of me.

Go on. He moved his hands, preparing to kill him on the spot if he said another rude word.

As of writing now, there are actually some friends who have become popular, which is indeed beyond my expectation. I would like to thank Tianyu and Tianyue again for the reward. This is not just a simple incident of becoming famous. It is an affirmation and appreciation of my efforts. I cannot add more updates. Even under such circumstances, the leader is still popular, this is true love~ In order to thank everyone for their love, from now on, Lao Gun will work hard to update and save the manuscript. From tomorrow on, I will make sure to make two updates every day! Don’t worry, everyone!

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