Extreme Demon

Chapter 382 Miscalculation 1

Die!! Shang Yangfei looked solemn and clasped his hands together in front of him. His palms were like millstones, constantly crushing as if grinding something.

The big hands in mid-air were like hers, constantly crushing Lu Sheng in the middle.

The Sword of Listening. Shang Yangfei opened his small mouth, and suddenly a green line shot out of his mouth. After flying straight in the air, it shot towards the direction of the big hands.

The green line split into two and then into three. It split rapidly in the middle and turned into dozens of densely packed thin lines in the blink of an eye.

Kill! Shang Yangfei suddenly separated his hands. A strange triangular pattern flashed in his eyes. That is the special mark of Demon Emperor Vera.

She showed no mercy and knew very well that any delay or hesitation in dealing with people like Lu Sheng could lead to extremely bad consequences. Judging from the information she collected about Lu Sheng, this person rose from a very young age and was beyond expectations along the way. Whenever he encountered difficulties, he was extremely tenacious and broke out, and his ability to break out of situations was extraordinary. .

So from the beginning, she planned to completely cripple the other party before considering other things.

It would be best to directly abolish Lu Sheng’s true skill!

Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

Dense green lines were flying all over the sky, whizzing towards Lu Sheng from all directions.

By chance, Shang Yangfei's control hand suddenly spread apart, and a large number of green threads quickly penetrated. There was a constant sound of popping and piercing some kind of cloth.

Your Majesty's power is beyond your imagination. Shang Yangfei said lightly. The two moves just now seem simple, but in fact, each of those two big hands has the power of a divine weapon of divine wisdom. Coupled with the large number of green lines that follow, each of these green lines is equivalent to a The Demon Lord takes action with all his strength.

Dozens of green lines are equivalent to dozens of demon lords taking action at the same time. It seems inconspicuous, but its power is so powerful that even Shang Yangfei himself can't imagine it.

The green line soon completely wrapped Lu Sheng's position into a ball of green. The green ball was motionless and lifeless. Lu Sheng seemed to have been completely penetrated and stabbed to death by a large number of green lines, and had lost his breath.

Wouldn't it be good to just let him go without any help from the beginning? Do you have to end up like this? Shang Yangfei's expression calmed down, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

She is the number one genius of the Shangyang family, so she naturally knows how much effort it takes to rise alone from the lowly world like Lu Sheng.

But at this moment, all Lu Sheng's efforts were in vain.

Magic Eye. She raised her hand gently, and a charming green eye suddenly appeared on her right forearm. Abolish his cultivation and take him back.

This mission is very easy. There was a smile in the green eyes.

With the suppression of the clone given by His Majesty, who can really resist? Shang Yangfei smiled and looked in the direction of the green ball.

That's right. The green eyes slowly closed, and green tears slowly began to fall from the corners of the eyes. The teardrops gathered in mid-air into a total of ninety-nine beads, which flew around the green ball that Lu Sheng transformed. , began to follow a certain formation, constantly rotating around Lu Sheng.

Take it. Shang Yangfei let go of his hand, and the green ball slowly dispersed.

But unfortunately, Shang Yangfei's eyes were originally calm, but as the green lines dispersed, she was suspended in place, staring blankly at the position of Lu Sheng's original version.

It was completely empty.

How is that possible? Shang Yangfei's expression froze.

Is this the power of the Demon Emperor? Suddenly a deep, deep male voice sounded very close to her, right next to her.

You!! Shang Yangfei's expression suddenly became frightened and angry. He turned sharply and looked behind him.

Behind her, unexpectedly, a young and strong man in a black robe floated. It was Lu Sheng who might have been trapped just now.

You actually!! Shang Yangfei's mind went blank. She never thought that she would miss.

Holding the powerful clone of Her Majesty Vera, she never thought that she would fail.

Lu Sheng gently held a green thread in his hand, and the thread was struggling crazily in his hand. But it was no use. His physical strength was too strong. A mere green line was far inferior to his own physical strength.

What a sinister force if I hadn't dodged it in advance.

You are the one, I am impressed. The shock on Shang Yangfei's face slowly disappeared, his face flashed with green light, and he completely turned into a calm and calm one, and his accent completely changed into a deep male voice. How about it? Boy, do you want to come to my place? With your aura and strength, instead of wasting time on intrigues, why not...

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment, then gently rubbed the handle of the knife with his hand.

Are you His Majesty Vera? He frowned.

I represent a bit of his clone, you can also think of me as him. Vera smiled lightly. How is it? Have you considered it? I was also very angry when the Demon Abyss was destroyed, but after hearing about you from an ancient demon, I became somewhat interested in you. Vera, who was possessed by Shang Yangfei As he smiled, his eyes were filled with dark green strange triangular runes spinning.

If you come here, I can immediately give you the identity of the highest-level Demon General, or even the Demon Lord. It's not impossible. This is equivalent to leading a clan alone, without any constraints. Vera's words were extremely heart-warming.

Lu Sheng's face was moved, but he never expected that the Demon Emperor, one of the Four Pillars of the Demon Clan, would take him so seriously and be willing to make such a heavy promise.

He slowly let go of the hand holding the handle of the knife, looking hesitant.

I, I. He lowered his head and frowned.

What do you think? Do you think my words don't hold enough weight, or do you think I'm just a fake?

Poof! ! !

Vera had never seen a knife that fast.

The smile on his face was still frozen on his face, and he was even thinking about persuading Lu Sheng to surrender. The next moment, the coldness and pain in his waist reminded him that the man in front of him had actually taken action!

The bright silver sword flashed past at an unprecedented terrifying speed. It was as if the entire space had been pierced.

By the time Vera reacted, Lu Sheng's knife had already penetrated deeply into her lower abdomen, and a large amount of strange zhenqi power, as well as inner energy, demonic energy, etc., all poured into his body crazily.

To be precise, it poured into Shang Yangfei's body.

You are actually the Demon Lord... Vera's smile faded, and her whole body was weak. This body was only at the level of a wielder. If she wanted to withstand the full blow of a Demon Lord, she would be completely powerless.

In addition, he was originally possessed by Shang Yangfei.

Lu Sheng held the knife with both hands, and the blade pierced Shang Yangfei's waist. The two of them were suspended in mid-air, and blood quickly poured out from Shangyang Fei's wound like a stream.


Lu Sheng drew out his Xiu Ming Dao again. Taking advantage of the situation, a special triangular token was pulled out from Shangyang Fei's body.

In the center of this token is a monster figure with black horns and golden flames all over its body.

The token was just pierced by the tip of the Xiumei Sword. Although the token was not completely pierced, the extremely sharp blade also caused a lot of damage to it, and almost completely penetrated its waist.

How could you! Vera stumbled back, covering her waist with her hands and screaming.

What's impossible? Lu Sheng smiled. I don't need to be stronger than your incarnation, but I just need to make it impossible for you to use the incarnation.


Shang Yangfei's body suddenly exploded and turned into countless black smoke and demonic energy, which quickly condensed in a very far distance and returned to its original appearance.

I want to leave! Lu Sheng stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and suddenly grabbed Shangyang Fei. His hand suddenly tightly grasped the plume of black smoke that appeared in front of Shang Yangfei.

A huge, ferocious and terrifying force, with the help of Shang Yangfei's hands, crashed onto Lu Sheng's arm.

Amidst a series of cracking sounds, both of their arms had varying degrees of bone fractures, and Lu Sheng's expression also changed. He didn't expect that this demon lord would be so cruel and completely ignore Shang Yangfei's body.



The two of them suddenly separated. Shang Yangfei gave up on escaping and swooped forward. His whole body was covered in green electric light and he crashed into Lu Sheng, who had just raised his hand to make a move.

Bang! !

A terrifying and powerful malice flowed into Lu Sheng's body again as the green electric light flowed. Making its movements more numb and sluggish.

You Lu Sheng frantically tried to distance himself, but to no avail. The powerful electric light stuck him tightly, making it impossible to break away.

Destroy the Demonic Abyss and release that person. This is what will happen! Shang Yangfei screamed and laughed wildly. I don't know when his hands turned into jet-black sharp claws, and they clawed at Lu Sheng.

The two of them were fighting with their swords in mid-air. The Xiu Ming Dao was almost magical in Lu Sheng's hands. No matter how incredible and sinister the moves were, it could be quickly blocked by it, and occasionally it could fight back as easily as if it was alive.

The silver sword light and black claws collided rapidly.

Qingkong! Lu Sheng suddenly took a few steps back, raised his knife to the head and slashed. A black knife mark that was tens of meters long suddenly exploded and appeared, spinning and flying towards Shangyang Fei.

This is the move Xiu Ming Dao provided to Lu Sheng to exert its power.

Nine Claws of Wonderful Sound! Shang Yangfei roared, and extremely terrifying power began to condense crazily in her body. This power exceeded Lu Sheng's imagination and exceeded Shang Yangfei's estimation.

The terrifying part of her being unable to exert this power for a long time was already showing signs at this moment. Her body was like broken porcelain that had been reassembled, covered with tiny cracks up and down.

The power is very strong, but she can't use it.

After the claw shadow barely shattered half of Qing Kong's knife marks, it was no longer possible.

You are so proud that a mere soldier-level body can support such a level of strength. Lu Sheng sneered.

He jumped forward, and driven by the Xiu Ming Sword, his whole body turned into a huge black knife shadow, flying down like a meteor, and flew towards Shangyang.

At that moment, if he hadn't been fast enough, he might have been plotted by the other party. Fortunately, he reacted in time and avoided the sneak attack.

Who would have thought that Shang Yangfei, a guy whose aura was only at the level of an ordinary soldier master, could actually hide such a powerful trump card.

If it weren't for Lu Sheng who never looked down on anyone, he would have been able to go underground and become brothers with so many people he had killed earlier.

You are seeking death yourself! Shang Yangfei screamed, her voice mixed with male and female voices, and she didn't know whether she or Demon Emperor Vera was controlling her body at this time. Her limbs moved crazily, in a manner and frequency that completely went against the curvature of the human body, frantically waving countless thin lines of dark green claw shadows in mid-air.

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