Extreme Demon

Chapter 386 Goodbye 1

That's not right! Lu Sheng shook his head slowly.

If I can determine the goal at will, then I can directly set the goal of destroying the universe. This is completely unrealistic. Lu Sheng understood in his heart that this so-called intention, setting the goal for modifier Deep Blue, is actually more like giving Deep Blue the goal. As a supercomputer, set a target computing task for it, then collect various materials and computing methods yourself, let it continuously run calculations, and finally get the results.

But this does not mean that you can just set any goal.

The goal set must be certain to be achievable before it can become the purpose of Deep Blue's calculations. otherwise.

To set an unattainable theoretical goal requires too much information, and Deep Blue does not have its own intelligence. The final result is very likely to have some harsh conditions that cannot be achieved at all, and it will be completely stuck. It is unrealistic. Lu Sheng shook his head. I need some ideas that are not too practical or too clear, but have unlimited room for development. In this way, Deep Blue can get infinitely closer to the goal. Even if it cannot be achieved, it will not be completely stuck at a certain stage and cannot get around corners.

He sat upright on the ground, his eyes flickered, and his thoughts were running at high speed.

The most information I can collect in this world is about true skills, martial arts, magic skills, and secret techniques. The most basic and fundamental source of these is actually the theory of yin and yang. Whether it is the essence of true skills that determines everything, Whether it’s martial arts that turn food into essence, or magic arts that absorb poison into energy, they are actually the same. The core of all martial arts is yin and yang.”

At Lu Sheng's current level, all the major systems have their own treasures, and it is not difficult to learn from the strengths of hundreds of systems.

Yang means existence and Yin means nothingness. Yin and Yang can actually be simply summarized as existence and non-existence, but at such a conceptual level, it is impossible to have enough material to deduce it, so it is at a lower level.

Yin represents the earth, where turbidity descends, and Yang represents the sky, where lightness rises. Heaven and earth heaven and earth.”

Lu Sheng's thoughts expanded further.

Whether it is true energy, internal force, demonic energy, demonic energy, etc., they all actually represent the yang side. Because they all belong to pure energy. And my heretic body, in various forms, actually represents the yin side. .They all belong to real matter.

This system is enough to accommodate everything I know now.

A series of ideas, a series of thoughts, quickly gathered and circulated in Lu Sheng's mind. Whether it was real skills, internal skills, magic skills, secret techniques, etc., Lu Sheng didn't care. They all came together, as long as they could be used. It doesn’t matter what system it is, just use it.

Soon, various boxes on the dark blue slowly began to disappear, whether they were heretics, true skills, or secret techniques.

They all dissipated and disappeared, replaced by only one skill.

I use yin and yang to establish my intention. The plate is too big and has infinite extension possibilities. I also use the deep blue as the melting pot and the spiritual power as the fire. I eat external things and take them into myself. After tempering the essence, I use it to forge the true meaning and forge the avenue. Then This kind of avenue, with unlimited adoption, should be named.

Infinite Law.

Lu Sheng was certain.


Suddenly, new lines of writing slowly appeared in the dark blue box. The name of the exercise at the top was the three characters Infinite Method filled in.

Infinite Dharma Yin and Yang fellow cultivators should initially divide into four realms, the mortal realm from ordinary mortals to Tianyuan, the realm from Ju level to the Earth Yuan snake level, the realm from Earth Yuan to the master level. And from the master level to the demon lord The spiritual realm of the Holy Lord.”

As Lu Sheng continued to clarify his thoughts, lines of writing about infinite methods slowly appeared on the dark blue box.

From the mortal realm to the spiritual realm, almost all the paths he has experienced have been developed step by step. How Lu Sheng broke through in the first place is how he broke through in the Infinite Dharma.

To put it simply, it is to integrate all of Lu Sheng's breakthrough methods and practice experiences to form a complete technique.

Different from other techniques, this infinite technique has unlimited development possibilities. It seems that there are no big changes now, but compared with the Eight-headed Demonic Way, the biggest shackles that cannot be improved have been completely broken.

Lu Sheng clearly felt that the various powers in his body were slowly integrating with each other. It is no longer as clear-cut as before.

The first four realms of Infinite Magic also slowly appeared on the dark blue modifier. As long as his sight touches it, he can immediately see the subsequent extension of the layered segments in each realm, as well as the actual large rows of special effects and enhancements.

Okay. After confirming the infinite method, it's time to deduce the next steps. Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the modify button in the bottom box, and he pressed it gently.


The dark blue flashed for a moment, then returned to normal.

The fourth level of Infinite Magic is a physical soul comparable to a divine weapon. Then it's time to deduce the fifth level. Lu Sheng quickly moved his attention and looked at the deduction button behind Infinite Magic.

Infinite Dharma, fifth realm deduction.

The moment he pressed the deduction button, Lu Sheng suddenly felt his entire consciousness shake.

A large amount of spiritual power was swallowed up by the mysterious area on his chest. Deep Blue was like a terrifying monster that didn't know how to feel full, quickly devouring Lu Sheng's hard-earned spiritual power.

One hundred. Two hundred, three hundred, five hundred, one thousand. Two thousand three thousand.

Three thousand eight hundred! !

It wasn't until there was only a thousand divine powers left that this terrifying swallowing process slowly slowed down.

Lu Sheng was also frightened. Although he had guessed that setting a goal and deducing it on his own would consume a lot of spiritual power, he did not expect that it would be consumed to such a high level.

The physical soul that has surpassed the Divine Weapon and Demonic Blade, just by deducing it to reach the next stage of the Holy Lord, is actually very close to four thousand units of divine power. Lu Sheng took a deep breath, and even he couldn't believe it. Moreover, the consumption of spiritual power has not stopped at this time and is still continuing.

He finally understood why the Holy Lord and the Demon Lord only belonged to the big forces, because not ordinary forces could afford such a level of terrifying consumption.

The spiritual power continues to be consumed, and the infinite magic box is still blurry.

Lu Sheng also waited patiently. Shenlan used all his current experience, experience, martial arts theory, and knowledge as materials and put them into it to deduce the forging. Can he deduce the technique that surpasses the magic weapon and the magic blade he wants? unknown.

Time passed little by little.

I waited for more than half an hour.

The framework of Infinite Law is finally clear. Lu Sheng was immediately overjoyed and looked up.

‘Infinite Dharma: The fifth realm: the first level of Caiying’s sixth level – Shuiying. Special effects: Reshape the demon body, infinite outsiders.’ The previous eight demonic ways have all been incorporated into the infinite method, including Mingxu Land Stepping Skill, Chiji Jiusha Skill and other various skills and practices.

Caiying? Lu Sheng's eyes moved upward, and a large amount of relevant information was immediately transferred to his mind.

Deep Blue's method of deducing the show, and the key to breakthrough in the follow-up, lies in swallowing the magic weapon and the magic blade! And the first step is just the beginning. If you want to achieve great success, you must devour a water-attribute magic weapon, with a strength of at least the gold leaf level.

Obviously, Shen Lan has clearly realized the benefits that Lu Sheng gained from devouring the evil soldiers and cultivating his knowledge.

Originally it was just an attempt to get angry, but I didn't expect it. Lu Sheng smiled bitterly. The breakthrough method deduced is actually this way.

He didn't know how the weapon master broke through, but there was no doubt that devouring other magic weapons to make himself stronger was actually more like the path of the magic weapon and the magic blade.

No matter what, let's move on first. All the way up to now, Lu Sheng has mostly relied on the modifier Deep Blue, and now he has no choice but to trust Deep Blue's deduction results again.

I once deduced and understood a very high-level move, and that's how I got the Destroying Star move. Unfortunately, if I had understood it to this extent back then, I don't know how many detours I would have made now.

Lu Sheng raised his hand and looked at the faint textures that slowly appeared on his skin. At first glance, these textures looked similar to ordinary skin textures, but in fact, he could feel the mystery and complexity contained in them.

It's like the cloud patterns on the weapon were forged over thousands of times.

The fifth realm of Infinite Magic corresponds to the Holy Lord breaking through to reach the Weapon Master. It is divided into six levels and named Caiying. I am afraid that the purpose is to collect and devour enough divine weapons and demon blades. As long as enough divine weapons and demon blades are swallowed, Blade, with enough spiritual power, you can break through to the next stage. This infinite magic is really terrifying! Lu Sheng sighed in his heart.

Although his strength has not improved much at this time, his direction and goals are clear, and his plans and paths for the future are also much clearer.

After closing his eyes for a moment, Lu Sheng slowly opened his mouth, and a cloud of smoke came out of his mouth.

There are three different colors swirling in the smoke, white, gold, and black. The three colors of smoke entwined with each other, finally and gradually merged, slowly turning into a cold and numb white silver.

After the smoke merged, it came back into Lu Sheng's body from his nose and mouth. This means that the internal energy qi liquid in his body, the demonic energy, and the true qi can be completely integrated and turned into one energy. This kind of energy can easily simulate the characteristics of three types of energy. To be precise, it has the characteristics of three types of energy at the same time, and can promote all martial arts in the three major systems of true power, magic power, and internal power.

Integrate everything and replace everything. This energy represents a part of Yang in the infinite law, and can be named Yang Yuan. Lu Sheng confirmed the name in his mind.

After a large amount of Yang Yuan reached the first level of Caiying in the fifth realm through infinite method deduction, they began to rapidly fuse all the pure energy in his body, whether it was inner energy, gas, liquid, true energy, or demonic energy. In just a short moment, they were swallowed up and contained by it, turning into the same white and silver Yang Yuan.

Lu Sheng raised his right hand, his index finger trembling slightly, and he immediately released a trace of Yang Yuan.

The white and silver Yang Yuan first transformed into the golden Qian Yang Sect's red gold Qi at his fingertips, then transformed into a large mass of pitch black Qi, and finally transformed into pure white Qi liquid droplets.

All three major systems are absorbed.

After completing the process, all you need to do is collect the magical weapons and magic blades, and then read enough various classics to provide nutrients for the next step of the deduction.

Lu Sheng has completely figured out his future path.

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