Extreme Demon

Chapter 380 Tragedy 3

Ta, ta, ta.

Amidst crisp footsteps, a woman wearing a black veil and surrounded by countless fine tree roots slowly walked out of the shadows.

Most of her face was covered by a veil, and only her eyes were exposed. Those eyes were like pitch-black holes with nothing in them, no pupils, no eyeballs, just pure black.

Teacher. Lu Sheng bowed slightly to the woman to show respect. He respects the strong, both in strength and wisdom.

Su Fei nodded, his eyes calmly falling on the weak girl in the crowd.

Have you had enough fun?

The girl trembled all over, and big tears fell down her cheeks.

Mother, I.

Su Hongfei didn't talk nonsense and slowly raised his hand. These people are so tiring that you stay out for a long time, and you don't even care about me as a mother. Damn it!

The dark golden moon slowly appeared on her forehead.

No!! The girl rushed out suddenly and opened her arms to block everyone. No! Mother, it has nothing to do with them!

Yuanyuan. Qiong Zhang lowered his head in shame. He also wanted to rush out, but Li Shunxi grabbed his shoulder tightly.

Don't go. Anything you do now will only anger Yuanyuan's mother. Li Shunxi saw clearly that this woman in black gauze was definitely not a good person to be the teacher of this monster like Lu Sheng. In addition, she just said From what he said, you can tell that he is also a character who kills people like mowing grass.

Very good. Yuanyuan, you actually learned to contradict me. For these worthless garbage. Su Fei's chest kept rising and falling, and he seemed to be very excited. Did you think that bitch's sister was out of trouble, came out, and could see hope, so she wanted to go find your father!!? Tell me! Isn't that right!!

No, no. The girl shook her head, shaking her head desperately.

You just don't want me anymore? Go find your father's little bitch! I know you, I know you!! That bitch's daughter has already taken action, and she will never let me go, absolutely! Because I kill Kill him and kill my husband. Say! You just want to find her!

I'm not a mother. The girl cried.

You are!!


Su Fengfei lost control of his emotions and slapped everyone behind the girl.

You little bitch, go to hell!!!

The huge invisible fluctuations quickly turned into countless water-like roots, overwhelming the girl and flying toward everyone.

What's even weirder is that everyone, including Li Shunxi, can only watch the spiked tree roots stabbing towards their foreheads without any resistance at all. It was as if the body was invisibly imprisoned by some force.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a big hand grabbed Su Fengfei's wrist from the side. All the tree roots also disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Teacher, calm down. Lu Sheng stood beside Su Fei at some point. If he didn't take action, Li Shunxi and the others would all die except for the girl.

Are you on that little bitch's side too?! Su Feifei's expression was distorted, and the tree roots all over his body seemed to be endlessly spreading in all directions, scaring Master Tianhe into flying back several hundred meters away.

But the Prince of Evil Fate, the effeminate man and others had no choice. They were easily entangled by the roots of the tree, and were soon wrapped in layers of layers, and even the face could not see any gaps.

Calm down, teacher. Lu Sheng's right hand was like an iron pincer, firmly grasping Su Fei's wrist, making it impossible for him to break free.

The person in front of you is your daughter, not anyone else. If you kill her friend like this, do you want her to hate you for the rest of her life? Lu Sheng could probably tell the girl's identity from the few words he said before.

It seemed that Su Fei was about to lose control. Although he was just an avatar, he didn't want to start a fight with this old monster who had lived for who knows how long.

He had just entered the Holy Master for the first time and had just obtained a magic weapon. According to the standard, it was only at the gold leaf level. It's just the lowest level among the Holy Lords. And Jinye still hasn't fully mastered the magic weapon.

Although his situation is a bit weird, other Holy Lords cannot exert much strength without divine weapons, so after possessing divine weapons, they all step up from the bottom to reach the Holy Lord.

And he arrived at the Holy Lord first and then looked for the divine weapon.

But this does not mean that he is arrogant enough to think that he can compete with Su Fei.

After saying these words, Su Fei took a deep breath and was silent for a while before calming down a little.

Let go. She glanced at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng slowly let go of his hand and stood a few steps away.

Teacher, give me some face and spare the lives of these two people. He said calmly.

Su Fengfei narrowed his eyes and stared at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng also looked back at each other, and neither of them spoke for a while. However, the air around Lu Sheng gradually began to heat up, and the ground next to Su Feifei was covered with a thin layer of frost.

One cold and one hot, two completely different forces. Although they have not yet been activated, they have also triggered a natural chain reaction in the outside world.

After a long time, Su Fengfei snorted coldly, grabbed his daughter in a flash, jumped into the air, and disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye. Judging from the fluctuations, he should have gone back to the secret realm.

Lu Sheng stood there and felt for a while to make sure that she had really left. Then he turned around and looked at the blank expressions of Li Shunxi and the two of them.

Why don't you leave quickly? he urged.

The two of them woke up from a dream, quickly turned around and ran away.

Master Tianhe slowly floated to the ground, slightly clasping his fists towards Lu Sheng.

Junior Tianhe, I have met my senior.

Your bloodline has been condensed to its peak, and you can step into the role of a soldier at any time. Why not...? Lu Sheng looked at Master Tianhe and asked with some doubts.

My family's divine weapon was broken. The younger generation only reached this level by absorbing the fragments of the divine weapon and implanting them into his body. Further, because of the uniqueness of the divine weapon contract, it is impossible to master the second divine weapon. This junior has already given up on these thoughts. Master Tianhe said respectfully.

Let's go, find a place to put them, and keep it private. Lu Sheng said calmly. Tianhe, you make the arrangements. As for today's matter, remember to keep it a secret.

Senior, don't worry, this junior will keep it a secret. Tianhe unconsciously glanced at the location of the Prince of Bad Fate, and there was no remnant of his clothes left.

Su Fei's brother was the only military leader of Qianyang Sect. Her incident caused a lot of fuss. Lu Sheng found out easily and understood the emotional entanglement that went around.

Master Tianhe took him and the two little guys, spread out their movements and left the square, and soon came to a deserted street in the innermost part of the inner courtyard.

Martial law has already been imposed on the street, and Qian Yang Sect's special blockade tapes have been hung on both sides, completely surrounding the block.

However, Tianhe is very familiar with the road and seems to have been accustomed to this behavior for a long time.

Walking into a small courtyard, he waved his hand in front of the rockery in the courtyard and moved the rockery away, revealing a silver door below. Opening the door, the three of them entered an underground stone hall.

The walls around the stone hall are also inlaid with many purple-red oval gems, emitting a faint purple shimmer.

You two can stay here for the time being. Tianhe said carefully, This is my most secret place in Qianyang Sect. It used to be used for the seclusion of an old man who passed away. Now it is empty and no one lives there. , after a long time, I almost forgot about it, and it was only by chance that I remembered the location of this secret room.

Okay. Lu Sheng nodded and looked at Li Shunxi and Li Shunxi.

Brother Sheng, won't this matter involve you? Li Shunxi said seriously. Qiong Zhang was slandered and framed because he had a legendary magic weapon that could transcend the level of divine wisdom. Because of this magic weapon, he fell from the dignified Prince of Dayin to where he is now.

It doesn't matter. Lu Sheng shook his head and smiled, As long as my teacher is here, the chaos outside can be blocked, but you can't stay here for a long time. Divine weapons that surpass the level of divine wisdom may attract the forces of the Holy Lord. peep.

Let's go away to avoid the limelight! Qiong Zhang said quickly. Senior, if you hadn't helped me on this trip, I'm afraid...

He paused.

But don't worry, someone will pick me up soon. We won't bother you for too long.

His royal brother has brought people over to find him. This magical weapon was temporarily entrusted to him by his royal brother to keep and hide, but he didn't expect it to be exposed and cause such a big change. Li Shunxi sighed and gave it directly to Lu Better than Chuanyin.

He paused and then said: Since I see Brother Sheng here, I will also remind you that Dayin is not a peaceful place. The demon world has already taken full action. There are too few survival resources and they urgently need to consume them. There are enough monsters. And the same is true here in the human world. Divine weapons, demon blades, and royal families all need to consume a lot of resources. Although they are constantly opening up the outside world, they are far from keeping up with the consumption rate. Therefore, the human world also needs a A war between the two worlds, which consumes too much of the power of the middle and senior management who have accumulated too much savings, is almost inevitable.

This was the first time Lu Sheng heard this statement. In order to compete for survival resources. In order to consume too much power, a war was launched.

I understand. You guys have a good rest. I'll take care of things first, and we'll talk later. He glanced at Master Tianhe. This person took the initiative to help Qiong Zhan, so he should obviously be a trustworthy person.

Let's go and deal with the three sects of Mo Ling Mansion. Lu Sheng also knew that the strength he revealed this time has exceeded the Earth Yuan level, and it is not an ordinary Earth Yuan.

So he had to give Qian Yang Sect an explanation. Give Master Yuan Zheng an explanation. The True Spirit Pagoda cannot be used as an excuse. The best True Spirit Pagoda in Mo Ling Mansion is in the inner courtyard of Qianyang Sect, and that True Spirit Pagoda can only be used for eight days a day at most. Want to break through the Earth Yuan in eight days? It's simply impossible.

Senior, I don't have to go to Laochan and temporarily stay in Qianyang Sect. It's a lot of inconvenience, and I also caused trouble by taking action without permission. Master Tianhe was a little helpless.

Okay. Lu Sheng didn't embarrass him. He didn't know what kind of status Master Tianhe had in Qianyang Sect. But it doesn't matter, he has secretly left a unique spiritual mark at the level of the Holy Lord on this person.

It is a small, almost invisible triangular winged snake mark. Once this mark is left, it is like the magic weapon radiating to other places. It is extremely difficult to get rid of, which can be regarded as an insurance for Li Shunxi's safety.

Lu Sheng would not be a good old guy like Li Shunxi who goes around rescuing people, but he admires this kind of person and likes to be friends with him. Once such a person accepts his kindness, he will definitely be rewarded when he is needed in the future.

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