Extreme Demon

Chapter 387 Goodbye 2

Next, it's time to take a look at the situation at home, and then lay down the preliminary team. I am alone and have no skills. Many things can be handled by my subordinates. It can save a lot of time. There are still two people in Yuan Mo Sect. An old guy who can be subdued. Lu Sheng seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

As long as he gets another golden leaf water magic weapon, he can break through to the next level.

According to the results of the deduction, the six levels of Caiying correspond to different realms in the Holy Lord. Each two levels correspond to the three major levels of Gold Leaf, Jade Star, and Divine Wisdom. If you can reach divine wisdom, you have reached the pinnacle of the Holy Lord. No one in the world can rival him except the Demon Emperor, the Lord of War. After that, if you break through to the next level, you can advance to the War Lord.

Compared with the traditional system of the magic weapon and magic blade, the biggest advantage of the infinite magic system is its independence.

The biggest disadvantage is that it takes too long

If Lu Sheng didn't have Shen Lan, he wouldn't have been able to build such a powerful body, let alone reach Caiying's level. The Devouring Divine Weapon and Demonic Blade, no one would believe it if I told you about it.

Calculating carefully, Lu Sheng's cultivation at this time, all added up, has reached the level of nearly ten thousand years. In other words, it takes a strong genius who has been cultivating according to the Infinite Method for nearly ten thousand years without breaking through any bottlenecks to reach his level of cultivation.

The infinite method is indeed much less difficult than the magic weapon and magic blade system, but if you want to succeed in practicing infinite method, you must first live long enough

Even if you enter the True Spirit Tower and slow down the pace of time in the outside world, the time passing through your body does indeed exist, and no one can live for tens of thousands of years. Even the military leader is the same.

The longest-lived military leader is only five thousand years old according to records. The Demon Emperor is even more short-lived, and will be killed and replaced by newcomers below him when he is no more than four thousand years old.

Therefore, Lu Sheng also understood that his infinite method was actually a path suitable only for him. If he wanted to improve the strength of his subordinates, he had to find another way.


Qiuyue County, Lu Mansion.

Lu Quan'an and a group of Lu family members stood neatly in the inner courtyard of the gate, looking longingly at the slowly moving carriages outside the open door.

There are huge thousand characters on the dark golden chariot, which represents the Qianyang Sect's chariot. Needless to say, the chariot is exquisite and gorgeous. The chariot is pulled by four horses with one horn, with dragon claws on the abdomen, and a rhinoceros-like appearance. Black beast.

The chariot slowly stopped in the middle of the mansion, the door slid open, and a young man with a smile and bright sunshine on his face jumped out.

It's not Brother Sheng. Lu Quan'an shook his head slightly disappointedly, and there was a faint sigh behind him.

The man who got off the car first then stepped aside, and a tall man with a well-proportioned figure, a strong and fierce temperament slowly walked out of the car.

The man has long black hair hanging casually around his shoulders. He has broad shoulders and a thin waist, and his eyes are like daggers. Although his skin is white, but with clear outlines of muscles, he looks even more ferocious.

Everyone present, including Lu Quan'an, trembled slightly when they came into contact with the man's eyes and did not dare to look again.

Unexpectedly, the man raised his right arm.

Tsk tsk tsk! !

With several small sounds in succession, the invisible black smoke surrounding the courtyard flew naturally and quickly as if it had found its backbone, and all of it attached to his right arm and disappeared, as if it was integrated into his skin.

Father, long time no see. What's wrong? Don't you recognize your son? The man then put down his hand and looked at Lu Quan'an with a gentle expression.

Are you Brother Sheng? Lu Quanan was stunned for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't recognize him, but that Lu Sheng had changed a lot. His appearance before was not what it is now, and there were quite a few changes in details.

It's the kid. Lu Sheng took a few steps forward and knelt down on one knee facing Lu Quan'an. Dad was shocked. It was a hard journey and the baby was late.

Before he finished speaking, he was hugged by Er Niang who came up from the side and held him in her arms.

Lu Sheng was brought up by Er Niang since he was a child. His mother passed away a long time ago, and Er Niang took care of everything. She treated Lu Sheng as her own child.

The fact that the eldest son Lu Shenglu is able to live as a dandy is actually due to this person.

But now Lu Sheng naturally doesn't care about these disappointing things.

After being separated for such a long time, finally seeing each other again may not mean anything to him, as he has no time to practice, but to the people of Lu Mansion who are ordinary people, it is a long time.

Mother, I have made you suffer. Lu Sheng said softly.

Liu Cuiyu didn't say anything, she just patted Lu Sheng's back gently, with tears in her eyes.

Lu Quan'an patted Liu Cuiyu, So many people are still watching, okay, okay, we will be together for a long time in the future, so why rush now.

Only then did Liu Cuiyu let go of Lu Sheng and let the others come forward to greet him.







Lu Sheng was stunned and looked at the little kid who screamed the loudest at the end.

This child was still wearing crotchless pants. He was dark, and his facial features could be regarded as regular. He was not ugly, but he was not beautiful at all.

The only thing that can be considered a bonus is a pair of weird big eyes.

Seeing Lu Sheng looking over, the little kid immediately spoke back. Uncle, my name is Lu Tiancheng! My mother is Lu Yingying, your cousin!

The little kid looks to be just over two years old, but he is actually fluent in speech and speaks clearly. Although he does not look good in appearance, he is obviously in the category of good intellectual development.

Lu Sheng reached out and touched the child's head.

My mother said that I am ugly, so I have to speak louder so that my uncle can hear me. Lu Tiancheng said seriously.

Okay. Lu Sheng couldn't help but smile. He glanced at the other people around him, especially when he saw his father, Lu Quan'an, looking unhappy, he knew that Lu Tiancheng was obviously not doing well at home.

At first, Lu Yingying was made pregnant by the Yang family, and then he was responsible for the aftermath. And then, the Yang family should not dare to cause problems again. Why did this child also come with the Lu family?

The Yang family was wiped out. It was a demonic disaster. Overnight, it was the same as before. Lu Yiyi on the side explained softly.

Only then did Lu Sheng understand. After dealing with the little guy, his eyes finally fell on the person standing at the back of the crowd.


Chen Yunxi looked at him silently, although there was joy in her eyes, there was more of a distance.

The two of them were only a few meters apart, but they seemed to be worlds apart.

So you never belonged to me. Chen Yunxi looked at Lu Sheng now. Just looking at him like this, she had been practicing martial arts for so long, and she could keenly detect Lu Sheng's caution.

Treat it like extremely fragile porcelain. Lu Sheng looked at her with eyes full of love and guilt, but he couldn't let go completely.

The two were obviously husband and wife, but they looked at each other like strangers.

In fact, everyone understands that the marriage between Chen Yunxi and Lu Sheng is not a good thing for anyone.

Chen Yunxi is too far away from Lu Sheng. In their current world, there is not only a gap in cultivation, but also a gap in the essence of life. cognitive gap.

Even talking and chatting, they have nothing in common.

Lu Sheng stepped forward and gently hugged Chen Yunxi, but she pushed him away.

Originally I thought I would be very excited, but unfortunately at this time, how great the expectations are, how great the disappointment is. Lu Sheng, let's get a divorce. Chen Yunxi finally blurted out the words that she had been brewing for a long time.

Their marriage has reached this point, and it has become a kind of constraint for both Lu Sheng and Chen Yunxi.

Lu Sheng glanced at the others around him. Almost everyone, including his father, Lu Quan'an, showed no signs of surprise. It was obvious that Chen Yunxi's decision had been known for a long time.

Let's talk about this later. He understood Chen Yunxi's intention. It wasn't that she didn't love him, but she didn't want to drag him down.

The gap between the two worlds is so great that Chen Yunxi is not even qualified to look up to them.

Lu Sheng's words set the tone. The atmosphere became active again.

Lu Yiyi, Lu Hongying, Uncle Lu Anping, Wuniang Zhang Qian, and others all hugged Lu Sheng one by one.

After spending two hours in Lu Mansion, Lu Sheng arranged his chores and immediately rushed towards the Yuan Mo Sect team in the suburbs.

The Qianyang Sect of Qiuyue County arranged a Taoist temple for Yuan Mo Sect in the suburbs. Hundreds of Yuan Mo Sect members have all lived in it for some time.

When Lu Sheng arrived, under the shade of trees in the open space outside the Taoist temple, several young disciples sweeping the floor recognized his identity at a glance.

Sect Master!! The Sect Master is back!!

Several disciples screamed and cried, dropped their brooms and rushed inside. Soon, a large number of people poured out of the gate and walked quickly towards Lu Sheng.

I haven’t seen Liu Shanzi for a long time, and his beard has turned completely white. An arm hung dangling to the side. After being rescued from the ruins before, his body was still intact. But now

Teacher, your arm. Lu Sheng glanced at the broken arm, and his eyes suddenly became fierce.

It was just an accident. It was not caused by anyone else. It was just that I got carried away while practicing martial arts and cut off my arm in desperation. Liu Shanzi shook his head and smiled bitterly, It's a long story now, and I'll talk about it later. Now you'd better comfort me first. Become a sect disciple.

At this time, more and more Yuan Mo Sect disciples poured out, and the number soon exceeded a hundred, blocking the entire gate.

Senior Sister He Xiangzi, Umbrella Girl and others stood not far away, looking quietly in this direction with smiles on their faces. After not seeing her for a long time, He Xiangzi's cultivation had not changed much, but the umbrella girl made Lu Sheng couldn't help but look at her more.

The powerful demonic energy all over her body was about to escape, and she was obviously at the top of the third level of the snake level. If it weren't for the aura of the divine weapon and the demonic blade, Lu Sheng would have thought that this guy had reached the level of wielding a weapon.

In addition, there is the Red Whale Gang's Red Sun Gate lineage represented by Ning San and others. Standing alone, waiting for Lu Sheng to come over and greet him.

What made Lu Sheng a little strange was that there were two middle-aged men with blue hair and blue eyes standing outside the crowd in the distance, one tall and one short.

Sensing Lu Sheng's gaze, the taller man smiled and bowed to him. Dear Sect Leader Lu, I'm here, Xu Feila, the King of Shadows. This is my distraction. He introduced the short man.

Lu Sheng nodded, understanding, and then looked at an old man in another shadowed corner.

The old man's face was pale, without any blood, but he looked a little hunched, no different from an ordinary old man. But if you look closely, you can see that he has a strong build. He is obviously very old, but he naturally exudes a savage and powerful aura.

But Lu Sheng was keenly aware that his body contained an extremely huge amount of strange power, which was equivalent to the power of a soldier master.

Master, you can call me Shi. This is obviously the ancient demon king who was suppressed by His Majesty the Secret Art. The same level of weapon mastering.

Today I will post information on the Xiu Ming Dao~ Come and watch~ WeChat ID, search for the author and go away, follow me dear~

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