Extreme Demon

Chapter 381 Tragedy 4

After leaving the courtyard where Master Tianhe lived, Lu Sheng had just walked out of the gate when he saw Master Yuan Zheng of Qianyang Sect, Changsun Lansun Rongji and others waiting at the door.

Lu Sheng, it seems we need to talk in detail. Since you can be accepted as a disciple by that senior, you are definitely not a demon. He hates demons extremely, so this layer of suspicion can be removed.

But because you hid your strength too much, you still need to carefully examine it and give an explanation to the higher ups. Master Yuan Zheng looked at Lu Sheng with complicated eyes.

Just because he didn't come forward doesn't mean that he doesn't know what happened at the scene. When Lu Sheng took action to stop Prince Bad Fate and others, everyone in Qianyang Sect was in an uproar.

Even though Lu Sheng was the number one person in the Mo Ling Mansion among the three sects in this trip, and his strength was terrifying, it was a bit exaggerated to stop an Earth Yuan strongman who was on the third level with just one move.

You must know that as long as you enter Diyuan, you are qualified to serve as an elder of the three sects, or a prefecture-level elder. As for the third-level Earth Element, he is already considered a strong person in the entire Mo Ling Mansion.

No problem. Lu Sheng nodded and smiled. Just in time, my family should be here too.

Master Yuan Zheng didn't know why, but he still took Lu Sheng with him to the underground isolation prison in the inner courtyard of Qian Yang Sect.

The Qianyang Sect underground prison in Mo Ling Mansion is strong enough to imprison powerful soldiers, so no matter what chaos Lu Sheng causes, according to his expectations, it should be safe.

Not long after the two entered the prison, they came out again.

After coming out, the two of them also passed the news to the Shangzong General Line, and it didn't take long for a reply to come. After reading the reply, Master Yuan Zheng announced with some helplessness that Lu Sheng would soon serve as the guest elder of Qianyang Sect. He privately invited Lu Sheng to serve as the honorary head of Qianyang Sect in Mo Ling Mansion.

Obviously Lu Sheng's details have long been known to the Qianyang Sect's general line above.

When the news came out, the entire three sects were in an uproar that night.

Especially when the Spirit Binding Sect and Youin Sect learned that Lu Sheng still wanted to stay in Mo Ling's Mansion, the atmosphere became even more depressing.

From the above appointments, it can be seen that Lu Sheng's level is definitely that of a military commander. And he is also a top-level military commander.

Originally, the Qianyang Sect was not as powerful as the other two sects in Mo Ling Mansion, but now there is Lu Sheng, a top military commander sitting down, and behind him is the legendary Holy Lord of Eternal Sleep. As a result, the entire Mo Ling Mansion may have to live in this shadow.

At this time, Lu Sheng also received urgent news from Qiuyue County. The Yuan Mo Sect and the Lu family finally arrived

They first arrived at the Chunyang Sect, and when they were discovered by people there, they immediately sent a summons to Qiuyue County through specially arranged people, and arrived at Duanmu Wan.

Duanmuwan set off immediately, settled a large number of people in Qiuyue County, and found a place to stay. Now we just wait for Lu Sheng to go back for a visit.

Lu Sheng couldn't wait for a long time. With his current status and strength, he was naturally deprived of the qualification to participate in the battle for the general pulse. Being idle was idle, so he greeted Master Yuan Zheng that night and returned to Qiuyue County.


Qiuyue County.

In a small house in the center of the county town.

Lu Quan'an was directing the family members to move the furniture and belongings they had just purchased into the house. The courtyard was extremely lively. Lu Qingqing was jumping around sillyly and groping here and there like a child.

Yiyi, take care of your sister and don't let her jump around. Lu Quan'an shouted helplessly.

Lu Yiyi was even more helpless. She was just a weak woman, and Lu Qingqing was still a martial arts practitioner, so there was no way he could catch up with her.

I'll come. A woman walked out of the room next to her. She was wearing a white skirt and a black belt. A white ribbon could be seen faintly swaying in the wind between her long hair.

The woman's appearance is not very beautiful, but she has good features, a slim waist and long legs, and a graceful temperament. With the black sheath dagger tied around her waist, she looks even more heroic. The most eye-catching thing is her pair of beautiful legs under her skirt. They are slender and round without a trace of fat. The skin on her legs is also fair, delicate and smooth.

Yunxi, it's up to you. Lu Quan'an was relieved to see Chen Yunxi come forward.

Chen Yunxi nodded, made a mistake with her feet, and leapt a few times to reach Lu Qingqing, who was lying on the swaying surface of the furniture. She stretched out her hand to grab Lu Qingqing's arm and pulled him aside.

No, no, Lu Qingqing yelled and struggled hard, but still couldn't match Chen Yunxi's skillful efforts.

After being carefully taught by the masters of the Red Whale Gang, Chen Yunxi also learned a set of exquisite movement skills in these days. With the integrated practice of external skills, Chen Yunxi has become comparable to ordinary third-rate people in the world.

Be good, let's go outside the city to visit Gang Leader Hong and the others after dinner. There will be many people accompanying you to catch cats~~ Chen Yunxi comforted Lu Qingqing. And soon, your brother will be back, your eldest brother, he, he. At this point, Chen Yunxi also had a soft look in her eyes.

She is just an ordinary woman, and she has worked hard to catch up with that man. But the gap in talent, time and understanding still made her completely desperate. Not to mention chasing that person's footsteps, she couldn't even catch a glimpse of him from a distance.

Forget about the Red Whale Gang, the Chiri Sect, which became increasingly powerful in the future, the Yuan Mo Sect in the Central Plains that was under his rule, and even the terrifying figures that flashed from time to time on the periphery of the team, were all under his command.

Chen Yunxi tried to inquire and make contact, but the results she got made her even more desperate, and she gave up the idea of ​​pursuing him completely.

Yunxi! Yunxi! Just as she was feeling sad, someone else hurriedly ran out of the room. He is a young, tall man with dark skin.

This man is none other than Uncle Lu Sheng’s son, Lu Hongying. At this time, he was shaking a piece of letter paper in his hand, with a happy face.

Brother has already set off. It only takes three days to get there from Mo Lingfu Fucheng!

Chen Yunxi trembled all over, snatched the letter paper from Lu Hongying's hand, and saw the beautiful woman's handwriting on it. The tears in his eyes finally couldn't be held back and flowed down from the corners of his eyes.

She finally waited until she got married, so her husband stayed away. Even now, she is still a virgin.

Such pain made it impossible for Chen Yunxi to talk to outsiders, and she had no shame to talk about it. For a woman, this kind of pressure is overwhelming. The overwhelming pressure has accumulated in her heart and has not been released. It has almost driven her crazy these years. If she hadn't used martial arts to vent her emotions, she thought she might have gone crazy.

But now it's fine, he's finally back.

This time, she wanted to ask him face to face why she didn't consummate her marriage that night!


Above the lush sea of ​​trees, a black figure quickly flew towards the distance, like a shooting star.

The figure stood upright in the air, and the strong wind slid backwards around him, causing no air resistance at all.

The black on his robe is also mixed with some purple patterns. If you look carefully, you can find that these patterns are slowly flowing and twisting.

There is also a huge thousand characters embroidered on the back of the robe. There is also a faint trace of fluorescence appearing on the white text on the black background.

This person was Lu Sheng who had just left Mo Ling's mansion.

In order to pursue speed, he refused the standard ceremony of the so-called honorary sect leader, and instead chose to rush back to Qiuyue County alone.

Who! Suddenly Lu Sheng suddenly paused and his figure stopped in mid-air.

Poof! !

A huge dark green mouth soared into the sky from the sea of ​​trees below, biting the void just in front of him.

If he had just continued on his way, then this big mouth would have just happened to bite him.

The big mouth clicked and chewed a few times, making the sound of mucus opening and closing. Then he slowly retracted down.

Only then did Lu Sheng see clearly that the big mouth was actually a huge green plant or flower. The mouth is the top of the flower. The petals on both sides are folded together, and the sharp serrations on the edges are constantly grinding together to form a huge mouth, tens of meters high.

Come out. The guy who hides his head and shows his tail. Lu Sheng didn't even look at the big mouth that slowly retracted. This thing

It's just a man-made magic. The real opponent is not here.

Very keen reaction. A similar black figure slowly emerged from the treetops below. It was Shang Yangfei who was wearing black personal armor.

She stood on the treetop, her feet lightly tapping. Suddenly, a large number of branches, vines and leaves combined to form a pillar, which was slowly lifted up until it was as tall as Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng? Shang Yangfei asked softly with a smile on his lips.

Are you...? Shang Yangfei!? Lu Sheng was slightly shocked. Although he had not seen Shang Yangfei many times, he still had a deep memory of this woman.

This woman is said to be an unprecedented genius from the Shangyang family, and she is a prominent figure in the most elite Central Plains of the entire Song Dynasty. But later, after the demonic disaster broke out, he mysteriously disappeared.

Are you Shang Yangfei? Lu Sheng was a little unsure.

What do you think? Shang Yangfei's accent changed to the Mandarin of the Song Dynasty. The demonic disaster broke out. I led people to support me, but unfortunately I was plotted by my own people. I am not willing to die in obscurity. I am the strongest genius of the Shangyang family!

He broke through the fifth line at the age of ten, broke through the seventh line and entered the earth element at the age of fifteen, and entered the third level at the age of twenty! There are no opportunities, no adventures, not even secret treasures or anything like that. Just the simplest penance. In the entire Central Plains, who is stronger than me! ? Who can surpass me! ? Shang Yangfei's mood fluctuated slightly. It's just a little bit, the Mushan pen is mine. Just a little bit. Her tone suddenly changed and became lower.

How close it is is your business. Tell me, stop me and attack me. Why can't you think about it and don't want to live anymore? Lu Sheng said condescendingly, suspended in mid-air.

Shang Yangfei calmed down his emotions and regained his original delicate and endearing special temperament. She has a delicate appearance and a hot figure. If it weren't for the weird spikes and hard armor growing on her legs, her appearance alone would be enough to rank among the top three beauties Lu Sheng has ever seen.

After calming down, Shang Yangfei reached out and smoothed his hair on his temples, Moyuan, was it you who broke the seal?

Lu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank.

No need to deny it. Shang Yangfei smiled and said, Your Majesty Vera was very angry when he found out, so he sent me to capture you. I guess your Majesty wanted to see what you relied on to break the devil. The seal completely released that one.”

Take me back? Lu Sheng was stunned, and the corners of his slightly pursed lips revealed a hint of ferocity. This is the first time I heard someone dare to say such things in front of me.

This is your Majesty's order. You don't have to obey it, but it's not up to you anyway. Shang Yangfei smiled slightly, spread her right hand, and a little emerald green fluorescence slowly lit up in her palm.

In the name of me, Vera Anse Siviskadi. Roar, the ancient forest, rage, the sea of ​​the earth!!! Her mouth made a low, majestic roar like a man's. .


The earth shook, and the sea of ​​trees shook.

Even the entire sky shook. It was as if everything in the world was trembling, and endless green light spots rose and flew from the feet of the two people.

boom! ! !

In an instant, two giant hands stretched out from below and smashed together in Lu Sheng's direction.

The giant hand was a hundred meters long and more than ten meters thick. The two palms were dark green, and together they were like two huge millstones, squeezing and crushing Lu Sheng in the middle.

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