Extreme Demon

Chapter 390 Establishment 3

After Zhengxian and the Black Mist Man talked secretly for a while, they seemed to have agreed on something. It wasn't until the Black Mist Man slowly dispersed and disappeared into the distance that he stood up and returned to the valley thoughtfully.

Father. Several young men were already waiting at the entrance of the valley, and one of them, a handsome man with antlers on his head, took the initiative to greet him.

Nothing was found at the Wang family's side in the county town.

Zheng Xian frowned. Where's Wang Rong?

We had already committed suicide by taking poison when we broke in. Only one son escaped. The man quickly replied.

Check! Send people to block the entrances and exits of the city. We must not let that kid escape with his things. Zheng Xian frowned and said coldly.

Yes! the man responded, By the way, Zhang Qian, the in-law of the Wang family, is very likely to be hiding a fugitive.

Bring some people over and ask them to surrender! In Qiuyue County, do you still want to be safe after offending me, Zhengxian? Things must be kept, and no one will be given face. Anyone who dares to stop them will be opened! Zhengxian! said coldly.

Father, if there are three sects, the man was a little embarrassed.

I will say hello well to Sanzong. I dare not say that in other places, but in Qiuyue County, there are not many people who dare not give me face. Zhengxian glanced at his son, turned around and walked away.

In the dense forest.

A young man, no more than a teenager, with dirty clothes, lay quietly in the grass, not daring to move. His attire still showed that he came from a wealthy family, but at this time all appearances of wealth were covered with mud and grass clippings.

The young man has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and he has a poetic temperament. At a glance, he can tell that he is a young master who has not endured much hardship. But at this time, he can only hold back tears and hide in the grass without moving, not even daring to let out his breath.

Where are you? Did you hear some noise just now?

Afraid of a hare or a mouse?

Is there any news from the second team?

The sound of someone shouting could be faintly heard in the distance. In the dark forest, the boy could not see anything clearly. He could only see pairs of green and fluorescent eyes that occasionally drifted by in the distance.

He knew that it was the members of the Black Deer clan who were searching for him.

Don't worry, beside the boy, a palm-sized bamboo rat whispered with its round belly. I smeared you three times with the unique smell of mixed feces. Even the best olfactory hounds can't smell your location.

The bamboo rat's two sesame-sized eyes stared at the Black Deer clan and others in the darkness.

I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. Thank you, Brother Qiang, if it weren't for you, the young man said, thinking of his grandparents, father and mother who were exterminated before. He couldn't help but feel sad in his heart, and tears could not help but lie down his cheeks. Down.

Alas, two brothers, you are like this. If I don't save you, who will save you? Bamboo Rat sighed helplessly, The Black Deer clan is the dominant one in Qiuyue County. Almost no one dares to provoke them. There are only three sects who are not afraid of them. , but they have no interest and will not protect you for no reason.

I know the young man wiped his tears, I plan to go to Fucheng. The Black Deer clan covers the sky with one hand, but Fucheng is different from here. Their hands cannot reach that far! There was a trace of determination on his face.

Have you made up your mind? Bamboo Rat said seriously.

Yes, please help me, Brother Qiang! The young man nodded seriously. Also, please ask Brother Qiang to help me find a place to hide that thing.

Keep it for yourself. Bamboo Rat shook his head, That is the key treasure that caused your family to be destroyed. If you don't mean it, you can use it as a bargaining chip in exchange for revenge on the Black Deer clan.

I will consider it! The young man nodded.

Okay, let's go. This place is not safe anymore. There are still some capable people in the Black Deer clan. They can actually catch up with your strong brother and my leg hair. You really can't underestimate the world. Bamboo Rat breathed out.

Brother Qiang. The young man hesitated to speak.

Stop talking! I know what you want to say! The bamboo rat raised a paw and looked away. Since I, Zhu Wenqiang, promised to rescue you from the county, I will definitely be able to do it.

Brother Qiang. The boy's eyes became wet again.

He was born with a special ability and could understand various animal languages ​​​​of birds and animals. Therefore, he often played with various animals in the mountains and forests. In one accident, he even worshiped a bamboo rat named Zhu Wenqiang as his eldest brother. . The two of them were enjoying themselves in the forest, so happy.

But I didn't expect disaster to fall from the sky. Something that the family accidentally obtained put the entire Wang family in danger.

If Zhu Wenqiang hadn't reported the news in advance, he might have been doomed this time.

There seems to be movement here. Suddenly, several members of the Black Deer clan slowly looked in the direction of the young man.

I'll go over and take a look.

Several men holding knives pushed aside the grass and slowly approached this side.

Looking at the approaching Black Deer clan members in the distance, the young man's eyes filled with deep hatred. Just wait. One day, I, Wang Yuhui, will definitely come back! The hatred of genocide is irreconcilable!


Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and several Black Deer tribesmen in front of the young man fell down. There was no scream or howl of pain. The fallen Black Deer tribe members did not make a sound, as if they were dead.

It's right here. A low, flat male voice came from far behind the young man.

Back to the sect master, it's right here. Another man responded respectfully.

Then go ahead and don't let anyone go. The man from before said calmly.

My subordinates take orders. Several voices sounded at the same time.

Before young Wang Yuhui could react, he saw blurry figures flying out from behind far to the right, rushing towards the Black Deer tribesmen who were searching around just now at extremely fast speeds.


Ah! !

In the dark night forest, only a series of short screams could be heard, and the screams continued to spread in the distance. It was obvious that the Black Deer clan was completely one-sided and was easily slaughtered by this group of mysterious people.

Come on, someone more ruthless is coming! Zhu Wenqiang trembled all over and wanted to escape with Wang Yuhui.

No, Brother Qiang, please go. I want to go and see how the Black Deer clan died! Wang Yuhui was shocked at first, but then he was overjoyed, with deep hatred shining in his eyes.

You. Zhu Wenqiang sighed helplessly, That's fine, I'll take you for a ride.


The head flew up, and blood shot out like a fountain, spreading in all directions.

Is it Qian Yang Sect!? You are crazy!!

At the entrance of the Luwang Valley of the Black Deer Clan, a heavy black stone gate blocked the Qianyang Sect and others who came to clear them out. In front of the gate stood a large group of the strongest Golden Eagle Clan guards of the Black Deer Clan.

The clan leader's face was ashen, and he stared coldly at the young man who was surrounded by people not far away. Among the two groups, several Qianyang Sect masters were slowly sheathing their knives and wiping the blades clean on the corpse's clothes.

Sect Master Lu Shenglu, what do you mean by this? We came to visit late at night, and we originally planned to entertain you and give you gifts, but you killed my clan members without any reason, and led others to maliciously invade the entrance of our Luwang Valley!

Even if we bring this matter to Your Excellency Fucheng, we still have to give our clan an explanation!

Explanation? Lu Sheng was playing with a delicate crystal bead boredly. When he heard this, he turned sideways and smiled at Mr. Shi beside him. Did you hear that he wants to explain?

Then give him an explanation. Old Shi was very cooperative and showed a ferocious smile. The Black Deer clan harbors spies from the demon world, bribes important generals in the county and city, and intends to commit rebellion. They deserve death and must be destroyed according to law! He loudly announced the reason why he and others took action.

Fart!! Zheng Xian was so angry that he was shaking all over. He has nothing to do with those grandsons in the demon world at all, let alone bribed the important generals in the county. Intent to rebel?

At most, there is some tacit understanding in secret, but there is no such thing as a deal. He has nothing to eat and support, but he still wants to rebel?

If you want to accuse me, why bother?! You are making false accusations, Sect Leader Lu, and there is no basis for it! You are deliberately throwing dirty water on my Black Deer clan! Zheng Xian was furious and yelled.

You mean, I have wronged you? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

Isn't it?! Zhengxian wanted to curse, but a middle-aged woman beside him stopped him with her hand. She had only two small white antlers on her head and was dressed in gorgeous clothes with an extraordinary aura.

Sect Master Lu, please think about the consequences before doing anything. I, the Black Deer Clan, have always abided by the laws and regulations, and are dedicated to serving the Great Yin, serving the imperial court, stabilizing the mountains and forests, and stabilizing the demon clan for the world. Is this going too far?

Lu Sheng smiled and said: Actually, I am not an unreasonable person. But I recently received news that someone secretly reported to our sect that Xuanwu, the magic weapon of the Black Deer clan that suppressed the entire clan, was liaising with foreign enemies and secretly hiding a demon general.

If you are willing to hand over the Xuanwu Divine Weapon, I am willing to go to the court and request a lighter sentence.

The food looks too ugly

The corners of the mouths of Mr. Shi and the King of Shadows twitched slightly, and they felt like they couldn't bear to look at them. My sect leader is really telling lies with his eyes open.

Not all divine weapons can become chaotic divine weapons. Divine weapons and magic blades that are not chaotic divine weapons do not have high intelligence at all, let alone communicate with enemies from inside and outside and hide evil generals secretly.

If you want someone else's magic weapon, just say so and find a better reason. If you do this, even if the Black Deer clan on the opposite side wants to be convinced,

This is too much! Zhengxian, the leader of the Black Deer clan on the opposite side, finally broke out. Lu Sheng! Qianyang Sect!! You guys!! You guys!! Simply!!

The joy in young Wang Yuhui's heart hidden in the distance almost made him tremble.

You also have today! You also have today!!? The ecstasy and distortion on his face were mixed together, forming a strange and indescribable expression.

Alas Zhu Wenqiang, the bamboo rat, sighed longly. He could understand Wang Yuhui's mood at this time, but he didn't know that the Qianyang Sect had always been conservative, and now it was suddenly causing trouble for the Black Deer clan. I'm afraid that another one of them was There is a hidden secret that this mountain forest is very likely to have countless turmoils.

At this time, there were new changes in the distance.

There are not many people in Qianyang Sect, but they are all elites, and they surround the entire entrance and exit of Luwang Valley from all sides.

At this time, Mr. Shi was holding a ferocious, blood-stained horned head in his hand.

This is the demon general we just killed from the Deer God Valley of your Black Deer clan! He said loudly with a cold tone.

Slander!! It's the Deer King Valley!! The last time the Deer King Valley was opened, not even a single member of my clan entered it! Zheng Xian's veins were exposed all over his body, his energy and blood were boiling, and his eyes were almost on fire. The other party didn't even know the name of their tribe, yet they dared to slander them face to face. This is simply it.

Okay, stop talking nonsense. Lu Sheng was a little annoyed. He was just looking for an excuse to encircle and suppress the Black Deer clan. Now that the quarrel has reached this point, it is completely meaningless. Do it!


Mr. Shi and the King of Shadows took orders at the same time. The elites who were seconded from Qianyang Sect all smiled. Lu Sheng had promised a lot of benefits in advance for this trip. Anyway, Lu Sheng, the leader of the Sect, was supporting them. Just follow orders. Before setting off, I had already made it clear that it was up to me how much I could grab.

Kill! Seeing that the situation was not good, the Black Deer clan finally despaired and took the lead to rush towards the opposite side.

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