Extreme Demon

Chapter 389 Establishment 2

It must be the demon clan. Xiao Qing said coldly. From Dayin to Song Dynasty, the journey is long and difficult. The dense forests and mountains are full of monsters. Big monsters are rampant. Even I, Dayin, will not easily get involved.

In this matter, I think Sect Leader Lu should consider himself unlucky.

Oh? Mr. Xiao, please make it clear. Dayin is very powerful and has many masters. Is it still afraid of a mere demon clan in a small mountain range? Lu Sheng asked confused.

It's impossible to be afraid of nature, it's just troublesome. The demon clan hidden in this mountain range is inextricably linked to all forces. There were two emperors and queens in the current dynasty who were members of the demon rabbit clan. In addition, the demon clan has always been The method is secretive, the disguise is very strong, and it is difficult to catch. This matter is simply a troublesome job. Xiao Qing explained casually.

The demon clan in the Great Yin is actually similar to some ethnic minorities. They hide in the mountains and have fierce folk customs. Even if they attack you, you really can't do anything with them without evidence.

If you kill someone in the mountains and bury them anywhere, who knows what you did. In addition, the demon clan does not have no backstage in the court. After all kinds of entanglements, the demon clan between Da Yin and Song Dynasty was completely out of control.

In addition, there is a mysterious forbidden place in this mountain range that can prevent the movement of true energy. If Master Lu is fine, it is best not to provoke it. Xiao Qing was a little worried about Lu Sheng reporting the previous teleportation from the Demon Realm. The tone was also a little gentler.

But when Lu Sheng heard that his own clan was almost attacked and killed, he naturally became angry. When he returned to Qianyang Sect, he also investigated the local county records and had a general understanding of the surrounding situation. Those demon tribes also have tentacles extending in the county city. After all, they are intelligent creatures. Many good things that only humans can make can only be purchased from the county city at high prices. Therefore, it is natural for the demon tribe to have informants in the county city.

Nowadays, revenge is necessary, but how to do it and who is the target still need to be carefully selected.

He plans to develop Qiuyue County as his home base. Neither the three sects nor the court can stop him from establishing a foothold here.

I heard that black deer often appear near Qiuyue County. This black deer clan has a cruel and arrogant temperament. They rely on the magic weapons and demon blades behind them to suppress them. They have cover from above and cover from below. They have done a lot in the vicinity. He has a record of buying and selling people and arresting outsiders for trading goods. Lu Sheng picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly.


Lu Sheng! Don't go too far!!

Xiao Qing was furious and slapped the table in front of her so hard that the teacup on it suddenly jumped up, fell to the ground and broke into several pieces, and the light green tea inside was scattered all over the floor. The fragrance is fragrant.

Who in Qiuyue County doesn't know that her husband is the leader of the Black Deer Clan. Now Lu Sheng wants to attack the Black Deer Clan in front of her. What kind of behavior is this?

It's a pity that she is just the head of the Qingluo Division in the county, and she doesn't know the real background of Lu Sheng. She only thinks that an honorary sect leader in the city is nothing more than the third highest level in the earth, and her husband, the leader of the Black Deer Clan, is also a real high-ranking sect leader. Sanzhi Diyuan is a truly important figure who plays a decisive role in the entire county.

Intelligence information at the Holy Lord level is jointly archived by the Qingluo Division and the Yin Yang Division at at least the Fucheng level and is not allowed to be leaked. Xiao Qing doesn't know either.

On the one hand, this is to protect the Holy Lord and his family, and on the other hand, it is also to divide the power of the Green Luo Division and the Yin and Yang Division in various places. Otherwise, if the top and bottom are united and the Green Luo Division supervises the world, it will become a big trouble that cannot be eliminated.

Near the county town, only the Black Deer clan is the most suspect. They are fast, powerful, have black hair on their bodies, and smell like musky. Before Lu Sheng could finish his words, he was interrupted by Xiao Qing again.

Lu Sheng, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say anything! Before you speak, you must think clearly about the consequences. Your clan and your subordinates' families are all in Qiuyue County. The third sect is an outsider. Although he is powerful, at this time How dare you interfere in court affairs and threaten a senior official of Qingluo Division!

Xiao Qing thought to herself that as long as she reported it, those high-ranking officials and ministers who were extremely afraid of Qianyang Sect would definitely not give up.

Consequences? Lu Sheng suddenly laughed. You dare to threaten me?

This is not a threat, this is a fact! Xiao Qing sneered. So what if he was strong? Would he dare to take action?

She is the director of the Qingluo Department, and she is responsible for supervising three high-level sects. If she is angered, it is not uncommon for her to file a report on suspected suspects.

Facts? Lu Sheng didn't bother to talk nonsense with her. This little guy didn't know the heights of the world. Ranting in front of him.

Old Shi. Take Si-Zhu Xiao out and teach her how to speak properly. He waved his hand, leaned back in his seat, and said no more.

From the small door in the side hall, Mr. Shi slowly walked out. He and the King of Shadows had decided to follow Lu Sheng. The Demon World no longer had a place for them to survive. Times have changed and people have lost their temper, not to mention the cruel competitive environment of the Demon World.

So following Lu Sheng, whose strength was improving at a terrifying rate, was the way out they had discussed.

You! Xiao Qing glared at Lu Sheng angrily. How brave!! If you dare to touch a hair on my head today, there will be a arrest warrant for you from Fucheng Qingluo Division tomorrow morning!

Shi Lao dodged and suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Qing, grabbed her hair and tore it hard.

Hiss! The long hair and bloody scalp were completely torn off. Xiao Qing screamed loudly, her face full of horror.

Moving one hair is not enough. If you want to move, just move all the hairs. Shi Lao said with a smile.

Idiot. Lu Sheng shook his head, how did this guy become the director of the Qingluo Department? Rely on relationships? By stuffing money?

He really didn't expect that this guess was very close to the truth.

Nowadays, Dayin appears to be extremely powerful and famous, but in fact, the royal family is fighting within the family, and even the emperor has no time to take care of himself, let alone the general trend of the world.

The Qingluo Division Yin Yang Division system is well established, but due to corruption in the officialdom, nepotism has been common in recent years.

Mr. Shi took Xiao Qing and two of them down without any effort. As for how to train him, it all depends on Mr. Shi himself. Lu Sheng didn't care, as long as no one died.

As for reporting, he just wanted to see where the court's maximum tolerance for the three sects was.

Lu Sheng had previously arranged for Yuan Mo Sect and Chiri Sect to establish bases in Qiuyue County at the same time, as Lu Sheng's foundation in this Great Yin.

After that, he has to start making new preparations for his unlimited magic improvement.

In the first level of Infinite Magical Talents, if you want to achieve great success, you must devour the water-attribute magic weapon and magic blade, but the magic weapon and magic blade are not so easy to obtain. Lu Sheng does not want to waste money, and is also afraid that if he buys too much, he may suffer various consequences. Eyes converge.

So he simply investigated the surrounding situation and established a new charter.

In addition to buying it, there is another way to easily get the magic weapon and magic blade.

Hearing the faint screams coming from outside, it quickly turned into sobs. Lu Sheng took a sip of tea. That's robbery!

After Shi Lao gave Xiao Qing a lesson, he took one of her left eyes as a price and let her go.

With Lu Sheng's strength, offending a county-level Qingluosi was nothing. He just wanted to see how far the court could tolerate him and the three sects.

Taking out a left eye may seem cruel, but for a Jie level with extremely strong regeneration ability, it would only last for a few months at most.

After letting Xiao Qing go, Lu Sheng sat in the Dao Palace for a while and soon got the news. Xiao Qing wanted to make a fuss, but was suppressed by the people from the Yin and Yang Division, and then disappeared without further mention.

After drinking the tea in one breath, Lu Sheng looked at Chen Jingzhi who hurried over and sat on the side with a bitter smile and sigh, and also smiled.

I originally wanted to see how far she could go, but now it's like this? He said speechlessly.

Chen Jingzhi smiled bitterly: Sect Master Lu underestimates himself too much, and he thinks too highly of Xiao Qing. The heinous cases your master caused back then are still recorded in the classics. Xiao Qing doesn't know your details, so he talks shamelessly and nonsense. You shouldn't be talking nonsense. The director of the Yin and Yang Department is my good friend, please let me pass the message on my behalf, and ask Sect Leader Lu to show your respect.

He finally understood that Lu Sheng planned to make Qiuyue County his rear area, so as soon as he took action, he directly killed the Qingluo Division, which was the most important person to grasp the intelligence.

I'm just a member of the martial arts world, what can I do to the imperial officials? Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Chen Jingzhi shook her head and did not answer. Although what Lu Sheng said was true, strength was king in this world. Any fool knew who was more important between Lu Sheng and a mere Xiao Qing.

What's more, the Great Yin Imperial Court is currently in turmoil and is unable to take care of other places. The various places seem to be connected, but in fact they are isolated. The dominance has gradually evolved into the local government and the three sect branches.

I am ready to eliminate all unrest around Qiuyue County. I will also ask Sect Master Chen to help me with this matter. Lu Sheng said softly.

Suppression??! Chen Jing was stunned and then shocked. The Yangming Army and the Yinfu Army will never allow it! Sect Master Lu, think twice!

Who else needs permission to clear out the bandits? If anyone doesn't allow it, let them come to me. Lu Sheng said casually.

After beating the director of the Qingluo Division, the local emperor did not respond. Lu Sheng also roughly understood the weight of Xiao Qing and the energy that his status should have.

But...! Chen Jingzhi wanted to say something else, but Lu Sheng had already stood up.

I intend to set off immediately today. The Black Deer clan has been causing trouble to the county and city for a long time. Today is the time to clear away the trouble.

While Chen Jingzhi was stunned, Lu Sheng led Shi Lao and his group out of the main hall and headed towards the gate of the Taoist Palace.

He didn't bother to care about what the court thought. As a Holy Lord, occupying a piece of land to build a base must be something no one would dare to care about.

The imperial court is in turmoil, and now is the best time. There are no experts from above, and the highest combat power of Qiuyue County below cannot suppress him.

So Lu Sheng probably saw clearly that as long as he didn't seek death and deliberately do something illegal, he could do whatever he wanted in Qiuyue County. This is a privilege.


Jinhuang Mountain.

Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and it is a small valley full of vitality.

The leader of the Black Deer clan was solemn, kneeling on one knee with a respectful expression, and reported the situation to a tall figure shrouded in black mist in front of him.

Eighty percent of the crops on the mountain are now mature, and my subordinates have arranged for manpower to start harvesting. However, the case not long ago caused the subordinates to worry because the sight was too large. Zheng Xian frowned and his voice was gloomy. And Lu Sheng returns to Qiuyue County.

It's okay. He did something bad to me last time, so I won't let him go this time. Of course, we don't have to do it ourselves this time, someone over there will naturally do it. A sharp and delicate voice came from the black mist.

The demon world is still willing to take action? Zheng Xian asked doubtfully.

It can't be done secretly. However, it is still possible to find opportunities to surround and kill. Lu Sheng has caused too much trouble, so we can just wait and see what happens. This is no longer a level that we can mix with. The Black Mist man shook his head. road.

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Radish Geng 01

Drunken person

Job number 95271

Zhu Han

Halfway up the mountain

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