Extreme Demon

Chapter 379 Tragedy 2

The Fifth Princess was also raped and killed by you because of the Myriad Transformation Divine Weapon Twenty-seventh Highness. Are you really not even willing to let go of your blood relatives?? Liu Songbo said sadly.

I, I...!! Qiong Zhang grabbed the girl's hand, and his fingernails almost dug into her flesh. His whole body felt as if he was struck by lightning, and tears rolled down his face as if they were broken.

You, you! Seriously, it's great!! Qiong Zhan seemed to have figured out something at once. The screams in his voice were so tragic that all the disciples in the inner courtyard of the Qianyang Sect who deliberately stayed away from the distance were numb. .

So far, you have collaborated with enemies inside and outside, killing two imperial concubines, four princesses, and three princesses, and even made one of your biological sisters pregnant with your flesh and blood! Your Highness Twenty-seven, you even secretly communicated with the demon army, Assassinate your father and cause him to be seriously injured at the national sacrifice! Liu Songbo mentioned Qiong Zhan's crimes one by one, and the disappointment and anger in his eyes were not fake at all.

Your Majesty sends a decree to arrest the twenty-seventh prince Qiong Zhan and bring him to justice. Anyone who resists will be killed!

Let's see who dares!! Before he finished speaking, another figure leaped down from the darkness and landed next to Qiong Zhang with a thud.

You are really powerful in trying to incriminate yourself. Your Highness Qiongzhang did nothing, but you actually framed him and ended up in this situation just because of a Wanhua Divine Weapon. The figure's face appeared in the light, and it was surprising. It's Changsun Qingyang!

Elder Qingyang, are you planning to intervene in this matter on behalf of the Qianyang Sect of the Mo Ling Mansion? Liu Songbo's face turned cold and he said quickly in a cold voice.

I only represent myself! Changsun Qingyang said coldly. I'm standing here today, on the ground in the inner courtyard, to see who dares to touch His Highness!?

Hehe. Okay. Very good! Liu Songbo sneered, My cultivation level is not as good as yours, so I am no match for you, but there are many people who can cure you!

He suddenly stepped aside, and in the alley behind him, sitting cross-legged on the ground, was a tall man with a bald head.

There are three vertical white one-eyes painted on the man's chest. The muscles on his bare upper body are all shiny and bulging with strong curves.

You are the Prince of Evil Song.!!??

As soon as Changsun Qingyang saw this person, his expression suddenly changed, and he no longer had any composure.

You are actually even prepared for this. It seems that you are really going to snatch the Myriad Transformation Divine Weapon in our Qianyang Sect realm today?!

Didn't Master Yuan Zheng teach you to kneel down and speak when facing a strong person? The bald man slowly stood up. A pair of blood-red eyes with lots of black lines stared coldly and cruelly at Changsun Qingyang and Qiong Zhan, who was about to collapse behind him.


Changsun Qingyang immediately felt a terrifying pressure falling on him. On the spot, his knees snapped and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Kill everyone except Qiong Zhang. Prince Evil Song said coldly.

Yes! From the surrounding darkness, ghost-like warriors wearing heavy black armor slowly walked out.

Let's go!! At this moment, a cloud of white mist suddenly exploded from the middle of the people on both sides. A figure flashed quickly, grabbing Qiong Zhan, the girl, and Zhang Sun Qingyang. With a white light flash, they all disappeared before everyone's eyes.

How dare you!! Evil Song roared angrily and punched out.

Buzz! !

A circle of transparent ripples caught up with the tail where the white light had not completely dissipated, and hit it hard.

With a pop, the white light was distorted and a slight muffled sound was heard.

The whole place suddenly fell silent. The place where Qiong Zang and the three of them were was already empty.

Go and chase them. They can't run far. The teleportation direction is towards the exit of the inner courtyard. Go, everyone! Prince Evil Song said coldly. If you see anyone, shoot to death! Let's see who dares to stop the Black Prison Army from taking action!!


In the distance, Lu Sheng, who was standing in the dark to check the situation, almost spit out a mouthful of water when he saw this scene.

He slowly put down the water glass in his hand. If he was still interested in watching a show before, now after that person appeared, his expression became a little unpredictable.

The entrance and exit tunnel of the inner courtyard.


A circle of white light exploded, revealing several people in Qiongzhang.

Quickly leave!! Brother Shang, now is not the time to be sad! You must protect yourself first, then you can have a chance to avenge your imperial sister and your father!! The man in the white light said sternly.

At this late night, there was not a single disciple of the Qianyang Sect at the entire entrance and exit. It was obvious that they did not intend to wade into this muddy water.

A group of people hurriedly supported Qiong Zhan, ran in and out of the entrance passage, and soon disappeared.

What's the point of this? Behind them, an old man with a goatee wearing a blue robe, holding a pine pattern sword, stood guarding the entrance of the passage with a long sigh.

An incident occurred in the imperial court. The only thing I can do for my old friend is this. He did not say hello to the few people who escaped, but quietly guarded the entrance and exit, listening to the footsteps gradually receding behind him, and looking ahead. The Black Prison Army quickly approached.

For the sake of a Myriad Transformation Divine Weapon, why would we, even those with the legendary divine wisdom, fight against each other? The old Taoist sighed and calmly looked at Prince Evil Song, who was walking slowly towards him.

Ox-nosed, this guy is still too strong at his age, so be careful and you may die. Prince Evil Song stared at the old man coldly, with a hint of fear in his eyes. He just dared to talk nonsense with the other party. If he really wanted to take action, even ten of him wouldn't be enough for the opponent to pinch with one hand.

The prince should go back to where he came from. The old Taoist shook his head and grimaced, If it was not necessary, if you hadn't forced me to this point, the old Taoist would not see it and take action.

Hehehehe, Master Tianhe is a man of great cultivation, but he doesn't know anything about the world. He only cares about pleasure and grudges. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation. Another bolt of lightning fell and condensed into a ball on the crystal square between the two groups of people. A man in moon-white clothing.

The man's eyebrows slanted into his temples, and his handsome face had a hint of coldness, but one of his eyes was slightly squinted, with only holes in his eye sockets. He had been blind for who knows how long.

Tianhe, let's get out of the way. Because of your hard work and meritorious service, guarding the Two Realms Gorge for the imperial court for hundreds of years, I will not hold you accountable for the crime of capitalizing on the enemy.

Prince of Bad Fate. If the previous bad words could be dealt with by Master Tianhe just casually, then the bad fate at this time is also a prince, but the power of this one is completely extraordinary.

Have you even come out of seclusion for Wanhua after practicing hard for more than three hundred years? There was a hint of sadness in the eyes of Master Tianhe.

You don't understand the devil world of colluding with enemies inside and outside. For such a crime, even if he is the son of that woman, he will still have to confiscate his family and exterminate his family. Evil Fate said coldly. Get out of the way, you alone can't stop me. It's enough to ask your senior sister to come with me.

Prince of Bad Fate. Master Tianhe looked bitter, and in desperation, he had to slowly get out of the way. Hopefully he delayed it long enough for Qiong Zhan to escape.

Bad Yuan snorted coldly and led the people to step past Lao Dao. A group of people led the Black Prison Army in hot pursuit, and Master Tianhe was unwilling to do so and followed behind, wanting to see if Qiong Zhang and others had really escaped safely.

Unfortunately, Qiong Zhan and others have not completely run out of the tunnel yet. From a distance, Prince Bad Fate and others can already see the back of Qiong Zhan, who is running wildly with someone on his back.

Evil Fate snorted coldly, paused with his feet, and turned into white lightning and flew forward. His speed suddenly increased, and he landed behind Qiong Zhan and the others in the blink of an eye.

It happened that Qiong Zang and the others happened to run into a corner of the tunnel. Several large rocks were erected at the corner, blocking most of the tunnel space, leaving only an entrance and exit that was only one person high.

At this time, a young man dressed in black was standing quietly at the entrance, holding a bloody sword.

Qiong Zang. The Empress Dowager asked me to pass on an edict to you. You and the people who saved you, don't leave now. Please stay. The Qianyang Sect is a good burial ground, the man said quietly.

The face of the man next to Qiong Zhang changed drastically. Even he was attacked from both sides. And he didn't even notice it. How could he? How can it be? ?

Kill you, and then take away the Divine Weapon of All Transformations. The man said quietly.

Who did you just say you wanted to kill? Suddenly, a broad and delicate palm gently pinched the back of the man's neck.

Sajia. The man's pupils shrank suddenly and his whole body became tense. But he still stood there and didn't dare to move.

A tall, muscular man slowly walked out from behind him.

Xiao Xizi, I haven't seen you for so long. You are still as good as before. The man's eyes fell on the familiar man next to Qiong Chang.

Brother Sheng. The man's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw, but immediately, the surprise in his eyes quickly dissipated, and he didn't dare to look down at him. This person is none other than Li Shunxi who danced very well in the Song Dynasty.

This is a very important matter, you can't get involved! Li Shunxi reacted immediately, raised his head and said sternly. This matter has nothing to do with you.

Okay, okay, get out of here. When do I, Lu Sheng, need your advice on what to do? Lu Sheng said casually. It seemed that he didn't take the ill-fated prince in front of him at all.

The evil fate group was so angry that their eyes flashed with murderous intent, but they did not dare to take action rashly. Because Lu Sheng was holding a hostage in his hand, and that person was no ordinary hostage.

Li Shunxi was silent for a moment, then kneeled down on the spot with Qiong Zhan in front of Lu Sheng, just three times.

Brother Sheng, don't worry, even if I, Li Shunxi, die, I won't let you be implicated!

After saying that, he pulled Qiong Zhan and the others and quickly ran out of the entrance behind Lu Sheng.

I want to leave!! Evil Fate finally couldn't bear it any longer and turned into white lightning, flying towards Qiong Zhang and the others.

This road is blocked. Lu Sheng's electric shot popped out from his left hand, and a blood-colored zhenqi network shot out quickly. In conjunction with his mental force field, he instantly grabbed the bad luck and threw it back. It happened to be thrown back to its original place. No more, no less.

Are you looking for death!!?? Evil Fate was furious, and after landing on the ground, he suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist. Interfering in the internal affairs of the royal family, does your Qianyang Sect want to rebel? He immediately saw Lu Sheng's undisguised Qianyang Sect inner court clothes.

I told you, this road is blocked. Lu Sheng said lazily, sitting cross-legged on the ground and listening to the retreating footsteps of the people behind him. A faint smile appeared on his face.

Lu Sheng!! Who gave you the right? How dare you stop the Prince of Bad Fate?? Do you really think that the three sects dare not deal with you, right?!? Someone behind the Prince of Bad Fate shouted sharply.

The sect stipulates that only the teacher has the right to punish a disciple who has not violated the sect rules. If you have the ability, you can go to my teacher and yell at me. Lu Sheng said lazily.

his teacher

The man who screamed suddenly turned pale. Who doesn't know the murderous nature of the Holy Lord Eternal Sleep? If he dares to go to Su Fei Fei for a long time and doesn't die within a hundred meters, he will be blessed with great fortune.

Kill him! Rebel! Rebel!! Prince Bad Fate was so angry that the veins on his forehead bulged and his face turned red. He pointed at Lu Sheng and could hardly speak a complete sentence.

Kill!! Kill him!! Even his teacher! I want them to be prostitutes and slaves for generations!! Prince Bad Fate finally let out a sigh of relief, but the words he shouted made everyone around him scream. stunned.

The people from the three sects who were shouting with Lu Sheng before secretly moved away from the prince. I was afraid that I would be implicated if I got too close to him.

Master Tianhe had also learned Lu Sheng's identity through voice transmission inquiries at this time. When he heard this, he opened his eyes wide and stared at the Prince of Evil Fate with an expression of surprise.

‘He really dares to say that there are really some bastards in this world who are not afraid of death.’ At this time, the look in his eyes when he looked at the Prince of Bad Fate was no longer one of shock, but one of pity.

Lu Sheng was also stunned, pointing at the Prince of Bad Fate, his body suppressed the trembling, and he couldn't utter a word for a while.

I admire you. I admire you. He suddenly clasped his hands and bowed to the Prince of Bad Fate. This strong man, if you don't die today, the person I, Lu Shengda, admire the most from today on will be you!

The Prince of Bad Fate was not an idiot. Looking at the expressions of the people around him, he didn't know that he had gotten into a big trouble. But what disaster could be more serious than letting Qiong Zhan and the Wanhua Divine Weapon escape?

But Master Tianhe behind him had a look of unbearable expression on his face and whispered something. Prince of Evil Fate. I'm afraid you don't know who the teacher in front of you is.

Who is it??! An unknown shadow has been cast over Xuan Yuan's heart. But he still held on, and he would never give in until he heard a weighty answer.

Who else is the most troublesome and coolest person in Qianyang Sect?? Master Tianhe said with a bitter smile.

The bad luck stayed for a moment. Then he seemed to have thought of something. His body trembled suddenly, his eyes widened, his whole body trembled, and his body became cold in the blink of an eye.

Even I don't dare to scold that old woman openly. Lu Sheng stared at the Prince of Bad Fate strangely and shook his head with pity.

Judging from his indifference and callousness towards that woman Su Fei, this Prince Lao Shizi might not be able to survive even with his whole family.

He was not worried that Su Yufei would not be able to suppress the imperial family. To put it bluntly, the Imperial Court is backed by the military leaders of the three families. And when Su Feifei killed tens of millions of people by himself, he was suppressed, imprisoned, reflected on, and tempered.

After Lu Sheng had a deep understanding of this teacher's background, he understood why Su Fei dared to be so unscrupulous.

This woman was deeply involved with several military leaders, both covertly and overtly, and she was just a hair away from reaching the level of a military leader herself.

In the entire three sects, there is not more than one person who can be more troublesome and troublesome than her.

Even with Master Lu's temper, he had to be careful and wait until he found an opportunity to retaliate later. He, a small third-level Earth Yuan, actually dared to kill Su Fei Fei's disciples, kill the Holy Lord Eternal Sleep, and return prostitutes and slaves in front of so many people in the Qianyang Sect's inner courtyard.

Zhenren, you'd better retreat first. Lu Sheng shook his head and waved his hand towards Zhenren Tianhe. The prince is here this time. Whether he can survive or not is unknown. You should hurry up and avoid the limelight. My teacher is famous for his love of sitting in groups.

Also, remember to sort out the causes and consequences and submit them to the imperial court. I'm afraid that Teacher, she won't be able to suppress her murderous nature. Too many people will die and the impact will be bad.

With every word he said, the face of the Prince of Bad Fate became paler.

When he finished speaking, the Prince of Evil Fate sat down on the ground as if he had been fished out of the water, his face was miserable and his breathing was short.

I, I. Before he could finish his words, his breathing suddenly became stagnant, his eyes rolled, and he actually fainted on the spot.

Master Tianhe really didn't even dare to go up and help him.

It's not that they are too timid, but in the inner courtyard of Qianyang Sect, within the scope of the large formation, everyone has faintly felt a chill rising from their vests.

It was as if there was a line of sight in the darkness staring at everyone calmly.

Lu Sheng knew that this was not their illusion, but that his cheap teacher was really here.

Today I’m releasing Sun Rongji’s character card. If you are interested, you can follow my public account, search WeChat, and the author can go away and follow~ Hehehe

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