Extreme Demon

Chapter 388 Establishing a Foundation 1

Xu Feila and Shi Lao, these two people are the ancient demon kings who were sealed here by the predecessors of Yuan Mo Sect.

Demon King, a title that once needed to be looked up to, was just two usable chess pieces in Lu Sheng's eyes at this time.

Lu Sheng, you have been here for a long time. You should have made plans and arrangements for a long time. You don't have the time to be a teacher. You can concentrate on it. I leave everything to you. Liu Shanzi had already handed over the position of sect leader to Lu Sheng. At this time, these words It’s also natural.

In addition, I was waiting on the way and encountered several sudden attacks. Even the Yin Demon was unable to protect me on several occasions. I still relied on Senior Shi Lao and the Shadow King to protect me. He was giving the two demon kings a chance to protect him. plead.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at the two demon kings again. After dealing with the demon army for so long, he also carefully checked all the demon world information he could access. He had some experience with the leader of the clan at the level of the demon king. Deeply aware.

The Demon King represents not only himself, but also the entire ethnic group behind him, and the ethnic group that can give birth to the Demon King will never be a small tribe. In other words, the tribe behind the Shadow King and Shi Lao may still be there, but it has been too long, and it is likely that other demon tribes have troubled them, and they are not happy with their reproduction and development.

Since these two people got out of trouble, did not leave on the spot, and even helped the Yuan Mo Sect team, there must be something up their sleeve.

Surprise raid? Teacher, does he know who the source of the raid is? Lu Sheng's topic changed to this point.

The Yin Demon Guardian actually has the guts to make a surprise attack and force the Yin Demon to be unable to protect him. This strength is a bit exaggerated.

You must know that the nine Yin Demons each have their own strengths and are extremely powerful. When he left, the Yin Demon had the strength of a soldier master. Not to mention the current breakthrough to the Demon Lord, the Yin Demon was separated from his soul that was closely related to him. His breakthrough will inevitably affect them.

Even if the distance is extremely far, there should be varying degrees of strength improvement.

With such a luxurious lineup guarding the convoy, someone actually made a surprise attack

I don't know this, either. Those people are all holding turquoise swords, their faces are vague, and most of them are wearing masks. Their auras are vague, and their strength and speed are extremely strong. It's impossible to tell which system is which. Liu Shanzi also shook his head.

We'll talk about this later. Lu Sheng said with a smile, and began to ask the teacher about some important things on the road, as well as the specific arrangements for arriving in Dayin.

Then he chatted with senior sister He Xiangzi for a while, dealt with Yuan Mo Sect and other sect disciples, ordered everyone to arrange, put forward many specific plans, and stabilized everyone's minds, and then finally came to Red Whale Help others.

Meet the gang leader! Ning San took the lead and knelt down to say hello to Lu Sheng.

The umbrella girl actually followed suit and bent her knees slightly. Judging from her weak face and compassionate temperament, she was obviously still in the state of the umbrella girl Yingying.

Sensing Lu Sheng's gaze, the umbrella girl replied in a low voice: Sister, I spend most of my time practicing hard now. Although my strength is far superior to Yingying's, but... She stammered and spoke slowly, The meaning was conveyed clearly.

The general idea is that although Hongfangbai has worked hard to train his strength and is far superior to the current Yingying, he knows that he is still far away from Lu Sheng, so Yingying usually takes the lead to avoid being humble in strength and depressed.

Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously. Hongfangbai had great strength and potential, but at this point in his life, he didn't care much about potential anymore.

The so-called top genius is nothing more than being able to stably reach the upper triple snake level. This is the strongest genius in Dayin. Then the level of military master, and even higher, it is not about talent, but about opportunity.

What's going on at Chiri Gate? he asked casually.

A total of one hundred and thirty-two people came to the door. They were attacked halfway and thirty-six people were killed. The rest were all following the leader of the door. Ning San replied in a low voice.

Three of them broke through Tianyuan. Xu Chui also whispered at the side.

Lu Sheng nodded and understood. In his eyes now, Tianyuan is just a slightly bigger ant. At the beginning, he also used his backhand to place the Yinhe Net in a large area to absorb the internal force later, but now it is completely unnecessary.

After eating a handful of divine weapons, the divine power recovered is equivalent to absorbing an unknown amount of internal energy.

Thanks to the sect master Tianzong's genius for creating the Yinhe Net, there is almost no bottleneck in our inner energy. As long as we can practice hard, we will definitely be able to move forward. Xu Chui sighed in a low voice.

You should also pay more attention to yourselves. Inner Qi does not greatly strengthen the physical body. You must supplement the external hard skills, otherwise the physical body will become a bottleneck and block your cultivation. Lu Sheng made a few random remarks.

Inner energy is different from demonic energy, and it is far less effective at strengthening the physical body. At first, he still added a lot of hard skills and external skills, and then he barely reached the requirement for the inner energy to continue to rise to a liquid state. But when I arrived at Yuan Mo Sect, I was shocked by the various demonic powers in Yuan Mo Sect.

It must have strengthened the physical body, and the level of magic power far surpassed that of martial arts and internal power.

I will definitely remember this. Ning San, Xu Chui and others quickly saluted with clasped fists.

Lu Sheng arranged for Chirimen to spend money to build a headquarters in a rocky open space not far away. With his face, no matter how bad Qiuyue County is, it will inevitably share some of the benefits. Although it is not as good as it was in the north, there are resources from the outside that are constantly coming in from the outside in Dayin, and the overall income cannot be underestimated. Some of these rare and high-end items are far beyond what they were in the North.

After making arrangements for Yuanmo Sect and Chiri Sect, Lu Sheng immediately received a greeting invitation from Qingluosi.

The head of Qingluo Division in Qiuyue County came to visit. He must have planned to ask about the previous battle in the suburbs. The position and key of Qingluo Division was that although he was just the head of the county and city division, there must be a background behind it.

Since the other party was so polite, Lu Sheng also planned to meet the leader of the intelligence organization, and he also had some things he wanted to inquire about.

Qianyang Dao Palace in Qiuyue County.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the center of the main hall, watching the Qianyang Sect disciples outside the door attracting two masked women in purple clothes and elegant outfits.

Both women have graceful figures, and their extraordinary beauty can be seen in their movements. They look just like ordinary young ladies. No one would have thought that these two were actually senior officials in charge of the Green Snail Division.

The woman in charge had a long white token on her waist and two fish-skin gold thread daggers on her thighs. She looked capable and sharp.

I've met Sect Master Lu, I'm Xiao Qing, Sect Master, you're going to have fun waiting for me. The woman walking in front was over middle-aged, and when she opened her mouth, she was not at all afraid of Lu Sheng's status as the Honorary Sect Master of Qianyang Sect, her tone was quite There is dissatisfaction.

Why did Chief Xiao say this? Our Qianyang Sect has always been a good and law-abiding citizen. Lu Sheng grinned.

Follow the rules and abide by the law? That's not necessarily true. Which of the three sects really abides by the rules and the law? This Xiao Qing obviously seemed to have a pseudonym, and her attitude seemed to be dissatisfied with all three sects. Sect Master Lu, there is no need to pretend to be confused. I am here this time to inquire about the spies from the demon world in the suburbs.

Just ask, Chief. Lu Sheng said with a smile. He chose to meet Qingluosi and others here in Qianyang Sect, with the purpose of using the name of the three sects to offset the power of the Great Yin court.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Xiao Qing's eyes. Lu Sheng's attitude was contemptuous and he treated her with no respect for the imperial officials.

But considering that this was the honorary sect master of Qianyang Sect Fucheng, with extremely strong connections behind him, she could only hold back her anger.

We received news that the Black Alliance and the Three Holy Sect had appeared nearby again before, so we sent out manpower to investigate, but the Blood Sun of your sect refused us to investigate any clues. Does Sect Master Lu know about this?

Lu Sheng suddenly realized that the root was here.

In the final analysis, although the three sects are powerful, they are still nominally the major sects of the Jianghu sect, and they are completely different from the imperial court. Even if there is suppression by the military master, the Great Yin Imperial Court is actually in a stronger situation, but although its strength is strong, it is far from being crushed, and it cannot completely defeat the three independent sects.

Therefore, in the eyes of the court experts, the three sects who often disobeyed orders were the biggest variables and troubles in the world.

But Lu Sheng was also a little amused that the head of the Qingluo Division in a county dared to speak harshly in front of him, the honorary sect leader of one of the three sects in the county.

The Blood Sun is an emergency mobilization force directly under the Qianyang Sect's general line. Apart from the general line above, even the Fucheng Sect Master has no right to mobilize and interfere. The chief of the department came to me, but he also found the wrong person. He smiled and shook his head.

Nowadays, you are the biggest Qianyang Sect. If you don't say anything, don't blame me for being merciless. Xiao Qing has been extremely annoyed recently. The Three Saint Sect and the Black Alliance have frequently taken action. For some reason, they insist on surrounding Qiuyue County. Various actions, big and small, are constantly taking place.

She was almost exhausted mentally and physically. Now that she finally found some clues, she was isolated from the Qianyang Sect's Blood Sun people. This was simply unbearable.

She came to the door on the spot, intending to let Lu Sheng force Xue Ri and put pressure on him.

From her point of view, the details behind Lu Sheng's death have been found out. The leader of a small sect from the Song Dynasty led his art to join the Qianyang Sect, but his foundation still lies with the group of people who arrived in Qiuyue County later.

In the future, this group of people will settle in Qiuyue County. It is convenient for her at this time, even if it is to give her a favor. Whatever happens in the future, Qiuyue County still has the final say, and she should take care of it.

It's a pity that she completely misunderstood Lu Sheng's plan.

I really can't interfere in this matter. The power of Blood Sun belongs directly to the General Pulse, and cannot be interfered by the county or even the city. Speaking of which, I also want to ask how your company handled the murder that happened in the Lu family. Dealing with it? Have you caught anyone from the Black Alliance and the Three Holy Sects?

Xiao Qing's face was stunned for a moment, then she became cold and a little embarrassed. What does this matter have to do with Sect Master Lu?

I suspect that there is most likely a demon world teleportation point hidden near Qiuyue County. Otherwise, it would not be such a coincidence. Whether it is the Three Saint Sect, the Black Alliance, or the demon world's spies, they can easily appear from here. Lu Shengchen vocal channel.

This is absolutely impossible! Xiao Qing waved her hands and said coldly. For such a big matter, once she admits that there is a fixed transmission point in the demon world, it will be a serious dereliction of duty on her part as the head of Qingluo Division. There was such a murderous case before. If she really reports it, she will be punished!

Director Xiao is decisive. The matter ends here. In addition, during the migration process, our clan was attacked one after another. The attackers were distinguished in appearance, extremely fast and powerful, and their moves... Lu Sheng began to tell the attackers who attacked the convoy. The appearance and characteristics of the group of people were clearly described to Mr. Xiao one by one.

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